The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 263: Broken sky

The difference between a sacred soldier and a sacred soldier is just revealed. The three peaks of the temple that killed the priests spurred the sacred soldiers, and they could block the Shura sacred king flag and the burial of the celestial burial sky. The King's flag and the burial sky in Kowloon are helpless. If only they are, even if they can win the ridge, they will certainly suffer a lot.

Fortunately, Lingdao and the Great Devil have used two sacred soldiers. Even if the Taiyin Temple disciples can't grab the Shura Holy King's flag, they can get the Kowloon burial sky. It is also good to hear that Lingdao still has a holy sword and kills the temple. Disciples can't always take all three holy soldiers into their own possession.

"Repent, why should I regret it?"

Beside the big devil, there is another incarnation, and the display is still broken. Whether it is killing the peak of the temple, or the peak of the Taiyin Temple, the look is all dignified, they certainly will not forget. The two peaks of the Taiyin Temple are dead under the heavens.

A big demon **** is full of horror, but now it is still the 19th big demon gods at the same time, just like the resurrection of the young gods in ancient times, the world can be torn apart by hand, the strong mess, the way As if the order is chained, it traverses the void, and it is horizontal and horizontal.

What really shocked the Taiyin Temple and the disciple of the Temple of Killing God is that the incarnation of the Great Devil also has the Tao. Although there is only one way in the incarnation of the Great Devil, the 18 incarnations add up to the 18 Ways. They are not alone with the big devil, or they may die in the hands of the great demon.

The peak of Tianjun lost to the mid-term Tianjun, very shameful, and died in the middle of Tianjun’s hands, it was even more humiliating. The two peaks of the Taiyin Temple, which was previously killed by the swordsman, had been hurt and still hurt. There is no excuses, if they were killed in the heyday, they will still die.

The five peaks of the Taiyin Temple did not hesitate to directly display the Tianwu martial arts. They were the Tianjian sword method, the Tianpin knife method, the Tianpin boxing method, the Tianpin palm method, and the Tianpin leg method. First, the brothers and sisters. Qiu, can not not report, second, the realm of the big demon is low, but his strength is very strong, and third, do not make a point, how to fight for the holy soldiers.


Five different kinds of martial arts, like rotten cloth, are torn apart by the strong nature of the broken sky. The devil's deity is the most powerful, the eighteen incarnations use the broken sky, the power is weak, and most of them are good. There are no problems in the eighteen days of the martial arts.

Using the Tianpin boxing method, the Taiyin Temple’s peak is screaming, the chest is **** and fuzzy, and the whole person almost splits. The big demon understands that it is impossible to defeat the five peaks at the same time. He can only choose first. One focus is to deal with, and then one after another to deal with the remaining peaks.

It is a pity that the Great Devil has forgotten one thing, that is, in addition to the five peaks of the Taiyin Temple, there are four monarchs who killed the temple. Two of them killed the temple, and they did not do it. The other two are killed in front of the big demon.

They are the killers. Even if they appear on the bright side, they will still seize the opportunity to attack. The big demon has just blocked the attack of the five Taiyin Temple, and even injured one. It is too late to deal with them, a dagger. Pierced into the abdomen of the Great Devil, fortunately, the big demon **** was physically strong, and was not penetrated by the body.

Another killing temple is used by the sword. If you let him succeed, the big demon will definitely die on the spot. The tip of the sword points directly at the heart of the big demon. Fortunately, the big demon is at the last minute and grabs the hand with his hand. The sword of the temple of the peak of the temple, although his right hand is constantly bleeding, but in the end to save his life.

"If you are in the same realm with me, I am not your opponent. Unfortunately, you have no chance to be in the same realm with me, because today is your day of jealousy."

With the sword's killing temple, Feng Tianjun sneered, he did not pull back the sword, but continued to stab forward, he can deal with the big demon **** in one mind, and the big demon must guard against another peak of the gods, of course, five The peak of the Taiyin Temple is also likely to be used.

"Give me off."

The big devil bite his teeth and wants to break the ground swords of the temple of the gods. The nine-turn dragons burst out, making the power of the great demon **** far beyond the limits of the peaks of the kings, although there is no successful collapse. Swords, but still forced to retreat to kill the temple of the peak of the king.

Holding the dagger's killing temple, the peak of Tianjun once again succumbed to the front of the big demon god, if the big demon **** reacted very fast, the shoulder is afraid to have a blood hole, not waiting for the big devil to catch his breath, the five Taiyin Temple It is to shoot again, if not killing the big demon, how can they be willing to take the burial mark of the Kowloon.

Under the circumstance, the big demon had to let the 18 incarnations block the front. It was just a wave of attacks, which caused him to lose eight incarnations. The remaining ten incarnations were also injured. If you hit it again, The great demon has no chance of winning, but he can't escape.

"I will deal with their sacred soldiers, and you will recall the burial of the Kowloon."

Lingdao fully urged Shura Shengwangqi, two three-headed six-armed Ashura Tianjun, one left and one right, grabbing the sacred soldiers who killed the disciples of the temple, the great demon **** nodded, and the Kowloon burial sky was flying back to him. By the side, the sacred soldier is at hand, and his combat power is greatly increased.

No matter whether it is the peak of the Taiyin Temple or the peak of the temple, no one can compete with the holy soldiers. It is not that the Taiyin Temple and the Temple of Killing God are not powerful. It is only this time, if it is not the Taiyin Temple. The first day of the monarch was present, or the first day of the temple was killed. The great demon spurred the sacred soldiers to be useless.

"A peak king wants to compete with our three peaks, you are not broken."

"Give him some color, and he thinks that we have a false name."

"The flag of Shura is very powerful, but in the hands of a king of heaven, it is simply violent."

The sacred Tianjun who killed the temple used to use the source to promote the sacred soldiers. Now it is the way to use the Tao. The place where the heavenly king is better than the prince is the Taoist, the heavenly king has the Tao, the king does not, and the road is replaced. It is enough to motivate the sacred soldiers to multiply the power of the sacred soldiers.

However, after all, they underestimated the Shura Saints flag. The two three-armed and six-armed Ashura Tianjun not only blocked their sacred soldiers, but also attacked them. They were still arguing with Lingdao, and now they are not only unable to Dropping the road, but let Lingdao take advantage of it, it is just hitting their faces.

"You have a false name. You can really put gold on your face. Do you have a false name?"

Lingdao is famous because he passed the martial arts gallery. The sword is famous because he hijacked the saints of the Taiyin Temple. He also killed five monarchs in the middle of the heavenly kingdom. They There is no such thing as a great record. There is really no fame. Others do not know their names.

"court death."

One of the peaks, Tianjun, did not continue to motivate the sacred soldiers. Instead, he committed suicide to Lingdao. The other two peaks, Tianjun, mobilized the sacred soldiers. More than enough, as long as Lingdao died, then they did not need to deal with the holy king of Shura. Flag, his idea played well, and the other two peaks could not be opposed.

Thin as a flapping ground sword, stabbed to Lingdao, no Jianguang, no sword, some are just invisible murderous, Qifeng Tianjun to deal with the peak of the king, it can be said that the peak of the king will die, the other two The peak of Tianjun is entangled in the Shura Holy King's flag, and Lingdao wants to use Shura Shengwangqi to deal with the peak of the king, it is impossible.

At the crucial moment, Lingdao took nine stone carvings and took out one brain. Although the current stone carvings are impossible to play the power to kill Tianzun, but only to resist the killing of a peak Tianjun, I think there is no problem. The blood-mosaic stone engraving is the killer of Lingdao. Can you kill the peak of the king in front of you?

The dragon is vacant, the phoenix dances, the 鲲 遨 遨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The peak of the temple of killing the gods is scared to death.

You must know that the nine stone carvings of Lingdao are all killed by Tianzun. Even if the current stone carvings are not as powerful as before, the momentum is still very horrible. The peak of the temple that killed the temple is obviously stunned. The thorns are in the middle, but they are blocked by stone carvings.

"Blood mosquitoes, if you don't kill me for me, I will destroy you, but you will use it anyway."

It’s not a good thing to talk to the blood-mosquito stone. If you can do it, it’s a threat. Sure enough, even if the blood-mosquito is not reluctant, it is turned into a blood-winged black mosquito, and it’s rushing to the temple to kill the temple. Long mouthparts, plunged into the body of the temple.

It can be clearly seen that the body of the killing temple, the peak of Tianjun, is drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, the peak of the two sacred temples that spurred the sacred soldiers, he noticed his situation and quickly shot and blew. Black-winged black mosquito.

"Ah, I can't do it, I will take it again, and I will be abolished."

The blood-mosquito stone carving is very decisive. If you don't succeed in a blow, it will disappear. Lingdao understands that it is impossible to help the blood-mosquito stone carving. It is impossible, even if it is a threat, it is useless. This place is getting closer and closer, as long as it takes a while, it will be fine.

"Come on, die to die together, even if you are in the land, everyone has a companion."

On the body of the big demon, there are no more than ten wounds in large and small, and now he can't help Lingdao, because he has been unable to protect himself. The five peaks of the Taiyin Temple occupy an absolute advantage. The big demon has no possibility of defeating. .

He smirked, and he was prepared to blew himself. When he died, he would pull the peak of the Taiyin Temple. The peak of the Taiyin Temple was so scared that he retired, and he was afraid of blasphemy, and he was afraid of death. Dead, they still don't want to die, no one wants to bury the big demon.

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