The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 98: King will

The fifth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror has not come in for a long time. Even the Taixuan Taoist and the transcendental Taoist have not broken 45 illusions at once. Therefore, the fifth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror can give the military a great advantage. Not only the military of other forces do not know, they also do not know.

"No mirror?"

The fourth heavy space allowed Ling Dao to taste the sweetness. I thought that the fifth heavy space also had a mirror. Who knows nothing inside. If you come here, then come, just like the three-fold space in front, you can calm down and practice. On top of his head, there is a huge nine-tailed fox illusion, but unfortunately, he did not find it.

It was quite ridiculous that Xian Jin slowly worked, and there was a bond between the huge nine demon foxes and Ling Dao. If a strong person observes it carefully, it will be found that the nine-tailed fox illusion is constantly getting smaller, because the willpower of the nine-tailed fox is condensed into the will world of Lingdao.

In a short period of time, Lingdao did not notice it. However, after three days, Lingdao found something wrong. The growth of willpower is faster than before, and several times faster. I think that the Green Moon World was opened by the Fox Emperor, and he can understand it.

The nine-tailed fox family has the strongest will. The Qingyue Mirror has room to enhance the will of the military. Normal can't be normal. The fourth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror can reflect the shortcomings of the warrior. If the fifth heavy space really has nothing, then who wants to enter the fifth space?

After a month, the volume change caused a qualitative change, and the half-step king level of Lingdao finally went further and became the real king-level will. From now on, Lingdao can use the will world projection to crush the front nine will. In the later period of Tianjun, there will be a king-level will, even in the nine-tailed fox family, there are not many.

"Just take this time and practice the change of the devil."

Lingdao can be changed into a real dragon, can be changed into a 鲲鹏, can also be changed into a phoenix, if you become a fox, you can change into a nine-tailed fox. Zhenlong, Kunpeng, and Phoenix all have their own advantages, and the same is true for the nine-tailed fox. The power of the will is still very important to the military.

The Taixuan Taoist still only gives Lingdao an hour of time. The time flow rate of the fifth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror is the same as that of the third and fourth heavy spaces. It is an hour outside and more than 80 days. Lingdao still has more than a month to practice, and it is absolutely no problem.

"Fortunately, the Holy Lady did not enter the Qingyue world. Even if other young warriors lost to the Terran teenager, we still have the Holy Lady."

"It makes sense that no matter whether the sacred priest can break the forty-five illusions, as long as the sacred woman does not lose, we have hope in the fox sacred place."

"Although you are very shameless, I think you are right. How can our Tianhu holy place disciple be worse than a human race boy?"

Compared with a human warrior, the Tianhu Holy Land disciple is certainly not reconciled. They said that the Highness of the Virgin is not only a enchanting one, because the Temple of the Holy Fox has nine sons of the Holy Virgin, and all of them are the daughters of the Lord of the Holy Land. Unknown results are definitely better than losing results.

The enchanting smile slightly, not because of the words of the disco of the Tianhu Holy Land, but because Lingdao was the first in the first game. The space of the Qingyue Mirror is more difficult than the one. The corresponding one is more beneficial to the military than the one. When Lingdao comes out from the fifth heavy space, it is definitely far from being comparable before entering.

As for the sixth heavy space, Lingdao is absolutely unable to enter, because even the enchanting mother has not entered. It is said that since the opening of the Qingyue World, the most illusion of the illusion is the predecessor of a nine-tailed fox family, because she has reached the forty-ninth illusion.

If you want to enter the sixth space, you have to break fifty-four illusions. After Lingdao left the fifth heavy space of Qingyue Mirror, he only failed to reach the forty-seventh illusion. Even so, he is still the last one to return to the fox sacred place, and the best one.

"Come out, finally came out, I don't know if he will be insane, or go into flames."

When Lingdao just came out, it attracted the attention of a group of warriors. I have seen Lingdao, but I have not seen Lingdao, but I have looked at Lingdao several times inside and outside. Before Lingdao didn't come out, they were thinking about what kind of characters were able to break more than forty-five illusions.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed. In addition to being handsome, Lingdao has no special place. The human race, the flesh is far less than the real dragon, the speed is far less than that of the Peng Peng, the power is far less than the idol, the will is far less than the nine-tailed demon fox, Ling Dao is how to enter the fifth space of the Qingyue Mirror, they completely can not figure out.

"The first match ended here, and your performance is barely strong."

If the first is the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land, the Taixuan Taoist will definitely praise it. Even if the first is a demon genius, Tai Xuan Dao will also praise two sentences. It is a pity that the first is Lingdao, a Taizuo Taoist who is more and more unsatisfactory. Don’t say that he wants to mention Lingdao.

"Next, I will select the top 20, and the other warriors will have nothing to do with the second contest. If you go back, stay here, and the lord will not care."

Tai Xuandao chose one young and one young warrior. Although he did not like Lingdao, because the first of Lingdao was too obvious, he could only pull the first one. An invisible force sent Lingdao to the platform in front of Taixuan Taoist.

The first to appear next to Lingdao is Lin Rizhen, because Lin Riqi is the second. The martial arts who broke the thirty-six illusions, Lingdao and Lin Rizhen. Subsequently, it was the other warriors. Although Tian Jun’s competition was fierce, even the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, who had not broken twenty-seven illusions, still advanced into the top 20.

The extension of the sea of ​​the tyrants can only stand below, looking up at Lingdao and Lin Rizhen. What makes Lingdao feel surprised is that the little holy sage of the Baihu family even stood next to him. He has always believed that the little holy sages of the Baihu family are similar to the sacred gods. It is reasonable to say that the top 20 should not have the things of the white tiger family.

Twenty strong, only five Tianjun, in addition to Lingdao, Lin Rizhen, the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun and the white tiger family of small saints, and one is still a demon, but unfortunately Lingdao has no impression. The key is that among the three heavenly monarchs who entered the third space of Qingyue Mirror, he was there.

The top five of the Tianzun warriors are the Heavenly Respect of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, the Heavenly Respect of the Holy Family, the Heavenly Respect of the True Dragon, the Wei invincible of the Terran, and the Heavenly Respect of the Idol. Although Wei is invincible as a woman, but Taixuan Taoist still selected her into the top 20.

As for the top five of the Heavenly Kings and the top five of the Holy Warriors, Lingdao does not know at all. Anyway, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth is no threat to Lingdao. The Holy Warrior has no threat to Lingdao. It’s not that Lingdao can beat the sacred kings, but the gap is too big and there is no comparability at all.

"I was originally prepared to let you fight against the same world. First, select the semi-finals, then conduct the third test and decide the first. However, now I have changed my mind, because I want you to try together."

The marriage of the Virgin was initiated by the Taixu Taoist, and the Lord of the Holy Land is retreating. Of course, all matters are decided by the Taixu Taoist. However, other military people did not think that the Taixuan Taoist was so rash. Temporarily change his mind, who knows how he wants to make a second match.

"No? Let's try it together. Is it too unfair to us?"

"That is, we are only kings, how can we compare with them? Tianjun, we can't beat, Tianzun, we can't beat, the Holy King, we will not compare."

"I knew that I wouldn't come to the fox sacred place, and there is no hope at all."

The five kings of the martial arts, look at me, I look at you, it is their most sad reminder. Although Tianjun and Tianzun are equally difficult, they are at least better than them. They have the lowest realm, and Tianjun immediately finds one, and they can beat them down. Tianzun and the Holy King, it is estimated that they are too lazy to shoot them.

The disco of the Tianhu Holy Land did not say anything, because they understood that it was impossible for the Taixu Taoist to let the King and the Holy King do it. The Taixuan Taoist only let the top 20 test together. Is the first test than the test of the king and the holy king not to go into the Qingyue world test? Is it unfair?

"I once got a treasure, there is no increase in strength, but it is just for you to test."

Tai Xuan Dao extended his right hand, and there was a small clock in his palm. He urged the road, making the small clock suddenly bigger, and then thrown to the sky. The small bell will rise in the wind, and later, it will cover the sky and cover it directly. Whether it is the top 20, or other warriors, even the Taixuan Taoist himself, all in it.

The warriors under the stage turned their eyes straight, and the Taixu Taoist said, and they wanted to leave, and as a result, they did not give them the opportunity to leave. However, staying well, because they want to know, who will win the championship, to marry the saints of the nine-tailed fox family, do not know how many warriors to envy.

"The first test, I let you go to the Green Moon World to experience the illusion. The second test, plain, or related to the illusion, in fact, now we are in the illusion. Because your realm is different, so I am sure Will not let you fight.

If the first test is the test of your will, then the second test, the test is your understanding, your eyesight, your ability to push. Uranus, I will give you the martial arts of the king level, Tianjun, I will give you the martial arts of Heavenly King, Tianzun, I will give you the martial arts of Heavenly honour, the Holy King, I will give you the martial arts of the Holy King. learn.

Next, each of your warriors will see a thousand different martial arts, each of which has many similarities. After you are optimistic, I will choose a trick in it. You have to say the trick in the shortest time. Which kind of martial arts is there? Do you understand? ”

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