The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 83: Mad dog

Lingdao used to be a disciple of Wan Fuzong. Although he started late on Fu Xiu, he was very talented and got nine stone carvings. Even if he spends a lot of time in Fu Xiu, the achievements in Fu Xiu are not worse than the elders of Wan Fuzong.

獒天赐 uses the transmission symbol to escape in front of him, which is simply delusional. As soon as he came, Wu Tianci was a martial artist, and he did not know anything about Fu. Secondly, the transmission symbol used by Hao Tianci is only the symbol of Tianjun refining. If he uses the Tianpin symbol, Lingdao may not be able to stop him.

The real dragon stone carvings, the stone carvings of the Peng Peng, the phoenix stone carvings, and the sacred stone carvings have all blocked the four directions of the front, back, left and right. Ten fingers of Lingdao continued to move, and one run after another went away.獒天赐 only felt that the transmission symbol in his hand trembled fiercely. Just after a moment, there was another crack in the transmission symbol.

"what happened?"

Regarding his own life and death, he is not willing to have a little care. Lingdao has made it clear that he wants to kill him. In his current situation, if he fights with Lingdao, the possibility of dying in Lingdao is at least 80%. He doesn't want to die, he can only stay away from the ridge, and the farther he escapes, the better.

At his own pace, I haven't run a few steps, I am afraid I will be caught up by Lingdao. I thought that by urging the transmission symbol, I could escape thousands of miles away. I didn’t expect that the transmission symbol could still cause problems. He has not used the transmission symbol before, but he has not encountered any problems.

"How could you be a repair?"

獒天赐 incredible 瞪 凌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为 因为Together, if you want to practice well, it is definitely not a simple matter. The age of Ling Dao is even smaller than him. Is it difficult to become a Ling Dao who has been practicing from the womb?

"Maybe, it's impossible, it doesn't matter to you anyway, because you are a dead person right away, it's not a dead dog!"

At the same time as Lingdao spoke, he had already killed him. Zhenlong Stone Carvings, Qi Peng Stone Carvings, Phoenix Stone Carvings, and St. Stone Carvings do not have the ability to kill Tianzun now. Fortunately, there is no problem in imprisoning Fengfeng Tianjun. He is trapped in the godsend, only one purpose is to kill the godsend.

Anyway, he has already enemies with the Scorpio, even if he has let go of the gods, the Scorpio will not let him go. In the event that the godsend breaks into the heavenly environment, Ling Daozhen is not necessarily his opponent. If you ask Tian Tian to find a few more powerful Scorpio warriors, it is entirely possible to kill Ling Dao.

A pair of fists, as if crossing the time and space, instantly hit the body of the gods. He was only given a pain in his body, and then he flew out and squatted on the stone. The true dragon stone carvings, the phoenix stone carvings, the 鲲 石 stone carvings and the sacred stone carvings are constantly approaching, making the space for the activities of the sacred heavens smaller and smaller, and can't avoid the attacks of the ridge.

"Lin Rizhen, seven days ago, obviously you let me deal with him, now he wants to kill me, why are you standing by? If not you, how can I have the end now?"

In the face of death, I don’t care what I gave, and I quickly shaken things up seven days ago. If Lin is willing to take the shot, he will definitely save, because Lin Rizhen is more powerful than Lingdao. In the case of the failure of the transmission symbol, Lin Rizhen became the only life-saving straw.

No matter whether it is the Yaozu Tianjun or the Terran Heavenly King, I don’t know this thing. The first reaction of some Terran Heavenly Kings is that they feel that they are nonsense.獒天赐 would have to deal with Lingdao, it is the Lingdao saved by Lin Ri, why did Lin Rizhen save Lingdao after he saved Lingdao? Isn't it more than one thing?

"I understand, Lin Riqi first saved the aristocratic teenager because he wanted to draw the aristocratic boy. Unfortunately, the aristocratic boy did not appreciate it. If he couldn't do it, he would come hard and let Yan Tianci deal with the human race boy. If the individual boy can't hold it, he may be able to ask for help. At that time, the person who owes him to the aristocratic teenager will be big."

"No, I think that the aristocratic boy had known Lin Rizhen, so he was prepared to guard Lin Ridiao. Even if Lin Risheng saved him, he would not enter the hall of Lin Risheng. Therefore, Lin Rizhen can only let the gods give hands. At the end of life, he doesn't have to choose?"

"You forgot, Lin Rizhen is a modest gentleman who is famous for the younger generation of the Qingdi Palace. How can you have what you said? I think that Tian Tianci is purely filthy. Now he is purely a mad dog, biting people indiscriminately. Are you? Would you rather believe in Godsend than to believe in Lin Gongzi?"

The wise warrior is definitely there, but more people of the Terran, choose to believe in Lin Risheng. The Yaozu Tianjun is different. Whether it is a true letter or a false letter, as long as it can create cracks for the camp of the Terran Heavenly King, they must spare no effort to do it.

"Oh, God, are you broken your brain? At this time, you have to pull me up? You feel that you are not happy in the hands of Ling Dao, you have to die in my hands, right?"

Lin Rizhen used the will to pass the sound, and slammed the heavens to give him a meal. If you were before, you might be afraid, because you know that you are not an opponent of Lin Risheng. However, the present is not afraid, because he is going to die, what else is it afraid?

It’s no different to die in Lingdao’s hands and die in Lin’s hands. Moreover, since Lin Rizhen has given him a voice, then it means that he has a chance to live. If Lin Rizhen is not willing to take care of him, he really does not know what to do.

"As long as you save me, I will tell them that I am talking nonsense, and I am sincerely framing you!"

He gave a message to Lin Rizhen, just to make a deal with Lin Risheng. He felt that as long as Lin Rizhen did not want to ruin his reputation, he would definitely find ways to save him. If this Lin Rizhen is really the original Lin Rizhen, it will indeed be threatened by the gods, but unfortunately, he is not.

"If you let me grab my handle, can you not slap me again and again?"

Lin Rizhen secretly sneered, then he said loudly, "mad dog, you just bite, I don't care!"

What does the Terran Heavenly King think? In fact, Lin Rizhen does not care much. Anyway, Lin Risheng’s identity, he will only use it for a while. As for what the Yaozu Tianjun thinks, he doesn't even care, because it has no effect on him at all.

"I believe you!"

Lingdao once again punched and smashed the filth of Tian Tianci. Even if the life is tenacious, it will not last long. At the same time, Ling Dao gathered in the ear of the gods, and said softly. He did not think how to give it to him. Before he died, he who really believed him was actually the murderer who killed him.

It is not that Lingdao believes in the dog-giving products, but he has long doubted Lin Risheng. It’s useless to others, and it’s useful to him. Although he did not know what purpose Lin Rizhen had for him, he must be prepared for Lin Risheng.

"The saint, how dare he really start?"

"Don't you say that he is a disciple of the four forces? Doesn't he know what kind of revenge will he suffer when he kills the first day of the Scorpio?"

"When the Scorpio family casually dispatches a Tianzun, can you slap the Wan Fuzong to the ground?"

Tianzun, the sacred place of the fox, said a word to me. The enchanting question asked did not know how to explain it. In the duel of the younger generation, the older generation of strong people generally do not intervene. However, the gods will not die, the older generation will not take the shot, and the younger generation will definitely take revenge.

When God gave death, it became a real scorpio, no longer the appearance of the previous doghead. Lingdao picked up the corpse of Tianshen and threw it to Tianzun, the holy place of the fox. He promised to ask Tianzun of Tianhu Holy Land to eat dog meat, certainly not a joke.

"I didn't know how to be tortured if I was not you last time. Now give this to you, just express my gratitude."

The real way to save the road is actually enchanting. Therefore, Lingdao invites the enchanting people around to eat dog meat, no problem. Tian Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land smashed the enchanting scorpion, and after seeing the enchanting nod, they collected the corpse of the gods. The scorpio with three dog heads is absolutely delicious and can be eaten together.

"Hey Gods is killing him, but it is the sacred sacred place of our fox sacred place. The Scorpio people want to take revenge, and we must take into account the face of our fox sacred place, and will not mess."

The enchanting knows that because the Tianzun of Tianhu Holy Land eats dog meat, the Scorpio family will not give up revenge. Fortunately, there is a sacred place to give Lingdao a half back. Even if the Scorpio family revenge, it will only let the younger generation shoot, the older generation will not chase the Lingdao.

"The hero is a teenager. I have only heard of this sentence before. Today, I finally realized it!"

Lin Rizhen walked out of the hall and took a green shirt. He was gentle and calm. Lingdao was the first to see Lin Rizhen, which is different from what he imagined. One after another, the personal family, Tian Jun, arched his hand to show awe, who made Lin Rizhen a better than them.

"Over-the-counter, I am still far worse than you."

Lingdao smiled slightly. After seeing Lin Rizhen, he had speculation about Lin Risheng’s identity. Although not necessarily correct, there is a great possibility. If Lin Rizhen is really the one he thinks of, then Lin Risheng’s strength is definitely stronger than what he showed before.

Although the strength of Ling Dao has skyrocketed after the cultivation of the singularity of Xian Jin to the third level, he will not underestimate the world. The **** of heaven is only the first day of the Tianzhu family. It is far worse than the first day of the real strong family. What's more, Lin Risheng's strength will only be stronger.

"Just, I heard you say that you believe him, why, do you have any opinion on me? Or do you want to marry me with him? Last time, I clearly have a life-saving grace for you, you not only do not know the Entu newspaper, but even Still ungrateful?"

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