The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 111: Decisive battle

Lingdao did not get the chance to take the wheel, luck is not good, but his opponent is the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land, luck is not bad. Compared with the other two to Tianzun and the two peaks of the Holy King, the Heavenly Shrine of the Tianhu Holy Land is obviously weaker. If he can't beat the tyrants of the fox sacred place, it is even more unlikely that he will be the opponent of two sacred gods and two sacred kings.

Other warriors feel that Lin Rizhen is good to deal with, only Lingdao understands that Lin Rizhen is the most difficult to deal with. The first opponent of the third match is arguably the weakest of the other six fighters. Even so, there is still no warrior who is optimistic about Lingdao. In the later days, Tianjun and Ba Tianzun are weak and weak, isn’t it obvious?

The other two matchups on the final battle platform were deliberately arranged by the Taixuan Taoist. The opponent of the true dragon family to Tianzun is a peak king, and the opponent of the holy family to Tianzun is another peak king. The Taixu Taoist Lord just wants to take a look. Under the same realm of Tianzun and Fengfeng Holy King, which one is powerful.

"Please, human race boy!"

After the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land learned that the opponent was Lingdao, he was relieved. He walked to the front of Lingdao and made a "please" gesture to Lingdao. Dealing with the two to Tianzun, he is not sure, he is also not sure about the two Kings, but he has full control over Lingdao and Lin Risheng.

In the back matchup, he didn't know what would happen. Anyway, in the first round, he felt that there was no problem at all. Anyway, he participated in the third test, which was originally a lucky one. If he died in the demon temple, the Taixuan Taoist must not be convinced, after all, it is not easy to cultivate a tyrant.

"Not that I want to kill you, but rather than the test, wait for you to blame me."

The duel has not yet begun, and the tyrants of the fox sacred place are so arrogant, and they have regarded themselves as winners. However, the warriors present did not say that he was arrogant, because they felt that the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land would definitely be able to kill the Lingdao, just a few tricks.

Some warriors say that the tyrants of the fox sacred land can be the life of Lingdao, and some warriors think that Lingdao is not so good to deal with, at least ten strokes to open, Tianhu sacred heavenly lord can kill Lingdao. The small sage of the true dragon family is a little higher than Lingdao, and almost died in the hands of Lingdao, and the tyrants of the fox sacred land can only die and die in the late period of Tianjun.

"What you said is exactly what I want to say to you. You and I have no complaints and no enmity. Killing you has no benefit to me."

Lingdao took the first step on the battle platform, and then he said faintly. One after another, the demon martial artists looked wrong, but did not expect this time, Lingdao still dared to speak out. If it wasn't for the normal performance in front of the Lingdao, they thought that Lingdao was a madman.

"The first test and the second test let you forget it. Is it killing me? Just you?"

In the later period, Tianjun threatened to dominate the life of Heaven, and it was simply a big word. In the first match and the second test, Tianhu Zun of Tianhu Shengdi did lose to Lingdao. However, the third game was different from the test. Lingdao’s attitude of not putting Tianhu’s sacred place in the eyes has already angered the tyrants of the fox land.

When the tyrants of the Fox Land on the day went to the battle platform, the powerful momentum was oppressed toward Lingdao. However, just for a moment, his momentum is several times weaker, because his cultivation was suppressed to the end of the heavenly kingdom. The eight heavenly houses disappeared, and he only had six roads left.

At the same time, the other four powerhouses also embarked on the battle platform. What really has something to watch is the confrontation of the other four strong players. As for the confrontation between Lingdao and Tianhu Shengdi, it is definitely the result of one side. The opponents of the true dragon family to Tianzun are the sacred kings of the phoenix family, the opponents of the sacred family to the heavenly ancestors, and the sacred kings of the Qipeng family.

It is a pity that because the realm has been suppressed, the peak of the phoenix family and the sacred king of the Pengpeng family have all become the tyrants. Of course, they are definitely more powerful than the average tyrants, because they have the fighting consciousness of the sacred king, and the martial art of the sacred king.

What the Phoenix King and the Peng Peng family did not expect was that their temples not only became Tianfu, but also the body of the King of the Peak became the body of the Heavenly Lord. Their current state, wanting to defeat Tianzun, is not an easy task. Of course, on the other hand, it is not a simple matter to go to Tianzun to defeat them.

"The general domineering, can not afford my interest, but you are not the same. Because you are the king of the peak, so I am willing to fight with you!"

The sacred family's sacred eyes are burning, their faces are fierce, and their golden hair is in the sun, as the flames of battle burn. He did not have the nonsense of the sacred king of the Yipeng family, and he was not polite with the peak of the Qipeng family. The voice just fell, and it rushed to the peak of the Qipeng family.

As is known to all, the Kunpeng family has a very fast speed in the world. If the peak of the Qipeng family is to take advantage of the speed advantage, it is absolutely enough for the sacred family to have a headache. Therefore, the sacred ancestors of the sacred family came up at the fastest speed, approaching the peak of the Qipeng family.

A pair of furry big hands, slammed forward, sometimes turned into mountains, sometimes turned into giant hammers, and sometimes turned into stars. One after another, the thunder and the sky, the silver snake fluttering, the purple light interlaced, as if there is a young thunder, standing above the sky, facing the smashing of the sacred king of the Peng Peng family below.

If the king of the Qipeng family is to use the original realm and the battle of the sacred family, he does have a certain victory. But now, he must play the spirit of twelve points, because with a little carelessness, he may be defeated to the sacred family.

More importantly, the third game is not a match, but a life-and-death match. If you lose, there is only one scene, and that is death. As long as the sacred king of the Kunpeng family goes further, it is Daojun. Even in the power of the emperor, the status of Daojun is not low, not to mention that he has upgraded from the tyrants. The peak of the eight Taoist palaces, can be the elders of the emperor.

"I didn't expect that we will not only meet again, but also have a life-and-death showdown."

The words of the true dragon family to the heavenly lord make the phoenix family's peak king inexplicable. The Fenghuang holy king of the Phoenix family has already been over 800 years old. The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun is only over 300 years old. Although the true dragon family’s Zhitianzun is now very popular in the Yao’s territory, the Phoenix family’s peak holy king pair He has no impression.

"In those days, I was just a king. You didn't have an impression of me. It was normal. But you can't remember the thousand miles?"

After hearing the three words of the thousand hexagrams, the pupils of the phoenix family’s peaks and eyes were suddenly contracted. It was probably a hundred years ago that the phoenix king of the phoenix family had fought a battle with Qian Qian, and it would have been possible to defeat Qian Qian, but he simply abolished Qian Qian.

"Forgot to tell you, my name is 敖万宸, 敖千宸 is my brother." The true dragon family to Tianzun stares at the eyes of the phoenix family, the peak of the holy king, full of hate, "Today, I will kill you, for me." Brother revenge!"

Under normal circumstances, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun now can't report the enemy, because the Phoenix family's peak Shengwang is higher than his realm. Fortunately, he gave him the opportunity in the third game. It is a pity that the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family did not know that they are now in the illusion, and even the sacred king of the phoenix family is limited to the illusion.

The illusion of the nine heavenly palaces emerged behind the true dragon family to Tianzun. Three thousand roads, turned into swordsmen, stabbed the Phoenix King's peak. The advantage of the true dragon family lies in the unparalleled flesh, and the advantage of the Phoenix family lies in its ability to recover. Therefore, the sacred king of the true dragon family and the phoenix king of the phoenix family are not afraid of close combat.

Tianpin Wuxue, which is displayed by the true dragon family to Tianzun, is one of the strongest martial arts among the dragons. He is not a sacred martial art, but the martial arts he uses now, which is more suitable for himself. It is like a knife repair, give him a sword of the sky, it is better to give him a land knife.

"I can abolish your brother, you can abolish you, no, I want to kill you!"

The threat of Wan Wanzhen is definitely bigger than that of Qian Qian, because Qian Qianxi is like him, he is a tyrant, and Wan Wan is a god. If he waits for him to rise to the same level as him, perhaps he is not an opponent. The third game was a big help for him, or else he was a good peak for the King.

The confrontation between the phoenix family and the sacred king and the true dragon to Tianzun, as soon as they came up, was the stage of white heat. Unlike the confrontation between the holy monks and the Tianzun and the Kunpeng family, the seemingly powerful, in fact, they are still in the trial stage, not really desperate.

The tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land are only ordinary martial arts, because in his current state, there is no such thing as a powerful martial arts. Fortunately, his opponent, just a personal boy, is only in his 20s. In martial arts, he feels that he can sneak a few streets. If it weren’t for the sake of winning, the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land felt that they could defeat Lingdao without having to use any martial arts.

One after another, a whip, pulled over to Lingdao. Even if the cultivation of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land Ba Tianzun was suppressed to the end of the Tianjun period, he could still kill a Tianjun with a whip. The skinny dead camel is bigger than Ma, even if the same repair is done, he still believes that Lingdao is far less than him.

"Do you want to do this thing?"

If you want to take it to the next level, you must fight against a stronger warrior. At the point where Lingdao is now, the fellow warriors can compete with him, and there are very few. Fortunately, in the third game, I tried to suppress the cultivation of other strong people, but it gave the opportunity to honed itself.

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