The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 112: Qingyue Qianhuyin

"It's too crazy!"

"I was the first time I saw this in the late days when I dared to talk to the tyrants."

"As the saying goes, if you don't see the coffin, you can't see tears. How can he see the coffin soon? Don't you know?"

In the face of the offensive of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, Tiandao did not have a slight panic on his face. The same repair, power, Lingdao has an absolute advantage, the same in the physical aspect. The weakness of Lingdao is in terms of knowledge, experience and control.

Ling Dao's palm is a knife, and both hands are pulled out at the same time, like two swords, scratching the void, and cutting one whip. The speed of his shot is not as fast as it is. It is only a moment, and all the whip falls on the ground. The Tianwu martial arts used by Tianhu Shengdi Ba Tianzun did not hurt Lingdao.

"My martial arts, is it so good to deal with?"

The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land sneered aloud, and all the broken whip, like a small snake, moved away flexibly. Did not wait for other warriors to react, a giant python appeared out of thin air, opened a large mouth, swallowed Lingdao. It’s not that Lingdao doesn’t resist, but in the moment just now, Lingdao’s spirit has stunned.

The nine-tailed fox family has the strongest will. Even if the tyrants of the fox sacred land are suppressed to the end of the heavenly kingdom, the control of the king's will is still not comparable to Lingdao. Of course, the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land are equally uncomfortable, because Lingdao, like him, has a king-level will.

"I am a tyrant and you have a decisive battle with the late Tianjun. As a result, I have no small opponents, but you take it lightly. It is a big joke."

Because Lingdao is too mad, so the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land can solve the Lingdao in one fell swoop. The facts are of course different from those of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. Lingdao despise the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, just to anger the tyrants of the fox sacred place, so that the tyrants of the fox sacred land reveal more flaws.

"One move, it really is a trick, I will say, the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land can solve the late Tianjun of the Terran."

"He swelled, and after defeating the small dragon of the true dragon family, he did not know what his own name was."

"To know oneself and know each other, you can win every battle. He doesn't know each other, he doesn't even know it. He doesn't know how to say it."

The giant scorpion vacated, then fell at a rapid speed, squatted on the ground, then vacated, then fell, and then squatted on the ground, so cycled, in order to quake the ridge. In addition, there are hundreds of small snakes in the belly of the giant python. They keep biting the ridge and want to destroy the life of Lingdao.

"It's okay, it's okay, after all, it's a prince, how can you die casually?"

In the specific situation on the battle platform, Wei is incomprehensible, because she was imprisoned by Taixuan Tao, she could not help Lingdao. What she can do now is to comfort herself. Even if she is already a sacred person, in front of the Taixuan Taoist, still not enough to see. Just pull out a Taoist, killing Tianzun is as simple as pinching an ant, not to mention the Taixuan Taoist or the brother of the Emperor.

"Give me broken!"

Ling Dao slammed his fists, and the power of Tian Zun broke out. Yuan Yuan originated on the surface of his fist and condensed one after another. The body of the giant python could not bear such an attack, but in an instant, it broke through a hole. It is impossible to solve the Lingdao with one stroke.

After rushing out of the body of the giant python, Lingdao did not stop at half point, and stepped on the star-studded eight steps, rushing to the front of the fox sacred place. Five consecutive big handprints, successively bombarded in the Tianhu Holy Land. Jinxiu Mountain River Miles, the stars of the stars, countless, Tianhu Shengdi's Ba Tianzun was directly caught off guard.

"Don't die?"

Some of the demon warriors were disappointed, and some of them were uplifted. In short, Ling Dao was in good condition, they did not think of it. I thought that there was no suspense in the confrontation between Lingdao and Tianhu Shengdi, and it seems that there is at least a good match. At least it is worth seeing.

The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land wants to kill Lingdao, certainly not as simple as they thought at first. Of course, to say that Lingdao can defeat the tyrants of the fox sacred place, they did not believe it before, but still do not believe. The previous confrontation, how to see is also the Lingdao is in the disadvantage, the advantage of Tianhu Shengdi Ba Tianzun is self-evident.

"There are still some tricks, even if they are displayed, otherwise I will be shot!"

The warriors under the stage almost vomited blood, and the attack of Lingdao was like a storm, but he even slammed the tyrants of the fox sacred land. If they could see the scene on the battle platform, they thought that Lingdao had always been a tyrant. Even they can't listen to it, not to mention the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land themselves?

"Qingyue Qianhuyin!"

Lingdao’s first test was conducted in the Green Moon World. The Qingyue World was opened by the Qingyue Emperor, and the Qingyue Qianhuyin was also created by the Qingyue Emperor. Of course, Qingyue Qianhuyin is not a martial art of the emperor, but only the martial arts created by the Qingyue Emperor in Tianzun.

Even so, the Qingyue Thousand Foxes are more versatile than the martial arts previously performed by the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. The tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land chose the Qingyue Thousand Foxes, in order to defeat the Lingdao in the shortest time. In the previous situation, there was an ankle that could not occur for the second time.

The tyrannical sacred hands of the fox sacred land were printed with one hand and one fox phantom, which slowly emerged. From the bottom to the top, the fox shadows are stacked together, like a mountain, pressed against the top of Lingdao. Once, he used the Qingyue Thousand Foxes to kill a sacred king.

"Big brother is really moving, even the Qingyue thousand foxes are used out, and the Terran Heavenly King is dead."

A disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land exclaimed, of course, he knew the Qingyue thousand foxes. Normally, in the later days, Tianjun wanted to practice the Qingyue Thousand Foxes. It was impossible to do it at all, and Fengfeng Tianjun could not do the same. Tianhu Shengdi Ba Tianzun did not practice the Qingyue thousand foxes in Tianjun, but it did not succeed.

Nowadays, the Tianhu Holy Land is only the realm of the realm of Tianjun, not the real late Tianjun. When he was in the late period of Tianzun, he became a young man with a thousand foxes. After becoming a tyrant, the Qingyue fox has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

Lingdao did not hesitate to directly display Yuanshilong Wangquan. The fifth level of the origin of the Yuan, condensed into two dragons, rampage, and deliberate. The collision between Yuanshilongwangquan and Qingyue Qianhuyin broke out in an instant, the source collapsed, the gas was disordered, the ground cracked, and the air shook.

The tyrants of the fox sacred place looked at Lingdao with a strange look. I did not expect that Lingdao’s boxing method was so fierce. The two dragons slammed into the shadow of one fox, making the fox's phantom broken into pieces, and then disappeared. Qingyue Qianhu was printed in front of Lingdao and seemed to be vulnerable.

The reason why it seems to be, because Lingdao has seen the Qingyue Thousand Fox Seal, is only part of the Qingyue Qianhu Seal. The Qingyue Thousand Fox Print actually has two parts, one is the Thousand Fox Print, and the other is the Qingyue Seal. Lingdao only saw the thousand foxes, did not see the blue moon print, if he cares, it is likely to be planted in the blue moon print.

Fortunately, Lingdao had already felt that even if he smashed the thousand foxes, he still watched the tyrants of the fox sacred place. Suddenly, Ling Dao discovered that the brow of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land Ba Tian Zun slightly picked him. Then he felt the blue moon and rushed into his own will.

The Qingyue Seal is actually a will to attack, and it is not the same as the Thousand Fox. The advantage of the nine-tailed fox family is the power of the will. The Qingyue Emperor created martial arts in the celestial world. It is impossible to have a little relationship with the willpower. Qingyue Huhuyin is really powerful, not a thousand foxes, but a blue moon.

Tianhu Zun of Tianhu Holy Land has full confidence in Qingyue Qianhuyin, because he feels that he has an absolute advantage in terms of willpower. Qingyue Yin not to say that the life of Lingdao, at least can also reinvent Lingdao's will world, thus laying the foundation for his victory.

"Human tribe, fight with me, you are still too tender!"

Thousands of foxes are used to confuse Lingdao and let Lingdao think that he is just like this. When Lingdao broke the thousand foxes, it was the most relaxing time for Lingdao. He now sneaked in and pushed Qingyue into the world of Lingdao, and he did not believe that Lingdao could withstand it.

The fox family is deceitful, and the tyrants of the fox sacred land are still stable and win, and they are still in the process of fighting. It is a pity that he did not know that the reason why Qingyue Yin was able to rush into Lingdao's will world without any hindrance was not that Lingdao relaxed his vigilance, but that Lingdao was prepared to count.

"It is this time, success or failure is here!"

It is certainly not a simple matter to overcome the tyrants of the fox sacred place between several moves. Fortunately, the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land is clever and gives Lingdao opportunities. The tyrannical sage of the fox sacred land thought that his will to attack and to defeat the ridge, in fact, is only his fantasy.

"Humanitarian Changlong!"

In the world of the will of Lingdao, it is full of people, dense and sloppy. After a round of blue moon came in, thousands of people were killed, but unfortunately, it did not cause any harm to the world of the will of Lingdao. Qingyue Qianhuyin is only a martial art of heaven, and the grade of humanity Changlong is much higher. Not only that, Lingdao also used nine-tailed magic, one after another white fox tail, sweeping over the blue moon.

At the same time as the world of the will is stabilized, Ling Dao’s double punches are again played. Unlike the previous one, this time, Lingdao used nine turns of dragons. The void seems to tremble, because the power of Ling Dao is really terrifying, far beyond the limits of Feng Tianjun.


Tianhu Shengdi’s tyrannical eyes widened his eyes and his face was full of horror. As soon as he came, he did not think that Lingdao could still make a move at this time. Secondly, the power of Lingdao broke out beyond his expectations.

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