The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 265: An enemy

"The sword is good, it is too slow."

The sword magic is said to be sly, and there is no awareness of being assassinated. Until the killing of the temple, the thousand stars of Tianjun’s thousand stars are killed in front of him. He is not in a hurry to pull out the man’s sword, and it is just a sword. Out, it is like a thousand swords gathered together, crushing one star after another.

Good at using poisonous to kill the temple, the peak of Tianjun is not bad, his poison can even affect the peak of the heavenly king, but unfortunately the helplessness of the sword, one, the sword is the blood of the emperor, and second, the sword magic is the ancient world In the Holy Lotus, in fact, the self-healing ability of the Emperor is better than the Phoenix.


The sly sword light, stabbed in the body of the temple, and smashed his clothes, rips his skin, smashes his skin, kills the thousand-star kill used by the temple, and in the eyes of the sword, there are at least nine places. The flaw is that his realm is higher than the sword, but his kendo achievement is not as good as the sword.

"Or, I have no resentment with you. There is no need to deal with you. However, if you have to kill me, then what I can do is to send you on the road, please."

The sword demon took the initiative to attack, and the sword was cast, the sword was out, the wind was turbulent, and the turmoil was like a distant giant, waving a tomahawk, tearing the sky, although he had only four ways, but each of his ways, They all seem to be a peerless sword, and they are sharp and powerful.

With the sword's killing temple, the peak of Tianjun once again shot, the realm of the sword demon is not high, the speech is a madness, and they are not in the eyes, it is not a task of task, even if there is no Taiyin disciple A thousand pieces of heavenly stone, they can not tolerate the sword.

"Flying clouds."

What makes other warriors strange is that after killing the temple, the peak of Tianjun’s sword broke out, and his sword disappeared. Then, in front of the sword, there was a sword cloud, even with the strength of the sword. Still feel the threat, after all, Feiyun is a Tianjian sword created by Ba Tianzun.

Jianyun not only contains the eight ways to kill the temple, but also the original source of the **** of the temple. Even his land warfare is also inside. It can be said that Feiyun is his desperate school. If Feiyun kills an undead opponent, then he will die.

Another priest who killed the temple was not idle. He was good at using poison. Even if he was practicing martial arts, he was still related to poison. His hands and palms showed a dense black dot, and black spots rolled, making people feel The scalp was numb, and with the palm of his hand, all the black spots were spurred toward the sword.

"Shock sword."

The man Wang Jian squatted on the sword cloud, causing the Jianyun to vibrate violently. Then, the left hand of the sword demon was pointed to the sword, and one sword and another sword were drawn out to resist the black spots from the lasing, although he did not Know what the black dot is, but he understands that it is definitely not a good thing.

What the sword did not expect was that the dense black spots were extremely corrosive, even if it was his sword, it was still corroded in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, he swung a large sleeve and a blue lotus In front of him, all the black spots were fixed, and Qinglian exudes a soft light, which seems to be rooted in the depths of the void.

"It is this time, now that you are shot, you will be able to kill."

The eyes of the gods who were wounded by the great demon gods, the eyes of Tianjun, brightened, and immediately cast out their school, killing the swordsmen. He felt that the two brothers had already entangled the swordsmen. Now is a great opportunity to get rid of the swordsmen. In his hand, a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi must give him at least three hundred pieces.

A line of roads is condensed together, like an arrow feather, stabbing the back of the sword, his sternum is broken, the internal organs are broken, only one blow, if you can't solve the sword, he can only retreat, the sword will Handed over to the two brothers, in that case, a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi can give him a hundred pieces is not bad.

"Be yourself, don't live."

Behind the sword demon, there was another sword demon. He held the man Wang Jian and opened the arrow feathers that were condensed. Then he was kneeling on the injured temple of the gods, and he was not big. Devil, of course, there is no incarnation, but his speed is too fast, so that the peak of the Taiyin Temple has an illusion.

Resisting the two swordsmen who attacked the sacred temple of the sacred temple, it was only the afterimage. After he removed the injured peak of the prince, he re-killed the two princes who killed the temple. Until this time, The peak of the killing of the temple, Tianjun, understood that they far underestimated the sword.

Rumor has it that the Swordsman once killed five Fengfeng Tianjun. Perhaps, there is no exaggeration at all, because the Swordsman is really strong. So far, they have not seen such a powerful Tianjun martial warrior. It is like Tianzun. However, they have no retreat now and can only continue to shoot.

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not have any help. A thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi let them go bankrupt. They didn’t have any good feelings about killing the disciples. Besides, they also competed with the disciples to kill the holy soldiers. They were eager to kill more disciples. A few deaths.

The swordsmen and the disciples of the gods are desperate. No matter who is in trouble, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are happy. If the disciples of the temple are killed, they can save Yin Qingyu. If they kill the disciples, they will be killed by the swordsmen. The remaining disciples of the temple are sure. Will not be willing to give up, the sword magic still can not escape the road.

"The brothers are desperate, we can't always watch the movie, who dares to shoot with me and kill this one."

"To deal with a mid-term monarch, what is not dare, I am coming."

"Kill him, a mid-day prince would dare to despise us to kill the disciples of the temple, I really don't know how high the earth is."

It is impossible to kill the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. If they collect the Lingshi, they must help the disciples of the Taiyin Temple to remove the swordsmen. Many warriors know the rules and regulations of killing the temple. They still choose to kill the temple, because they kill the temple disciples. At the time, do your best, without the slightest negative work.

For example, the first mission failed, the second mission, although the higher compensation, but they sent the killer, it is indeed stronger, in general, the possibility of the second mission failure, very small, can make There are very few warriors who killed the temple for the third time.

The seven peaks of the Temple of Killing God are still chasing Lingdao and the Great Devil. Now they can kill the two peaks of the Temple. Only the late Tianjun who killed the temple, a Fengfeng Tianjun was stunned by their swords in front of them. Killing, they are very irritating to them, they can't watch the sword and the murderer.

"The sword is dead, killing the temple at least thirteen late Tianjun, plus the two previous peaks, not to mention that he only has a middle age, even if he is the late Tianjun, still not live. Going on."

"As long as it can kill the swordsman, even a thousand pieces of heavenly spirits, it is worth it. Killing the disciples of the temple is to help us do things. Although they are the hands of them, it is our credit to save the holy lady, if it is holy. Her Royal Highness and her father mentioned us, and we will not be able to fly in the future."

The emperor who sits in the Taiyin Temple can give them a chance. If the emperor talks with the elders about the key training, then their future achievements must be much higher than they are now. The realm is not only able to sway, but also Can live longer.

"Sure enough, there is no white run, and the Shura community is really a good place to grind and kill the Kendo."

Closed-door construction, after all, has a lot of flaws. Only the real killing can make the killing kendo strong. God does not know how to use it. The sword does not understand. He only knows that he is not afraid of many people, and the thirteenth later Tianjun Add two peaks, Tianjun, just to give him a martial art.

The killings from the 13 directions not only did not make the swordsman feel scared, but made him excited. His speed of swords reached an unprecedented situation. It was only a moment, he was successively and thirteen. Tianjun played against, even if it was the two peaks of the temple, they still had dazzling feelings.

"How can the speed of the mid-term squad be so fast, I will not wake up."

"When the sky is about to fight, the swordsman is definitely not strong now, and the emperor is pointing, it is not the same."

The three great emperors of the Taikoo City who are not afraid of the Taiyin Temple, the Ancient Emperor Palace and the Desperate House are certainly the great emperors, and they are also the strong among the great emperors. If the emperor of the Taiyin Temple and the Taikoo City Lord play against each other, then the Taiyin Temple The emperor is afraid that there is no chance of winning.


At this time, Wang Jian pierced a body that killed Tianjun in the late temple. For the disciples who killed the temple, they just fought. For the swordsman, his killing was just beginning, killing the temple. Disciples and swordsmen are not learning, but they are divided into life and death, not if you die or if I die.

The two peaks of the killing temple, Tianjun and the twelve late Tianjun, have shown their killings. The swords and lights are staggered, the knives are slanting, and the fists are all over the sky. Whether it is assassination, the front and the swordsmen fight, or anyway, their There is only one purpose, the life of the sword.

"What do we do, do you want to escape?"

The late Tianjun of the Ashura tribe was sent to the other three mid-term monarchs. In the current situation, he felt that the sword must die, although his strength is not as good as the sword, but his eyesight is not bad, don’t look at the fierceness of the sword. It may be a bluff, and you want to scare and kill the disciples of the temple. After all, the swordsman is not afraid of others twice.

"Of course, don't run now, don't you die?"

The other three Ashura tribes agreed in the mid-term, all of them agree to escape. As for the chariot and Yin Qingyi, they don’t want to take care of it now. Life is the most important. When the swordsman is dead, they want to escape. It’s definitely too late. The killing of the temple and the peak of the Taiyin Temple, killing them is not a waste of effort.

"If you dare to run now, believe it or not, I will interrupt your dog's legs first."

The four Ashura Tianjun were in a stagnation. They did not expect the swordsmen to fight the disciples of the temple. They could also notice them, even if they felt that the swordsmen would soon be killed. As long as the swordsmen were not dead, they would not dare. Running, because the swordsman gave them the impression, it is too ferocious.

PS: There is something wrong, it is delayed, first chapter, the remaining two chapters are written day and night, we don't have to wait, the update is definitely late, and it will be no problem to get up tomorrow.

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