The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 255: Who is conceited?


The sword is cold and screaming. I don’t know if Yin Qingyi still said that Yin Qingyi, who is outside the state of the military, is not his opponent. Yin Qingyi is not his opponent. Yin Qingyi once again shot him off again and again.

Yin Qingyi either sat down or bumped into the chariot and attacked again and again. Therefore, the four Ashura Tianjun who came to fight for the sword magic must not have the guts to peep inside. They can only play their imagination and fight. Picture inside the car

"Who wants to kill me?"

The curtains of the swordsman who came out from the inside of the curtains were not in his body but in the chariot. It was exactly in Yin Qing’s body that they clearly saw Yin Qing’s clothes and his hands were not white. It’s covered with tears, but it’s a sword, but it’s said that the sword is too clear, but it’s just sitting in the car and crying.

"The animals dare to make such a big thing."

"If scum does not remove you today, I will write the name backwards."

"Too much too much to kill, but nodded so much to bully a girl's family and there is no conscience."

If they say that the previous movements are still only doubts, then now they are sure that they are still thinking about the heroes to save the beauty. It’s a pity that the beauty is ruined and the swordsmen can grasp the **** of the saints in the public. How can you let go of the saint?

However, they still have to save Yin Qingyi, who makes Yin Qingyi not only a beautiful woman, but also the biological daughter of the Holy Lady of the Taiyin Temple. If Yin Qingyi is willing to make a decision, they can be the son-in-law of the great emperor. In the future, the martial arts will not be said to be a thousand miles. of

As for the first man of Yin Qingyi, they don’t care. Anyway, there is no feeling between them and Yin Qingyi. They can be the big maids. They can’t do the big maids. At least they can get Yin Qing’s gratitude and their benefits.

They are disciples of the emperor's power, and they are not fake. The disciples of the emperor are like a cow. Now there is a chance to have a good relationship with the Taiyin Temple. Whoever misses the brain? If there is a problem with the survival of the saint, they will hesitate. It’s just that there is no danger in dealing with the swordsman.

"Yin Shengn is assured that we will save you from coming out, just wait for a moment."

"We have a sword in the sword and I want to hurt you."

Immediately, there will be a sword in the end of the heavenly kingdom, and the sword will be taken out of the sword to get rid of the sword. Whether it is really to be with the swordsman or to prepare for the fun, all of them have to put up a battle with the sword and the real thing. The swordsman’s fight is definitely a small number of most warriors who just have to do it.

"If you can bring him to my yin, my wife, Yin Qingxi, will be thankful."

Yin Qingying's eyes can make the sword devil not happy. She will be happy. The warrior in front of me has a mid-term Tianjun, a late Tianjun, and a Fengfeng Tianjun to deal with the sword demon. There is no problem. She indicates that the identity is not too light. It’s not the swordsman’s corpse, the sword devil, who eats her tofu, but also makes her face lose. If she doesn’t torture the sword, she’s not as good as death.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for her to be a woman. She is not only a saint or a martial artist. It may be a genius who just can’t enter her law. She wants to marry her at least more than her genius. To be far better than her

The Taiyin Temple is only one of the Tiandi Emperor's forces. Their origin may not be worse than that of the Taiyin Temple disciple. However, it is worse than the birth of the Emperor's own daughter. Yin Qingyi can not only get Yin Qingyi's thanks but also get the Taiyin Hall. Grateful

"If you know the sword, you will be pleased. Please don't blame me for having no eyes under the sword."

The first shot is the middle of the sword in the middle of the sword, a sword, a sword, and a sharp force. He only knows that the sword is not respectful to Yin Qingyi. He does not know the strength of the sword. If he and Yin Qingyi see the sword, it will never be one person. Sword killed in front of the sword

Yin Qingxi couldn't help but shook his head. Even though he was repaired as a seal, his eyes were still in front of him. It is absolutely impossible for the sword to be the opponent of the sword. Fortunately, other warriors are ready to shoot as long as he loses to the sword and wants to come to other warriors. It’s sure to cause the second and third attention

"Heroes can save the beauty, but you have to know if you are qualified to be a hero."

The sword magic does not need to use the person Wang Jian alone is a palm to break out the other side's attack. His palm has a full three thousand swords. He is in the middle of the sword. He has not had time to show his next move. It has become so riddled that it is impossible to fight again.

The original warrior who was going to join in the fun of the big change was just a confrontation. They knew that they had a hard scorpion. It’s no wonder that the sword demon dared to hijack the Taiyin Temple. The sacred sword can escape in front of the Taiyin Temple disciples. No wonder four Axilu Tianjun are willing to give the sword Pull the car

They underestimated the sword magic, although the sword magic is very young, but the strength of the sword magic can not be small. Fortunately, the sword magic only has the middle of the heavenly king. If he is the king of the heavens, he is afraid that there will be more than half of the warriors will now escape even if the mid-term Tianjun is still present. After playing the retreat, the sword is just a hand, they can’t pick it up.

"It's a bit of a pity that the realm is too low and you pick me up."

What Yin Qingxi wants is the sorcerer's sword, and the martial arts in the late stage of the martial arts are not killing the sword. But if his martial arts sword is really smashing, the body sword of the sword will definitely be hit hard. He only needs to live alive. It’s no problem that the sword and the magic are handed over to Yin Qingyi.

The land warfare exudes a strong **** suffocation. The second shot of the late Tianjun is obviously not a good martyr. The warrior who died in his hands is sure that many of his knives are not fast, but it seems that with the help of the general trend, there is no front blade.

"What is the qualification of Tianjun in the later period of the district?"

The sword magic said unceremoniously that it was followed by the sword and the nine swords, and the heavenly king who was higher than him, still had no use of Wang Jian. He also said that the opponent was crazy, Yin Qingyi really wanted to marry the sword. The collar asks who is crazy

The nine swords are strong and boundless. The swordsmanship of the late warriors is simply unbearable. The sword that evolved from the next road is the sword that is smashed on the ground. The knife is a good knife. In the later days, Tianjun did not know how much worse than the swordsman.


There is a gap in the sword of the land. The sword is not used. The sword is not used. Otherwise, the sword is afraid that it has been broken into two realms. It seems that there is a knife spirit. In the later stage of the sorrowful holding of the sword, Tianjun is physically trembled and 3,000. Daojianqi is also the second shot in Tianjun’s body. Tianjun is the same as the first shot.

"If you continue to entangle my sword, you will have to drink blood."

Whether it is the first shot of the mid-term Tianjun or the second shot of the late Tianjun all saved their lives, it is not that their strength is tyrannical, but the swordsmen have no killers, as long as the swordsmen want them to die, then they are dead and injured two days. Jun is warning that if the rest of the heavenly king does not care, then he does not mind killing a few days and then warn other days.

"Smile, can we still be afraid that you will not be a small mid-term singer, do you think you are a god?"

"Don't think that it's great to beat them. If they are shot, they will only be worse than they are now."

The threat of the sword magic will only be effective for the mid-term Tianjun. Tianjun and Qifeng Tianjun obviously don’t give him face. The peak is not really in the eyes. The late Tianjun is because the face problem is so many people. At the end of the day, Tian Jun was still afraid of a mid-day prince.

What's more, the sorcerer's sword and the Yin Qing dynasty's warning to the swordsman not only did not play the due effect, but provoked the anger of other Tianjun. A mid-term prince threatened a group of late Tianjun and Fengfeng Tianjun.

"You can do it now."

The sword demon violently pulls out the man, Wang Jianjian pointed to the front of the peak Tianjun and later Tianjun. He said "you" instead of "you", that is to say, he is a mid-term Tianjun to deal with a group of peaks and the late days. Even if Jun is standing in a hostile position, other Heavenly Kings have to be scornful and discouraged.

"It’s so self-sufficient at a young age, even if you don’t die today, you have to die to deal with you. Why do you have to join forces with others to get together?"

A peak Tianjun stood up. He is a fire palace disciple. Although the Fire Palace is far away from the Taiyin Temple, but the goodness of the Taiyin Temple is only good for him. Nothing is worse. Now, if you take the sword or you are after Yin Qing, he Is the benefactor of Yin Qingxi

His whole body showed 4,800 purple flames and the temperature of 800 meters suddenly increased. His foot was turned into a scorched earth. The gap between the middle of the sky and the peak of the heavenly kingdom is exactly how big he is. The repair of Yufeng Tianjun is still not a fight in the middle of the kingdom.

"Whoever is at your own risk knows why you must talk nonsense"

The sword devil is much lazy to say that the peak of the fire palace is only one of his opponents. His opponent is far more than the peak of the fire palace, and the king has to deal with the other peaks.

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