The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 257: Savior

The face of the fire palace, the peak of Tianjun, was a burst of white. It’s just a pinnacle that wants to deal with the sword. He still has the confidence to cope. but. Now ready to deal with the sword magic. In addition to him. There are five peaks in the sky. Take one enemy five. There is no chance of winning.

What's more. There are also eight late Tianjun who are ready to move. They have the idea of ​​grabbing credit with Qi Feng Tianjun. The strength is not bad. The peak of the Fire Palace, if you want to do it again. Just can't go with them. Even the other five peaks do not intervene. They still have the ability to defeat the power of the Imperial Palace.

"How. Are you going to be together?"

The eyes of the sword demon are as calm as ever. It seems that nothing can affect his mood. Plus the peak of the Fire Palace. Now there are six peaks who are ready to shoot him. There are also eight late Tianjun tigers. There is always the possibility of hands-on.

"Install. Continue to install. This saint does not believe that you are not afraid. Even if you hold me in your hands, you can only threaten the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. It does not work for them."

The last day will be the battle for the list. Let Yin Qingjian understand. There are people outside the sky. The sword demon is a peerless genius. But the most indispensable thing in the three thousand territories is genius. Even the swordsman can rival Tianzun. Still useless. Because the shot to deal with him. There must be a presence that can stifle the gods.

There is a gap between Tianwang and Tianjun. There is a sky between Tianjun and Tianzun. Yin Qingyi once had a hand with Tian Zun. Know the power of Heaven. She wants to cross a big realm. Conquer the mid-term Tianzun. Totally impossible. The sword is stronger than her. To say that in the mid-term, there is a victory over the swordsman. She does not believe. It can be said that the peak of the Tianjun can not get the sword magic. She is even less convinced.

"Since you have to shoot, then you will be able to take it. I will not accompany you this day."

The peak of the Fire Palace is screaming. Six peaks, Tianjun, teamed up to deal with a mid-term Tianjun. It’s not good to pass it out. Other peaks, Tianjun, don't care about fame. he does not know. Anyway, he cares. of course. He did not mean to give up completely. learn from mistakes. He is going to shoot at the last minute. Pit the other peaks once.

do not know why. He always felt that the swordsman had more powerful means. Let the other peaks of Heaven and the sword fight first. For him, only the benefits are no harm. Don't say anything else. Such a day, the odds are sure to have a life-saving card. In case the swordsman's life-saving cards can be used actively. Deal with his peak Tianjun. There is definitely nothing to end with.

"Kid. You are self-binding. Let us interrupt your hands and feet. Then hand it over to the Holy Lady of the Taiyin Temple."

One of the peaks of Tianjun was the first to open. Can not play or not play well. He was born in the power of the emperor. Naturally know the genius of the sword magic. It is the key training object of the Imperial Power. The fire palace peaks can be thought of. He can think of it as well. Who knows if the swordsman's life-saving cards can remove them.

"Whatever nonsense with him. Direct shot is. Your concern. I don't know. But most life-saving cards can only be passively activated. Can't use it actively. Don't worry."

Another peak, Tian Jun, said with a chest. They are not killing swordsmen. Just take the sword magic. It will not inspire the life of the sword magic. As for the sword's own strength. They really didn't care. What about the attack that can withstand the fire palace? How do they resist the swordsman?

"You are not willing to take the shot. That Heavenly King had to offer ugly."

The first shot. It is the peak of the Dapeng family. He has the blood of Kun Peng. Although it does not reach the speed of the world. But the warrior present. I am afraid that no one can match his speed. His right hand. Holding a gold sword. But the blade is like a sawtooth. It’s horrible.

His sword. Just one word. fast. It seems to be coming to an extreme. Even if it is the peak of the king. Still can't see his trajectory. As long as he pierces the sword's shoulder with a sword. Take the sword magic. It is indispensable for his credit. If Yin Qingyi can make a difference. He is afraid to wake up.

The middle of the territory of the Tianjun territory warrior. I am afraid that after the sword, I still don’t know what happened. however. The sword is not comparable to the general mid-term. The speed of the Dapeng family’s peak Fengjun is fast. But he used a sword in front of the sword. It is simply a class door. The sword does not need to look with your eyes. You can know how he got the sword. I can also know where his sword is aimed.

The sword magic is ready. Of course, the Dapeng family of Fengfeng Tianjun can not benefit. Double swords confrontation. On quality. The sword of the sword is not comparable to the sword of the Dapeng family. Fortunately, the nine swords of the sword magic. Not only can make up for the shortage of Wang Jian. Can also make Wang Jian take advantage.

Thousands of swords. From the left hand palm of the sword magic sky. Turned into a heavy overlap of Jianshan. He is on the body of the Dapeng family. It is not the peak of the Dapeng family that does not want to retreat. Instead, the sword magic first uses the man Wang Jian. Inserted into the jaggedness of the golden sword. The peak of the Dapeng family did not want to abandon the sword. It can only bear the attack of Jianshan hard.

Only to play for a while. The peak of the Dapeng family is the blood of the mouth. It is not that his strength is not good. Instead, he should not be more than a sword. Not to be conceited, thinking that you can solve the sword magic with a sword. Uninformed warrior. Also because he is not an opponent of the sword magic.

"I thought you were modest. I didn't expect you to be really ugly."

The sword is not cold or not. The Fengfeng Tianjun of the Dapeng family will be mad to the liver. However, he still has no rebuttal. Other peaks like Tianjun want to laugh. I am sorry to laugh. Anyway. They are now on the front line with the peak of the Dapeng family.

"I still come."

He is the pinnacle of the God of War. At the beginning, the sword demon was killed from the world of the sword **** to the heavens. Also met the war gods disciples. Fortunately, he was not there at the time. I don’t know the swordsman at all. It is still the first time I have encountered a sword. otherwise. He will certainly be shocked and confused. A kid from the lower bound. In a short time. Not only became the mid-term prince. Also has the strength to match him.

God of War Palace. Just listen to the name. I know that it is the emperor's power that emerged in ancient times. In the end. The Temple of God of War is certainly not as good as the Emperor's power that appeared in the Taikoo period. but. The God of War Palace can stand up to this day. Certainly can't be underestimated. The inheritance of the God of War. Especially the first generation of God of War created. Extremely powerful.

A three-meter long war. Distant pointing to the sword magic. Did not wait for the sword to come out of the sword. The peak of the God of War Palace is waving the war. Sweeping far away. The peak of the Fire Palace did not hurt the sword. The Fengfeng Tianjun of the Dapeng family was injured by the sword magic. If he looks down on the swordsman again. His head must have been caught by the door.

"Sister. No."

Just use the sword in the sword. When you rush to the war. There was an exclamation in the distance. A king of warriors shouted anxiously. Can be called him brother. Of course not a sword. It is a warrior disciple who battles with the sword demon. The sword magic can feel it. The war of the gods of the God of War is a bit of strength.

One warrior turned his gaze to the one who had just exclaimed. Not only because he prevented the confrontation between the swordsman and the God of War. Also because his appearance turned out to be a middle-aged man. Can step into the Shura community. It is the genius of all major forces. A hundred-year-old king of heaven. How do you think about it and your genius?

"What's wrong. Is there any problem?"

The peak of the God of War Palace did not continue to shoot. Instead, I turned around and asked unhappy. Replaced with other kings. He has already slapped his slap. However, the king of the world is not the same. Because he has been accepted as a pro-disciple by the elders.

Disciple of the great elder. I am afraid there are hundreds. But his pro-disciples. Less than five people. Even if he is the genius of the God of War. Still do not dare not give the face of the elders' pro-disciples. Although the other party is now only a king of heaven. But decades later. After a few hundred years.

"I don't know what kind of hatred the brother and my enemies have. If he offends his brother, the younger brother is willing to apologize to him. The brothers don't know. If it wasn't for the sake of saving me a life, I would have turned into a pile of loess."

The help of life. Can't report it. He came not to deal with the sword. It is to help the sword. The peak of other forces. He can't control it. Fortunately, he was able to manage the peak of the God of War. really. After the peak of the God of War, Junjun heard his words. After hesitating for a moment. Just put away the war.

It is important to pay good Yin Qing. Can now deal with the sword magic. Not only him. Great credit. Be one point for them. Can fall on him. There is still not much. If this is the case, he will offend the pro-disciples of the elders. Not worth the candle. Weigh the pros and cons. He still decided to stop. The pro-disciples of the elders are certainly not comparable to the biological daughters of the emperor. Fortunately, the former only owes him a person's feelings.

"Okay. Since he is your grace, then I will let him go."

The peak of the God of War Palace can not be shot against the sword. but. If you let him help the sword magic against other heavenly kings. He is definitely not willing. Fortunately, the pro-disciples of the elders did not ask for excessive demands. His identity is high. But his strength is not good. Can not command the peak of the God of War.

The peak of the Fire Palace and the peak of the Dapeng family. Not in the sword magic hand to take advantage of. The peak of the God of War Palace has already stopped. The remaining three peaks, Tian Jun, looked at each other. It is to make up your mind. At the same time, the sword magic shot. Join forces to deal with the sword. It is not good to pass it out. It is better than losing to the sword.

"Is it too kind to me? Don't die for a few days. You don't know what to fear."

The sword and the face are cold and intense. Black hair flutters. The man Wang Jian exudes the sword of the sky. He is not afraid of the three peaks in front of him. But he is worried that there will be more peaks coming to Heaven. It must be quick and fast. otherwise. It will definitely lead to a major disaster.

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