The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 266: Kill the temple disciples for help


The sword of the person Wang Jian was slammed on the leg of a late Tianjun who killed the temple. The crisp bone cracked, and then he made a scream and planted it from the air, even with one. The enemy, the sword and the devil still seem to have a good time, if not seen by the eyes, the disciples of the temple and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple absolutely do not believe.

The four emperors of the Ashura tribe were scared and stunned. The swordsman interrupted the legs of Tianjun in the late stage of the temple. It was to warn them that even if they wanted to escape, they would not dare to move, follow the sword The longer they are, the more powerful they are.

Their talents are average, but the Ashura tribes are not lacking in genius. However, they have never seen such a powerful Tianjun warrior in the middle of the world. Although they do not admit it, they understand that the talent of the sword magic is indeed overridden. Above all the Ashura geniuses they have seen.

"The Lord of the Taikoo Shrine is the Great Emperor. The father of His Royal Highness is also the Great Emperor. Why is the Sword Demon more powerful than the Holy Lady? The same is the Emperor's guidance. Is it true that the Virgin's Highness is too bad?"

"Not necessarily, perhaps the father of the Virgin, pointing out the skills of others, not as good as the owner of the Taikoo City. As far as I know, a long time ago, the ancient city owner existed. He lived for years, than our Taiyin Temple. The Great can be much longer."

In this case, they only dare to use the exchange of will, and they dare not say it. The sacred woman is in the chariot. If the sacred priest hears that they say that she is poorly qualified, or that her father is not, they certainly have no good fruits. Eat, want to develop in the Taiyin Temple, it is best not to offend the Virgin.

"They beat them, why don't we take the opportunity to save the Holy Lady?"

A disciple of the Taiyin Temple proposed that the reason why they did not dare to shoot the swordsman was because the sacred woman was in the hands of the swordsman. If the saints were rescued now, the swordsmen could not threaten them, in case there was no killing of the disciples. In addition to the swords, they can do it themselves.

Without waiting for other disciples to vote, there are already disciples of the Taiyin Temple rushing to the chariot. Other disciples immediately responded. If anyone rescues the temple of the saint, it must be a great achievement. It is dangerous to deal with the sword and save the saint. There is no danger. Some disciples can't wait to have two more legs. If they run slowly, there is no chance.

To be honest, the four Ashura Tianjun, they are not in the eyes, they are crowded, if Ashura Tianjun and them start, there is only one way to die, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple behind hope that Ashura Tianjun will do it. Because they need time, Ashura Tianjun and the former Taiyin Temple disciples once will fight, will inevitably delay.

It is a pity that Ashura Tianjun did not mean to shoot at all. If they were timid and afraid of death, they would pull the sword to the sword. As long as they still want to live, they will definitely not die with the Taiyin Temple disciples. Without their obstacles, the front The disciple of the Taiyin Temple rushed to the chariot and did not have any effort.

"Don't be afraid of the Virgin, I am here to save you."

"What you saved, obviously saved."

"You two are going to go, and the Highness of the Virgin should be saved by me."

The three disciples of the Taiyin Temple quarreled, and even had the meaning of a big fight. The reason why they didn’t do it was not to care about the teacher’s brotherhood, but because they didn’t want to be cheap by the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. They can argue. Speed, whoever rushes into the chariot first, can grab the credit for saving the saint.

The two later Tianjun were obviously one step faster. They entered the chariot one by one, but they were completely different from what they imagined. There was no saint under the chariot, and some were just hundreds of swords. Yin Qingyi was a sword. The devil's ace against the disciple of the Taiyin Temple will certainly not allow the disciples of the Taiyin Temple to be easily saved.

The sword array that the swordsman personally arranged is certainly not the two late Tianjun who can resist. They are full of joy and think that they will grab the merits of Tianda. The result is waiting for them, but they are the swords of their lives, one sword after another. The array broke out, the sword was like a rainbow, the sword was full of the sky, and the sword was densely covered.

It was only for a moment, and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple in the later days of the two heavens were lost consciousness. In the mid-term of the queen behind them, they did not react at all. They stepped into the chariot, his fate and the first two. There is no difference in the late Tianjun, and he died in the sword array.

"Be careful, don't go in."

When they robbed the credit, they were competitors. Now they are in danger. They are still on a front line. One after another, the Taiyin Temple disciples stopped their lives. The three bodies in front of them made them scared, but they were slow. One step, or else, they are dead.

The four Ashura Tianjun are eyes wide open, swords, they do not know, how Yin Qingyi disappeared, they are even confused, but they have no idea about Yin Qingyi, otherwise, how is it really dead? I don't know, the swordsman is really ferocious, but fortunately they did not do the right thing with the sword.

"A bunch of idiots."

The sword demon did not name the surname. I don’t know if it’s stupid to kill the disciple’s disciple, or to say that the disciple of the Taiyin Temple is stupid, or that the disciples of the temple and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are stupid, killing the disciples of the temple and joining hands, can’t help him, the disciple of the Taiyin Temple Then he broke into the trap he had already laid out.

Whether it is a disciple of the Taiyin Temple or a disciple of the Temple of God, all of them are glaring at the swordsman, and the disciples of the gods who fight the swords and spirits have exerted a strength of one hundred and twenty cents. Unfortunately, the swordsmen are still unscathed, but not It is said that the strength of the swordsman completely surpasses them, but the swordsmen seem to be able to predict the future, and they can know in advance how they attack and where to attack.

"Sword, originally used to kill, killing the kendo, just let my sword become sharper."

It was also a late Tianjun who killed the temple. He died under the sword of the king. After the battle, the thirteenth late Tianjun, who had been shot, had already been killed five and injured one. The remaining seven later Tianjun can How long live, completely look at the mood of the sword, because they have already understood, even if they join hands, still can not beat the sword.

The remaining disciples of the Temple of God do not want to help, but they have discovered that the more the warriors who deal with the swords and the more the swordsmen, the more powerful they are. If they rush, they will not only save the brothers who battled with the swordsmen, but also may harm them. The brothers who died and the swordsman decisively battled.

"Bastard, where are you hiding our Virgin?"

"If you don't hand over the Highness of the Virgin, don't want to leave today."

"Do you know what you are doing? The father of His Royal Highness is the Great. Now you are fine, but if you leave the Shura world."

"If the emperor wants to kill you, he doesn't need to shoot at all, a look, even a thought, can make you fly away."

How powerful the great emperor is, they don’t know. They only know that the emperor is very powerful and powerful. They don’t know how many times they are stronger. What they don’t understand is that the swordsmen clearly participated in the battle of the heavenly squad, and they must know the identity of Yin Qingxi. Why is he acting so unscrupulously?

However, the screaming of the disciple of the Taiyin Temple did not affect the sword magic at all. He did not seem to hear the general. Now the sword demon, a mind, all fluttered on the murderous kendo, a sword out, is a late Tianjun fallen, even if It was the two peaks of the temple that killed the temple, and they also lost their fighting.

"Hurry and ask the brothers to come back and deal with the swordsmen. Maybe they can only rely on the holy soldiers."

Although they are very shameful, they have to admit that they can't solve the swordsman by themselves. Only when they are stalking the sacred soldiers and chasing the sacred gods and the gods of the gods, they can shout back to the swordsmen, they can get rid of the swordsmen. To deal with the sword magic, it is simply to die.

Sword Demon and Ling Dao Ben are a person and a soul. If you kill the disciple of the temple, the sword demon will hear it. Ling Dao will of course know that the sword is still in the hands of the sword, but Ling Dao has used it. Come out and use it again. If you really let the disciples of the temple kill the sages and go back to deal with the swords, the swordsman will definitely be dangerous.

"Brothers, they chase us to the present, are we going to give them some color?"

It is definitely not possible to rely solely on the strength of Lingdao. It must be done with the big devil. As for the movements of the battle, will it attract other disciples of the emperor, Lingdao has been afraid of it, anyway, their situation It’s bad, it’s not too bad.

"Well, they don't want to grab our sacred soldiers. If we don't do it, we don't want to rob their sacred soldiers."

The big devil said with enthusiasm, Lingdao has no reason to refuse. If they really grab the sacred soldiers in the hands of the gods, the swordsmen are not in danger. Even if they don’t grab them, they can fight for the swords. It is good time to evacuate safely.

Originally, there were a large number of disciples who killed the temple and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. The big devil still had jealousy, but now, only the disciples who killed the temple, the seven peaks of the monarch, and the sacred soldiers of the Lingdao, fight. There are still hopes.

Lingdao first mobilized Shura's holy king's flag and dealt with a peak Tianjun. The big demon **** used the local character to symbolize the burial of the Zhou Dynasty, and dealt with two of them, the remaining four peaks. Tianjun, the big demon **** is going to personally start with them.

"A big handprint."

The Great Devil took the initiative to attack, and he had eight consecutive big handprints. The four peaks of the tyrants were caught off guard. Fortunately, the sacred Tianjun, who was holding the sacred soldiers, quickly sacrificed the sacred soldiers to deal with the Shurao King’s flag and the Kowloon burial sky. Let the other six peaks of Tianjun vacate their hands and kill the big devil. It is not a problem.

"Brother, it's not good, the sword is too strong, we can't deal with it, please also go back and deal with the sword."

In the later days of killing the temple, Tianjun ran over and panted. He was fighting the big demon god. He was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn’t react for a while, so he couldn’t solve the disciple’s disciples. A sword magic in the middle of a heavenly kingdom, does the sword magic have a very powerful sage?

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