The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 99: I give up cultivation

The illusion clock, the interior space, has all kinds of martial arts. After the rituals of the Taixu Taoist, it is used to test twenty warriors, and there is definitely no problem. Of course, there must be no Tao among the twenty warriors, no Taoist, and no great emperor. The illusion of the martial arts can not enhance the strength of the Taixu Taoist, and the Taixu Taoist usually does not pay much attention to it.

The second test, listening to it seems very simple, in fact, the difficulty is not ordinary. Lingdao has seen a thousand kinds of martial arts, there are many similar places, and each martial arts has nine strokes. It is not easy to judge which martial arts come from based on one of the tricks.

Do not think that the second match is a big chance, Tai Xuan Dao is definitely not a great emperor. The illusion of the martial arts, focusing on the word illusion, the so-called one thousand martial arts, put into reality, is actually a kind of martial arts. The 20 warriors who passed the first test were all born in the Imperial Power, and certainly did not lack the corresponding martial arts.

If they give Tianjun martial arts to Tianjun, or sacred martial arts, they are indeed rare. Unfortunately, the martial arts that are shown to them are only martial arts. What is seen by the Tianzun martial arts is Tianpin martial arts, which is seen by the sacred warriors. Naturally, it is sacred martial arts.

Of course, if luck is good, for example, the martial arts that Ba Tianzun got to create in Tianzun is indeed useful. However, whether or not we can sum up the true martial arts from a thousand kinds of martial arts is still a problem. Compared to the first test, the second test was much more shabby.

After all, Lingdao got great benefits in the first game. Not only did he improve to the end of Tianjun, but he also mastered the will of the king. In the second test of the martial arts, Lingdao did not care at all, not as good as his own martial arts. However, he can't care about the second match. If he is eliminated, the enchantress may marry other warriors.

Want to grab a pro in a emperor's power, don't say that Lingdao can't do it, even if the Emperor is free to go out, it's just as embarrassing. The fox sacred land not only has a profound heritage, but also two emperors sit in the town. They become emperors earlier than the emperor, and they are repaired higher than the emperor, not to mention the Tianhu holy place is their home.

"Give you three days, you can cultivate all a thousand kinds of martial arts. Because it is in the illusion, no matter whether you cultivate right or wrong, you have no influence on the reality."

After all, the Taixu Taoist masters did not make it too difficult to pass them on. As long as they had trained a thousand kinds of martial arts in three days, the difficulty of the second contest was reduced. If it is a thousand different martial arts, it is impossible to practice in three days. Fortunately, there are a thousand kinds of martial arts in the illusion, which are extremely similar.

Five martial artists, four Tianjun martial artists, five Tianzun martial artists, and five sacred kings, have cultivated the martial arts they have seen. The exception to one warrior is Lingdao, because he has no intention of practicing any martial arts.

"I give up cultivation!"

A stone provokes a thousand layers of waves, whether it is the strongest of the Tianhu Holy Land, or the young warriors of other forces, all looking to Lingdao. They don't understand what Lingdao wants to do. Is it difficult to make a second test? He was the first in the first test, so he experienced the most illusions. Is it a problem in the will world?

"What? You want to quit?"

Tai Xuandao confuses Lingdao with a puzzled look. From the performance of Lingdao in the Qingyue world, Lingdao is definitely not a warrior who is easy to give up. The second test was just beginning, and Lingdao had to give up cultivation, which really made him puzzled.

The first test, Lingdao was the limelight, the second test, Taixuan Taoist is hope that Lingdao has no wonderful performance. However, Lingdao gave up directly, he can't accept it, because he still wants to see what it looks like after Lingdao loses to other warriors.

"It is still his self-knowledge, and he voluntarily withdraws from the second test. It is a good thing for him. The first game is against us. If the second game is too sloppy, the face is not good."

"I don't know what to stupid. The first test is because I didn't take it seriously. Now I am serious. If he doesn't quit, he will lose very badly."

"I have 19 competitors, but now there are only 18 of them. It’s good to have a competitor."

Lingdao gave up, and the remaining 19 warriors were happy, some snickered, and some disdain. As for the young warriors in the audience, they are eager to slap the ridges. They don’t know how much they want to participate in the second contest. Lingdao clearly has the opportunity, but he gives up and is angry.

Wei invincible did not speak, because she knew that even if other warlords all quit, Lingdao could not withdraw. Lingdao Wanli rushed in, just for the virgin of the fox sacred place, even if there is no chance, he will find ways to create opportunities and take the initiative to give up the opportunity, unless Lingdao’s brain is broken.

"No, I am not going to quit the test. I just want to give up the cultivation." Lingdao shook his head. Later, let one and another warrior stunned. "I don't think I have to practice. After three days, I can still pass the second test." ”

A thousand similar martial arts, each martial art has nine strokes, in the case of no cultivation, Taixuan Tao from the inside to pick a random move, Lingdao to answer which kind of martial arts from, it is simply Arabian Nights . Even the true dragons and the sacred people of Tianzun are not sure.

"The first test made him confuse? How do you start talking nonsense?"

"Whether it is the tyrants or the celestial beings, you need to cultivate. Do you think that you are more powerful than the tyrants and the celestial beings?"

"It’s simply not self-sufficient. Did he understand the rules of the second test? Or does he know that he will lose the second match, so I want to find a step for myself?"

Lingdao’s words are too mad, and the military under the audience is totally unacceptable. The true dragon and the holy sage of the sacred family, like watching a fool look at Lingdao. In the first test, they lost to Lingdao, but in the second match, they had a certain victory.

In addition to Wei Wudi, there are no other warriors to remind Ling Dao. Although Wei Invincible believes in Lingdao, she is worried that Lingdao is young and vigorous, and makes an impulsive decision. It is a pity that Lingdao is willing to go his own way and does not listen to Wei invincible.

"If you pass the second test, everything is fine. If you don't pass, look for a stone to kill."

Wei invincible licked his mouth, no longer persuaded Lingdao, and concentrated on practicing the martial arts she saw. If Lingdao really failed, she would help Lingdao, and return the sacred priest of Heavenly Fox to the fox land. Anyway, she is an invincible son, a woman, nothing is not normal.

"The first match is not the same as the second match. It's not that you got the first game in the first game. You can take a small test in the second game. Although they are not as good as you in the first game, they are second. A field test may leave you behind."

Tai Xuandao’s subject is very long-minded. With his relationship with Ling Dao, he certainly does not really persuade Ling Dao. His purpose is not to let Lingdao change his mind, but to let other fighters who participated in the second contest test the enemy. If there is any warrior who stands up, he will slap the ridge and give him a gas.

"Since I chose to give up cultivation, then I have the confidence to pass the second test. Well, I don't have to say it anymore, I have decided."

Lingdao shook his head and sat on the stage, practicing a very ridiculous fairy. Tai Xuan Dao hated the tooth itch, but he couldn’t help but take Lingdao. It was because of Lingdao’s practice that he was injured. Unfortunately, his practice of stealing Lingdao was first and he was responsible for his own losses.

Until the third night, Lingdao only scanned a thousand kinds of martial arts. The rules of the second test, of course, he is clear, that is, Taixuan Tao from the nine thousand strokes, free to choose a trick, and then he has to say which kind of martial arts. If you make a mistake, it means failure, and you can pass the correct answer.

Some moves, the infuriating route, only very subtle differences. There are still moves that require only a very small gap. Even some moves, the use of the Tao, is exactly the same, but the strength is different. The real difficulty of the second test is more than the imagination of some warriors.

The teacher of Taixuan Tao said that the test is the savvy, eyesight and deductive ability of the warrior. In fact, it is not limited. First of all, the memory is good, and secondly, it has to be as meticulous as it is. In addition, it must be completely controlled by the instinct, the source, and the Tao. The practice of Ling Dao, in the view of Tai Xuan Dao, is purely uncomfortable for himself.

"Three days have passed. Below, the Lord will test you."

The Taixu Taoist began to test from the Heavenly Kings, because it was a test of the same-world warriors. Therefore, at the same time, he chose a five-legged warrior. After a quarter of an hour, there was no big talk of the military. After half an hour, only one of the kings of the martial arts said the answer, but unfortunately not.

After an hour, finally a king of warriors said the correct answer. One of the remaining three kings of warriors, one of them answered correctly after one and a half hours, and two did not answer. Not to mention the order, just to answer the wrong or not answered, you can eliminate the three kings.

"I know now that the second game is harder than I thought."

"The remaining fifteen warriors are estimated to be nervous, even if they are sure, they have to doubt themselves now."

"You said that other warriors are nervous and believe, if you say that the aristocratic boy is nervous, I absolutely don't believe it. There are a thousand kinds of martial arts, he has no cultivation, and now he is still leisurely, how big is his heart?"

"What do you know, he broke the can. Perhaps, from the beginning, he knew that he could not pass the second test. He gave up cultivation, even if he answered the mistake, or did not answer it, anyway, the excuse already has, he is better than You have to be smarter."

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