The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Qingyue World

Lingdao’s punching speed is getting faster and faster, not because he wants to be fast, but because he has to be fast. The sword of the true dragon family, who used the road to gather together, is getting closer and closer to him. If he retreats, he will be hurt by the knife of the true dragon family. If he resists hard, the flesh must be unbearable, and injuries are inevitable.

"Weak, too weak, I haven't done much, you can't do it!"

Xiaoshengjun of the real dragon family shook his head and was so boring. He felt that it was a waste of time to fight with Lingdao. If you compare all the Tianjun warriors to a pyramid, then he is standing at the tip of the pyramid, and Lingdao is at best a few layers above.

No warrior feels that the little sage of the true dragon family is bragging because he is indeed qualified to say that. Long Xingyun thought that even though he was weaker than the Xiaolongjun of the true dragon family, he was weak and limited. Until now he realized that he was much weaker than the little Saint of the true dragon family. If it is a life-and-death confrontation, the dragons of the true dragon family will kill the dragon, perhaps only one move.

"Where is the flaw, where is the flaw?"

At the crucial moment, Lingdao not only did not have a slight panic, but instead looked at the sword in front of him. He is not prepared to die with the little Saint of the true dragon family. Once, the small holy king of the true dragon family is too strong and difficult to deal with. Second, the most important thing now is to enter the world of Qingyue.

The Supreme Gold 瞳 did not live up to the expectations of Ling Dao, one after another flaws, appeared. He took a deep breath and used the seventh turn of the nine-turn dragon to smash the biggest flaw. Not only is the fist moving, but the whole person is also moving, like an arrow, rushing to the front.

"Looking for death! If you retire, you will only be hurt by my knife, but if you choose to move forward, you will be split in half by my sword!"

The little holy monarch of the real dragon family manipulated the sword and slammed it down, as if to separate one side of the world. Even if you are standing in the distance, you can't help but step back. The sharp knife stalks, straight into the road, the sword has not touched the Lingdao, Lingdao's body is there is another wound.

"His flesh is stronger than me. It can't stop the little sage of Xiao Shengjun. How strong is Xiao Shengjun?"

Long Xingyun took a breath and was amazed at the power of the small dragon. He does not think it is a matter of talent, but he still firmly believes that it is a problem of merit. As long as he greets the priest of the nine-tailed fox family, he can cultivate even more powerful exercises, and he will be able to compete with Xiao Shengjun in the future.

"This is the time!"

When the sword was only a foot away from the Lingdao, Ling Dao’s punching force suddenly broke out, causing his body to traverse. The sword smashed the body of Ling Dao, and the ground cracked a huge crack. Fortunately, Lingdao did not suffer any harm, and safely avoided the sword.

The speed of Lingdao is not increasing, but it is rushing toward the huge portal. However, the little sacred monarch of the true dragon family reacted more than that, and directly punched Lingdao. Only need a momentary time, he will be able to recall the nine roads, and then gather together to continue to deal with Lingdao.

It is a pity that Lingdao did not choose to compete with the small sage of the true dragon family, but instead passed by. Ling Dao’s body seems to have no bones, and he has swayed past the position of the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, and entered the Qingyue world first. It is impossible for the little sage of the true dragon family to pull Lingdao back.

"I don't have time to play with you today, fight again next time!"

The voice of Ling Dao was transmitted from the portal. The little saint of the real dragon family was first stunned, and then it was a venting roar. Avoiding the sword from Lingdao, then crossing the Xiaoshengjun to Lingdao, and finally rushing into the world of Qingyue, it is only a matter of happening in an instant.

The little saint of the true dragon family did not think that things would become what they are now. He was full of confidence and wanted to kill Lingdao. As a result, Lingdao was only slightly hurt, and he slipped under his eyes. I knew that he would use the school directly and kill Lingdao.

"Play? Whose mother is playing with you?"

Although the small sage of the true dragon family occupies a rainbow road, but now there is no prince to grab him, if the savage little sacred chasing after playing, regret it is too late. Fortunately, Lingdao entered the world of Qingyue, and there was a rainbow road that allowed them to compete.

Lingdao is the first one to be able to make the real dragon family a small sage. The little saint of the true dragon family did not stop, but turned and walked into the huge portal. If he encounters Ling Dao in the Qingyue world, he has to be ignorant. Directly killing Lingdao, it is too cheap Lingdao, the fate of Lingdao torture is not as good as death, who makes Lingdao make him lose face?

"Fortunately, you run fast, or else, I have to hit you can not."

Wei Wei, who stood on another rainbow road, said indignantly. The little sage of the true dragon family is completely bullying the ridge of the realm of the realm, she can not turn a blind eye. However, she can feel that several powerful wills have locked herself, and once she has shot, they will certainly do it.

She is not in a hurry to enter the Qingyue world. It is not that she has insufficient combat power, but that she wants to wait for Lingdao to advance. What is the situation in the Qingyue World, Lingdao has already told her before he goes in. Of course, Lingdao said that it was only the enchanting told him that in other situations, Lingdao did not know.

It is not impossible for the little sage of the true dragon family to encounter Lingdao in the Qingyue world. However, Lingdao will not be in any danger. To put it bluntly, the blue moon world is a huge fantasy, with countless small illusions. No matter how you kill in the illusion, there will be no real casualties.

According to the enchanting saying, the more illusions that break open in the blue moon world, the greater the benefits. In some illusions, you will encounter warriors who enter together. In other illusions, you will encounter warriors who have gone forward. Of course, there are other things in the illusion.

For example, in some illusions, they will become ordinary people, and experience life and death. In some illusions, they will forget the past, begin to cultivate from the flesh, grow step by step, and perhaps die in the hands of other warriors, perhaps practicing ignorance, may break into what is forbidden, and lose their lives.

Death in the illusion, or lost in the illusion, is a failure. If you break a illusion, you will immediately enter the next illusion, until the end of the first test, leaving the world of Qingyue, they can get rid of the illusion. Of course, there is another way, that is, to break all the illusions of the blue moon world.

"I hope he can come out safely, although the Green Moon World itself is not dangerous, but who knows what he has done."

To say the first test, there is no countless death, the enchanting absolutely does not believe. It is not impossible to change what is in the world of the Qingyue. The reason why I did not say this to Lingdao is that I am afraid that the pressure on Lingdao will be too great. After all, there are too many enemies to face Lingdao.

"The little **** of the slaying, running really fast, I still want to see how you are being abused. The little guys of the real dragon family are also stupid, and under the circumstances of absolute advantage, they can let the little **** rush into the world of Qingyue. ""

The main reason of Taixuandao is that he is arrogant, but it is only because of his identity, he can’t do it himself. Originally, he was optimistic about Tian Tianci. As a result, he was killed in the hands of Ling Dao, and then he was optimistic about Long Xingyun. As a result, Long Xingyun lost to Lingdao. Now that he is optimistic about the little Saint of the true dragon family, Lingdao still has not suffered much.

"No, you have to give them a little more difficulty. Otherwise, isn't it good to give them benefits?"

If you break through the nine illusions, you can enter the first space of Qingyue Mirror for ten days. If you break through the 18 illusions, you can enter the second space of Qingyue Mirror for a hundred days. If you break through twenty-seven illusions, you can practice a thousand days in the third space of Qingyue Mirror.

Qingyue Mirror, not a general mirror, the time flow rate inside is different from the outside. Qingyue Mirror has ten days in the first heavy space, one day outside, one hundred days in the second heavy space, one day outside, one thousand days in the third heavy space, one day outside. It is a pity that the fourth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror can't be done for 10,000 days, one day outside.

If you break through the thirty-six illusions, you can indeed enter the fourth space of Qingyuejing. The time is the same as before, it is still a thousand days, because there is a thousand days inside, one day outside. The difference is that the fourth heavy space can reflect its own deficiencies, thus improving the deficiencies and further.

Because of this, the Taixu Taoist said that the first test was an opportunity for all military players to improve. As long as the phoenix of the peak of the king is broken, it is not a problem to upgrade to the heavenly kingdom. A thousand days, it has been more than two years. If so, they can't cultivate the heavens. They are really stupid.

"I can't change the time flow rate in the Qingyue Mirror. However, I can start from the outside. The third space of the Qingyue Mirror is one day outside, one thousand days inside. When they go in an hour, I will drive them out. ”

Thinking of this, the Taixuan Taoist is laughing. One hundred days, only three months. Anyway, he let the young warriors of the great emperors of the powers enter the Qingyue world, and they were uneasy. Because they practice in the Qingyue Mirror, they will expose their exercises.

The next step of the Taixu Taoist is to prove the Taoist emperor, but unfortunately he encountered a bottleneck, so he wanted to see the exercises of other emperors. The young warriors of the great emperor forces do not know the world of Qingyue, and they will certainly not know the problem of Qingyuejing.

"Little bastard, little bastard, you are worse than them, because I have arranged all kinds of terrible illusions for you, and some of you have received it."

There are too many illusions in the world of Qingyue, and it is impossible for the Taixu Taoist to control all the illusions. However, there is absolutely no problem with just being a person.

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