The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Eight strong out

"Little stupid... eunuch..."

The real dragon family, the little saint, has a forehead and a blue-legged jump, and he wants to advance the battle with Lingdao. Originally, he was prepared to ridicule Lingdao. He never thought that Lingdao not only agreed, but also ironed him. He twisted his head aside and stopped looking at Lingdao because he was worried that he couldn't help himself.

From the nine thousand tricks, choose one trick and infer which kind of martial arts come from. It is obviously more difficult than to choose one from a thousand kinds of martial arts. In the previous test, the true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, was not sure. Now he can give up the opportunity of cultivation like the impossible.

"The dog is lucky, can go for the first time, does not mean that you can go the second time."

Although he seems to be talking to himself, everyone knows that he is saying Lingdao. Not only him, but also many warriors, I feel that Lingdao was just right. Even if they know that choosing one from a thousand kinds of martial arts, the possibility of being right is very small, they still do not want to believe that Lingdao is right and wrong.

"If I remember correctly, the first match, I was the last one, and the illusion I broke was the most."

Lingdao did not mention the test just now, but talked about the first test, the subtext is that he is not relying on luck at all. If the test just said is a dog, then how to explain the first test? The warrior present is not a fool. Who doesn’t know what Lingdao means?

The two kings of the martial arts are just snickers, and the contradiction between Ling Dao and the real dragon family, they are completely ineligible to intervene. The sacred sage of the sacred family and the tyrants of the sacred place of the fox and the goddess of the gods, only want to watch the drama quietly. The hegemonic respect of the Terran and the Heavenly Respect of the true dragon family are different.

Wei invincible is definitely on the front line with Lingdao. The Tianlong Zun and Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family are obviously a group. Lingdao and the real dragon family fight together, Wei invincible and the real dragon family between the Tianzun, as if there is lightning interweaving, they feel the possibility of playing at any time.

For three days, for Tianjun, it is just blinking. Those who have been tested have only 14 military personnel, and there are only 13 martial arts practitioners. The only one who has not cultivated is definitely Lingdao. Like the previous test, he only smashed a thousand kinds of martial arts on the third night.

"You said, can the human race pass the test?"

When there is a military question, naturally, there are military replies. Unfortunately, the answer is one-sided, and it is impossible to pass the test. It is too difficult to push a martial art without cultivation to the tenth trick in half an hour, and it has to be the same as the original one.

If, based on the first nine strokes, the tenth move is made, the difficulty is completely acceptable for the true genius. The test of the present, the really difficult place is that every kind of martial arts has its own ten tricks. The Taixuan Taoist only showed them the first nine tricks.

The first test of the Taixu Taoist is still the two kings. He chose a martial arts for the two kings, and a Tianwang martial artist spent a quarter of an hour to promote the tenth move. Another Tianwang martial artist took exactly half an hour to complete the task. .

It is a pity that the tenth move of the two kings of the martial arts is not the same as the original tenth move. In other words, the two of them were kicked out of the game, and the latter test did not have a relationship with them. Up to now, the five kings of the kings have been eliminated.

Although it is said that whether it is the first test or the second test, the Taixuan Taoist is to let the Heavenly Kings, the Heavenly Kings, the Heavenly Warriors, and the Holy Kings participate in the battle, but his arrangement cannot be said completely. unfair. The first test, the different repaired warriors, experienced different illusions, the second test, the different repaired warriors, the martial arts seen is not the same. The kings of the heavenly kings were all eliminated, only to say that they did not have the ability.

"The Lord decided to start with the Holy Warrior."

After eliminating the two kings of the heavenly martial arts, the Taixuan Taoist did not test the Tianjun martial arts, but tested three sacred kings. After half an hour, Taixuan Taoist eliminated a sacred king warrior, and the tenth trick of the two sacred kings of the martial arts, the same as the original.

What really surprised the military in the audience was the five heavenly warriors, because only one Tianzun failed. The Heavenly Respect of the True Dragon Family, the Heavenly Respect of the Holy Family, the Heavenly Respect of the Terran, and the Heavenly Respect of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, all passed the test.

In the end, the Taijun Taoist who was tested by the Taixu Taoist, because most of the military people in the audience are most concerned about it, that is, the Tianjun martial arts, which is more accurate, is Lingdao. Even Tai Xuandao himself, especially want to know, whether Lingdao can succeed.

At the same time, the Taixu Taoist gave questions to the four Heavenly Kings. The true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, sneaked a sneak peek at Lingdao. He not only passed the test, but also said the answer in front of Lingdao. Otherwise, if Lingdao’s answer is correct, he will be embarrassed even if he passes the test.

"A group of juniors are facing each other and I am not interested in plugging in."

Lin Rizhen was the first to introduce the tenth move, but he did not say it. The little sage of Lingdao and Zhenlong is in his heart, just a trivial little role. If Lingdao’s body is extremely tyrannical, he will not pay attention to Lingdao.

"I know!"

Let the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun and the white tiger family Xiaoshengzhuang frown, the first one to say the answer, turned out to be Lingdao. They cursed Lingdao in their hearts, hoping that Lingdao’s answer would be more and more outrageous. Otherwise, even if they answered correctly, they still lost to Lingdao. Moreover, Lingdao has not cultivated a thousand kinds of martial arts.

After the Taoist Lord got the answer from Lingdao, he was sluggish for a while, because Lingdao’s answer was exactly the same as the original tenth move. If the topic is not his own, he must have thought that Lingdao and the strong person who made the problem colluded well, or else, how could Lingdao’s Tianjun Wuwu might be so powerful?

"Even if the former Taoist Nirvana is born again, is that all right?"

Even if the cultivation of Taixuan Taoist was reduced to the heavenly kingdom, he was not sure that he would play a tenth trick of martial arts in half an hour. Unfortunately, he and Lingdao did not deal with it, and he was too embarrassed to ask Lingdao. If there is an opportunity, he must control Lingdao and let Lingdao tell the truth.

What makes the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun collapse is that the tenth trick he has painstakingly pushed is actually different from the original tenth trick. In other words, the next test has nothing to do with him. The opportunity to marry the nine-tailed fox family is not the true dragon family.

"I blame him. If it weren't for him, how could I be impatient? If I am not impatient, how can I make a mistake?"

The test failed, and the true dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, did not find the reason for himself, but gave it to Lingdao. Fortunately, he just thought about it in his heart. If he said it, don't say that Lingdao can't look down on him. Even if it is a demon warrior, he also despise him. Losing a face, losing money can only lose face, losing a strange opponent is even more humiliating.

The little holy sage of the Baihu family, like the little sage of the true dragon family, stopped at this test. In addition to Lingdao, Tianjun Wuwu only passed the test. When Lin Rizhen is not in a hurry to say the correct answer, pay attention to the military of Lin Rizhen, and that is more.

The first test, in addition to Ling Dao, the best performance is Lin Ri. If other warriors know that Lin Rizhen is going all out, the illusion that is broken will be less than Lingdao, and I don’t know what they are. However, if they know the true identity of Lin Risheng, they will accept it.

"Two Heavenly Kings, Two Holy Kings, Four Heavenly Respects, Congratulations, you passed the second test, and you are one step closer to the niece."

Although Tai Xuan Dao said that it is a good word, Ling Dao still wants to take a few feet on the face of Tai Xuan Dao. The enchantress, how to say it is also the niece of the Taixuan Taoist, the Taixuan Taoist even put her outside like goods, let them compete. What makes Lingdao incomprehensible is that the owner of the Tianhu Holy Land will be allowed to come by Tai Xuandao.

The magical bells continued to shrink, and then they were taken over by the Taixu Taoist. In the second test, five kings of the kings, three heavenly warriors, one Tianzun warrior, and three holy kings were eliminated. There were a total of twelve warriors. The original top 20, now only the top eight.

Although the number has decreased, the competition has become more intense, because the rest are all geniuses in genius. Especially the camp of Tianzun, the two tyrants and the two sacred gods, have caused great oppression to other warriors. Don't look at the sacred kings who are higher than their realm, but when they are in heaven, they have not achieved anything to heaven.

"The Taoist, I am going to have a life and death with him. I don't know if I can do the third test first. If he is dead, it will save you a little bit, isn't it?"

The true dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, said with great courage, because he would not forget that in front of him he was interrupted by Tai Xuandao and he was beaten by an ear. The reason why I dare to make such a request now is that he can see that Tai Xuan Dao is very annoyed with Ling Dao. If he solves Ling Dao, he may have a much better impression on him.

If in the usual time, the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family would not think about pleasing the Taixuan Taoist. After all, he is a true dragon family, and the Taixuan Taoist is a nine-tailed fox family. But now it is different. He helped Taixuan Taoist to get rid of the nails in his eyes. Taixu Taoist can give him the opportunity to continue his test.

"Just because of the two of you, you have to delay everyone's time. Do you think everyone will agree?"

The voice of the Taixu Taoist has just fallen, and one after another, the warrior is rushing to call up, for fear that the Taixuan Taoist does not pause at all, and directly begins the third test.

"Agree, we agree!"

"Let them play, play now!"

"I want to see their duel. After all, I will only try it. I have no life and death to play against!"

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