The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 108: Third test

The blood of the real dragon fell on the ground like a red agate, and it took out a hole. Lingdao uses the road to condense the sword, sharp and unparalleled, directly on the head of the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun, opened a big hole. The real dragon, who is unparalleled in the flesh, is just a joke in front of Lingdao.

Of course, there is not much difference between the real dragon family and the sacred road. If the real dragon family is a sacred Tianzun, Lingdao would not want to break the head of the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun so easily. . Even if it is the use of the nine-turn dragon dragon's Lingdao, the strength is still not as good as the peak Tianzun.

"Are you tired of living?"

The true dragon family’s sacred eyes are stunned, and anger is in full swing. Lingdao is in front of him and kills Xiaoshengjun. He simply does not give him face. In the late period of the Terran, the Tianjun, who dared to disobey his will, how could he not be angry?

Especially in the small world of Taixuan Taoist, and Wei Wei invincible, he has not taken up any cheap. Now Wei’s invincible younger brother Ling Dao has killed the young genius of the true dragon family. It can be said that he and Xiao Shengjun are both under the public and let the true dragons majesticly sweep the ground.

"If my brother is tired, what can you do?"

Wei invincible stopped in front of the true dragon family to the Tianzun, as long as she is there, the true dragon family of the Tianzun will not want the life of Lingdao. Of course, if the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun uses the killer, then Wei Invincible can't keep the Lingdao, it is an unknown number.

Fortunately, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is angry, but has not lost his mind. The sacred sage of the sacred family is next to him. If he is using the killer, let the sacred sage of the sacred family find the flaws. Maybe, after a while, the sacred sage of the sacred family can get rid of him.

The true dragons and the holy sects are the hegemons of the wilderness. They have fought to the present from a long time ago. Older generations are fighting, and younger generations are fighting. The Heavenly Respects of the True Dragons and the Heavenly Respects of the Holy Family have been discussed several times before, but they have not been divided.

"Well, the deity remembers both of you!"

A Wei invincible, a Lingdao, the true dragon family's Heavenly Master is in mind. Now, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun really can't treat them, but once there is a chance, he will certainly not be soft-hearted. Wei invincible and Ling Dao in his heart, only the difference between early death and late death.

"How can you be so courageous as a disciple of Tianyuan Holy Land?"

"One is to provoke the true dragon family to the Tianzun, the other is to kill the small dragon of the true dragon family, how hard is their backstage?"

"I always thought that there was only the Three Royal Palaces and the Four Emperors Palace, and there was only one Imperial Palace."

The Tianyuan Holy Land created by the Emperor Tianyuan Emperor could not be compared with the Dragon. The demon warrior’s mouth is in the sacred place of the heavens, and in fact it is completely damaging the heavenly holy land. Poor Tianyuan Holy Land, without a disciple, was satirized by the demon warrior for a long time, purely lying in the middle of a gun.

Of course, it is good to have disadvantages. At least Tianyuan Holy Land is famous in this place. A Lingdao, a Wei invincible, enough to make the Tianyuan Holy Land famous. In the former, Tianjunjing can kill the small sage of the true dragon family in the later period, and the latter can compete with the true dragon family.


Lingdao was the closest to the real dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, and the first one noticed something wrong. If the true dragon family is really dead, it is definitely not like this. Just as Lingdao was ready to make up another sword, the body of the real dragon family, Xiao Shengjun, shrank again.

A dragon scale fell from the body of the true dragon family, and the infinite life force was instilled in his body. The dragon family has a long history and a profound heritage. Since Xiao Shengjun is a peerless genius of the younger generation, there are certainly many treasures on his body.

Before, the dragon scales taken by the small dragons of the true dragon family contained a trick of martial arts. Now, the dragon scales that fall from the small dragons of the true dragon family are equivalent to healing the holy medicine. Even if the head is broken, it can still heal. When the Lingdao reaction came over, the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun had recovered to the peak state.

"Just kill him, other dragons are too late to stop, and now want to kill him, I am afraid it is impossible."

For the first time, the dragon strong will not care about the second time. Without waiting for the action of Lingdao, there was a strong dragon who leaned over to him and the small dragon who was a true dragon. After Lingdao and Wei invincible, there are only two people in total, which is more than a dragon.

The true dragon family to the Tianzun is enough for Wei invincible, and if other dragon warriors shoot on Lingdao again, Wei invincible will be separated. It’s not that Wei’s invincible strength can’t be done, but that it’s hard to fight with four fists. However, you can't do it because you can't do it. If the dragon's strongman wants to be swayed by the road, even if he knows that there is danger, Wei Invincible will still give help to Lingdao without hesitation.

"Why, you didn't swear in the name of the Tao? Now I want to go back?"

In the time of the Magical Bell, Ling Dao let the little Saint of the true dragon family swear. Even if the courage of the true dragon family is too big, they dare not make a joke. Therefore, the question of Ling Dao makes the little saint of the true dragon family speechless. Besides, if the revenge is going to be helped by the elders, how can he be worthy of the word "Little Saint"?

"Winning defeat is the common situation of the military. This time I lost to you. There is nothing. The next time, I will defeat you. I don't know. Do you have the guts to accept my challenge?"

Xiaolong, a true dragon family, felt that this defeat to Lingdao was purely because he was too light and over-the-top. Because before entering the world of Qingyue, Lingdao was weaker than him. Who knows, in the Qingyue mirror of Lingdao, the promotion is so great. Even, even the will, Lingdao is no worse than the true dragon family.

"You can't beat me in the late days of the heavenly kingdom. You will be even more of my opponent in the future. If so, then what am I afraid of?"

Lingdao's words, like an arrow feather into the heart of the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun, let the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun breathe a glimpse. The little sage of the true dragon family, who has always been a genius, never thought about it, and even lost a day to a lower warrior than his own realm.

Other warriors, look at me, I look at you, do not like the little Saint of the true dragon family. Even the demon warrior also feels that Lingdao is very reasonable. The real dragon family, Xiaoshengjun, loses to Lingdao in the case of occupying the realm of the realm. If the same realm is true, the true dragon family is not even Lingdao's opponent.

"His talent, really can, if he is willing to worship me as a teacher, in the future, will inevitably become my right arm. Moreover, he and the demon are enemies, the enemies of the enemy are friends. I am a line with him. , joining hands, can definitely beat the demon too."

If Ling Dao’s performance in the first contest and the second contest is only caused by the curiosity of the transcendental Taoist, then now Lingdao almost killed the Xiaolongjun of the real dragon family, which completely caused the transcendentality. The importance of the Taoist. The true dragon family's ability to be a small priest, in the eyes of the Taoist, can naturally set off the power of Lingdao.

Although Lingdao is only in the late stage of Tianjun, there is time for the supernatural leader to wait. Perhaps hundreds of years later, Lingdao will become a Taojun. After thousands of years, Lingdao will become a Taoist. At that time, he and Lingdao teamed up, the demon Tai Xuan can only shun the three homes, because today's Tianhu Holy Land can not find the Tianjun who can compete with Lingdao.

"Xuan Taixuan doesn't like him. He will definitely be in the back test, aiming at him, making him embarrassed and knocking him out." The brow of the transcendental lord just wrinkled for a moment, then stretched out, "he thought We are not lascivious to the virgins of our fox family. They are trying to get the practice of our fox sacred place. It is just that I can satisfy him in these two aspects."

If Lingdao is lascivious, it is a good thing for the transcendental Taoist, because the most important thing for the Fox family is beauty. As for the practice, the Taoist Taoist has the same method. As a great family, he has a very high status in the Tianhu Holy Land. Many emperors can read it at will. As long as Lingdao is willing to be his apprentice, it is certainly no problem to pass the three or five emperors of Lingdao.

The transcendental lord used the will to pass the sound and called one of his niece. Pulling up a Tianjun, he certainly will not sacrifice his own daughter, the prostitute does not matter. Of course, the prostitute he chose is definitely a big beauty, otherwise he has no confidence to pull the road into the water.

The Taixu Taoist is still preparing for the third test, and there is no time to guess the thoughts of the transcendental Taoist. In the first two contests, Tianwang, Tianjun, Tianzun and Shengwang were all put together and tested. In the third match, he certainly hoped to do so.

"The first test, I let you break the illusion, the second test, I let you remember martial arts, push martial arts, so the third test, I think..."

Speaking of this, the Taixuan Taoist stopped, and both the demon warrior and the human warrior erected their ears. There are very few warriors who can participate in the third test. Most of the warriors just want to make a living. Of course, there are also warriors who want to know, in the end who is the qualification to marry the sacred virgin of the fox.

"Come serious, because the first test and the second test, there is not much danger. If you can pass the third test, you can live, if you can't pass, die in our Tianhu Holy Land. Forgot. Say, in the third test, only one warrior can pass, and all the others die!"

When this was said, it suddenly caused an uproar, and the big demon temple was so busy. The ability to pass the first test and the second test is definitely a genius among the geniuses, the elite among the elite. They have a promising future. Is it worthwhile for a saint to be buried in the fox sacred place?

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