The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Scorpio Food Day

"Scorpio Food Day!"

Qi Tianci was wounded by the Emperor Dragon, and the power of Ling Dao was still destroying his body. Now, even if he barely stands up, he can't play half of the strength of his heyday. Therefore, he is now dealing with Lingdao, using the will of martial arts. His body is hurt, but the will is intact.

Scorpio Food Day is a martial art of heaven, and it is also his desperate martial arts. It will not be used at all times. He exhausted all the willpower, turned into a scorpio, and swallowed the world of his opponent's will. Once successful, his opponent will die on the spot, and if it fails, he will be strongly rebelled.

Although Tian Tianci, who is at the peak of Tianjunjing, only masters the half-step king-level will, it is very close to the king’s will. His opponent, just a mid-term prince, certainly can't compare with him. What's more, he still uses the sacred food day, and even the average Tianzun should retire.

"Just rely on this, still want to kill me?"

Ling Dao thought that there was a powerful killer in the sky, but he did not expect it to be just a will. He is different from most of the mid-term princes, because when he was in the kingdom of heaven, he mastered the half-step king-level will. His current will is actually closer to the king's will than the godsend.

"Humanitarian Changlong!"

The willing martial arts that the imperial emperor passed to Lingdao was sure to be more powerful than the heavenly gift of the gods. There are countless figures, old and young, there are men and women, swords have sword repairs, as well as martial arts, array repairs, Fu Xiu and so on. It’s just one of them. It’s definitely not an opponent of Scorpio. Fortunately, they have a lot of people.

獒天赐 and Lingdao’s will confront each other, there is no earth-shattering momentum, but it has great dangers. If you are careless, there will be a possibility of broken hands. After seeing the martial arts of Lingdao, the heart of the gods was like sinking to the bottom of the sea. He did not think that Lingdao had such amazing achievements in his will.

The Scorpio, which is condensed by the will, swallows up a large number of figures. Unfortunately, there are too many people, and it is a slap in the face of Scorpio. Until the end, it completely collapses. He did not expect that he would use the will of martial arts as a peak, but not as good as a mid-term.


The eyes of the gods are bleeding, the corners of the eyes are bleeding, and even the ears and nose begin to bleed. Before the physical injury, as long as he was given seven or eight days, he was confident to recover. But now, the will is hit hard, and in a few months, it is impossible to heal.

"Everyone, the last time you helped me, I said, I want you to eat dog meat. The gentleman said that it is difficult to chase after him. Today, I will fulfill my promise!"

After breaking the will of martial arts, Lingdao was only dizzy for a moment and returned to normal. The godsend in the heyday was not his opponent, and now the godsend is even more of his opponent. The body and the will of the gods are all created, and the combat power is less than 10% of the peak state.

"Do you eat dog meat?"

"I just said to play, are you really coming?"

"The meat of the scorpio, I did not eat it, it is said to be good."

Tian Zun, who was next to the enchanting man, thought that the last time Lingdao said it was a joke. Unexpectedly, now Lingdao actually wants to ask them to eat the meat of the Scorpio. Don't look at their realm is better than the gods, the strength is stronger than the gods, and they want to eat the godsend, they must not dare.

"Don't mess, he is the first day of the Scorpio family. If you win him, don't kill him, let alone eat his flesh."

The enchanting hurriedly reminded Lingdao that he was afraid that Lingdao had an impulse and would really make Tianshen a pot of dog meat. Lingdao was able to overcome Yu Tianci, completely beyond her expectations, but fortunately her psychological ability is strong enough, and now she can accept this.

"If you kill our house, it is against our Scorpio. Don't say that you are a small human race, even if you are a Taoist, you must die in the hands of our Scorpio."

"Our Scorpio has been passed down from the wilderness to the present, and it has a long history than the earliest emperor forces of your Terran. Even if you are behind the Emperor, you don't want to keep your life."

"You guys say a word, they are forgiving people and forgive people. There is also a sentence, called a person to stay in the line, and see each other in the future. You must not be impulsive, otherwise you will be tempted to kill yourself, or even be destroyed. The possibility of full door."

The three warriors of the Scorpio family are all in front of the gods, and even the gods are not the opponents of Lingdao. They certainly will not attack the Lingdao. If you want to save the godsend, you don't have to do it. You can also use your mouth to press people, use the Scorpio to scare the ridge, and even threaten the ridge.

There are demon people who are frowning. Although they are standing in line with the warriors of the Scorpio, the practice of the Scorpio warriors is really inappropriate. It is simply throwing away the face of the demon. What is the meaning of the younger generation’s duel, moving out the background? If they are stronger than their background, what are they doing?

"Hey, it turns out that the Scorpio family is such a virtue, and it has a long history. When you talk about it, you have the confidence."

"Oh, what is the use of your Scorpio family for a long time, what is the use? Do you dare to compete with the Heavenly Palace? Do you dare to fight with the Imperial Palace? Do you dare to fight with the People's Palace?"

"You have always said that our human race can become the master of the world, relying on the number, but now, you have lost in a single fight, and it is still the peak of Tianjun lost to the mid-term Tianjun, what do you say in the future?"

The Terran Heavenly King really can't stand it anymore, and they have ridiculed the demon. Lingdao is what is repaired, they don't care, anyway, Lingdao can easily defeat the first day of the Tianzhu family, stronger than them, and much stronger. They talked to Lingdao in order to have a close relationship with Lingdao. If there is danger in the future, maybe Lingdao can help them.

Seven days ago, few human warriors were willing to support Lingdao. Now, it is completely different. Can't blame them for their reality, people are not for themselves, and they are desperately destroyed. Not many people are willing to work hard for a person who does not know and has no benefit to them.

"He is one, not necessarily enough, plus you are just right!"

The most annoying thing about Lingdao is the threat, especially the warriors of the Scorpio family, who even said that they want to destroy his door. If so, he also let go of the warriors of the Scorpio, then he is not a sin. Anyway, if you kill a godsend, you will offend the Scorpio family and don't care to add three Scorpio warriors.

A pair of fists, slamming forward, is comparable to the power of Tianzun, and went straight to the three warriors of the Tianzhu family. The three warriors of the Scorpio family were shocked. They thought that they could scare Lingdao by moving their mouths. Who knows that Lingdao was not affected, but they also gave them a hand.

Whether it is the opponent of Lingdao, now that Lingdao is making a move to them, they are impossible to fight back. What's more, they know Ling Dao's ability to deal with Ling Dao, they must play the most powerful martial arts. Unfortunately, Lingdao shot too fast, between rush, they can not play the maximum power of martial arts.

Three different martial arts, and at the same time ushered in the double fist of Lingdao. If Lingdao seven days ago, it may be a headache, even to retreat. However, the current Lingdao is no longer the same. The attack of the three warriors of the Scorpio family was unbearable in his eyes.

Where the double fist passes, the infuriating dissipates, the source breaks, and the road breaks. Lingdao did not use any powerful martial arts, and it was destroyed and hit the front of the three warriors of the Scorpio family. The three warriors of the Scorpio family do not want to avoid, but cannot escape.

Lingdao uses the will to lock them in. In either direction, they can't escape the attack of Lingdao. What they can do is to protect their deadly parts at the last minute. The three warriors of the Scorpio family are not holding their hands in their arms, or keeping their hands in their heads.

Unfortunately, it didn't work at all, because Lingdao's fist directly penetrated their hands. The body of the Tianjun dynasty is not comparable to the physical body of Lingdao, and it certainly cannot stop the martial arts. If Lingdao lifts the dragon to the extreme, he can even beat them by punch.

"Do not!"

"It's over!"

"I can't do it!"

The three warriors of the Scorpio can feel that the internal organs are all damaged, and there is still a force that snarls in their bodies and engulfs their vitality. It will take a long time for them to fall to the ground. Lingdao can hit a slap in the face, and naturally they can kill all three of them.

"I thought he was scaring the Scorpio warriors. I didn't expect him to be really moving."

"In the back matchup, we can fight with him. If we leave the fox sacred place, we will avoid him far away, so as not to be affected by him."

As long as Ling Dao slaughtered Tian Tianci, it will definitely attract the pursuit of the Tianzhu people. The younger generation of the showdown, the older generation is not good to intervene, but the younger generation of the Scorpio family has other masters. They don't want to spend time with Lingdao and Tianzhu, because they haven't lived enough.

"Escape, you must escape, or else I will die in the demon sanctuary."

Qi Tianci did not have the idea of ​​revenge for protecting his three Scorpio warriors. His first thought was to escape. The second thought was to escape as far as possible. In his current state, the speed is definitely better than Lingdao, but fortunately he has a transmission symbol.

"Human boy, I remember you, the next time I meet, it is your death!"

After the transmission symbol was activated, Hao Tianci shouted loudly to Lingdao. His transmission symbol can at least send him thousands of miles away. Lingdao wants to chase him again, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. What's more, the next test, which is about to begin, will definitely not give up the opportunity to marry the holy virgin of the fox.

"Do you think you can escape by relying on Fuxi?" Lingdao snorted and said slowly, "Forgot to tell you, I am not only a martial artist, but also a repair. In front of me, I am not a classmate." ?"

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