The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 91: How is he?

"Since it is a fantasy, then why should I fight with you?"

Lingdao thought of a way to start from the ground up. As long as you can explore this illusion, the small dragons in front of the real dragon can not hurt him even if they are strong. Although the Taixuan Taoist added difficulty to him, the illusion he experienced was still trained for the Tianjun warriors. If he is in the illusion of training Tian Zun, the possibility of seeing through the illusion is almost zero.

Most of the warriors come in and follow the illusion, such as defeating the opponents in the illusion, but also breaking the illusion. It is very difficult to break the illusion from the roots. Even the genius of the nine-tailed fox family is still rare. To say that a human warrior can explore the illusion, the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land absolutely do not believe.

The sword is getting closer and closer to the Lingdao, and Lingdao can only retreat. He knows that he is in the illusion. It is one thing. The little sage of the true dragon family can hurt him and even kill him. It is another matter. He can not fight with the little Saint of the true dragon family, but can not ignore the attack of the true dragon family.

"There are countless illusions in the world of Qingyue, one after another. If I can break the line, does it mean that the illusion is broken?"

His eyes went from this place to the place, but unfortunately, no abnormalities were found. Together with the formation, he is not ignorant. Unfortunately, he only knows the sword array and does not understand the magic array. In the past life, he was a genius of kendo. He was not only outstanding in swordsmanship, but also proficient in swords.

Fortunately, there is a common ground between the law and the law, the sword array and the magic array. What he needs most now is time, because the offensive of the real dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, is getting more and more fierce, and it is impossible to avoid it. The speed of the real dragon is better than that of the Kun Peng, but the realm of Xiao Shengjun is higher than that of Ling Dao. The speed of the two of them is at most half a catty.

"Why, you will only escape? Is there no courage to fight with this Holy King?"

On the face of the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, there was an angry color, because until now, his attack did not touch Lingdao. The swords that the nine roads are condensed are indeed sharp. The problem is that they can’t touch the Lingdao. I have to say that the illusion in the world of Qingyue is really too real. The true dragon family in the illusion is not like a fake.

"Unfortunately, fleeing is simply a struggle in vain!"

The overwhelming Longwei came to the Lingdao. The 500-meter-long world of heaven and earth is like hundreds of dragons, and it is on the body of Lingdao. Dragons, geniuses gathered, Xiao Shengjun can become the first day of the king except the emperor, it can be said that all aspects are extremely strong, there is no shortcoming.

Especially in terms of will, the true dragon family is not the master of the king, but it is not a star or a half. He now uses the projection of the will world to completely cover the ridge. Unless Lingdao can break his projection of the world of will, otherwise there is no way to retreat, nowhere to avoid.

"True Dragons!"

A picture scroll, slowly spread out, the dragon is across the sky, just in front of the Lingdao. Do not hide, avoid inevitable, Lingdao can only choose to resist. As long as you don't die, it is not a big deal to get hurt. Anyway, after all the injuries are gone, there is no impact.

The slashed sword of the Tao was on the body of a dragon, the scales flew, and the dragon immediately broke into two pieces. Fortunately, there is another dragon welcoming up, can not stop the sword of the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun does not matter, as long as it can slow down the speed of the real dragon family.

"Right, flawed, since there is a flaw in martial arts, then there must be flaws in the formation!"

Lingdao brows a pick, a pair of pupils slowly turned into gold. It is only for the illusion of the Tianjun martial arts, there must be flaws, as long as he finds the flaws, there is the possibility of breaking the illusion. He must now work with one heart and one mind. On the one hand, he has to deal with the small dragons of the true dragon family, and on the other hand, to find out the flaws of the magic array.

At the same time as the small dragons of the real dragon family, they are still taunting the road. Unfortunately, Lingdao seems to have not heard it. Although his sword is unparalleled, Ling Dao's true dragon illustration is also not vegetarian. The dense ancient characters are like the walls of the copper wall, and they are inexhaustible.

"Because the second illusion is just about it, you can't do it. If you know the truth, will you hate me? No, I will tell you the truth when you come out, oh..."

Thinking of Lingdao's desperate and angry look, Taixuan Taoist feels comfortable and comfortable, as if the pores under his body are all relaxed. If other warriors know the thoughts in his heart, it is estimated that they will be completely smashed, and the tyrants will secretly wear a small sneaker.

Unfortunately, Tai Xuan Dao is destined to be disappointed, because the supreme gold is really too powerful. Even if Lingdao was not fully opened, it was still in a short time to find the flaws of the magic array. Lingdao did not hesitate, and immediately began to break. Anyway, his will will not win the true dragon family, the little holy king, just used to explore the illusion.

“The Great St. Dragon!”

Lingdao Zhou’s real dragon map layer stacks, if the real dragon family Xiao Shengjun uses ordinary attacks, do not know how long it takes to hurt the Lingdao. Therefore, the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun did not hesitate to display a knife method, the fifth level of the original power turned into a bloodthirsty real dragon, flew toward Lingdao.

The pressure of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun to Lingdao is too great. Under the last resort, Lingdao had to sacrifice the Yuanyuan origin. Infinite source, like the big river to open the gate, surging, some turned into real dragons, some turned into gods, and some turned into Peng Peng, blocked in front of the Lingdao.

It’s not like a confrontation between two Heavenly Kings at the moment, but like a big beast. Yuan Shiben Yuan Ding was completely outrageous, although the beasts and beasts dissipated under the sword, but soon there will be more beasts to make up. I have cultivated the singularity of the wild, and the source is extremely majestic. Even if some of the gods see it, they must sigh.

The knife light is connected into a piece, like a demon dragon that destroys the earth. When it passes, the void collapses and the earth turns into scorched earth. The small dragon who is the size of Baizhang, Xiaoshengjun, holds the knife in both hands, squats at a faster speed, breaks through the obstacles, and reaches the front of Lingdao.

It’s not that Lingdao doesn’t want to hide, but the speed of the sword is beyond his imagination. The half of the shoulder of Lingdao, the life was smashed, the blood splashed high. The true dragon family, the little holy prince, is unsuccessful, and once again he will smash the sword. He is not in a hurry to kill the Lingdao, but wants to turn the Lingdao into a human being.

The so-called human cockroaches, not only have no hands and no feet, all limbs are broken, but also to dig their eyes, cut off the nose, lick off the ears, cut off the tongue. The true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, does not want to give Lingdao a happy, but wants to ruin the Lingdao. Although Tai Xuan Dao feels that this is a bit cruel, but this is a fantasy, it is not true.

"All right!"

Lingdao endured the pain in his body and finally broke through a flaw. In the illusion, the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, has a phantom body and the strength has dropped by 20%. Even so, the true dragon family Xiao Shengjun is still threatening for Ling Dao. After all, Ling Dao is injured and his strength is also weakened.

However, with this experience, it is much simpler to get through the other flaws. It was only the time of the three interest rates, and the second flaw was opened. The strength of the small dragon king of the true dragon family has once again declined. The true dragon illustrations displayed by Ling Dao have resisted the sword, and there is no problem.

After the 30th interest rate, Ling Dao broke through the flaws he found, and the magic array was broken. The little sage of the true dragon family became weaker and weaker, until finally, it became a small worm. After the illusion disappeared, Lingdao’s injury was healed because he was not injured. The previous one was just an illusion.

"How could this be? He will not be a descendant of the Qingyue Emperor? Or else, how could he break through the illusion?"

Even if Lingdao relied on his own strength to defeat the Xiaoshengjun of the real dragon family, Taixuan Taoist was not so surprised. Because it is too difficult to fundamentally break the illusion, it is too difficult to replace it with Lingdao. Of course, the illusion that the Taixu Taoist experience is definitely for the Taoist, and Lingdao is not a level.

"No, he is a human race. There is no bloodline of the Fox family. It is impossible to have anything to do with the Qingyue Emperor. Is it because Xiao Xiao told him? Or is it wrong, Xiao Xiao has not entered the Qingyue world, how can he know how? Exploring the illusion?"

When Taixuan Tao was thinking about it, Lingdao had already experienced the third fantasy. I have to say that Lingdao’s luck is indeed very poor. In the third illusion, Taixuan Taoist did not intervene at all. The warrior standing in front of him was Lin Rizhen. Although the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family is very strong, Lingdao understands that Lin Rizhen is stronger.

Fortunately, the previous experience, let Lingdao understand how to explore the illusion. Otherwise, with Lin Rikai, he only has to lose. He did not talk nonsense with Lin Ri, but concentrated on finding the flaws of the magic array. Soon, he broke the third illusion and entered the fourth illusion.

"You said, who is the first to break nine illusions?"

"Do you still ask this question? It must be our big brother!"

"Although your big brother is very powerful, I think that the first one to break the nine illusions will be the true dragon family."

"The true dragon family is unparalleled in body and the will is very general. Therefore, I believe that the first one to break the nine illusions is definitely the sacred family. After all, the sacred family has the strongest war."

Outside the warriors, they are staring at the gateway to the world of Qingyue. They really want to know who is the first one to be able to practice in Qingyue. However, the warriors who appeared on the first small mirror made them completely dumbfounded. It is not a young genius of the fox sacred place, nor is it the true celestial family and the sacred family, but the human race boy, Lingdao!

"How could it be him?"

"How could it be him?"

"Who can't be him?"

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