The Immortal Taoist

Vol 3 Chapter 272: Little Fox

"It’s too a beast, she is still a child."

"You hijack the saint of the Taiyin Temple, we can understand, but you can catch such a small child, it is too..."

The disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land have no idea how to describe the swordsmen. What makes them speechless is that Lian Er is very dependent on the swordsmen. They want to find out what the sorcerer soup is for the lotus in the end, even if the demon cloud is in person. , Lian Er still does not buy.

The demon cloud is black, and the lotus child not only does not give her face, but also said that she is fierce, even if they have not seen each other before, how to say, Lian Er is also her sister, blood is thicker than water, she wants to bring the lotus Back to the fox sacred place, on the one hand because of the mother's orders, on the other hand, is not worried about the safety of the lotus.

The sword demon is even more depressed. Yin Qingxi’s thing is really a misunderstanding. If a mistake is lost, it will become a ghost. If it is not a disciple of Tianhu, he will save him. He really wants to tear their mouths, one by one. What is messy is completely nonsense.

"She said she is your sister, do you know her?"

He just finished asking, and Lian Er shook his head. I really don’t know how the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land is a mother. One daughter is living outside. Whether it’s a enchantress or a demon, it’s not good, if they are Dead outside, the Lord of the Land of the Fox will be sad.

"You asked this question, she has never seen me, how can I know me."

The demon cloud rolled his eyes and immediately shot, one palm and one palm, gently patted on the lotus body. Once, the demon cloud shot too fast, the sword demon wanted to stop, it was difficult, secondly, the sword magic can feel The demon cloud did not kill a little bit, and thought that it would not make a bad thing for the lotus.

Lian Er screamed unhappy, and then she fell to the ground, from a little girl to a white fox, nine long tails, gently swinging, a big round In the eyes, it was full of incredible things, and she didn’t know what was going on.

"Now you should always believe it."

Looking at the little fox in front of me, the face of the demon cloud flashed a smugness, the body of the lotus is the best explanation. The other said that it is useless. In fact, now the sword is not a big problem, it is not good. Just grab the lotus back, just a sword magic, but still can not stop the demon cloud.

"Big brother, I don't want to be like this. You call the fierce woman and change me back."

The snowy little fox jumped into the arms of the sword demon and glared at the demon cloud. She was a human being when she was a child. It suddenly became a fox. It was definitely unacceptable. The sword and the gods smiled bitterly. The demon cloud is both a fox. The holy woman of the Holy Land is also the peak of the heavenly king. It is difficult to let the demon cloud listen to her words.

"Since she is your sister, you can't make her unhappy."

Hard can't, can only come soft, the sword magic will say this to the copy, the demon cloud can not change the lotus back, then say, the demon cloud will turn the lotus into the body, just to make the sword and the lotus believe Lian Er is her sister. Lian Er is not a human race, but a nine-tailed fox family.

The purpose of the demon cloud has been reached. There is no need to continue to let the lotus maintain the appearance of the nine-tailed fox. The three emperors and the five emperors, the most powerful places, are not their strength, but their contribution, precisely because of their arrangement, subtle Affected all races.

First, the ancient times, and then the ancient times, other ethnic groups have long been deeply influenced by the human race, whether it is the true dragon family, the phoenix family, or the Kunpeng family, they often look like adult warriors, to know, in the wild, they The body is running around.

In the wilderness period, the Terran martial arts are just the rations of the Yaozu. Whether it is the true dragon family, the phoenix family, or the Kunpeng family, they certainly disdain the appearance of adult warriors. Now it is different, regardless of other ethnic groups. It is the dominance of the three thousand territories of the heavens.

If you start a war, other races are certainly not the opponents of the Terran. The true dragons are unparalleled in their bodies. The Terran also has the practice of refining the body. The phoenix family has the first resilience. The Terran also has healing techniques. The Pengpeng family has the highest speed in the world. Speed ​​unparalleled exercises.

"Lian, in fact, you look so cute."

The white hair, without a trace of variegation, feels silky smooth, and the lotus smiles happily. The praise of the sword demon is more happy than the demon cloud turning her back into the human form, a pair of furry claws. Scratching the sword's chest, even the swordsman, could not help but laugh.

"Really? Are you sure."

Lian Er restored her original appearance, but the sword magic still held her in her arms. The demon cloud wrinkled her eyes unconsciously. The more intimate the lotus and the sword, the harder she would be to take away the lotus. She can see that Liner is from the heart of the like swordsman, more than the brother.

"Well, then I will forgive her."

Until the swordsman had been ordered several times, Lianer had forgiven the demon cloud generously, and made the demon cloud laugh and cry. Other Tianhu Shengdi disciples could also feel it. Lian Er liked the sword demon, far more than the demon cloud, not right. It’s that Lian Er doesn’t like the demon cloud at all. If they let them go with a stranger who doesn’t like it, they definitely don’t want to.

"I have proved that she is my sister, then, now I will take her away, you have no opinion."

Although it is a question, but the demon cloud does not have a half-inquiry tone, as if to say that you certainly have no opinion, the Tianhu Holy Land disciple behind the demon cloud is looking to the sword magic, if the sword magic does not agree, they do not mind the lesson Let the sword magic know that the sword is high and thick.

Although the sword magic has shown a good strength, but he is only in the middle of the Tianjun period, among the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land, there are dozens of Tianfeng and the late Tianjun. If they are willing to deal with the sword, they will be able to Sword the magic to kill on the spot.

"Big brother, she is lying, I don't have a sister, I don't want to go with her, you won't want me."

Lian Er looked pitifully at the sword magic, a pair of black and white eyes, already tears are spinning, don't look at her age, in fact, her heart is like a mirror, from small to large, the sword is the best for her Of course, she likes to follow the sword magic. As for the demon cloud in front of her, she turns her into a fox when she meets. She does not like the demon cloud.

"Your proof, I saw it. It is just that I respect the meaning of Lian Er. If Lian Er is willing to go back to the fox sacred place with you, I will put her hands on it if I don't say anything. If she doesn't want it, then, I won't give her to you."

He has two bodies to protect the lotus. There is no problem. Anyway, he fights with others, and he will not pull the lotus out. The lotus will not be any danger. More importantly, the ancient emperor’s actions, Let the sword demon have doubts about the identity of the lotus, and the lotus back to the fox sacred place may be dangerous.

At the beginning, let the enchantress go to the fox sacred place because he did not have the power of self-protection. It is different now. The ancient city has the ancient city owner, the Ling family has the emperor, the two emperors stand behind, others want to move the lotus, It is not easy, let alone, Lian is still a child, and all aspects are definitely not as good as an enchantress.

Although he has not seen the Lord of the Holy Land, he has no good feelings for the Lord of the Holy Land. When the enchantress is in danger, the Lord of the Holy Land has not appeared. When the lotus is in danger, the Lord of the Holy Land is the same. If you don't show up, even if the Lord of the Holy Land is not available, can't you send a strong man of the fox sacred place to save it?

"Hey..." Lian Er waved a small pink fist, as if he was demonstrating with the demon cloud. "I know that the big brother is the best, he will not hand me over to this bad woman."

The woman who used to be a fierce woman has become a bad woman. If she is not the sister of the demon cloud, the demon cloud really wants to beat her up. Before she even said what the demon cloud said, the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land is a Then one stood up, they wouldn't count the lotus, but only the sword.

"We can save you a life, the same can kill you, with our ability, just send a person, you can send you on the road, if you are acquainted, then quickly hand over the Holy Lady, or else, we will not be against you Polite."

"We can't talk to the Taiyin Temple in Tianhu Holy Land. If you don't hand over our Highness of the Virgin, don't want to leave this place today. From the battle ahead, I can see that your talent is good, if you don't want to die in Shura. Don't do things that are not self-sufficient."

"His majesty, you are still young, don't know that people are sinister. You think that he is a good person. He kills others, he doesn't blink at all. It's a slap in the face, and he hijacked the temple of the Taiyin Temple. I don't know. How many times have you spoiled the saint of the Taiyin Temple, can you follow him to have a good end?"

There are threats to the swordsmen, there are swords and evils, but unfortunately, the swordsmen are not afraid of threats, and the lotuses will not doubt the swordsmen because of their words. They say that the more bad words of the swordsmen, the impression that the lotus children have on them is The worse, Lian Er had only been cold on them, but now they hate them a bit.

The demon cloud waved, and the disciples of the foxes of the foxes closed their mouths. As long as they were not in Taikoo City, it was not difficult to retrieve the lotus. However, she did not want to shoot the swordsman. When she took care of her now, she didn't say anything, and she was very grateful.

"You only have a middle age, and you are alone. In the dangerous battlefield of Shura, how can we ensure her safety? She is not sensible. Don't you understand things. She follows me, not ten times safer than following you. ""

The demon cloud thinks that she has a reason. The sword devil can not think so. Putting the lotus in the small world of the princess is actually safer than following the demon cloud. The fox sac is not a hostile force, let alone the Ashura tribe. The army should not be underestimated.

"Let her follow me, I think she is by my side, more secure, waiting to leave the Shura community, you come to Taikoo Shing, I can hand her over to you." The book starts from 17K novel network, the first time to see genuine content!

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