The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 270: Eight major regions

Just a fight, the eight peaks of the Tianhu Holy Land are occupying an absolute advantage. If you kill the temple, if you don’t call the Taifeng Temple of the Taiyin Temple, you will probably die in the hands of the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land. Still stealing, they never kill others, but they don’t want to die.

"A thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi are not enough. Why don't you grab it."

An embarrassing Tianjun of the Taiyin Temple said with anger, most of the Tianzun could not get a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi, killing the disciple of the temple even said that a thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi killed a mid-term Tianjun is not enough, but, too Yinyin The disciple of the temple knew that the disciples who killed the temple did not tell lies, because they had understood the rules of the temple.

The first mission failed, the second killer must be stronger. In this case, the price of the rise is completely reasonable. The disciples of the Taiyin Temple are really angry, or the disciples of the temple will receive their thousand pieces of goods for the first time. Lingshi, it’s not black.

"When are you, you are still entangled in the things of the heavenly spirit, if we are all over the army, can you have a good end?"

"We are at best accomplices. It is you who really want to kill the swordsmen. They are willing to help the swordsmen deal with the accomplices. How can they make the masters feel at ease?"

The killing of the disciples of the temple is no matter what the Tianhu holy land thinks. Now it is definitely going to break the situation. Only when the disciples of the Taiyin Temple are drawn to their warships, can they have the capital to fight against the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. Sword demon, with such a big risk, it should be two thousand pieces of Tianpin Lingshi.

", aren't there any rules for killing the temple? How can you disclose the employer's information at will?"

The disciple of the Taiyin Temple originally felt that the disciples of the temple had been blackened. Now, it is felt that the disciples of the temple are not only black and shameless, but the disciples of the foxes will not let them go. They don’t know, the swordsmen will definitely not let them go, of course, Even if the disciples of the temple are not said, the sword is equally clear.

"Blood sword."

Without the threat of the sacred soldier, the sword magic shot again. He dealt with the already injured temple of the sacred temple. Because he was not injured, he was not sure to remove it. Although he was not a killer, he used to kill the kendo. If you don’t have a sword, it’s a sword.

The peak of the killing of the temple, Tian Jun, who coped with the peak of the fox sacred place, had already been in a hurry. He did not expect that the injured swordsmen would still shoot. If they were swordsmen, they would have long since retreated. Some people came to save, there was no It is necessary to take risks, but unfortunately, they are not swordsmen, and swordsmen are not them.


A sword penetrates the neck, and the sword magic is to take the sword back, so as not to be attacked by other peaks. He is quick to shoot and retreat quickly. The other peaks of the temple have not responded and have been injured by Lingdao. The peak of the king, has fallen to the ground, became a cold body.

"Do you think that we can't kill you?"

Another monstrous priest who killed the temple was fiercely screaming at the sword demon. A pair of eyes seemed to be eating people. Unfortunately, the sword devil did not take care of him. He just took care of himself and collected Wang Jian, fighting until now. The swordsman is very expensive, just right now and recover.

Why do the disciples of the Tianhu holy place save themselves, the swordsman does not know, even the disco of the Tianhu holy place is an enemy or a friend, still an unknown number, he must always ensure that he has enough strength to do it, the people are sinister, and carefully drive the ship What's more, the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land is still a Yaozu.

"With us, you can't kill him. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Killing the disciples of the temple, how to say the swords, they do not want to control, anyway, they are not relatives of the swords and devils, but the previous killing of the temple, Feng Feng Tianjun said, clearly is not to put them in the heart, the demon cloud let them save the sword If the swordsmen are in their face and killed by the disciples of the temple, then they still have a face to see the demon cloud.

The peak of the sacred temple of the temple was stunned. I didn’t expect the disco of the fox to care for the sword, even if they didn’t say it, they had to admit that the disco of the fox had a reason, as long as the disco of the foxes helped the sword They did kill the swordsman.

"It's better to take a step back from each of us. How about it."

"They will not shoot the swordsman now, and you should not shoot them. Otherwise, we will join them to deal with you, and how many warlords will die."

"It’s just them, it’s not your opponent, but if you add us, you have no chance of winning."

The disciples of the Taiyin Temple are still intervening. It is a good thing to fight for the fishermen. Unfortunately, they can’t do the fishermen. If the disciples of the Temple of God and the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land are evenly matched, it is possible that both of them will suffer. Unfortunately, from the killing of the temple, the peak of the monarch and the monarch Judging from the confrontation of Tianjun’s holy land, Tianjun, it is simply a one-sided battle.

"Why, our Tianhu holy place disciple murders, are you sure you want to stop it?"

"After you are not a force, can you still be together? If you place a bill and meet us again, believe it or not, we will leave you in the Shura community forever."

The disco of the Tianhu Holy Land not only dared to kill the disciples of the temple, but also dared to threaten the disciples of the Taiyin Temple. The true dragons looked down upon the Terran, the Pengpeng people looked down on the Terran, and the demon foxes were the same. The three imperial disciples or the Five Emperor disciples may be able to make them look at each other. Disciples and disciples of the Temple of God will certainly not work.

"It’s only when we kill the disciples who threaten others, it’s the means by which you kill them, or the means by which we kill you.”

It’s hard to wait until the disciples of the Taiyin Temple intervene. The disciples who killed the temple certainly don’t want the disciples of the Taiyin Temple to be scared by the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. They did not brag and they were killed by the disciples of the temple. It’s really not a good thing. They are not strong in frontal combat and assassinate. The means are endless. If the disciples of the Temple of God are restored, and the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land are fully assassinated, then the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land will definitely have a headache.

The Tianhu Holy Land, the peak of the Tianhu, who is fighting the death of the temple, has slowly stopped the movements in his hands. They are only responsible for doing things, and they are still handing over to the demon cloud. If the demon cloud lets them deal with the killing temple. Disciples and disciples of the Taiyin Temple, they have no effect, no matter what the consequences, if the demon cloud does not want them to shoot, then they will not shoot.

"The battlefield of Shura, divided into eight regions, either destroyed by Ashura or the children of heaven."

At this time, the sinister voice sounded, and the really cruel battle was the beginning. The battlefield of Shura was the place where the warriors of the Ashura tribe and the heavenly children were killed. If the Ashura warriors met the children of heaven, there were only two results. It is not that you are dead or that I am dead.

In the three thousand territories of the heavens, I don’t know how much bigger than the Shura community. If all the Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Kings of the Heavens rush in, they can definitely let Ashura die, but a Shura Order allows only one hundred young children to enter. The battlefield can create a situation that is evenly matched.

Of course, the so-called equal strength is relative to the overall situation. The situation in the eight major regions is different. In some areas, the children of Tianjun are better. In some areas, the Axiro Warriors are more powerful, but if they are a region. If the winner is decided, then the winner can rush to other territories.

The demon cloud, which was still hesitating, made a decision in an instant. Now, when it is not the disciple of the Taiyin Temple and the disciple of the Temple of God, it is important to eradicate the warriors of the Ashura tribe. If you fight with the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the Temple, you will die. Let the warriors of the Ashura tribes sneak in, and they are very likely to be annihilated.

"You are lucky, today, let you have a horse."

The words of the demon cloud not only let the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the Temple of God sigh, but also let the hearts of the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land be put down. The disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land are not afraid of killing the disciples of the Temple and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple, but they do not want to Non-intimate people and warriors, and they fight for you to die.

Of course, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the Temple of God will not be at this time, stupidly arguing with the demon cloud, although they think that they are stronger, but the mouth is long on the demon cloud, how do you think about it, they can’t control it, if Annoyed the demon cloud, in case the demon cloud loses reason, and they are desperate, they cry too late.

"You are lucky, today, let you go."

The disciples who killed the temple did not dare to play with the demon cloud. They had to play against the swordsman, and they were similar to the words of the demon cloud. They even had the same tone. They couldn’t bully the demon cloud, and they couldn’t bully a small Tianjun territory.

If you change to other warriors, you will pretend not to hear it. Unfortunately, the sword demon is not another warrior. The words of the disciple who killed the temple have just finished. The sword demon is pulling out the sword of the king and stabbing a sword toward him. The powerful swordsmanship is just not to kill the face of the disciple.

"I really thought that you would kill me if you have a peak, and dare to stand alone."

Not only did the disciples of the Temple of God not think that the reaction of the swords would be so fierce, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple and the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land did not think that the disciples of the Taiyin Temple were in a hurry. They did not want to have any variables because of the swordsmen. The temper of the devil is their appetite.

The disciples of the Temple of God killed the face, and did not expect that the sword demon was a madman. With his cultivation of Fengfeng Tianjun, he would not be afraid of the sword demon. However, once he and the sword magic started, whether he died or the sword died, The disco of the Tianhu Holy Land and the disciples of the Temple of Killing God will fight, and the swordsman will go crazy. Can he still go crazy?

"let's go."

It can be said that they have never been so sorrowful. In killing the gods, killing the disciples of the temple can be said to be scary. Killing the gods is the world that kills the temple. What is more, killing the temple is still a killer organization. If any force disciples offend the killing Disciple of the Temple, when it is time to be killed.

"Well, they have already left, can you hand over my sister now?" The book is from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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