The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 101: Little stupid

"Little stupid..."

One after another, the demon warriors are speechless, and Lingdao’s courage is too big. Dare to scream the small dragons of the true dragon family into a small stupid priest under the broad public. In the Terran Heavenly King, Lingdao is definitely the first one. What's more, now is still in the territory of the Yaozu, is Lingdao difficult to die?

Even if the strong dragons of the real dragons do not do it, the small priests of the real dragon family have a way to clean up the ridge. To say that Lingdao can play the little sage of the true dragon family, there is no warrior to believe. The true dragon family Xiaoshengjun has long been famous, and Lingdao is just an unknown human race boy.

"The dog is lucky, what is the good thing?" The little sage of the true dragon family bit his teeth, staring fiercely at Lingdao. "There is a skill to wait for the second game to end, and the trick is to die and die, how?"

The true dragon family is not the winner or the loser, but it is necessary to fight with Lingdao. Of course, in his heart, if he and Lingdao fight, the death must be Lingdao, because he feels that Lingdao can not be his opponent. Into the world of Qingyue, he and Lingdao handed over his hand and knew the strength of Lingdao.

Perhaps, in the world of Qingyue, Lingdao has improved its strength, but the small dragons of the true dragon family are not in the same place. As long as Lingdao promised to die with him, then Lingdao’s ending is doomed. The only thing that the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun fears is that Lingdao does not agree.

In the case of Ling Dao’s win, I grabbed the opportunity to meet the sacred sacred place of the fox, then Lingdao is the son-in-law of the fox sacred place. The place where they are, after all, is the land of the Fox family. It is not the site of the dragon. The dragons of the true dragon family want the life of Lingdao, and they must pass the permission of the Fox family.

Of course, to say that Lingdao can outweigh the true dragon and the sacred family, the little sage of the true dragon family does not believe. However, the performance of Lingdao in the first test and the second test was beyond the expectations of the real dragon family, so it was still allowed to ensure that Lingdao first promised to be sure.

"You have to decide on life and death, will I have to die with you?"

Lingdao shrugged and did not agree with the true dragon family. Just killing a godsend, he felt a few pairs of eyes in the dark, staring at him with no good intentions. If the little saint of the true dragon family is slaughtered, it is not easy to leave the territory of the demon.

The Scorpio family has a long history and strong strength. However, compared with the Dragon, it is much worse. Although the battle of the younger generation, the older generation should not intervene, but Xiao Shengjun is the peerless genius of the younger generation of the true dragon family, the focus of training. If the true dragon family Xiaosheng is dead in the hands of Lingdao, the dragons have a way to solve the Lingdao, and there is no need for the older generation to be strong.

"I am afraid that you will say it. Actually, there is nothing. The ants are still stealing, I can understand. Let you and me decide to live and die. It is indeed bullying you. It is better to let you have one hand and then die, how about?"

Despise, ** naked contempt, replaced by other heavenly kings, may not endure, Lingdao does not matter. Because Lingdao is not afraid of the true dragon family, but is afraid of killing the true dragon family. The small dragons of the true dragon family thought that they were better than Lingdao, and they really made Lingdao speechless.

The little sage of the true dragon family is completely dead, and still in the pattern to die. It can't be blamed for the fact that the little sage of the true dragon family does not know the height of the earth, because he has not met the mid-term prince who can defeat him. The sacred priests of Lingdao and Zhenlong are in the same big realm. The true dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, certainly cannot see the true cultivation of Lingdao.

"What to say is a life and death, in fact, I am against you, the only thing that will die is you. As long as you swear in the name of the Taoist God, after you are killed by me, the Dragons will not be investigated. What about my fight with you? ”

Lingdao is not a good-tempered person. The little saint of the real dragon family once again provoked him. There is no reason to refuse. It is the small holy priest of the true dragon family who is aggressive. It is the small sage of the true dragon family who wants to kill the trajectory. Even if Ling Dao kills him, other warriors cannot say that Ling Dao is not.

The little saint of the true dragon family thought that the radical law would work, even if it was sworn in the name of the god. The strong dragons also feel that Lingdao is not the opponent of the true dragon family, but they do not stop the meaning of the true dragon family. Lingdao twice made a big splash. If the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun could kill him, it would give the dragon a long face.

As for Lingdao, he swears in the name of the god, and the little priest of the true dragon family does not ask for it at all. First, the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun does not think that Lingdao is his opponent. Secondly, under the universal sky, there is no power that the dragons are afraid of. Even if it is the Three Royal Palaces, or the Five Emperors, the Dragons are still not afraid.

"It is good to have confidence, but unfortunately, excessive self-confidence..."

In the latter case, the little saint of the true dragon family did not say it, but did a smear of the neck on Lingdao. If it is not Lingdao in the two trials, the performance of the color, the true dragon family of the small Saint will not be so against him. Regardless of whether it is from the identity or from the low level, the true dragon family, the little saints, feel that they are one level higher than the Lingdao.

If the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family knows that Lingdao is the emperor, he will definitely not think so. Lingjia is a newly promoted emperor's power. It is indeed inferior to the dragon, but Lingdao's father is the great emperor. The background of Lingdao is definitely not weaker than the small dragon of the true dragon family.

"In the end, are you hosting the second contest, or am I hosting?"

The head of Taixuan Road was cold and horrible, and the terrible pressure made Lingdao and the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun breathless. In fact, he was only dissatisfied on the surface, and his heart had long been happy. The little Saint of the true dragon family was looking for Lingdao’s troubles. He was too happy to come. Otherwise, he would not let Lingdao and Zhenlong’s Xiaoshengjun fall into error.

Next, it is a test of Tian Zun's warriors. I have to say that the performance of the five heavenly statues is much better than the five heavenly kings and the five heavenly kings. The Heavenly Master of the True Dragon Family, the Heavenly Respect of the Holy Family, the Heavenly Respect of the Heavenly Fox Land, the Heavenly Respect of the Idol, and the Heavenly Respect of the Terran have passed the test. They have only used the difference in length and time and have not failed.

The performance of the five sacred kings is also not as good as the five celestial martial arts, because only three sacred kings have passed the test. The other two holy kings gave the answer, but unfortunately, their answers were not at the right end. Perhaps it is indeed more difficult to distinguish the martial arts of the sacred martial arts than the martial arts.

"The ones that have not been answered, or the ones that are wrong, are all eliminated."

According to the meaning of the master of Taixuan, the correct answer is through the test. In a short period of time, he doesn't care. Anyway, the second game is not over yet, and then it is. From the nine thousand tricks, it is quite difficult to arbitrarily choose a trick and then identify which martial arts it comes from. However, it is even more difficult for the Taixu Taoist.

"Next, I will show you a thousand kinds of martial arts, and each martial arts has the same nine strokes. I will give you three days, you can practice a thousand martial arts." After the day, I randomly selected a kind of martial arts from inside, and you have to give me the tenth trick in half an hour."

The Taixuan Taoist had just finished, and the military had a cold breath. The difficulty of deducing martial arts is even greater than the creation of martial arts, because the martial arts created by itself is its own, and the martial arts that are deduced are others. It is possible that you have worked hard to push the show, and it is not the same as the original tenth move.

Through the top 20 of the first test, there are only fourteen left, there are two kings of Tianwang, four of the Tianjun warriors, five of the Tianzun warriors, and three of the holy kings. . The six eliminated, are the three kings of the warriors, one Tianjun warrior and two holy kings.

"Some people have given up on cultivation before, but are they still giving up cultivation?"

The little saint of the true dragon family rushed to say, because he wanted to press down the limelight. Choose one of a thousand kinds of martial arts, according to the previous nine strokes, to promote the tenth move, if you do not practice, if you want to push the tenth move, it is impossible at all.

He was purely ridiculing Lingdao, and did not think about Lingdao agree. As long as Lingdao does not lose his mind, he will not give up the opportunity to cultivate. Just looking at it, just want to push the tenth trick, it is tantamount to idiots and dreams. He now wants to know how Lingdao will answer.

"You finally admit that you are not as good as me. Yes, I still don't need to practice, and you can only practice boring. Well, don't talk to me, lest you delay the time of practicing martial arts. If it is within three days, You didn't practice a thousand kinds of martial arts, what should I do?"

Lingdao is definitely not because of the small holy monarch of the real dragon family, but he gave up the opportunity to cultivate, but he is really sure to take the tenth move from the first nine strokes. Anyway, the test of Tianjun Wuwu is only a local martial arts. If he is to show him martial arts, he will have no confidence.

What's more, not practicing a thousand kinds of martial arts is not a bad thing. Because the cultivation of a thousand kinds of martial arts means that a thousand kinds of martial arts are to be deduced, and he does not practice, he only needs to deduct a kind of martial arts. However, the Taixuan Taoist stipulated the time. If there is no preparation, it is really difficult to push the tenth move in half an hour.

"You!" The true dragon family, the little holy sage, can only bite his teeth and say, "Well, if you have a species, don't practice. I have to look at it. After three days, how do you push the tenth trick?"

Other warriors are not unaware of the benefits of not practicing a thousand kinds of martial arts. However, they would rather deduct a thousand martial arts in three days, rather than deducing a martial arts tenth in half an hour. . Because the thousand martial arts they saw, the degree of similarity is very large, saying that it is necessary to deduct a thousand kinds of martial arts. In fact, there are several kinds of martial arts.

"I really don't worry too much, the emperor is anxious, little stupid, do you know what the **** means?"

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