The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 256: Skyfire mark

"Inferno in hell"

With the sound of the fire palace, the peak of the king, the four thousand and eight hundred flames criss-crossed into a hell, the sword will be trapped in the dead, followed by a fire explosion, not to mention the middle of the day, even if it is the peak of the king Which can still be fried

Even though Yin Qingyi’s request is that the peak of the Sword of the Fire Magic Palace is not the meaning of the mercy, but he does not care about Yin Qingyi’s words, but he thinks that the sword will not die in the hell, whether it is to deal with the first mid-day or To deal with the second post-Tianjun swordsman, there is no sword. His strength is stronger than that of the average peak.

The peak of the Fire Palace, the King of Heaven, feels that the sword is not powerful. It does not mean that he has no confidence in his own martial arts. He wants to come to the sword and want to escape from the hell. He will definitely suffer heavy damage. When he wins the sword, it is simply a breeze. thing

"Blasting sword"

The sword magic did not even think about the martial arts of the escaping palace. The martial arts of the priests of the dynasty of the dynasty could not be underestimated. But he still intends to smash the origin of the original source of the sacred water. The sword is like a galaxy. His power is his sword. His general trend is condensed on the person Wang Jian

It seems that there are waves rolling over the waves and then a wave of continuous fire shocks. At the same time, the sound of the "squeaky" swordsman’s pupil flashes with a golden luster. Wang Jian is exactly the weakest of the hell. At the end of the four or two dials, perhaps the swordsmanship of the exaggerated sword can indeed play far beyond its own power.

A sword has been smashed into the fire, and there are four thousand and eight hundred flames. The explosion is extremely horrible but it has not achieved the desired effect. The peak of the fire palace is also expected to be able to reinvent the result of the sword and the magic of the sword, not to mention serious injuries and even minor injuries. No

I just yelled at the swordsmen who wanted to give the swords a good look. They smashed the first two matchups. They didn’t put them in the heart. The swordsman could hijack the Taiyin Temple and the saints defeated a mid-term Tianjun and a late Tianjun. The current matchup is not the same as the swordsman’s opponent is the real Fengfeng Tianjun

Most of the warriors are asking themselves to change into the **** of being safe and innocent. Although they can't conclude that they are not opponents of the swordsman, they can at least show that the strength of the swordsman is far beyond his own cultivation.

"It’s no wonder that a good boy dares not to respect the saint and has some skills."

The swordsman’s ranking on the Shura list is very high. Unfortunately, the last time the Shulu list appeared, most people were looking for their own names. They didn’t care about his name. The first two matchups made the fire palace’s peak, and the king couldn’t understand the sword. He still looked down on the sword

Fortunately, the swordsman is only in the middle of the heavenly kingdom. If the swordsman is the same as him, he is definitely not the opponent of the swordsman. In fact, the peak of the fire palace has already smashed the sword, so the genius either makes or removes.

If you are enemies with the sword and the sword is alive, it means that the peak of the fire palace will have a big enemy. The gap between the two small realms is not worth mentioning for the peerless genius. Just give the sword magic time to catch up with the peak of the fire palace. The realm of Tianjun is not a problem at all.

"Come back"

The peak of the Fire Palace, Tian Jun, both hands clenched fists at the same time as the two stoves ran rampant. The road he mastered was more powerful than the sword magic. There was no reason to lose to the sword magic. He did not hurt the sword. But he also did not suffer.

"Dragon Yan Boxing"

The dragon's roaring fire palace's peak Tianjun is like a young fire god. There is a red dragon circling the dragon's head behind him. His double fists are like a flame condensed enough to make a hill into a scorched earth. In addition, he also has eight hundred dragons. In terms of strength, he can crush the mid-day

The focus of Longyan's explosive boxing is a "explosive" character. Don't say that the body of the sword demon is even the king of the sword. The king of the sword has a confidence to smash as long as his fist hits the person, Wang Jianquan and the source will be in In an instant, the explosion of the sword will certainly not stand.

A brief understanding of the peak of the Fire Palace, Tianjun has understood that the sword demon is a very confident young man. The sword demon will not evade or resist or counterattack so that the dragon and the blast will be able to play the desired effect. It’s just a loss of a sword. If he picks up the fire in the palace, he will have the confidence to abolish one of his hands.

"I don't believe that you can play a peak in the middle of the day." Yin Qing whispered and whispered, "Retreat 10,000 steps. Even if you can win him, there are other peaks. You can still bring them." One by one can not retreat"

If the swordsman really has such a thing, there is no need to hijack Yin Qingyi. A peak of the sky is good. It does not mean that two peaks are good. There are still third and fourth, and the strength of Tianfeng is also three or six.巅峰天君 can defeat the sword magic by one person alone

"Shock sword"

Like the fire palace, the peak of the monarch guessed, the sword devil did not escape the meaning of the man Wang Jian straight to the heart of the fire palace, the peak of the king, even if the man Wang Jian from the fire palace peaks Tianjun has a full distance from the fire palace Yufeng Tianjun still feels a heart cramp

The man Wang Jian vibrated at a very high frequency, and the source of the fire with the fire palace, the peak of the king, followed the shock. The peak of the fire palace, Tianjun’s face changed slightly because the earthquake sword type has affected him. Once again, he is glad that the sword is low and he has two small realms.

When the fire palace is the peak of the king's double fists on the man's sword, the power of the dragon's blasting fist is completely erupted. His mouth is sneer and sneer. A sword without a sword is bound to be reduced, and then the dragon's blast is absolutely capable. Seriously wounded sword

What Yin Qingxi wants is that the peak of the living sword magic fire palace will not kill the sword magic immediately. He wants to leave a deadly hidden danger to the sword magic. She and the sword magic don’t wear the Heavenly Fire Palace’s peak Tianjun can understand her mood. She definitely does not want to let the swordsman die so fast.

However, the peak of the Fire Palace is not gambling. If Yin Qingyi does not kill the sword, the sword will definitely find him to avenge the fire. The peak of the king is to prepare his own mark in the body of the sword. If Yin Qingyi does not kill the sword, he Just push the mark to make the sword demon

He once learned a secret law called Tianhuo Yinji. Just planting the skyfire mark into someone else's body and when you want someone to die, others will die. Of course, the skyfire mark is not omnipotent. It is not big to plant a mark in a warrior who is stronger than him. may

Fortunately, the sword demon is only the middle of the heavenly kingdom. The peak of the fire palace is intended to crush the person Wang Jian and then plant the fire mark into the sword magic body. Only the life and death of the sword magic can be controlled in his own hands. Enemies with a potential greater than him must definitely scribble and eliminate the roots.

I have to say that the fact that the Dragon King of the Fire Palace thinks too much is that Longyan’s blasting fist does not smash people. Wang Jian is in the explosion of Longyan’s fist. At the same time, Wang Jian has achieved an unprecedented vibration frequency. The sword’s own strength is indeed inferior. The peak of the Fire Palace is not the same after using the nine-turn dragon.

Sword Demon is only a sword repair, even if it is already in the middle of the Tianjun period, it can't be used in the seventh turn. The eighth turn is good. In the fifth turn, the nine-turn dragon has already made his strength increase to 1,500. More than the peak of the Fire Palace

The power of Longyan’s explosive boxing is accompanied by the vibration of the person’s Wang Jian. The nine swords of the sword demon are gradually pouring out. Although the swordsman has not seen the dragon’s explosion, he still has long seen the greatness of the dragon’s explosives. At the heart of the fire palace, the peak of Tianjun, he is clear

The peak of the Fire Palace is full of eyes, and the eyes of Wang Jian are not completely different from what he expected. He does not have an advantage. It is only a luxury to plant a skyfire mark in the body of the sword, but a mid-term Tianjun actually made him a headache. It’s really beyond his imagination.

"If you don't have the ability to kneel down, let me come."

Another Yanfeng Tianjun smiled and said that the three battles before and after the three battles made him feel that he had already touched the depth of the sword magic. He asked himself to take a shot from the top of the fire palace, and he would never have any moths. He knows that the Sword Demon has no knowledge of him. He can say that the Sword and his hands have no chance of winning.

He didn't discuss with the peak of the Fire Palace, he didn't know the peak of the Fire Palace. He didn't have to wait for a man who was not as good as his mighty. He didn't wait for the peak of the Fire Palace. He had already stopped at the Fire Palace. In front of Jun

"What do you mean, I played for a long time, are you going to pick the fruits of victory now?"

The peak of the Fire Palace is sullen and sullen. If it is not the other party's imposing manner, he must have slapped the other side to take the sword and take the sword to save the Yin Qing. Not only can Yin Qingyi's thank you, but also the friendship of the Taiyin Temple, maybe even Yin Qingxi's Favor is too much for one fell swoop

Some Tianjun did not shoot before, just want to take the opportunity to take a look at the skills of the sword demon. Now it’s almost the same. If you don’t have the sword, you will be rewarded by the peak of the fire palace. It’s definitely not their share, so there is a peak day. After Jun stood out, there was a second peak, Tianjun stood up.

Yin Qingyi can't wait to clap his hands and say that even if it is even more powerful, it is definitely not their opponent. Now she is the sword of the magic. The prisoner will not be able to do it for a long time. The sword will become her shame. The sword will be a shame to her. She must be ten times more than repayable.

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