The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 264: Sword magic is on the scene


The void vibrates, the earth collapses, even if the five peaks of the Taiyin Temple retreat to the distance, they are still shocked. The power of a Tianjun blew is indeed scary. Fortunately, they are witty and kill the four peaks of the temple. Going back further, there is no harm.

"As for it, die when you die, why bother?"

"Fortunately, we did not give him a funeral. When he died, the holy soldiers happened to be ours."

"Hurry to grab, although his sacred soldiers do not have the singularity of the Shura sacred flag, but there is always better than nothing. We are afraid of robbing the temple disciple."

The peak of the Taiyin Temple was quickly calmed down. The big devil was dead and dead. It was a good thing for them. It was good to get the Shura Holy King’s flag. It’s good to get the Kowloon Funeral Seal. Now you can’t kill it. The disciples of the temple tore their skins and expected them to deal with the swords and rescue Yin Qing.

"If something is wrong, the power of self-destruction in the mid-term will be even bigger. Also, if he is dead, then where is his holy soldier?"

After a brief shock, finally, Feng Tianjun noticed something wrong. Before he could infer the truth, one after another, the big demon, rushed to their front, no nonsense, and some just blew himself, like a galloping horse, Ray The sound roared.

"In the middle, he didn't blew himself at all."

In fact, what I just blew is not the deity of the Great Devil. It is just the embodiment of the Great Devil. The self-destructive power of the Incarnation is not comparable to the Deity. However, the momentum is not small, whether it is the peak of the Temple of God or the Taiyin. The peak of the temple, all the kings, was put together by the great demon.


The deity of the Great Devil appeared on the side of Ling Dao. One person fled. He certainly did not want to. The two people escaped without problems. If they escaped in the direction chosen by the Great Devil, they would not encounter the Sword Demon. However, Ling Dao did not let The meaning of the big devil changing direction.

Lingdao did not forget the words of the emperor, the two bodies can only be enemies, not friends, if the swordsman is now in his head, unless he can kill all the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the temple, otherwise it may be exposed later. Anyway, the swordsman will arrive soon, and they have a chance to escape.

"If you let you escape, then where is our face?"

"Don't waste time, your speed is fast, or our speed is fast."

The seven peaks of the Temple of Heaven and the five peaks of the Taiyin Temple, Tianjun, quickly chased them. The remaining disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the Temple of God were also behind. Now even if the big devil says that he is blew, they will still chase. Once on, how can it be a second time.

"If this time is not dead, I will kill all of them in the coming days."

The great demon said, after coming to Shura, it was the first time that he was so embarrassed. Even if he had the symbol of the refinement of Tianjun, he could not cope with all the peaks of the Taiyin Temple and the Temple of Killing. Things, to deal with one or two peaks, the king is okay, and it is certainly not enough to deal with more than a dozen peaks.

Lingdao did not speak, but continued to use Shura Shengwangqi, to deal with the Taiyin Temple and the sacred Tianjun who killed the temple. He did not care what consumption was not consumed. Anyway, when the sword demon arrived, he could discard the disciple of the Taiyin Temple and the Temple of the Gods. Stopping, it is not that the swordsmen can solve them, but their goal, they are the swordsmen. The reason why they shot the Lingdao and the big demon is purely because they want the holy soldiers.

"Come on, if I missed my business, I would choose one of you to kill."

The swordsman kept urging, and the four Ashura Tianjun had to pull the car desperately. It must be said that under the threat of death, the speed of the four Ashura Tianjun was still terrible. The swordsman did not say that They all killed, it must be the slowest killing, they simply did not dare to steal.

They did not encounter the warriors of the Ashura tribe. They could only obey the command of the swordsman. They just pulled the car and didn’t ask them to die. Until now, the swordsman was so urgent for the first time, although they did not know the sword. The devil wants to do something, but they dare not waste time.

Yin Qingyi’s face was doubtful. Unfortunately, she did not dare to ask. The last time, the sword demon had already punished her. If she had to sin again, she would know what the consequences would be. The only thing she was fortunate was that the swordsman did not spoil. Her meaning, replaced by other men, may have put her on the spot.

"I came back with a chariot, how do I feel a bit familiar."

A disciple of the Taiyin Temple muttered in a low voice, and then the warrior around him turned around and looked at the chariot where the sword demon was riding. One felt familiar and the two felt familiar. Soon they remembered, the sword demon was Yin Qingyu caught the chariot.

"Senior brother, let's not chase the road first, and it is important to save the Holy Lady."

It is not that he has no interest in the Shura Holy King's flag, but because they have not obtained the possibility of the Shura Holy King's flag. The disciples who kill the temple have the holy soldiers. If they really fight, they are not the opponents of the disciples of the temple. The swords are different. If Yin Qingyi was in the hands of the swordsman, they had already let the swordsman disappear.

Chasing the five Taiyin Temples in front of the peaks, Tianjun has turned around one after another. Yin Qingxi is indeed more important than the burial of the Zhou Dynasty. Anyway, the Great Devil and Lingdao are not their opponents. The battlefield of Shura is not big. They will meet in the future, if next time. It’s better to kill the disciples next to the temple, but if you kill the swords and rescue Yin Qing, they must be separated from the disciples.

The peak of the Taiyin Temple, Tianjun, gave up the Lingdao and the Great Devil. The Tianfeng Junjun who killed the temple did not give up. Let’s not say that the thousand pieces of the heavenly spirits that deal with the swordsman have already arrived. It is only Lingdao and the Great Devil. Three sacred soldiers, the value will be far more than a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi.

"What do you mean, don't you accept Lingshi, don't do anything."

The killing of the temple, the peak of Tianjun’s actions, obviously provoked the anger of the Taiyin Temple’s peak Tianjun. Unfortunately, the seven peaks of the temple that killed the temple were not moved at all. They continued to pursue Lingdao and the Great Devil, Taiyin Temple. The peak of the monarch does not chase, it is a good thing for the killing of the temple, the peak of the king, waiting to kill Lingdao and the big demon, Shura Shengwang flag, Jiulong funeral seal and Bodhi fruit are all theirs.

"Reassure, they chase them, deal with the swords, and we."

In addition to chasing the seven peaks of Lingdao and the Great Devil, there are three peaks in the Temple of Killing, and although one of them is injured by the Great Devil, the remaining two peaks are now I haven’t moved, and there’s no problem with the sword.

It is rumored that the swordsman can defeat the five peaks of the king, they do not believe, the two peaks of the king to deal with the sword magic to think more than enough, even if the sword magic is really stronger than they think, they can also let the late Tianjun shot, later Tianjun There are more than the number of peaks.

"I didn't expect that we met again. It really has a fate. However, I am more interested in your sacred priest. After all, I have been together."

It is clear that Yin Qingyi is a singer, but the sword is a serious one. It is like saying a very common thing. The more so, the more angry the disciple of Taiyin Temple is, the more the Yin Qing dynasty is the goddess in the minds of many Taiyin temple disciples. What Yin Qingzhen did was out of the ordinary, they absolutely did not believe.

Although the swordsmen look cold and incomparable, they will never forget that the swordsmen are holding the things of Yin Qingxiu's chest in the public. In their eyes, the swordsman is a rogue, a beast, a ghost, a sword The appearance is definitely camouflage, and the disguise is no matter how bad it is.

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not pick up the swordsmen, because they felt that there was nothing to say between them and the swordsmen. They gave a look to the disciples who killed the temple and gestured to kill the disciples of the temple. Since the disciples of the temples felt that the swordsmen were good, let They are ready to go.

One disciple of the Taiyin Temple and the disciple of the Temple of God have opened the distance. If the swordsmen think that they are a group of two, they may threaten them with Yin Qingyu. As long as Yin Qingyi is in the hands of the sword, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple is a rodent, not at all. How dare you be against the sword?

"It is said that you can kill five peaks, I want to know who is the rumor."

The **** of the killing of the gods, the peak of the goddess, was scornful, and the look of the sword and the demon, the reason why he stood up, it is not really to humiliate the sword, just to attract the attention of the sword, the sword young Qi Sheng, maybe he will quarrel with him, when the other two peaks Tianjun, the success rate of assassination of the sword magic will greatly increase.

I think that the swordsman can’t kill the five peaks, and they have nothing to do with them. They took over the spirits of the Taiyin Temple disciples and will definitely do their best to complete the task. No matter what, they can’t kill the temple. The signboards, although the rules of killing the temple are a bit pitowing, but when they assassinate the target, they are absolutely dedicated.

"If you want to compete with me, you have to be mentally prepared to die under my sword."

The peak of the temple of killing the temple is not only angry with the sword, but it is not light by the words of the sword. Fortunately, the other two peaks of the temple have begun to work. The sword is in his eyes, it is already a The body is not necessary and the body is moving.

The two peaks of the swordsman, Tianjun, one who is good at using swords, another one who is good at using poison, colorless and odorless, has shrouded the sword, although his poison will not be fatal, but it will make the sword magic powerful. Loss, one strength can be three or four percent, it is not bad, the two of them are not the first time, when the poison gas plays its due effect, the peak of the sword will be used to kill.

"Thousand stars kill."

At first, there was no movement. Then, there was a dazzling ray of light, accompanied by a sword stabbing him, as if there were one dazzling stars, impacting the swordsman, killing the face of the temple, Fengfeng Tianjun, hanging With the smile of the winner, a middle-armed warrior with only three or four percent of his strength, how could he survive under his sword.

PS: Yesterday's chapter was updated incorrectly. Fortunately, everyone reminded me that I changed it in the morning. I have a cold, and my head is groggy after taking medicine. Let's take two chapters. I will make a chapter of yesterday.

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