The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 97: unbelievable

Lingdao has a mirror in front of it. Unlike ordinary mirrors, it is not the Lingdao that appears in the mirror, but the trajectory of the Lingdao. Infuriating is only going to run for a big Sunday. Lingdao is the place where something is wrong. The route of the exercises in the mirror is different from his two places.

After he carefully changed the different places, he immediately felt comfortable and full of strength. The time flow rate of the fourth heavy space and the third heavy space of the Qingyue Mirror is exactly the same, except that the fourth heavy space can reflect the shortage of the military. Xin Xin, he got the guidance of the Emperor of the Happy, or else, I don’t know how many different places there will be.

It can be said that the benefits of the fourth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror to the military are far greater than the front three spaces. The young warriors who have cultivated to the heavenly kingdom are not short of a few months, because their longevity is very long. As long as there is no accident, there is no problem for a few thousand years.

Of course, there are limits to the shortage of the martial artists. For example, Lin Rizhen’s shortcomings, Qingyue Mirror’s fourth heavy space can’t do anything. As far as the eyes are concerned, even the father of Lingdao, the emperor, is still inferior to Lin Rizhen. This Lin Rizhen is definitely not a descendant of the Qing Emperor, but a no-devil.

"There are problems with the exercises, martial arts, and certainly there are problems."

Lingdao will be ridiculously ridiculously running nine great days, ensuring the same as in the mirror, it is the exercise of his own martial arts. The martial arts that had been pointed out by the Emperor of the Supreme Court was okay, and Yuan Shilong Wang Quan, who was only created by him, certainly had many problems. After leaving the world of Qingyue, I don’t know what to wait for him. The more strength he has, the better.

Tai Xuandao did not think that the master had the ability to break thirty-six illusions, and one of them was still how he was not pleasing to the eye. Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, just as before, only to Lingdao and Lin Riqi an hour of time.

However, at an hour outside, the fourth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror is more than 80 days old, and it is completely enough to be reborn. Although Ling Dao defeated the Tuo of the Hegemonic family and killed the Tianzhu family, he did not feel that he had played invincible. What's more, his competitors are still esteemed, and there is more than one.

"Thirty-six illusions, thinking about it is their limit, to say that they can break forty-five illusions, and one hundred people do not believe."

I don't know how many years, no military can break forty-five illusions. Although the performance of Ling Dao and Lin Riqi exceeded his expectations, it stopped here. The last time I entered the fifth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror was not the other warrior, but the sister of Taixuan Taoist, and now the owner of the Tianhu Holy Land.

If Lin Rizhen has a heart to break through forty-five illusions, it is actually not very difficult. However, he does not have this interest. Anyway, with his current achievements, I can definitely pass the first test, which is enough. Qingyue Mirror is useful to other warriors. For him, it is like a chicken rib.

Therefore, in the thirty-seventh illusion, Lin Rizhen deliberately failed and was expelled from the Qingyue world. At this time, in the Qingyue world, there is only one Lingdao. The fourth heavy space in the world of Qingyue made Lingdao taste the sweetness, so he also wanted to enter the fifth space of Qingyuejing.

"There has never been a human warrior who can break the forty-five illusions of the blue moon world. So, we will wait patiently. It will not take long before the human race boy will come out."

"A sad human race boy, he certainly does not know, if it is ruined to break too many illusions, it is likely to lead to insanity and the danger of getting mad."

"If he is a big man in the world, he will become a fool. I don't know if their Terran warriors are still laughing."

A group of warriors rushed into the world of Qingyue. As a result, a human race boy took the lead, and the aristocratic boy was only in the middle of the world. After all, Lingdao broke through to the late days of Tianjun, only the Taixuan Taoist knows. They feel that their faces are dull, and naturally they can’t wait to curse Lingdao.

The Terran martial artists originally wanted to refute, but after seeing the demon martial artists' unsightly eyes, they broke into the stomach with what they wanted to say. They and Ling Dao are not relatives, and naturally they will not take risks for Lingdao. The demon warriors occupy an absolute number of advantages, and they are still careful.

"Even if you are stupid, he will not be stupid." Wei invincible swiftly swept the demon martial artists who had just spoken, threatened with a word, "Whoever dares to say his bad words, I will tear Rotten his mouth!"

Some Terran warriors are afraid, and some Terran warriors do not want to get into trouble. Wei Invincible only wants to give Lingdao a head. If in the Terran territory, Wei invincible has already shot. Unfortunately, now in the Tianhu Holy Land, if she does too much, maybe she will be tiring.

The demon martial artists who had previously said that they were strong had closed their mouths. The true dragons and the sacred sects of the sacred ancestors provoked Wei invincible, and they could not afford it. However, the true dragon family and the sacred family of the celestial respect, will not be bored to satirize a mid-term military.

The thirty-seventh illusion to the forty-fifth illusion is even more difficult than the previous thirty-six illusions. For example, in the thirty-ninth illusion, Lingdao became a demon warrior. The thing he had to do was to slaughter the Terran martial arts, but he still remembered that he was a personal warrior.

Another example is the forty-first fantasy. He is an unbeaten prince. Not only does his brother want him to die, but the queen also wants his life. After thousands of hardships, he finally defeated his brother. After removing the queen, he discovered that the biggest enemy was his father.

Also, in the forty-second illusion, he lost his reason because he got a magical soldier, became a slave of the magic soldier, and eventually killed his parents and children. When he recovered his mind, he almost collapsed and once wiped his neck.

The forty-fourth illusion is simple and rude, because he has encountered nine enemies, all of them, and they are not weaker than the little sages of the real dragons. Although the strength of Lingdao is much higher than before, but it is still impossible for him to defeat the nine true dragons.

"No? Is he really able to break forty-five illusions?"

Tai Xuan Dao’s eyes widened, because Ling Dao could break into the forty-fifth illusion as long as he broke the forty-fourth illusion. Once Lingdao breaks the forty-fifth illusion, you can enter the fifth space of Qingyue Mirror. The fourth heavy space is to make up for the shortcomings of the exercises and martial arts, and the fifth heavy space is to enhance the will of the warriors.

He did not tell the outsiders about the situation inside, because it would only damage the majesty of the fox land. The Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land did not qualify for the fourth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror. However, a human race boy might enter the fifth space of Qingyue Mirror.

“Why are the Terran teenagers still not coming out?”

This demon warrior would like to say that Lingdao is not dead inside, but unfortunately, he only said half, it is a murderous feeling. Fortunately, he responded quickly, but he didn't say a word in the back. It was all rotten in his stomach. Otherwise, he may have died in the hands of Wei invincible, because Wei is invincible, he is just a heavenly monarch.

Originally, Wei was indifferent in his heart and worried a little. After the demon warrior said it, she was even more worried. Even if she is a tyrant, when she comes out, she still adjusts for an hour, and then she forgets everything she has experienced in the illusion. Lingdao is a natural world, and there are too many illusions. It is really possible to have an accident.

"I must take him down and take his body. Whether it is the flesh or the will, he is more outstanding than the descendants of the Qing emperor I have now. I used to be unable to deal with you, but now it is different, even if There is a great emperor to protect you, I still have a way, you can't escape my palm."

Lin Rizhen stared at the gateway to the Qingyue world. To be precise, he stared at the mirror in front of the portal. Two mirrors, one on his own and the other on the road. Last time in the western part of the demon sanctuary, Lingdao did not enter his hall, he did not have the opportunity to do it. Because outside, it is likely to be seen by other warriors.


At this time, the two large mirrors in front of the portal were split. The huge portal exudes dazzling light, a figure that appears in the eyes of all warriors. There is only Lingdao in the world of Qingyue. He is not Lingdao. Who else?

"Don't you..."

"How many years of martial arts in our fox sacred place can break forty-five illusions, and now let a human martial artist do it?"

"Even if I saw it with my own eyes, I still don't believe that the Terran Warrior may be more than our nine-tailed fox in the will?"

The warriors of other forces may not understand what is going on, and the warriors of the Tianhu Holy Land are like ghosts. Lingdao was the first to break nine illusions. They were really surprised. Lingdao was the first to break 18 illusions. They were equally astonished. Lingdao broke thirty-six illusions and they were shocked.

Now, Lingdao has broken out 45 illusions, they can't believe it at all, and they don't want to believe it. The nine-tailed fox family has the strongest will, from the wilderness period. Unexpectedly, today, a human race boy, using their facts to swollen their cheeks, pumping high.

"You mean, he broke the forty-five illusions, which led to the current situation?"

The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family can no longer be underestimated, because Lingdao not only did what they could not do, but also left them behind. Thirty-six illusions, for him, it is already difficult to climb the sky, forty-five illusions, he can't even think about it.

"He must not be a human warrior. You should not join hands to lie to us. In fact, he is a nine-tailed fox family, right?"

"Even when the Taoist sacred landlord is young, he can't break forty-five illusions, how can a human race prince break?"

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