The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 90: Meet Xiao Shengjun again

"I wanted you to fight for your life, but unfortunately, if you die too much, I am not good at making a difference."

The young warrior who came to the demon temple not only had the peerless genius of the emperor, but also the emperor. Since it is the Taixuan Taoist who arranges all the contests, then it must not be a big mess. It’s okay to die for a few days. If you die more than half, or even more, don’t say what other democrats will be. Just super-lord, you will definitely not let this opportunity strike him.

Choosing the world of Qingyue, Taixuan Taoist is well thought out. The life and death in the illusion are all fake, and they will only be eliminated in the illusion. Whether it is smashed by other warriors in the illusion, or death or death from cultivation or death, the result is the same.

However, the Taixuan Taoist did not tell the young warriors of the major forces. They did not know that they were in a fantasy. If they fight with other warriors, they will definitely go all out. Whether it is a heavenly king or a holy king, it is impossible to see through the vast world of the blue moon.

Fortunately, in the world of Qingyue, there are illusions about the kings of the kings, and the illusion of the martial arts of the heavenly kings, as well as the illusion of the celestial warriors and the illusion of the sacred warriors. The martial arts experienced by the same great realm are one level.

The Taixu Taoist has already stated that the first match is fair, but there is no absolute fairness. He will not let Tianjun and Tianzun confront each other, but will make the previous Tianjun and Yufeng Tianjun higher. Of course, a level of illusion does not mean that the difficulty is the same. His preparation for Lingdao is more difficult than usual.

"As long as there are nine illusions that the martial art has broken, I will know that if there are martial arts who have broken 18 illusions, you can also know that it will be displayed on the portal."

When the gateway to the Green Moon World was closed, there were small mirrors on the left and right sides of the door. As long as there are 18 illusions or twenty-seven illusions in the world of Qingyue, they can appear in one small mirror. As for the break of thirty-six illusions, it is hard to go to heaven, maybe one is not.

About one-third of the young warriors of various major forces did not rush into the world of Qingyue. However, they did not rush to leave the fox sacred place, some because the brothers and sisters entered the Qingyue world, they need to wait for the brothers to go together, and some want to know the final result in the first time.

In addition to them, there are many disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land who rushed to join in the fun. The Green Moon World is a place to train disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. One after another, you can temper their will, increase their experience, improve their combat level, speed up their cultivation, and even make up for their insufficient.

"Our nine-tailed fox family is the strongest race, and it is rare to have three or six illusions. If they go in, they can break 18 illusions. It is quite remarkable. As for breaking two There are absolutely nineteen illusions."

"It is reasonable, although the will is our strength, but we can't underestimate the talents of the world. Among them, there are not only emperors, but also Tianzun. If you don't break twenty-seven illusions, I definitely don't believe it. Even, say Uncertainty among them, there are still three hundred and six illusions that can be broken."

The discussion of the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land has made the young warriors of other forces more and more confused. The Taixuan Taoist told them the name of the Qingyue Emperor, so they could say nothing about the Qingyue world. What are the twenty-seven illusions of thirty-six illusions, completely unintelligible.

“Why do they know more than me? Why haven’t I entered the Green World?”

The enchanting sorcerer is the sacred woman of the sacred place of the fox, the biological daughter of the emperor, and is already a martial artist of the heavenly kingdom, and is fully capable of entering the world of Qingyue. She turned sharply and looked at the eight heavenly lords around her. As a result, they all lowered their heads and dared not look at her.

"How do you seem to be different from the blue moon world you told me?"

The Qingyue world described by the Eight Heavenly Deities to the enchanting, although it illustrates the illusion of the world, but it is very dangerous to say the world of Qingyue, and it is possible to die at any time. Since the Qingyue Big World is a place for the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land, then there should be no danger.

"Small, they didn't lie to you. The blue moon world is indeed dangerous. However, the danger they say is different from the real danger. You don't blame them, I told them to say."

With the eight celestial beings around the enchanting, it is impossible to deceive her for no reason. However, Tai Xuandao mainly said that they have no way not to say. If they don't agree, Taixuan Taoist can use the will to control them, and then let them do exactly what Tai Xuandao said.

In the world of Qingyue, you will experience one after another illusion. If the will is chaotic, there is a possibility of ignorance. In the past, there were disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land who came out without any damage. After a while, the world of the will collapsed, the flesh was fine, and the soul was annihilated.


There is no way for the enchanting to take the Taixuan Taoist, and he has to turn around and ignore the Taixuan Taoist. As for the eight gods who followed her, she can understand. Fortunately, although she told Lingdao that the information was wrong, it would not have much impact on Lingdao, and would not have any disadvantages for Lingdao.

Tai Xuan Dao has no time to enchant, because he wants to increase the difficulty of Lingdao. After Lingdao entered the world of Qingyue, the first illusion experienced, Taixuan Taoist did not have time to do it. Standing in front of Lingdao, it is a mid-term warrior in Tianjun, the same as the realm of Lingdao.


In the middle of the illusion, the Tianjun did not say anything, but it was killed in Lingdao. When the young warriors of other forces first came in, they might be overwhelmed, and Lingdao would not. Because the enchanting told him that after entering the Qingyue world, he will encounter one after another illusion.

Lingdao certainly had no interest in communicating with the warriors in the illusion. Therefore, he directly waved his fists and rushed to the mid-term Tianjun. The same repair, the strength is the difference between the mud and the mud, Lingdao only used a punch, will kill the mid-term Tianjun, the first fantasy is broken.

At this time, there have been warriors who have left the world of Qingyue. Not that they want to go, but they died in the illusion and were eliminated. They worked hard to **** the rainbow road, and then rushed in, and it was only after a while that they returned to the fox land.

"What is the situation? Am I not dead?"

"It’s terrible. I only experienced the cultivation of the late Tianzun, and I met a tyrant, only a moment of effort, I died in his hands."

"I am not in the blue moon world? How come out again?"

Their strength is not bad, but unfortunately, their luck is too bad. For example, the late Tianzun, in the first illusion, met the tyrant. There are also more martial artists who have forgotten all the memories and become an ordinary person. They have been in the illusion for a lifetime, and they are eventually killed by others.

"A group of fools, you just entered the illusion, died in the illusion, and there is no death in reality."

"Although you are still alive, but the first test, you have lost. Next, there is no such thing as you, why should you go."

The disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land said with gloating, because they are not qualified to participate in the contest, so they are able to participate in the contest. The purpose of the Taixu Taoist is to marry the Holy Lady, instead of staying in the Holy Land. Of course, the Taixuan Taoist still gave the Tianhu Holy Land disciples ten places, but unfortunately they could not get it.


The eyes of the warriors who just came out are bright. It turns out that compared with the small life, it is no longer important to marry the saints of the nine-tailed fox family. Moreover, they have self-knowledge, and with their ability, it is impossible to enter the top 20, let alone the sacred woman.

"Little bastard, you just didn't fight with the little guys of the real dragon family. Now, let me play them again."

The second illusion of Lingdao experience, Taixuan Taoist finally put in the hand. Appearing across the road is the little holy king of the true dragon family. Before the Rainbow Road, Ling Dao and the real dragon family had a brief fight, Ling Dao understands that he is not the opponent of Xiao Shengjun.

The Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family has nine Taoist rituals, and the cultivating is the emperor created by Zulong. Zulong, one of the strongest in the wild, was a terrible horror. When the Emperor of the Supreme was sacred, he only married a king, and the prince who had eaten by Zulong did not know how much. In front of Zulong, the fairy king was weak and vulnerable.

In terms of exercises, the advantages of Lingdao are very small. If Lingdao has the supreme gold, can you enter the Qingyue world, it will be an unknown number. Of course, if the Supreme Golden Jubilee is fully open, even if Ling Dao is two small realms lower than Xiao Shengjun, he can still defeat Xiao Shengjun.

"Just because you still want to marry my niece, just dream!"

Although it is a illusion, the little sacred priest arranged by Taixu Taoist to Lingdao is almost the same as the real Little Saint. Because the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun and Lingdao hands, the Taixuan Taoist all look in the eyes, with his cultivation, the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun in front of him, there is no secret at all.

"Poor Terran, I didn't expect you to meet this Holy King again. The last time you were lucky to escape, this time, you are not so lucky."

The little saint of the true dragon family said first, if it wasn’t for the enchanting to tell the situation of Ling Dao Qingyue World in advance, I am afraid that Ling Dao thought that everything in front of him was true. Like the Tianhu Holy Land, the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family directly uses the nine roads and condenses into a sword.

What is different is that this time, the small sage of the true dragon family suddenly turned into a giant of Baizhang, holding the sword in both hands, and fiercely squatting. The knives of the knives, the knives of the sky, the sharpness of the unparalleled, directly cut the void in front of the Lingdao, as smooth as a mirror.

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