The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 109: Pairwise match

In the first test and the second test, most of the warriors were eliminated. Today, there are only eight, two Tianjun, four Tianzun and two holy kings. I thought that the third match was similar to the first test and the second test. I didn't expect that the Taixuan Taoist would have to move the real thing.

If it is a life-and-death matchup, the biggest winner is definitely the two holy kings. It is awesome to Heavenly Respect, even if there is a peak of the Holy King, it is not worthy of them. However, the strength of the King of the Peak is also the same as that of the 369th. There is a huge difference between the martial arts and the temple alone.

There are only four holy temples, some of which are the holy kings, but there are five temples, six temples, seven temples, eight temples and even nine temples. The sacred warrior is not the same as the celestial warrior. The Tianzun martial arts can condense more Tianfu. The sacred kings can only transform the original Tianfu into a temple, and cannot condense the temple out of thin air.

That is to say, only the four peaks of Tianfu, who became the king of the sacred kings, can only have four temples at most. It is possible to have nine temples after having nine Tianfu’s ancestors and becoming a sacred king. Because of this, the Tianzun environment is very important. Of course, the holy kingdom and the kingdom can not be said to be unimportant.

There are examples in the three thousand territories. There used to be a great emperor. In Tianzun, there were only four Tianfu. Although he has lost to other warriors again and again, his ultimate achievement is far from his opponent. Tianfu, the temple, and the Taoist palace are few, and you can make up for it on the Tao.

The two holy kings who were able to participate in the third test had eight temples. Even if it has not yet been done, the Heavenly Masters of the True Dragons and the Heavenly Masters of the Holy Family will understand that they are not the opponents of the two holy kings. They did not rashly agree to the Taixuan Taoist, that is, they feared that they would die in the hands of the two holy kings.

To Tianzun has a great future, to achieve the Taoist, completely absent, and they may prove to be emperors. If you die in the fox sacred place, you are not only sorry for yourself, but also sorry for cultivating their power. Because even if it is the power of the emperor, it is not a simple matter to cultivate a master.

"Predecessors, don't know if you can tell us, what is the third contest?"

The true dragon family’s sacred daring asked, not to mention the two sacred kings, but the sacred sacred family, he was not sure. Moreover, just now he and Wei invincible battle, is still the result of evenly matched. If the third match is a life-and-death match, then his chances of winning are not great.

"Yes, the third game is actually to let you and other opponents win and lose, the winner is born, the loser is dead."

The words of Tai Xuan Dao made the atmosphere in the field dignified. Lin Rizhen and Ling Dao did not rush to interject, because they believed that Tai Xuan Dao would not let them two heavenly kings, and the other four Tianzun and the two holy kings. Even the most powerful Tianjun, still can not be the opponent of the Holy King.

"I didn't let you Tianjun's meaning to Tianjun, Tianzun to Tianzun, and the Holy King to the Holy King. The third test is from among you, just choose two deciders and lose your life. Of course, for the sake of fairness, you After the encounter between two or two, the warriors with high realm will be suppressed to the same as the warriors with low realm."

For example, if Tian Jun encounters Tian Zun, then the realm of Tian Zun will be suppressed to the heavenly kingdom. When Heaven respects the Holy King, then the realm of the Holy King will be suppressed to the heavenly environment. Not only the suppression of the big realm, but also the suppression of the small realm. If Lin Rizhen encounters Lingdao, his cultivation will become the same as Lingdao.

The sacred sacred sacred sigh of relief, the same realm, the only opponents that can make him jealous, only two, one is the true dragon family to the heavenly esteem, and the other is the human race to the heavenly esteem Wei invincible. The other two holy kings, two heavenly kings and one bully respect, he did not mind at all.

"A **** or a holy king who is suppressed to the heavenly kingdom, their knowledge, their experience, their experience, are not really comparable to the heavenly king. The third match seems to be fair, but it is still unfair, if it is They will participate in the two days, and they will die."

"In any case, the two of them are human geniuses. If they die, they will die. For us, there is no harm. I just want to know that the three heavenly kings and the two holy kings, in the case of the same realm, who is the best. Who can laugh at the end."

To Tianzun, to speak white, or the peak of Tianzun. The two kings who were able to participate in the third test, after being suppressed to the peak of Tianzun, only eight Tianfu. In other words, they will be crushed into a tyrant, they have advantages and disadvantages, because they are less than a Tianfu.

If the remaining eight warriors, all of them participate in the third contest, then the tyrants of Lingdao, Lin Rizhen and Tianhu Holy Land will be sent to death. It is possible to become the winner, three to the heavenly and two holy kings. As for who is the winner in the end, the military in the presence did not dare to assert.

"Teacher, I know that you want to marry the sacred woman of the fox sacred place. However, your realm is the lowest, or you should not participate in the third test. Anyway, I won, and I will give you the sacred woman of the fox sacred place!"

Wei Invincible wants to let Lingdao withdraw, because she feels that Lingdao has no chance of winning. A sacred king who was suppressed to the end of the heavenly kingdom is definitely not the same as the real martial artist in the late Tianjun period. Let Ling Dao and Tian Tian Zun fight, and the peak of the Holy King fight itself is an embodiment of unfairness.

Other Terran warriors nodded and felt that Wei was invincible. If Ling Dao is participating in the third test, there is no difference between looking for death. If Wei is invincible, it is possible to win, because to Tianzun and hegemony, there will be no suppression.

The difference between Datianzun, Xuantianzun, Taitianzun, Batianzun, and Tianzun is derived from the number of Tianfu. In fact, their realm is the same. Datianzun is the peak of Tianzun, and Xuantianzun is also the peak of Tianzun, Taitianzun, Batianzun and Zhizun, the same is true.

"If I have such a sister, how good."

"I really envy the kid, there is such a master in the sky, how cool and how cool."

"Unfortunately, she is not my sister, or else, I have hope to marry the saints of the nine-tailed fox family."

One after another, the warrior is envious of Lingdao, and Wei is invincible, trying to help him grab the saint. In particular, Wei Invincible and the real dragon family to fight against the sky is quite a match, she passed the third test possibility, than Lingdao did not know how much.

"No, Sister, you still don't participate in the third test."

Lingdao shook his head, not only rejected Wei's invincible proposal, but also let Wei invincible not to participate in the third test. As long as the sword is okay, even if he dies in the fox sacred place, he can still resurrect. Wei is incomparable. If Wei is invincible, it will really disappear forever.

The director of Taixuan Tao said that only one warrior in the third contest can survive. Lingdao is 100% to participate. If Wei is invincible, then they must die one. As a result, it has become a fratricidal killing, and Lingdao certainly does not want to encounter this situation.

"No, absolutely not, I can't let you participate in the third match."

During the speech, Wei Invincible has come to Lingdao, soft, she will come hard. Big deal will stun Lingdao, do not give Lingdao the opportunity to participate in the third test. The Happy Emperor let her protect Lingdao, she will never let Lingdao accident, unless she died in front.

"Sister, I know what you want to do, but I want to ask you, if I even want a woman, I want you to fight, then, what is the meaning of living?"

Lingdao's words, let Wei invincible hesitated, Wei invincible to help Lingdao win the saint, and Lingdao himself has to come, certainly not the same. What's more, Wei Invincible has no absolute certainty. After all, the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family are also not vegetarian.

The little sage of the true dragon family has something to save their lives, and maybe there is also a ridge. Other warriors do not know the identity of Lingdao, Wei invincible is aware. Wei invincible turned to think, perhaps Lingdao has a treasure to save his life at a critical moment, so Lingdao is not afraid.

"Moreover, the same realm, can't I still win them?"

It’s arrogant, arrogant, and unpretentious. It’s the feeling of other warriors on Lingdao. A late Tianjun, but also a disciple of the Tianyuan Holy Land in the district, dare to speak out arrogantly, really does not put the world's heroes in the eye. They have seen themselves, and they are so conceited, they are the first to see.

The sacred family’s sacred smile, and the true dragon family’s sacred smile also laughed. The two princes and kings were too lazy to look at Lingdao, because they felt that Lingdao was like a clown. The frog at the bottom of the well does not know the vastness of the Tianhe River. It is ridiculous to say something, how ridiculous it is.

"Little girl, the first two games, the Lord has been forbearing you for a long time, the third test, you still don't want to mix."

Just when Wei was invincible against Lingdao, Taixuan Taoist used invisible power to imprison Wei invincible. Wei Invincible did not think that the Taixuan Taoist will give her a shot, and the Taixuan Taoist not only did not give her the chance to stun the Lingdao, but also did not give her the ability to speak.

"Well, this lord has prepared three battle platforms for you, let's get started now."

Tai Xuan Dao’s main sleeve was waved, and three huge battle platforms appeared in the field. After passing the second test of the eight warriors, there are only seven left and three finals, which are completely sufficient. Among the seven warriors, six were selected, two pairs were decided, and three were eliminated.

Unlike the previous two trials, the third match was eliminated, which is a dead end. What makes other warriors strange is that there is no military at all, and they opt out. It’s hard to be done. Are you going to fall to the two heavens today?

PS: Finally finally finally finished, and tomorrow's five more broke out!

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