The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Reinventing Tai Xuan

In fact, in the Tian Yao domain, Ling Dao has seen Tai Xuan Tao. At that time, the owner of Taixuandao wanted to use the name of Lingdao to **** the tower of the emperor. It is a pity that the Lingdao newspaper is not easy to be a day. The name of the elders of the Tianxue family is too stupid to be in the face of the demon sect of the genius. It is not easy to say that it is not easy.

Yes, the Taixuan Taoist is the black robe warrior who snatched the beast tower. Because the Tianhu Holy Land is too close to the Tianluo domain, he certainly does not want the strong people of the Tian Yao family to find him trouble. The fox sacred land is a big force that has been passed down from the wilderness to the present, but the genius is not weak.

The "grievance" of Taixuan Taoist is completely self-seeking. For the first time, he wants to use the name of Lingdao to hang other warriors. The second time is his practice of stealing Lingdao. Because Lingdao did not harm his thoughts at all, he jumped into the fire pit himself, and dumbly ate Huanglian, and he could not tell.

"Not your practice, who made you cultivate?"

The ancient voice, which got into the ears of the Taixu Taoist, confirmed his guess. He sneaked into the practice of the true dragon family, and also sneaked into the practice of the Qipeng family. He also sneaked into the practice of the sacred family. There was no such thing as a slogan. Only by practicing the martial arts, only problems occurred.

The huge palm did not mean to stop, but was pressed again. The Taoist palace of the Taixu Taoist Lord was sealed and could only rely on the flesh and the will. The physical strength is not the strength of the nine-tailed fox family, but he still tried it first. If you rely on physical strength, you can hold it, it is best.

In any case, the demon Tai Xuan is also a Taoist, the physical strength is much stronger than the Holy King. However, the facts made him desperate, because his strength and the huge palm are completely different from the ants and the dragons. For a moment, he was pushed into the ground by a huge palm.

"Do not panic, we help you!"

The Tianhu Holy Land, which is next to the Taixu Taoist, has been shot, not to mention them. Even the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land can see the unfavorable situation of the Taixu Taoist. Some of them use the martial arts, some use the will to attack, and some mobilize the weapons, in an attempt to rescue the Taixuan Taoist.

What makes them stunned is that when the Taoist martial arts distance is three feet away from the huge palm, they will dissipate one after another, and the will attack will be the same. The situation of the road weapon is better. It is not that the weapon can damage the huge palm, but the weapon is just being bombed.

"Too strong?"

"Is it the big man?"

"Nothing, our Tianhu Holy Land is not without the Emperor!"

The sister of Taixuandao is the great emperor, and the father of the transcendental master is also the great emperor. They don’t have a huge palm, and there is no way for the two emperors. It is a pity that until now, the father of the transcendental Taoist did not intervene at all. As for the sister of Taixuan Taoist, he was retreating.

Such a big movement, the transcendental Taoist can not know. However, when I saw the Lord Xuantu’s Lord eating, the Taoist lord not only did not have the meaning of helping, but also laughed at the disaster. It is simply impossible to expect him to ask his father for help. He can't wait for the Lord to die in the hands of others.

To be the master of the next Tianhu Holy Land, the biggest obstacle is that the Taoist Taoist. Although he has the emperor's support, but the Taixu Taoist also has, he does not have much advantage. If the main body of Taixu Tao is dead, then the next Lord of the Holy Land is determined to be him.

"Can't use the will to attack, my current choice, only one!"

The Taixu Taoist did not hesitate to directly abolish the wild sacred spirits that had just been cultivated, and directly erased the memory of the ridiculously ridiculous genius. Face is important, and no small life is important. If you take a soft, recognize a slap, you can escape, and he certainly won't care about the face.

"The death penalty is exempt, and the crime is not to escape!"

The palm of the huge palm has emerged with eight characters. The Taixuan Taoist has not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, but he feels dizzy. Then, on the body of Tai Xuan Dao, there was another crack. If he is not a Taoist, I am afraid that it has already fallen apart and cannot withstand the bombardment of a huge palm.

The pain of the flesh, the Taixu Taoist can fully endure, the key is that his will world has also suffered. If a strong person can see his world of will, he will find countless cracks in it. The huge palms bombarded not only his body, but also his will.

After a quarter of an hour, the huge palms were completely dispersed. Tai Xuan Dao is like a dead dog, lying on the ground, bloody. Followed by the Taixu Taoist, the fox sacred strong, quickly ran to the side of Taixuandao, and also to the Tao Xuan Dao to take the Tao medicine, but also to the Taixuan Road master transmission.

"The little **** of the slaying, I am dead!"

There is no problem in stealing martial arts from all major races. Only on Lingdao, Tai Xuandao is mostly angry and angry. It is a pity that he also understands that the fault is not in Lingdao, and this loss has been eaten. This bitterness has been suffered. As for what will happen behind the Lingdao, he does not want to control it.

"so tired!"

Obviously it is a bad road, but the result has helped Lingdao. Don't say that his current state is not suitable for the whole road, even if he is not injured, perhaps it will not be difficult. Because of the Tianluo domain, he did not target Lingdao twice. Now, think about it, it is a bit too much.

"Hey, how are you?"

The enchanting care asked, in any case, the Taixuan Taoist is his embarrassment, the only relative. Tai Xuan Dao turned his eyes, because one after another, the warrior put his attention on him. The way he looks now is really the wolf to the extreme. The more the warriors he sees, the more he feels shameful.

"Nothing is okay, don't worry." Tai Xuandao quickly succumbed to the pain, climbed up from the ground, stood straight, and a pair of scorpions swept from one after another, and said evilly, "What happened just now, you It’s best to rot in your stomach, otherwise, even if you chase it to the ends of the earth, Lao Tzu wants you to fly away!”

What happened outside, Lingdao did not know, he had already broken a full twenty-two illusions. There is no Taixuan Taoist chaos, although the illusion he experienced is irregular, but some are super simple. Now, when you are really stupid, you will be lucky when you are lucky. If you are lucky, you will be slow.

The difficulty of the illusion is indeed random, but the nineteenth illusion to the twenty-seventh illusion, on the whole, is definitely more difficult than the previous eighteen illusions. It is like the illusion that Lingdao is now experiencing. The warrior that appears inside is the emperor of the peak of Tianjun.

Ling Dao’s current strength has improved compared to when he first came in. Therefore, he did not rush to find the flaws of the illusion, but he was beaten with the emperor of the peak of the heavens. If he knows about the Yaozu, he will know that the emperor who is with him is the first holy king of the Kunpeng family.

The world is extremely fast, Lingdao finally saw it, even if he is very confident in speed, it is still slower than the Emperor of the Pengpeng family. Fortunately, Lingdao's shot speed, to get a quicker point, so pulled back the disadvantage of moving speed. The real advantage of the Emperor of the Peng Peng family is that his way is more than Ling Dao.

They had a full battle for three hundred rounds, and Lingdao was defeated. It is not necessary to continue to fight. Therefore, Ling Dao has used the flaws of the magic array to weaken the emperor of the Kunpeng family, thus blasting the Emperor of the Peng Peng family. It is not that Lingdao is weaker than the Emperor of the Pengpeng family, but that he has never used any powerful martial arts from beginning to end, just relying on ordinary moves.

There are more and more warriors coming out of the world of Qingyue, and when they see the rankings on the gateway to the world of Qingyue, they are all incredible. Whether it is the portal on the left or the portal on the right, the first small mirror is the Lingdao.

The Heavenly Kings, the Heavenly Warriors, and the Holy Kings, there are very few people who know Lingdao, and Tianjun Wuwu knows more about Lingdao. Some have seen Lingdao defeated Tuohai, and some have seen Lingdao killing Tian Tianci, and others have seen Lingdao and Zhenlong's little Saint.

"Why is he the fastest in breaking the illusion? Is it difficult to be the sacred priest of the nine-tailed fox family, and teach him what method?"

"It is possible that the saint of the nine-tailed fox family can help him rob the hall, and naturally help him build an advantage in the first game."

"I thought he was a great character. It was just a soft meal."

The demon warriors don’t speak well, they can understand them, because they are at the bottom of their hearts. The saints of the nine-tailed fox family favored a human race teenager, and they simply could not accept it. Unfortunately, they can't change the idea of ​​a nine-tailed fox family. The enchanting is to be close to Lingdao and ignore them.

Fortunately, it is not the enchanting, but the enchanting sister. Otherwise, they have no hope at all, and Lingdao is basically default. If they know that the relationship between the enchantress and Ling Dao is closer, I don’t know if I will vomit blood three liters and die on the spot.

"Nothing, from the 19th illusion to the twenty-seventh illusion, it is true. Even if our sacred teacher taught him anything, he can't learn."

"Yes, because the nineteenth illusion to the twenty-seventh illusion has changed too much, the sacred woman is not a life repair, I will not know what illusion he will encounter."

The disco of the fox sacred place said vowed that the first 18 illusions are not the confrontation of the military, but the death and death of ordinary people. The nineteenth illusion to the twenty-seventh illusion, not only the type of the front, but also the test of seven emotions. If you are a little careless, you may be indulged and unable to extricate yourself.

"No, the first to break twenty-seven illusions, I am afraid he is still. Because he has broken twenty-six illusions, other warriors can't compare with him. Even if they are two sacred, they will break two. There are eleven illusions."

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