The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 85: Qingyue Emperor

"Don't blow you can die? There is no god? You can be a god, it's a problem, don't be proud, or else you will know them,"

Wei Wudi slammed on the head of Lingdao, on the one hand, he really wanted to teach Lingdao, on the other hand, he wanted to sneak. At first sight, she was worried about Lingdao for such a long time. As a result, Lingdao did not have anything at all, even more chic than her. It really made her angry.

If it is not allowed in time, Wei Invincible really wants to ask Lingdao what is going on. To say that Lingdao can be king in the Tianjun martial arts, she does not believe, because she has some understanding of the strength of Lingdao. It is indeed rare to have a mid-term prince who can beat the ridge. However, there are definitely not a few who can defeat the peak of the ridge.

Even if the Yaozu Tianjun knows the identity of Lingdao, he will not let go of Lingdao directly. The background is big, there is no need to worry about the background of Lingdao, and the West District is not without Emperor. The background is small, the big deal is not to blame the fate of the road, just to hit the road, the existence behind the Lingdao, it is impossible to retaliate against them.

"What do you mean? Is it difficult for your younger brother to become a tyrant?"

"He is only in the middle of the world, can you still know where he can cultivate in Tianzun?"

The southern district and Wei invincible handed over. To be precise, it was the Tianzun who lost to Wei invincible, and they glared at Wei invincible. They worked hard to become Xuan Tianzun, or Taitian Zun, and the result turned out to be the opposite of Wei’s invincible teachings. In the middle of the talented period, Wei’s invincible goal for him was to Tianzun. If they can't do it now, they should not find Wei invincible to discuss.

However, Wei Invincible just took a look at them and did not care about them. Lingdao is the son of Happy Emperor. If he stops at Taitianzun or Xuantianzun, he will definitely become the laughing stock of Tianling. Lingdao’s lowest goal is also to be a tyrant, but she does not have to explain with the Yaozu Tianzun.

"Sister, big court, can you give me some face? Do you have to do it?"

Lingdao stunned his head and said that he was depressed. Wei invincible shot is not only fast, but also heavy, he simply can't get rid of it, he feels a pain in his head. The gap between Tianjun and Ba Tianzun in the mid-term is like the difference between ants and imams, and there is no comparable at all.

"Play well, if I can also play it, it would be better. No, I have to play dozens, hundreds!"

Some of the Yaozu Tianjun couldn't help but cheer Wei's invincible. Lingdao didn't put them in his eyes at all, it was too owing. Unfortunately, they know that they are not the opponents of Lingdao, because Lingdao can kill Yu Tianci and change them into them.

There is also a part of the Yaozu Tianjun who not only does not feel deflated, but is even more angry. Because Wei invincible will be their brothers and sisters, degrading nothing. Moreover, they are also not sure to become a tyrant, if it is in the heavens, the gap between them and Lingdao will not be bigger and bigger?

"Why, I am hitting you, do you still have opinions? Who can make you lose strength, you have the ability to hit me, I certainly have no complaints!"

Wei Wuwei said with a smile, Ling Dao was in the middle of the day, wanting to pass her, still do not know to wait until the Year of the Monkey. I don’t want to say how long it will take to go to the tyrants in the middle of the day. When Lingdao becomes the tyrant, she has already been a holy king. When Lingdao upgraded, she could not stand still.

"Don't talk, I want to be quiet."

Good men don't fight with women, and Ling Dao no longer argues with Wei invincible. If you lose, you have no face. If you win, you may be invincible and invincible. And a woman's reasoning is completely asking for trouble, let alone a woman who is stronger than herself.

"It’s really ignorant and fearless. In the middle of the district, Tianjun is clamoring to become the Supreme Master. Do you know what Supreme Master represents?"

"Which Tianjun knows the things of Tianzun, I think, don't say that there is no such thing as Heavenly Respect and Heavenly Respect, whether he can become a Heavenly Respect, it is an unknown number."

In front of the tyrants, it is Taitianzun. They don’t know the origin of Lingdao, and they don’t know the identity of Lingdao. They set the goal of Lingdao to Taitianzun. It can be said that it is high enough to see Lingdao. Some territories, even a domineering do not have, Taitian Zun has the possibility of hegemony.

"It’s too polite to talk, I think, he is the brain is broken, otherwise how can you feel that you can become a godless?"

"There is no legend, it is just a legend. Anyway, I have lived for so many years. I have never seen the Supreme Master, and I have never heard of any power."

"If he can become a godless person, I can still become an emperor, who will not brag?"

They are Tianzun, so I know how difficult it is to become a Heavenly Master. As for the Heavenly Respect, I don’t even think about it. Dozens of territories, it is good to be able to produce one to Tianzun. If it wasn’t for the relationship between Ling Dao and Wei Wu’s incomparable, Ling Dao was so arrogant that he had already been beaten by them.

Now, Ling Dao not only offended the Yaozu Tianjun, but also offended the Yaozu Tianzun, and even the Terran Tianzun felt that the road was too much. The invincible Wei, who had always been daring, even smashed Lingdao, indicating that Lingdao should not talk too much. Among the demon warriors, there is no shortage of talents, they are still low-key.

"Don't forget, we are now in the territory of the Yaozu, less trouble, know?"

If Ling Jianhao heard Wei’s invincible voice to Lingdao, maybe he would be grateful for tears, and Wei Invincible finally knew the weight and convergence. Lingdao nodded. In fact, all the time, the demon warriors first asked him for trouble, and he only fought back. If you don’t provoke him, you can’t die in his hands.

"Whether you are at the same time, you still haven’t arrived. Anyway, you are, and if you haven’t come, you will be disqualified."

Tai Xuan Dao opened the door, and the warrior who was still talking before was quiet. It is not how much they respect the Taixu Taoist, but the voice of the Taixu Taoist, and all their voices are suppressed. They don’t have a single voice even if they open their mouths.

"The place that the lord prepared for you is a small ancestor of our fox sacred land, and a small world opened up. Some of you may have heard of her name, but most of them have never heard of it. So, this road It is necessary for the Lord to tell you about her deeds and let you know her.

You must not use it as the useless for the Lord. The small world she opened up is definitely related to her experience. If you don't know anything, you will fall into the small world that she opened up, and I will definitely suffer. On the contrary, if you have a general understanding of the small world that she opened up, I might be able to get a chance when I go in. ”

Whether it is a human warrior or a demon warrior, whether it is a holy king or a heavenly king, all of them have a spirit of one hundred and twenty. Even if it is a enchanting, it is no exception. Although the enchanting does not enter the small world, she hopes to get useful information, and then tells Lingdao, thus helping Lingdao.

"Our Tianhu Holy Land once had a female emperor, and the title is Qingyue Emperor. Do you have any impression?"

Qingyue Emperor, the owner of a fox sacred place in ancient times, the Taixuan Taoist thought that a warrior had heard of it, but unfortunately, after he finished speaking, all the warriors were all stunned. Well, the reputation of the Qingyue Emperor is still a little smaller. After all, it is not the existence of the three thousand territories.

The Great, for the vast three thousand territories, is nothing. Just like now, there are two great emperors in the Tianhu Holy Land. The three thousand territories do not know how much. What's more, the Qingyue Emperor was still in the ancient times. From now on, I don't know how many years have passed. All of them were young warriors. They had limited knowledge and had never heard of the Qingyue Emperor. It was normal.

"You don't give face too much. The Lord is not willing to say it. Anyway, you are dead or alive, and there is no relationship with the Lord."

The Terran martial artists are dumbfounded, and the demon martial artists are equally dumbfounded. They waited for a long time and did not expect to wait for such a sentence. They don't want to force the Taixuan Taoist to say, but they don't have the ability to force the Taixuan Taoist, even if they take the shot together, they still do not rival the Taixuan Taoist.

Therefore, what they can do is to beg the Taixuan Taoist. Anyway, the highest of them, that is, the holy king of the war. It is not a shameful thing for the Holy King to seek the Lord. Moreover, the Taixuan Taoist is still the younger brother of the Lord of the Holy Land, and his status is respected.

"But it, the Lord is too lazy to care about you, now I will talk to you about the things of the Qingyue Emperor."

Tai Xuan Dao really eats soft and does not eat hard, of course, they also did not let Tai Xuan Dao eat hard ability. Whether it is a human warrior or a demon warrior, all ears are erected, for fear of missing any details. In the first test, most of the young warriors will be eliminated, and no one will dare to take it lightly.

"When the Qingyue Emperor is young, it is the first beauty of our Tianhu Holy Land. Of course, the Yaozu can't find it more beautiful than her. As for the Terran, it is even worse. I don't know how many grades are worse. That is. Said that she is the first beauty of the three thousand territory, her beauty, can not be described in words.

If the lord and the emperor are born in an era, they will definitely pursue her in desperate pursuit. With the charm of this leader, it will definitely defeat other competitors and eventually win the beauty. It is a pity that the lord was born too late, so that she was lonely and guilty.

Junsheng, I am not born, my life is dead, hehe"

The main face of Taixuandao was mournful and sighed long. The enchanting voice snorted and whispered, and quickly sent a voice to the eight heavenly sages beside them, let them tell them about the Qingyue emperor. The Terran Warriors and the Demon Warriors present did not know what character the Taixuan Taoist, and the enchanting knows. I hope that the Lord Xuan Taodao will say something useful, fearing that it is impossible.

"What to say, should not be said, the lord has told you all, well, now you can go to the world of Qingyue!"

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