The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 100: Shocked the audience

The five kings of the warriors were tested. Only two of them answered correctly, and the other answered incorrectly. The remaining two did not answer. It is impossible for the remaining fifteen warriors to say that there is no pressure. After the king of heaven, it was the Tianjun martial art, and the Taixuan Taoist stunned Lingdao with a good intention.

Because it is Tai Xuan Dao from the nine thousand strokes, free to choose a trick, so the difficulty of the size, purely see how Taixuan Taoist choose. Some moves are easy to distinguish, because similar moves are relatively small, and some moves are difficult to distinguish because there are too many similar moves.

The first test of Taixu Taoist was Lin Rizhen. In the first contest, Lin Rizhen was the first to break thirty-six illusions. Taixu Taoist had an impression on him. Lin Rizhen is a Terran warrior. The first test was pressed against the disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land. The move chosen by the Taixu Taoist Lord was definitely not easy to distinguish.

However, Lin Rizhen only used a fragrant time to say the answer, and it is still correct. The three former Kings who had failed before left their heads shyly, and they looked at them, and they were not a level. From the beginning to the end, Lin Rizhen is full of confidence.

Among the Tianjun martial artists, the second one to be tested is the little sage of the true dragon family. Tai Xuan Dao is not a small sacred monarch of the true dragon family. He chose a medium-difficult move at random, letting the little sage of the true dragon family say the answer. Even so, after a fragrant time, the little Saint of the true dragon family is still thinking.

For most of the time, the little Saint of the true dragon family only said the answer. Although he has cultivated a thousand kinds of martial arts, he has been confusing in his memory. Tai Xuandao's main selection of moves, he thinks this kind of martial arts is very similar, that kind of martial arts is also like.

The Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family is not the same as Lin Rizhen. After Lin Rizhen finished the answer, he was calm and determined. After he finished speaking, he looked at Taixuan Taoist with a nervous look. If you answer correctly, it would be better. If you answer the wrong question, the little Saint of the true dragon family will be eliminated, and there will be no comparison test.

In addition to the emperor, the dragon is now the strongest Tianjun, representing the face of the dragon. If you lose to a descendant of the Qing emperor, the other military forces of the emperor will certainly laugh at this thing. He does not know how many years. Fortunately, the answer announced by the director of Taixuan Road is the same as his, and he is relieved.

"The second game is really harder than trying. I don't understand. Why do some people still say that they give up cultivation? Where does he come from?"

Although the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family said that there are some people, all the warriors understand that he refers to Lingdao. Because the first game was decided by the top 20, only Lingdao gave up practicing a thousand kinds of martial arts. Lingdao’s approach is simply a contempt for other opponents.

The King of Heavenly Warriors did not dare to say Lingdao, because they were not the opponents of Lingdao. Tianzun’s warriors and holy kings were dismissive of Lingdao because their repairs were not comparable to Lingdao. Only Tianjun Wuwu can say Lingdao, and the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun has a contradiction with Lingdao. Who does he say?

"You are stupid, don't you blame me?"

Lingdao slanted the eyes of the true dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, and said the words, the mouth of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun was discouraged. I have never had a human race, and I dare to talk to the little saint of the true dragon family. If it is not in the Magical Bell, the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun really wants to smash the corpse.

"Too lazy to waste your tongue, anyway, I passed the test, wait for the next round, I see what you do. The more arrogant you are now, the more you lose when you wait."

The true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun snorted, and he was holding his chest with his hands, waiting to see the good show of Lingdao. It is a pity that the test that is behind him is not Ling Dao, but the peak of the Yaozu. Lin Rizhen and the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun passed the test, and the third Tianjun finally failed because he said the wrong answer.

Among the Tianjun martial artists, the fourth one to be tested is still not Lingdao, but the little holy sage of the White Tiger family. To the surprise of Ling Dao, the little holy sage of the Baihu family only used half an hour, and they uttered the correct answer, which was shorter than the Xiaoshengjun of the real dragon family.

"Kid, are you ready?"

Tai Xuan Dao asked the schadenfreude, if it is not the strength, Ling Dao really wants to slap the head of the Taixuan Tao, can you still be more obvious?

Starting from the appearance of Tai Xuandao, it is directed at Lingdao. The second contest is Taishou Taoist. Lingdao has long guessed that the test he accepted is definitely more difficult than other warriors. Fortunately, he is ready, and the reason for giving up the cultivation is because he has absolute confidence in himself.

"No problem, you choose."

After receiving the reply from Ling Dao, Tai Xuan Dao chose one of the most difficult moves to identify from the nine thousand strokes. Because there are a thousand martial arts, there are 729 kinds of similar moves. Lingdao wants to find out the answer, which is more difficult than the previous five kings and four heavenly warriors.

"Don't worry, this lord will not remind you, you think slowly, anyway, everyone has time."

Tai Xuandao thinks that there are not many hours, Lingdao can not get an answer. Moreover, the answer to Lingdao’s answer is 80% wrong. He still thought, waiting for Lingdao to answer, he said that Lingdao is right, let Lingdao happy, and then tell Lingdao, in fact, Lingdao's answer is wrong, let Lingdao taste from the paradise The feeling of hell.

"The Taoist, you can't say that, because if he drags on for a year and a half, don't we wait all the time?"

"I think it may not be enough for a year and a half. Maybe it will take several years. The Taoist will test other warriors first."

"Abandoning cultivation, saying that it is as powerful as yourself, is it still not revealing?"

The warriors under the stage have ridiculed Lingdao, because some of them have tried in the first game and lost to Lingdao. What's more, because there are brothers on the stage, Lingdao's actions are completely despising their brothers, so they will be angry with the Tao.

"Don't think about it, I know the answer. The move chosen by the predecessors is the seventh style of Dawei Tulong."

When Ling Dao said this, the whole scene was silent. In the first place, the time spent on Ling Dao was too short. They were still laughing at the road. In the blink of an eye, Ling Dao said the answer. Secondly, Lingdao did not cultivate a thousand kinds of martial arts, and he was able to say such a concrete answer.

Tai Xuan Dao even felt that he had got it wrong, because the speed of the answer is not only fast, but also accurate. The move he chose was indeed the seventh style of Dawei’s Dragon Slayer. For the first time, he felt that he could not completely see through a small Tianjun warrior.

"I don't know what I said right?"

Lingdao smiled and looked at Taixuan Taoist. Since he got the answer, he must have 100% confidence. Tai Xuan Dao wanted to tear the mouth of Ling Dao, because the expression of Ling Dao really made him uncomfortable. He is a Taoist, and he has a headache for a Tianjun, and it is not a general headache.

"Why, right, guess it. A thousand kinds of martial arts, you don't practice at all, how can you find out the answer so quickly?"

"That is, we have cultivated a thousand kinds of martial arts all over again, and we have made a mistake. If you answer correctly, are we not stupid?"

"Not only are you stupid, even I am stupid, because I spend more time than him. But who would you believe his answer is correct?"

The previously-tested King of Heaven and the Heavenly Warriors once said their doubts. The military in the audience may be a busy one. Only they know that they want to choose the right stroke from a thousand martial arts. Just as difficult.

"If you can answer correctly, I will not call Xiaoshengjun in the future, but I will call Xiaoxiaojun."

The little Saint of the true dragon family used most of the time, and after speaking the answer, he was still nervous. Lingdao said the answer in such a short period of time, and even had a certain expression. He is Tianjun, Lingdao is also a heavenly king, and Lingdao is even lower than his realm. How could it be so powerful?

"The Taoist, let me say that he is right, how many warriors are waiting."

A strong man in the fox sacred place uses the will to voice, reminding the Tai Xuan Daozhu. In fact, according to the performance of Tai Xuan Dao, he can judge that the answer of Ling Dao is definitely right. Otherwise, how can the Taixu Taoist look like a slap in the face?

The warriors in the audience were laughing at them. Of course, they were not laughing at the Taoist Taoist, but laughing at the road. Because they feel that as long as the main entrance of Taixuan Road, Lingdao will face the face. Although Lingdao was more popular in the first game, the second match will definitely make Lingdao want to find a place to sneak into it.


Tai Xuan Dao only said one word, because he really didn't want to say a few words with Ling Dao, so good!

Originally wanted to see Lingdao jokes, I did not expect that Lingdao actually said the correct answer, and still until now, the shortest time. He can be sure that Ling Dao did not practice a thousand kinds of martial arts. If it is not because of his identity, he really wants to ask Ling Dao how to do it.

"Yes? Impossible?"

"Do you mean, you are not kidding us?"

Whether it is a demon warrior or a human warrior, I feel that I have an auditory hallucination. If Lin Risheng’s performance can be described as genius, then Lingdao is enchanting. Of course, what they don't know is that Lin Rizhen deliberately concealed his strength. Otherwise, he can tell the correct answer when he breathes a few times.

The most unacceptable is the little Saint of the true dragon family, because he laughed at the most embarrassing of Lingdao, and even he released a swearword. What he never imagined was that Lingdao was right. As long as he knew this, he would not talk too much, and now regrets that it is too late, because Lingdao has come over to him.

"Little stupid, talk about your feelings now? How?"

If the eyes can kill, Ling Dao must be squandered now, because the little Saint of the true dragon family hates him!

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