The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Lingdao VS 獒天赐

"True Dragons!"

In the whole body of Lingdao, four cylinders emerged, and the dragons hovering on the pillars. With the improvement of his cultivation, the true dragon illustration has also changed. The condensed cylinder is the origin of the soil derived from the Yuan Dynasty. The condensed dragon is the origin of the gold derived from the Yuan Dynasty.

Although he only has a middle age in the sky, his true dragon illustrations, against the attack of the ordinary peak Tianjun, certainly no problem. It is a pity that the godsend is not the general peak of the heavenly king, but the first day of the Tianzhu family. His attack, even the general Tianzun has to shun.

The black lacquered claws directly tore a column, and the dragon swelled and slammed into the past. Unfortunately, the result was very tragic. The dragon and the cylinder were broken into hundreds. The other three cylinders seem to have life, and they are in front of Lingdao.


A sound blasted, the second cylinder shattered, and then the third and fourth cylinders followed. The real dragon illustration was broken, and the Lingdao was regressed at the fastest speed. The Lingdao, which is quite ridiculous and ridiculous, is not inferior to the Pengpeng in the same realm. It is only an instant, and it is back to the far end.

"Escape? Do you find it useful?"

獒天赐 gave a sneer, the mouth of the right head suddenly opened, spurting a long fire dragon. The fire has spread wildly in the direction of the original, just in the blink of an eye, the fire dragon has become a hundred feet. The hundred pairs of wings on the back of the fire dragon all fanned up, like an arrow feather rushing toward the Lingdao.

At the same time, the black lacquered claws crossed an arc and attacked the ridgeway with a shorter distance. As long as the fire dragon can entangle the Lingdao, the paws that are condensed can give a fatal blow to Lingdao. The purpose of the godsend is not only to reinvent Lingdao, but also to let Lingdao feel the threat of death from time to time.


At the same time that Lingdao was retreating, the double fists were played, and the two fists of the big Peng Peng rushed to the fire dragon with a hundred feet. Zhai Peng, Shangtian is Peng, and he entered the sea. Lingdao has already used the source of water and evolved into a great lake in the sky. When the Kunpeng and the fire dragon confronted each other, the Great Lakes burst open, as if it had started a heavy rain.

Water can ignite fire, and it can extinguish fires. Lingdao uses Yuanyuan to derive the origin of water, which is to deal with the fire dragon that 獒 赐 喷. His thoughts are correct, and the practice is correct. The fire dragon was indeed solved by him, but the purpose of the godsend was reached. The fire dragon missed the Lingdao time, and the black lacquered claws now completely hurt Lingdao.

"Sky cover!"

The palm of the sky was overwhelming, and one after another bombarded the black claws. It can be clearly seen that there is a spider web-like crack on the surface of the giant claw. Lingdao shot more and more heavy, and used a nine-turn dragon strength, not to crush the black-painted giant claws, and vowed not to give up.

It was precisely at this time that Ling Dao felt that his body was sinking, and the world of heaven and earth was ten miles away. Qi Tianci is the peak of Tianjun, Lingdao is only the mid-term Tianjun, and still just broke through, and Tian Tianci must feel that in the natural world, he can crush the Lingdao.

It can only be said that the gods don't understand the past of Lingdao, and Lingdao broke through in the general trend of Tianwang. Lingdao really can't use the heavens and the earth in a radius of ten miles. However, his world is very pure and there is no impurity. Moreover, he concentrated the world and the earth to a hundred meters, which is absolutely not to be underestimated.

The heaven and earth in the sky is simply used by the monks. In the eyes of Ling Dao, it is completely illusory. Normally, a peak Tianjun can't grasp the heavens and the earth in a radius of ten miles, and the godsend is to die and face the sin. Forcing the use of the heavens and the earth in a radius of ten miles is not a good thing for Yu Tianci.

"No? Is this human race kid able to hold it for so long?"

"How do I feel that the Terran Kid still has the upper hand? Did he really break through the middle of the Tianjun period?"

"Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I don't believe it. Whether it is the mastery of the Tao, or the use of the world, he is more powerful than me, and it is much more powerful."

They thought that Tian Tianci would deal with Ling Dao. It was simply a lion and a rabbit. It was not a level opponent. However, until now, Lingdao still did not show a defeat, and even blocked the attack of Tian Tianci again and again. They felt that they had been able to overestimate the ridge. I didn't expect Lingdao to be stronger than they thought.

Of course, if you really have eyesight, you can find that Lingdao is not a god-given opponent, such as Lin Rizhen, and then the little holy monk of the White Tiger family. The failure of Lingdao is an upcoming event, because the real attack of Yu Tianci begins immediately. Lingdao will not be able to stop it unless it raises a realm now.

The black lacquered giant claw cracks more and more, until the end, directly broken a place. Without waiting for Lingdao to catch his breath, the Eight Ways are condensed into a flying sword, and beyond the speed of Tianjun, stabbed Lingdao. Even if Lingdao has the fastest speed in the world, there is still no flying sword.


Flying sword into the body, Lingdao only feels a pain in the shoulder, if it is not his flesh, much stronger than the border warriors, now the shoulder is afraid that it has been pierced. Fortunately, he avoided the deadly part at a critical moment, otherwise he is now a situation, perhaps he does not know.

"You really are not like the Terran Heavenly King. Are you really a descendant of Kun Peng and Phoenix?"

Qi Tian gave a subconscious question, because according to his original plan, the flying sword formed by Dao was enough to penetrate the body of Ling Dao, and then a few holes in Ling Dao. Fortunately, things are still in his grasp, at least he can be certain that Lingdao is indeed not his opponent.

Under the sun, the hidden treasures or secret laws of the realm, I don’t know how many, the most worrying thing about Tian Tianci is that the real realm of Ling Dao is not in the middle of Tianjun. If Lingdao is the peak of Tianjunjing, he will not be sure to defeat Lingdao. He will still have the confidence to solve the Lingdao in the middle of Tianjun.

"True Dragon King Boxing!"

Lingdao grabbed the flying sword in his left hand, clenched his fist in his right hand, clenched his fingers, and slammed his right arm. The power of the source rushed out wildly. It is better than the physical strength of the body, even if it is the sacred gift of the Scorpio family, it is not comparable to the Lingdao that uses the nine-turn dragon. The Scorpio family is not known for their strength, let alone the strength of the leader is better than Lingdao.

"Are you a real dragon or a phoenix or a singer?"

The gods gave a look of sorrow, Ling Dao became a phoenix, used the resurrection of the fire, and also has the speed of the world, and the martial arts of the exhibition is related to the dragon. Of course, when asked, he is quite scary when he comes out. A pair of big hands can easily smash the mountains. Even if the power is not as good as Lingdao, he has no intention of retreating.

The handover of the fists is like two weapons hitting together, and the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu is heard. Lingdao stepped back seventeen steps to stabilize his body shape, and Tian Tianci stood still in the same place. Qi Tianci is the first day of the Tianzhu family, and certainly cannot be defeated by a mid-term monarch.

"It’s right now, how can this Terran kid be a god-given opponent?"

"It is estimated that he regrets his death in his heart. He knew this before, why not hide in the palace where Lin Rixi is?"

"I don't know if Goddess really wants his life, or scares him. If he is strong, he will ask Lin to save him at this time. Is it useful?"

Although the process is a bit twists and turns, the results are still the same as they think. Yan Tianci injured Lingdao, Lingdao can only continue to fight blood. As long as you give a heart to the road to death, Lin Rizhen does not help, Lingdao only has a dead end.

If they knew that now Tianshou had to deal with Ling Dao, it was only because of Lin Qiang’s persecution that they did not know what they would be. Although many Terran Heavenly Kings don't want Lin Rizhen's shot, Lin Risheng's plan is not that they can change. If Lin Rizhen really wants to save the road, they can only blink.

"Okay, very good, you continue to shoot, not only to hurt him, but also to let him escape the desperate blow once and for all."

Lin Rizhen’s request made Qi Tiantian give a bitter smile. However, he had to do what Lin said. Fortunately, the strength of Tianshen is much stronger than that of Lingdao. If they are of equal strength, it is impossible for him to cooperate with Lin Risheng’s acting.


Just when Lin Rizhen felt that things had been completed 80%, a beautiful woman’s voice came over. The goddess of confrontation with Ling Dao felt that it was weak and it seemed to have lost all strength. With such a great opportunity, Lingdao will definitely not miss it.

A pair of fists, squatting in the chest of the gods, the gods don't want to resist, but the action is slow ten times. Lingdao uses the nine-turn dragon and the dragon to apply the boxing method. Don't say that the peak of the moon is not able to hold on to the flesh, and even many gods are enough.


Lingdao is far away from seeing a young woman who is coming to where she is. In the past, the cloudless state of Yunyun, Yundao, not only saved the enchanting, but also worked with the enchanting. Now he has come to the fox sacred place, the fox community, the enchanting will certainly not endless the friendship of the landlord.

After learning the news of Lingdao coming to the fox sacred place, the enchanting arrived at the West End of the demon temple at the fastest speed. However, she did not expect that it was still a step late. Ling Dao was blood-stained, as if he had fished it out of the blood pool. If you let the enchantress see it, I don’t know what it will be like. Unfortunately, the enchantress was trapped and could not come out.

"I let you stop, how do you make him like this? Are you stunned, or stunned, or stunned?"

The enchanting question asked the gods to cry and tears, but he did not want to deal with Lingdao, but was forced by Lin Rizhen. What makes Shi Tiantian a headache is that he is not only difficult to explain, but even if he explains it, I am afraid that few military people believe it. I didn’t wait for God’s wish to say anything, but I smashed a big ear, and I was directly beaten.

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