The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 84: First test

"Helping the grace? Forgiveness?" Lingdao snorted and his face was full of ridicule. "Don't think that I don't know who you are. You can't win someone else, but you can't help me. If you are looking for me, I will Don't mind disguising your true identity in public."

While talking, his eyes were staring at Lin Rizhen. It is a pity that Lin Rikai’s expression has not changed, and even his eyes are not abnormal. Ling Dao’s words did affect Lin Rikai. However, Lin Rizhen’s long-term anger and anger were not obvious. It’s impossible to find flaws from his face.

"Real identity? What is my real identity?"

Lin Rizhen was calm and self-sufficient and was not affected by the words of Lingdao. First of all, he is not sure whether Ling Dao really knows his identity or deliberately swindles him. Second, even if Ling Dao really exposes him, other warriors do not necessarily believe it. Retreat 10,000 steps and say that even if other warriors really believe in Lingdao, he is not afraid.

What he occupies is Lin Risheng’s body, and other warriors do not need to find him trouble. Of course, the warriors of the Qingdi Palace will certainly not let him go, because Lin Riqi is also a descendant of the Qing Emperor, and is one of the strongest Tianjun of the Qingdi Palace. He killed Lin Rizhen, and the Qing Emperor Palace could not be ignored. Fortunately, what he is best at is the golden shell, and the warrior of the Qingdi Palace wants to chase him, which is even harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Who is this human race boy? Why do I think he and Lin Rizhen seem to be familiar?"

"In the middle of the world, you can kill the first day of the Tianzhu family. Will he not be a disciple of the Heavenly Palace?"

"What are their origins, I don't care, I just want to know if they want to play a game."

The young disciples of Ling Xiao Ge did not come, otherwise they are likely to recognize Ling Dao. Although there are military people interested in the origin of Lingdao, but more warriors are still interested in the confrontation between Lingdao and Lin Risheng. Lingdao can kill Yu Tianci, and Lin Riyi can defeat the Baihu family's small holy deity. The battle between them is definitely very exciting.

"Don't pretend, do you think that if I shake your identity out, can you still leave the Heavenly Fox Holy Land? With your current cultivation, can you win the Holy King? Can you be able to cross the Tao?"

This time, Lingdao was voiced to Lin Rizhen, because it was no good for him to completely fall out with Lin Risheng. Even if his practice of cultivation is stronger than that of Lin Risheng, he will not be able to beat Lin Rizhen, who is at the peak of the heavens. Because Lin Rikai’s vision, experience, and understanding of martial arts and control over power are not comparable to Lingdao.

Lin Rizhen’s eyelids shook, and he didn’t expect Ling Dao’s idea to be so rude. The husband is not guilty and bears his sin. What he has is not what he can live with now. Before the warriors of the Qing Emperor Palace chased him, he did have a way to escape, but what if the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land grabbed him?

There are eight heavenly deities around the enchanting side. Let's not say if Lin Rizhen can beat them. As long as they want to stare at Lin Rizhen, then Lin Rizhen will not want to smash the shell. As soon as the elders of the Tianhu Holy Land arrived, Lin Rizhen could not play even if he had the ability to enter the land.

"But it’s too lazy to care about you, it’s still important."

Lin Rizhen did not pass the voice to Lingdao, but waved his hand and said quite generously. Except for Ling Dao, other warriors simply don't know what is going on. The moment before, Lin Rizhen also wanted to find the trouble of Lingdao. At the last moment, Lin Rizhen started a modest gentleman.

Although Lin Rizhen did not want to admit it, he still bowed his head and did not go against Lingdao. In the same way, Lingdao did not gain momentum, Lin Rizhen needed a step, and he gave Lin Riqi a step. If there is an urgent need for Lin Risheng, who knows what kind of things Lin Rizhen will do.

"It’s really lively. I haven’t started the first round of trials. Is there a death or injury?”

Tai Xuandao’s main rushed over and said that he did not know about Lingdao’s and Tian’s reconciliation. He was absolutely joking. He didn't want to intervene, because Lingdao and Qi Tiantian who died and who had no relationship with him. What's more, he thought that Ling Dao was not an opponent of Tian Tianci, and he was prepared to see how Ling Dao was beaten by the gods.

Unexpectedly, Ling Dao not only defeated Tian Tianci, but also killed Tian Tian on the spot. Ling Dao’s strength is stronger than he imagined, and he is more powerful than he was in the middle of Tianjun. Fortunately, he is now a Taoist. If he is in the same realm as Lingdao, he will only be part of Lingdao.

"See the Lord!"

The eight celestial celestial beings around the enchanting are busy with the salute, they are following the enchanting, and certainly can not be disrespectful to the Taixuan Taoist. The master of Taixuan is the enchanting scorpion. The younger brother of the lord of the fox sacred place is better than them and stronger than them. Whether it is identity, status, or strength, they are not comparable. .

"Hey, how come you come so early? East, South, and North, have you been there?"

The test is the responsibility of the Taixuan Taoist. With the enchanting understanding of the Taixuan Taoist, it is impossible for the Taixu Taoist to handle the affairs of other areas of the demon temple early in the morning. The first time the Taixu Taoist went to the Western District, is it because of her? Or is it that Tai Xuan Dao Master knows the things of Ling Dao and Yao Ji?

"I didn't go, the West District is bustling, so I will come to the West End. Wait, I will go to the Eastern District, then the Southern District and the North District, is there any problem?"

Tai Xuan Dao looked at the enchanting eyes, because until now, he did not know who the enchanting father was. It is absolutely remarkable to be able to conquer a female emperor. It is a pity that the head of Taixuan Tao asked the Lord of the Land of the Holy Land many times and still did not get the answer.

He did not secretly investigate, but did nothing. The main reason for the fox sacred place is to sincerely slap one thing, and will definitely find ways to erase all traces. He just doesn't understand, what can't be said in the end. The lord of the fox sacred land is the great emperor. Who else dares to control her marriage in the three thousand territories?

"Can you have any problems, anyway, you have the final say. But, oh, can you let me participate?"

The enchanting whispered, although Lingdao already had the power to kill Yu Tianci, she was still not assured of Lingdao. Single-handedly fighting, now the Tianjun who can kill Lingdao, there are very few. The problem is that Lingdao is a human warrior. If a large number of demon warriors join forces, it may not be able to send Lingdao to the West.

"What a joke, can you still want to marry your sister?"

Tai Xuan Dao suddenly shook his head, enchanting what his mind, he did not know, so he could not agree. The small world he prepared for all Heavenly Kings was created by a great emperor in the Tianhu Holy Land. Once he entered the enchanting, he could not ensure that the enchanting did not die.

He has opinions on the enchanting father, but the enchanting is his pro-foreign prostitute. If the enchanting has a long and two short, not only can he not go through his own heart, but he can’t explain it to the Lord of the Holy Land. As for the life and death of Ling Dao, he was not interested. The more suffering Lingdao had, the more happy he was.

"You will put a hundred and twenty hearts, I am sure nothing. Now I can kill the first day of the Tianzhu family. If I break through a realm, can I not be able to walk through the heavens?"

Lingdao worried about what the enchanting was doing, so he immediately sent a message to the enchanting. Normally, in a short time, he did not have the possibility to break through the realm. However, if he gets a chance, he may become a late warrior in the Tianjun period. At that time, he will have confidence to face all the heavenly kings.

"Well, I will trust you again, you should never let my sister feel sad."

The enchanting man understands that he can't persuade the Taixuan Taoist, and can only remind the Lingdao to let Lingdao be alert. With the current strength of Ling Dao, if you are willing to save your life, the possibility of living is still very big. She is afraid of the impulsive impulse, just like seven days ago, Lingdao threatened to kill the godsend.

Taking advantage of the Taixuan Taoist, the enchanting man walked to Lingdao and put a token into the hands of Lingdao. For the kindness of the enchanting, Lingdao did not refuse, it is about his life and death, he will certainly not be reluctant. Maybe, in times of crisis, you have to rely on the enchanting token.

"Whether you are prepared, go with me anyway. If you don't come, you will pack it up and go back."

The Taixu Taoist master will certainly not be polite with the Tianjun of the major forces. In front of him, the Tianjun of the Western District is all junior. Anyway, he thinks so, but the fact is not the case. For example, the current Lin Rizhen is definitely not the younger generation of the Taixuan Taoist, but the Taixuan Taoist does not know it.

"The holy king of the Eastern District, give me all out!"

After leaving the Western District, the Taixuan Taoist came to the door of the Eastern District. He didn't enter the Eastern District at all, just squatting outside. The number of holy kings in the Eastern District is far less than that of the Western District. Because the latter's face of the Holy King, after all, is a minority.

"The Tianzun of the Southern District, the King of the North District, give you half an hour, all come to me!"

Next, it was even simpler. Tai Xuan Dao did not go to the Southern District and the North District, and shouted loudly. The Tianzun of the Southern District and the King of the Northern District certainly did not dare to put a shelf in front of the Taixu Taoist, and ran at the fastest speed. Lingdao is far from seeing Wei invincible, but Wei’s invincible image is quite wolf.

"How come you are okay? Is there no demon warrior in the West District looking for you?"

Wei invincible asked in surprise, with her realm of tyrants, she still suffered a big loss in the southern district. Two fists are difficult to attack four hands, not to mention, her opponent is far more than two demon Tianzun. She really didn't understand why the Lingdao in the middle of the Tianjun period was unscathed.

"You don't know who I am, how can a demon warrior take me?" Lingdao snorted, a look that did not put the demon warrior in his heart. "It’s the sister, how did you become?" This way? Who is bullying you? Tell me, when I become a godless, I will avenge you! Don't worry, one by one, when I go, I will hit the door one by one!"

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