The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 93: The second pit I

In the first small mirror on the right, the appearing warrior is naturally Lingdao. The first warrior who broke nine illusions was Lingdao, the first warrior who broke 18 illusions, or Lingdao. The demon warrior can't accept it, and the Terran warrior can't accept it either, because Lingdao only has a middle period.

I also decided that the first 18 illusions that were broken were definitely not the enchanting martial arts. I only felt the pain in my cheeks. Lingdao used the facts to slap their slaps. Whether it is the tyrant of the fox sacred place, the sacred sacred of the true dragon family, or the sacred sage of the sacred family, it must be behind the lingdao.

"Is it hurting him, or is he helping him? If he is not, can he not be the first?"

Tai Xuan Dao always hates to slap himself, although he does not know how the illusion disappears, but it must be the ghost of Lingdao. The same type of illusion, as long as Lingdao finds a way to crack, it will become simple, but he is still stupid to arrange a type of illusion for Lingdao.

Looking at the Lingdao, the second heavy space of Qingyue Mirror, Tai Xuan Road Lord is not angry with one place. He is not a gas of life, but a life of his own. One day outside, the second heavy space of Qingyue Mirror is one hundred days, Lingdao is likely to break through to the end of Tianjunjing.

Normally, it is impossible to break through in the middle of the Tianjun period that Lingdao broke through eight days ago. However, the second space of Qingyue Mirror gave Lingdao more than three months. Lingdao does not lack combat experience, and there is no lack of understanding of Taoism. The only thing missing is time.

Even if Ling Dao has no past life memories, he will not have any obstacles from the mid-term of Tianjun to the end of Tianjun, because his other body, the sword magic is already the late Tianjun. The two body memories are connected, and as long as there is enough accumulation in Lingdao, the breakthrough is a matter of course.

"I really want to know, is he a disciple of the emperor's power, the Imperial Palace or the Imperial Palace, or the Imperial Palace?"

"Not necessarily, there may be disciples of the Qingdi Palace, the Red Emperor Palace, the White Emperor Palace, and the Black Emperor Palace. As for the Yellow Emperor Palace, it is impossible."

"Don't just stare at the Three Royal Palaces and the Four Emperors' Palaces. Other democrats are equally likely to have peerless geniuses."

No matter how they guess, they certainly can't guess the correct answer, because many demon warriors don't know Lingjia. Compared with all the forces in the three thousand territories, it is the shortest time for Lingjia to become the emperor. Lingjia, can be said to start from scratch, mainly relying on the emperor of the Emperor.

The eight heavenly lords standing next to the enchanting are even more stunned. Although they don’t believe in the enchanting, the Lingdao’s coming is not big. The enchanting did not deceive them. Perhaps Lingdao was indeed a disciple of the four powers, but later became a disciple of the emperor because of his talent.

"Look, the second small mirror appears to be a woman."

The tyrants of the fox sacred place are male, the sacred lord of the true dragon family is male, and the sacred sage of the sacred family is still male. Since the second warrior who broke 18 illusions is a woman, then certainly not the three of them. However, knowing her is less than knowing Lingdao.

The second woman who broke 18 illusions was none other than the teacher of Lingdao. Wei was invincible. Then, the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land appeared in the third small mirror. He was only a few slower than Wei Wei. However, slow is slow, Wei invincible is second, he can only rank third.

"I know her, she is the younger sister of the previous class, they are from a force."

"To say a power of the emperor, and occasionally a peerless genius, it is possible that two consecutive geniuses will emerge. It is not normal. You know, they broke the speed of eighteen illusions, than the real dragon. The family and the holy family are even faster."

"No, the illusion they experienced is not the same. There is no comparability at all. Although you may not believe it, I still think that the human race is lucky. The first time, the second time, or else, why is he ranked? The first one?"

The demon warriors discussed fiercely, but the Terran warriors did not interject. It is not that the Terran warriors have no idea, but they feel that Ling Dao and Wei Invincible have long faces for them. Lingdao and Wei invincible, a first, a second, can be said to play the demon warriors.

"But it, the illusion behind, Laozi does not intervene, the more you want to be more wrong!"

Taixuandao’s main board was on the face, and a pair of others owed him the look of Lingshi. The strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land who is next to him is completely incomprehensible. Just now, the Taixu Taoist is still happy to change something, and it will change in a blink of an eye. They certainly can't think of the emotional change of the Taixu Taoist because of a Tianjun warrior.

Another day passed, and the doubts of Tai Xuandao were that Qingyuejing actually shook. In the second space of Qingyue Mirror, Lingdao practiced to a crucial moment. Behind him, it seems that a world has emerged, and countless beasts are rushing.

"His exercises... his exercises..."

The time flow rate in the Qingyue Mirror is different from the outside. The Taixuan Taoist seems to be giving the military power to the great emperors. In fact, they are swearing at their exercises. Originally, the attention of the Taixu Taoist was on the body of the great tribes such as the true dragon family, the holy sect, and the Kunpeng family.

Because the practice of the Han nationality, the Shengyi family and the Kunpeng family can be compared with the practice of the nine-tailed fox family. Referring to their exercises, it is most likely to let the Taixu Taoist go further. Even if it is a human warrior, the first consideration of the Taixu Taoist is the disciple of the Three Royal Palaces and the Four Emperors.

If it weren’t for the cultivation of Ling Dao, it would trigger the vibration of the Qingyue Mirror, and the Taixu Taoist would not care too much about him. I never imagined that the practice of Ling Dao’s cultivation was so terrible. The real dragon is unparalleled, and the world is extremely fast, and the sacred war is strong. However, their exercises are completely ridiculous. There is no rude martial arts, and there is no sacred magic.

"What is the practice? It is not like the Imperial Palace. It is not like the Imperial Palace. It is not like the Imperial Palace. Because his practice is completely the style of our Yaozu. It is difficult for him to get it." Is the inheritance of our Yaozu?"

It’s quite ridiculous that Xian Jin is an era. Only one warrior can practice. It’s normal for Tai Xuan Dao to recognize it. Lingdao’s girl in the wilderness is different, because she is very knowledgeable. Although her realm is not too high, her insights are not comparable to Taixuan.

Tai Xuan Dao’s words are not to be said, but it is the practice of stealing Ling Dao. What made him squatted was that he had just paid attention to Lingdao, and Lingdao left the second space of Qingyue Mirror. Fortunately, in the Qingyue mirror, the method of Lingdao was printed and he can still practice.

"Maybe, his practice is the most likely to make me improve!"

When I think of this, the Taixu Taoist is sitting down, and the single-minded cultivation is quite ridiculous. Of course, the Qingyue Mirror is only a ridiculous singer. The cultivation and experience of the etheric Taoist masters, cultivation is quite ridiculous, and the speed is not comparable to Lingdao.

Because of this, the Taixu Taoist only fell down. It’s quite ridiculous that Xian Jin’s era can only be cultivated by one warrior. If Ling Dao is not dead, it means that other warriors cannot cultivate. The Taixuan Taoist had not had a good time yet, and a huge palm fell from the sky and fell on his head.

"Who dares to attack Laozi? Don't you die?"

Taixuan Dao suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and took a shot toward the sky. However, his attack did not affect the huge palm at all. It is like throwing a stone into the sea. He did not know who was attacking him. However, he knew that this strong man was not good.

The huge palms are covered with ancient words, like a star, crushing the void. Tai Xuan Dao once again shot, a pair of fists, from top to bottom, like two peaks, hit and go. Endless roads, all over the sky, obscuring the sky and blocking the entire battlefield.

No matter whether it is Tianjun or the Holy King, he can't stop the aftermath of his battle with others. If he doesn't pay attention, he doesn't know how many military people are broken. Most of the presenters are disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. As the younger brother of the Lord of the Heavenly Fox, he certainly does not want any tragedy.


The body of the Taixu Taoist Lord fell from the air and squatted on the ground. The ground of the demon temple is full of defensive arrays, but at this moment, one after another defensive bursts. The warrior who lives in the demon sanctuary, the strongest is the holy king, the confrontation between the Taixuan Taoist and the huge palm, beyond the ability of the defensive large array.

The huge palm is like a territory of the heavens, and the pressure of Taixuan is not breathless. One after another, an ancient word, squatting on the body of the Taixuan Taoist, the Taixuan Taoist only feels painful. It is not too mysterious that the Lord does not want to fight back, but is a densely-written ancient word, as if it is branded on the body of Taixuan Taoist, and sealed his palace.

"Who are you? Dare to deal with the lord in the fox sacred place, want to die?"

Tai Xuandao understands that the existence of the shot is much stronger than him. The first thing he thought of was the father of the transcendental master. However, he had seen the father of the transcendental master, and this palm was not a way. The second thing he thought of was his sister, but this palm should belong to a man.

The reason why the fox sacred place was lifted out was because the Tianhu Holy Land had two emperors sitting in the town. If there were not many warriors present, he really wanted to say that he was the younger brother of the Lord of the Holy Land. No way, I can't beat others, I have to use the name of the Lord of the Holy Land to scare others.

"It must be his method of practicing the law. Otherwise, how is it good, there are other warriors to deal with me?" Tai Xuan Dao wanted to take Lingdao out and slammed it on the floor. "Damn little bastard, pit me again." The second time!"

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