The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 271: Saint enchantress

The disciples of the Temple of God are evacuated. Of course, the disciples of the Taiyin Temple will not stay, nor dare to stay. Although the disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not kill the disciples of the temple, they did not have the sacred soldiers. If the priests of the Tianhu Holy Land urged the sacred soldiers to deal with them, They certainly can't stop it.

"Kid, you still hand over our lord's house, and offend our Taiyin Temple. For you, there is no benefit. The ancient city owner can keep you for a while, and can keep you forever."

"I don't know how old the old city owner is, but he has lived for many years, even if he has a way to extend his life, afraid that he will not live for a long time, without the Taikoo City Lord, our Taiyin Temple wants to get rid of you, it is not easy. ""

If you let him know that the Archaic City Lord is a friend of the Emperor, I don’t know what he would be shocked into. It can be said that the Taikoo City Lord is even older than their Taiyin Temple, even bigger than the Heavenly Palace because of the Heavenly Palace. It was only in the early days of the Taikoo, but the Taikoo City Lord was a wild time.

"Don't I let go of the saint now, and my grievances with your Taiyin Temple can be written off."

The sword and the devil laughed, and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple were speechless, even if there was no Yin Qingyi's thing, the Taiyin Temple would not let the swords and the devils, but because the Taigao City was the main force of the heavens, Yin Qingyi's father couldn’t help him, the swordsman could live. Up to now, otherwise, the strongest of the Taiyin Temple has already entered Taikoo City and removed the sword.

The words are not speculative, and the disciples of the Taiyin Temple did not continue to talk nonsense with the swords, but one after another, anyway, the safety of Yin Qingyi, do not need them to worry, the birth daughter of the emperor, is the great emperor still not protected, even the sword The devil has a little means, but his little means can compare with the great emperor.

"Your sister."

If the demon cloud makes the sword face cold, because she thought that the demon cloud is the enchantress, if the enchantress left the fox site to come to him, now he has not seen the enchantress, indicating that the enchantress may have come out. What is the sacred place of the fox, but the power of the emperor, how can not even see the enchantress.

"Oh... what do you mean by the kid, we have just saved your life, you not only don't thank you, but also cold face to our saint."

"If it is not the Holy Lady who asks us to save you, do you think we will help you?"

"I have heard of you, you are holding the ghosts of the Taiyin Temple's **** under the eyes of the public. I did not expect that you even caught the sister of our nine-tailed fox family, hateful."

In front of the two disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land, the swordsman did not care. The disco of the Tianhu Holy Land did save him once, saying that he had nothing in both sentences. Although he did not put a face on the demon cloud, there is no need to explain it. The woman of the demon fox family said that the sword was on the spot and could not speak for a while.

"You have heard of it, I have heard that I have not heard of a terrible record, but I have heard that such a thing, I am confused and a ghost, and I am also the sister of your nine-tailed fox family. I am like that. Man, how to say, I am also the Swordsman, as for the next."

The sword devil wants to point to the nose of the young woman of the nine-tailed fox family. She said to her well, but it is still important for the enchantress. Just think about it, there is no need to say it, and Yin Qingxi’s thing, really. It’s a misunderstanding, but unfortunately the rumors are flying all over the sky, and jumping into the Yellow River can’t be washed out.

"Come tell me what your sister is doing."

The sword is in a hurry, but the demon cloud is confused. The problem now is that the demon cloud said the sister, and the demon cloud sister thought of the sword demon, not a person, the demon cloud even thinks, is the news given by the mother? The problem, or else the sword is urgent.

"Is it wrong, my sister, demon, is not always following you."

Fortunately, the demon cloud finally said the name of the demon, the sword devil just wanted to deny, because he did not encounter the demon Ji, but he finally reacted, the demon cloud said that the devil, not the demon, always Maybe the enchantress returned to the fox sacred place, and others changed her name.

"Yes, I am a sword magic now. Although the enchantress knows that I am Lingdao, she certainly has not told her sisters, and the one I have seen by the enchantress is the appearance of Lingdao, which is different from the present."

The sword devil carefully recalled it, but he was fortunate enough to have it. Fortunately, he did not reveal anything before. If the demon cloud and other Tianhu holy disciples know that he is Lingdao, the future plan can be completed. It is a problem. After all, people are mixed and foxes are the same.

"Demonian, what demon lotus, I don't seem to know the devil."

Immediately afterwards, the swordsman was confused again. The two bodies of Lingdao had seen the four saints in the fox sacred place, namely the enchantress, the demon, the enchanting and the demon cloud in front of them. The demon cloud let him hand over the demon lotus, what is going on in the end, is he being framed by others?

"Which garlic is installed, when the ancient domain is going to fight for the battle, many warriors have seen you with a little girl named Lian Er, she is my sister demon."

Yes, Lian Er is the saint of the fox sacred place, the demon lotus, the lord of the fox sacred land, has nine daughters, the devil is the youngest one, the sword demon only knows that the lotus has a great origin, just He did not think that Lian Er turned out to be the holy woman of the fox sacred place, the dear sister of the enchantress.

"I don't have the right thing. If Lian Er is the saint of the fox sacred place, how her blood is not as good as me, and the last time the emperor of the ancient palace, ordered the death, so that the disciples of the ancient palace can not hurt the lotus, just The identity of the Emperor’s daughter is not so solemn to the Emperor of the ancient palace."

The sword devil believes that with the eyesight of the Emperor of the Ancient Emperor, it is sure to be seen that he is the emperor. Even so, the Emperor of the Ancient Emperor made the disciples of the ancient emperor not allowed to hurt, but still the lotus, not him, he felt The lotus head should be bigger than the birth daughter of the emperor.

"The demon Ji also has problems. If she is the biological daughter of the emperor, how can she be in the world of Jianshen, and her blood is too weak."

After knowing the identity of the lotus, the sword demon thought of one problem after another. Now he knows that the lord of the fox sacred land is the great emperor. The nine holy ladies of the fox sacred land are all her own daughters. He has one question after another, but unfortunately, no one can answer her.

The demon cloud in front of me may know something, but the sword is not familiar with her. She asks her the secret of the fox sacred place. The possibility of her saying is very small. I want to understand all of it. Maybe I can only ask the fox sacred place. Lord, but how can a man be seen with a small emperor?

"No wonder when I first saw Lotus, I felt familiar. Now think about it, her eyebrows are not like the enchantress."

Of course, and the enchantress image, certainly with the demon cloud, so think, the possibility of the lotus is the demon cloud sister, there are still, but the sword magic did not immediately surrender the lotus, after all, the sky looks like, Not necessarily a sister, perhaps, because of the shocking history of the lotus, the demon cloud wants to get her.

"You said that Lian Er is the demon lotus, what evidence can I have? If not, why should I give you the lotus?"

The requirements of the sword demon make the demon cloud brow wrinkle. If it is not that the sword demon and the lotus are very close, she may have slammed the sword and the devil, and then said that the sword devil’s actions are not more proof of him. Is it true that you love the lotus? If the sword and the devil do not say anything, they will surrender the lotus. Who knows if the sword is not compromised because of greed and death.

"As long as you take me to see the lotus, I can prove it to you."

"how to prove."

"I can make her a nine-tailed fox, can you prove it?"

Although the Sword Devil wants to say that after another body, he can also become a nine-tailed fox, but he still believes in the demon cloud. Lingdao is only able to become a real dragon, and it is impossible to bring them to Lei Wenyuan and Ou Long. Become a real dragon, perhaps, now let the demon cloud try, if the lotus is really the saint of the fox sacred place, let her go back to the fox sacred place, it is safer than to be with her.

The demon cloud thought that the sword devil would put the lotus in Taikoo City. As long as the sword demon promised to hand over the lotus, after leaving the Shura, she went to Taikoo City and picked up the lotus. The reason why she first said to the sword, is because The ancient city city is extremely powerful, and she has no ability to scatter in the ancient city of Taikoo.

"Okay, now you will prove it to me."

The sword demon and the wine princess contacted, the wine princess sent the lotus out, the princess was sleeping, but the sword magic let her catch Yin Qingyu into her own small world, she was already awake, originally She also intends to take the risk of saving the swordsman at a critical juncture. Fortunately, there are disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land.

"Well, how did she come out?"

The story of the princess of the wine, the demon cloud does not know, I thought that Lian Er in Taikoo City, did not expect that Lian Er actually followed the sword demon to the Shura community, so that it saved her some effort, but she just Smile, his face is a change, cold and frosty.

"Do you know how dangerous the Shura community is, do you know how dangerous the Shura battlefield is, you bring her to the battlefield of Shura, what should I do if something goes wrong, I don't care if you die, but if my sister has an accident, how can I? Talk to my mother."

A series of problems, the demon cloud cares about the lotus, but unfortunately, the sword can not explain, can not tell the demon cloud and Lingdao is a person, as long as one is not dead, the lotus is okay, in case the demon cloud picks up a sentence, Your two deities are all dead, what should the lotus do?

"Big brother, who is this woman, so fierce, I don't like it, or my big brother is the best."

When Lotus opened its mouth, it attracted the attention of all the warriors. The disciples of the foxes of the foxes looked at the eyes of the swordsmen, and they were angry and despised. The swordsmen were in their impressions, they were rogue, they were ghosts, just They did not think that the swordsman is so a beast, even the lotus is so small.

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