The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 92: How is it again?

"How did he do it? Once and twice, it can be said that it is luck, but it can be broken for the second time. Is it too fake?"

The reason why the Taixu Taoist did not intervene later was because he wanted to know that Lingdao relied on what broke the illusion. Unfortunately, until Lingdao broke the ninth illusion and entered the Qingyue Mirror, he still had no discovery. It was not that he was ignorant, but that he did not pay attention to the eyes of Lingdao.

The feeling of Lingdao to Taixu Taoist is like knowing the illusion in the world of Qingyue. The problem is that the first time Lingdao came to the fox sacred place, the first time into the Qingyue world, Tai Xuandao master puzzling. If Lingdao is not in the Qingyue world, the Taixuan Taoist really wants to control the Lingdao and let Lingdao tell the real reason.

"Who is he? Why don't I know?"

"Who can tell me why even the sacred and true dragons of the sacred world are not as fast as a teenager?"

The warrior who knows Lingdao is, after all, a minority. In the first place, Lingdao is not a demon warrior. Secondly, he is only a heavenly king. If he had defeated the extension of the sea first, and killed him, he would not know that there were not a few warriors who knew him. Now that he first broke nine illusions, it naturally caught the attention of a number of warriors.

"I really have no face to say, because he is a human warrior, and only the middle of the world."

"What are you talking about? Just kidding? A man in the middle of the day, the speed of breaking nine illusions, is faster than Tianzun?"

"Although I saw it with my own eyes, I still don't believe it. When did the Terran Heavenly King hit this level?"

After learning about the situation of Lingdao, one warrior and one warrior were stunned. Their first reaction was to lie about the martial art of Lingdao identity. However, this is the case. They believe that they don’t believe it. Lingdao is indeed the middle-class warrior of the Terran.

Although the Terran is dominated by the heavens and the earth, many of the Demon Warriors still look down on the Terran Warriors. Now the Tianjun of a Terran is even better than the geniuses of their Yaozu. They certainly cannot accept it, especially the warriors of the true dragon and the holy family.

"There must be a problem with the gateway to the Green Moon World, or else..."

His words have not been finished yet. In the second small mirror on the portal, the figure of the holy family to the heavenly statue emerges. Then, the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land appeared on the third small mirror, and then the fourth mirror showed the image of the true dragon to the heavenly statue.

To Tianzun, it is almost the limit of Tianzun, because no **** is a legend. It is normal for the sacred ancestors of the sacred sects and the sacred sects of the true dragons to break the nine illusions in front of the sacred kings. After all, the illusion of the sacred warriors and the celestial warriors is different.

The tyrants of the fox sacred place can break the nine illusions in the first step of the true dragon family. There is nothing strange about it. The nine-tailed fox is known for its will, and the real dragon is unparalleled. If you want to break the illusion, the will is obviously more important than the flesh. What's more, the tyrants of the fox sacred place have come to the world of Qingyue before, and have more experience than the sacred **** of the true dragon family.

However, some illusions are confrontation with other warriors. With the ability of the true dragon family to the heavenly lord, there are very few who can beat him. The speed at which he broke nine illusions was more than the sacredness of the sacred family to the heavenly lord and the fox sacred land. It is understandable that as far as Lingdao is in front of him, it is purely an accident.

"Luck, it must be luck, because in the Qingyue world, the illusion of experience is random. The luck is poor, the illusion of experience is very difficult, the luck is good, and the illusion of experience is very difficult."

A disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land just finished, and he got the approval of most of the military. In particular, the warrior who saw Lingdao’s shots felt that he said it makes sense. Because of the strength of Lingdao, encountering the early Tianjun and the mid-term Tianjun, it is completely spike, even the average peak of the king, it is difficult to block the road.

Only the Taixuan Taoist understands that it is not the luck of Lingdao, but the way of Lingdao’s illusion, which is different from other warriors. The opponent that Lingdao encounters in the illusion will have no effect on him unless he can kill him. However, he is not interested in telling the truth of other warriors, and they are guessing.

If you break nine illusions, you can enter the first space of Qingyue Mirror, and practice it for ten days, and only one day outside. Lingdao did not delay the time and directly cultivated it. In the latter comparison, he is not clear. Anyway, efforts to improve the cultivation are definitely correct.

Although he killed the godsend, he is not the first day, he is stronger than him, and there are many people. If you can break through to the end of the Tianjun period, it will be different. In the middle of the Tianjun period, he is not the opponent of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun. In the later period of Tianjunjing, he will certainly be able to overcome the Xiaolongjun of the true dragon family.

However, I can't eat hot tofu, and cultivation must be gradual and inexhaustible. By tempering the current realm to the limit and breaking through to the next realm, there will be no unstable situation. Anyway, the first test, in a short time, I am afraid that it will not end.

Because the Taixuan Taoist had already said that the first contest was to select the top 20, the holy kings were chosen five, the Tianzun warriors were chosen five, the Tianjun warriors were chosen five, and the kings were chosen five. There are a lot of warriors coming in. It is definitely not an easy task to eliminate them one by one.

When Lingdao came out of the first space of Qingyue Mirror, it was once again experienced the illusion of the Tianjun martial arts. With the previous experience, it is not difficult for Lingdao to explore the illusion. Unfortunately, after he broke a fantasy, he was in trouble.

"I don't want you to fight with other warriors, but let you experience the illness and death of ordinary people, without the memory of the present, I see how you break the illusion."

Tai Xuandao’s main insidious smile, one day, enough to make him think of the way to deal with Lingdao. The tenth illusion that Lingdao experienced, he did not do anything because he wanted to paralyze Lingdao and let Lingdao care. As a result, Lingdao wants to break the eleventh illusion, it will be even harder.

In the eleventh illusion, Lingdao is the son of a great member of the court. However, when he was twenty years old, his father committed a major crime and wanted to connect with the nine ethnic groups. Now, he has no strength in his hands, and he can't even beat a strong man, let alone the officers and men of the court.

Soon after, Lingdao was taken to the execution ground, waiting to be beheaded. If he dies under the knife of the executioner, it means failure. The first game is nothing compared to his test. Taixuan Taoist thinks that the overall situation has been fixed, and Lingdao has already returned to the sky, and is destined to be eliminated.

However, what the Taixuan Taoist did not expect was that the illusion suddenly disappeared when the knives of the hangman were only one foot away from the back neck of Lingdao. Tai Xuan Dao did not know what happened, and Ling Dao broke the eleventh illusion. Could it be that there is a problem with the illusion?

The Qingyue world is not unveiled by the emperor, but there are too many illusions inside. Occasionally there is a problem, but it is acceptable. Tai Xuan Dao did not be discouraged, but let Ling Dao enter the next illusion. At least the illusion of the past, the front and the middle are perfect, and there is a flaw in the last moment.

In the twelfth illusion, Lingdao is the son of a farmer. Because of the crush of the landlord, he often does not eat. At the age of 18, the face is yellow and thin, and the body is the same as the 14-year-old child of the big family. Just this year, the landlord once again increased the intensity of exploitation. He has not eaten for several days.

"Hey, let you lie to me, let you hang me, starve you a little bastard!"

The strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land, who was next to the Taixu Taoist, looked strange, because the Taixuan Taoist suddenly laughed. Then, the head of Taixuan Tao was the song of the nine-tailed fox family, and the mood was obviously excellent. Although they really want to know the reason, they are afraid of affecting the Taixuan Taoist, so they have no problem.

Just when Tai Xuandao thought that Lingdao was about to fail, the illusion disappeared again. Taixuan Tao is awkward, a illusion has problems, can be accepted, two illusions have problems, and it is still two consecutive Lingdao experiences, it is a bit abnormal.

Later, the illusion that Taixuan Taoist arranged for Lingdao was still a type before. Whenever he thinks that Lingdao will die, the illusion will disappear inexplicably. Later, the Taixuan Taoist had been numb, even though Lingdao was going to die in the illusion, he was not excited at all, because he knew that things would always turn around at the last moment.

"There are more and more small mirrors on the left, and it is quite a lot to be able to break the nine illusions. I don't know, in the first small mirror on the right, who will appear."

Lingdao practiced for ten days in the Qingyue Mirror, and it took a whole day outside. Although the speed of many warriors breaking the illusion is far less than that of Lingdao, the time of day is enough to give them the qualification to enter the first space of Qingyue Mirror. However, when they practiced in the Qingyue Mirror, Ling Dao was already breaking the illusion behind him.

"The first time that the Terran boy broke nine illusions, it was pure luck. Now there is absolutely nothing for him. I think the first one that broke 18 illusions is definitely the sacred sage of the sacred family. Because he broke The speed of the nine illusions is faster than that of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land and the true dragon family."

"I don't think differently from you, because I feel that when I broke the first nine illusions, our big brother didn't go all out. For the first time, it was the sacred leader who led the way, but this time, it must be Our big brother wins, don't believe that you are walking."

"Don't argue, look at it, inside the first small mirror on the right, there is a warrior! My God, how is it?"

"As for this surprise? Isn't it the first to break 18 illusions? I will see who it is, Scorpio, how is it?"

"Who, who, what does he mean?"

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