The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Dog meat rolling

He said that it was also the first day of the Tianzhu family. He had never been slap in the face of other peaks. Although he started from the enchanting appearance, he knew that the enchanting position in the fox sacred place was very high, because behind the enchanting, followed by the full eight heavenly respects, but he did not expect that the enchanting swears to him without saying anything.

After all, the demon sanctuary is the sacred place of the fox, and the other celestial forces of the empire can not enter the western region, but the fox sacred land can. The enchanting has eight Tianzun escorts, and is able to walk across the West. She played a godsend, as long as she is not stupid, she will definitely not be like her now.

"What do you mean? I have to deal with a Terran, what does it have to do with you?"

If possible, I would like to smother Lin Rizhen and the enchanting scorpion to death. The fox family must belong to the Yaozu, and the Terran should be the opposite. The enchanting help Lingdao, the godsend does not understand. Since it can't be done, then Tiantian has to protest.

"The Terran is also good, the Scorpio family is worth it. It is not our fox family anyway. I just think he is pleasing to the eye, what?"

There is no need for the enchanting to explain with the gods. On the realm of the realm, she is the same as the goddess of the heavens. She is the sacred woman of the fox sacred place, and is the biological daughter of the great emperor. Moreover, the Scorpio family is better than the fox family. The enchanting don't give the face to the gods, and the gods can bear it, and can't bear it.

"Wang Wang..."

獒天赐 gives two angers, and the enchanting does not reason with him, but he does not have a enchanting. If it is not in the fox sacred place, if there is no eight celestial escorts around the enchanting, he will definitely start the enchanting. As for who he and the enchanting are more powerful, you have to fight before you know.

"How did you come?"

Seeing the enchanting again, Lingdao’s mood is good, and the situation is a bit embarrassing. If the enchanting does not shoot, his injury will certainly increase, even if his physical recovery is faster, still can not keep up with the speed of injury. What's more, he used the phoenix family's rebirth again, and don't want to use it for a second time.

"If I don't come, what if you are killed?"

The enchanting eyes are turned over and the style is fascinating, making some of the warriors in the West District look silly. One after another, the demon Tianjun, stunned Lingdao with a good intention, because the dialogue between the enchanting and Lingdao, it is like two small couples in the flirtatious. They are either embarrassed or envious, but unfortunately, they have no treatment at all.

Yan Tianci was very hurt. He knew that the relationship between the enchanting and Lingdao was so close, he would not shoot Lingdao. He would rather offend Lin Yizhen of the Qing Emperor's Palace, and he does not want to offend the Highness of the Virgin of the Heavenly Fox. The forest day is mostly tyrannical, the enchanting is the head snake, the strong dragon is still not the head of the snake, not to mention Lin Rizhen is only a personal genius.

"Then I would like to thank you for your life-saving grace. Just, I have nothing to repay you. How about getting along with you?"

When Ling Dao’s words were finished, he felt dozens of hostile gaze. If it weren’t for the enchanting presence, maybe they had already shot at Lingdao. In any case, Lingdao is only in the middle of the day, and they have an absolute chance of winning the deal with Lingdao.

"Go to yours, hurt like this, but you can still slick your tongue and know that you will not save you!"

The enchanting pouting, the state of Lingdao, let her rest assured. She saved the road, on the one hand, she once fought side by side with Ling Dao, on the other hand, she was entrusted by the demon Ji. If Lingdao has three long and two short, he really does not know how to explain to the enchantress.

Other Yaozu Tianjun looks at Lingdao’s eyes, which is even worse. If their relationship with the enchanting is so good, then how good. Unfortunately, most of them are just the first time to see the enchanting, not to mention how the enchanting and how to make the enchanting to remember them is not bad.

"I am looking for a hall for you, you stay inside, you can practice well."

There are very few halls in the Western District, and all of them are occupied. If the enchanting wants to give a hall to Lingdao, it must be snatched from other Heavenly Kings. Before the White Tigers focused on Lingdao, the enchanting was not clear at all. Therefore, there is only one choice for the enchanting, that is, the hall of the godsend.

"Unfortunately, my mouth is too strict, and you will go to a small world after seven days, even I don't know."

The enchanting embarrassment is the Taixuan Taoist. She did not help Lingdao to inquire about the news. Unfortunately, the Taixuan Taoist did not tell her at all, and did not even disclose her words. The identity of His Royal Highness can be suppressed to many warriors in the fox sacred place, but it is impossible to press on the Taixu Taoist.

"I think this hall is good, can you send me?"

Ling Dao refers to the hall of heaven, but it coincides with the idea of ​​enchanting. He Tianci gave him a wound. He couldn’t avenge his hatred. Unfortunately, now he can’t beat God’s gift and want to take revenge. He can only wait to say it later. Of course, time can't be too long. If you leave the fox sacred land, who knows when you can see 獒天赐 again.

The two of them did not use the will to pass the sound, so the heavenly song was clear. Other warriors are a look of optimistic play, and Tian Tianci is a face. Lingdao is not clear, but Tianshen knows that there are only thirty-six halls in the Western District. Once he loses this hall, he wants to grab one more.

Those who can occupy the main hall must be the best among the heavenly monarchs. Although Tian Tianci is the first day of the Tianzhu family, the Tianzhu family is not among the top in the Yaozu. Yan Tianci certainly does not want to hand over the main hall, but now, he has no right to choose.

"You want, I will give it to you. If you want to come, he won't give me this face."

The second half of the enchanting sentence is to bite his teeth and say that it is a threat to God. I knew that there would be such a consequence in dealing with Ling Dao, and Tian Tianci would definitely talk to Lin Rizhen. The main hall of the Western District is not only a symbol of identity, but also a good place to cultivate. The aura of heaven and earth in the hall is not comparable to the outside.

"The dog meat rolls three times, the gods stand unstable, I don't know if I have this taste."

"You said that my saliva is coming out, I really want to try it now."

Tian Zun, the two sacred places in the fox fox, said, scared that the face was white.獒天赐 is able to defeat the ordinary Tianzun, but the Tianzun, who protects the enchanting, is arrogant, and does not know how much stronger than Tianjun. What's more, there are eight heavenly deities around the enchanting side.

"Give, of course, how can you not give it?"

Hao Tian gave a bitter face and said, rather sinned the villain, not sinful to women. He just hurts the ridge, and he slaps a slap in the face of a enchanting one. If he refuses the enchanting proposal, his face may be swollen. The hero does not eat in front of the loss, since it is in the Holy Land of the fox, then, do not be enemies with the virgin of the fox sacred land.

"To help you, I have been robbed of the hall. What do you say?"

There is no way, and Tian Tianci had to pass the voice to Lin Rizhen, hoping that Lin Rizhen could help him. However, after waiting for a long time, I did not wait for Lin’s response. He is not stupid, naturally understands that Lin Rizhen is deliberately not paying attention to him, but he still has nothing to do with Lin Rizhen.

If the strength of the gods is stronger than that of the forest, you can kill the hall of Lin Rizhen and grab the hall of Lin Risheng. The problem is that he is not an opponent of Lin Risheng at all, and his strength is very different. What's more, if his strength is stronger than Lin Rizhen, things will not develop to the present level.

"Little face!"

"Do you only rely on women to help you?"

"Even if she sends you to the hall, how can you keep it?"

"I can’t beat my goddess, but I ask for the help of the saints in the fox sacred place, but also shameless?"

The Yaozu Tianjun deliberately lowered the voice discussion. If they really don't want other warriors to hear what they said, they must use the will. With Tian’s ear force, their voices are louder or smaller, and there is no difference at all. They dare not say anything about enchanting, they can only fire on the road.

"You will say me, if you and the godsend match, who wins and loses?"

Did not wait for the enchanting opening, Lingdao is the first step to ask. The reason why they are sarcasm one after another is because Lingdao’s strength is not strong enough. Let them be confronted with Heavenly Heaven. They are not the opponents of God-given. If they have played a godsend, how can they stand outside the hall?

"I am not a god-given opponent, but I will not hide behind the woman at least."

One of the Yaozu Tianjun said with conviction, in fact, he is the singer. If the enchanting sent him a hall, he must have one hundred promises.

"It turns out that you don't even have a dog!"

In the words of Lingdao, I will not know what to say before the Yaozu Tianjun. The feeling of 獒天赐 is equally bad, because Lingdao said that he is a dog.

"If I have a duel with you, it should be between the two."

The little sage of the White Tiger family suddenly spoke. He had this self-confidence, and he did not refute it. It’s just that you don’t talk, you don’t mean that you don’t speak.

"It turns out that you are almost like a dog."

The white tiger family, who was still proud of, was a little sacred, and the face of the instant became a pig liver color. Fortunately, he was in the hall, and no other warriors saw it.

"If I take it, I will not be my enemy."

Lin Riqi’s domineering response, before he really slammed the little white sage of the White Tigers, so no one felt that he was bragging.

"Oh, you are a little stronger than the dog."

Lingdao was just finished, it was a shock to the hall where Lin Rizhen was located.獒天赐 is extremely fierce and glaring at Lingdao. If the eyes can bite, Lingdao is at least bitten a few hundred pieces of meat. The reincarnation of the White Tiger family and the Sun Risong is certainly not as good as the godsend. Lingdao said again and again that Tian Tianci was a dog, and the gods gave him an angry anger and almost broke his tongue.

"Your mouth is really powerful, but unfortunately the strength is not good. If it is not the sacred priest of the fox sacred place to help you, maybe you are now kneeling in front of me for mercy."

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