The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 114: Second round matchup

The third match, the first round of the match, the three battles on the stage, the victory and defeat have been divided. The sacred kings of the Yipeng family and the sacred kings of the phoenix family and the tyrants of the fox sacred land are all dead. The winners are the sect of the Terran, the sacred **** of the true dragon family, and the sacred sage of the sacred family.

The Zhilong Zun and the Shengzong family’s Zhitian Zun won, and other warriors can accept it. After all, the result of their battle with the Jifeng King is itself unknown. The confrontation between Lingdao and Tianhu Shengdi is not the same, because they agree that Lingdao will die.

Now, Lingdao not only won, but also killed the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land. Even the time he used was similar to that of the true dragon family and the sacred family. The tyrant of the fox sacred land is afraid of death and can't figure out why he is not an opponent of the late Tianjun.

Some of the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land are hostile to Lingdao, and some of the Wu Peng’s martial artists look at the eyes of the sacred family to Tianzun. They are full of hate. Some phoenix martial artists can’t wait for the true dragon family to sacred to the gods. segment. They don't know that it is a fantasy, and naturally they use the murderer as an enemy.

"Okay, the first round of the duel is over. In the next round, you are still in a two-on-two matchup. If you want to marry my niece, you have to be prepared to die."

The Taixuan Taoist was calmed down first, because he knew that the Heavenly King of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land, the King of the Peng and the King of the Phoenix, and the King of the Phoenix were not dead. Lingdao defeated the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land, although he did not think of it, but Lingdao has always surprised him since the first test, and now it is no strange.

"Because you have the lowest level, I let you choose, you can choose one of them."

As long as Lingdao chooses one of the true dragon family to the Tianzun, the Shengyi family to the Tianzun and the Qingdi Palace, the remaining two naturally become opponents. The reason why the Taixu Taoist is so good to speak, but also let Lingdao choose, because he feels that Lingdao is not the opponent of the other three warriors.

Other warriors can't see the power of Lin Rizhen, but the Taixu Taoist can see it. However, Lin Rizhen’s exposure is limited. The Taixuan Taoist only knows that Lin Rizhen is more powerful than Lingdao. He still doesn’t know whether Lin Rizhen and the real dragon family’s Zhitian Zun and the Shengyi family’s Zhitian Zun are so powerful.

"I don't have to think about it at all. I definitely choose the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace."

"He can defeat the tyrants of the fox sacred place. I think it is pure luck. To say that he can beat the true dragon and the sacred family, I don't believe it."

"Escape is useless, even if he now defeats the peak of the Qing Emperor's Palace, the next round of confrontation still has to lose, no, it is death."

The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family fight, no matter who wins or loses, who can persist in the next round, certainly stronger. To Tianzun, already standing at the peak of Tianzun’s martial arts, an average of dozens of territories can be born. A sacred priest who can kill another to Tianzun can never be dealt with by Lingdao, a late Tianjun.

Lingdao’s eyes were swept away from the true dragon family to the Tianzun, the sacred family to the Tianzun and Lin Rizhen’s body. The first thing he ruled out was Lin Rizhen, because he knew the origin of Lin Risheng. The Heavenly Deity of the True Dragon Family and the Heavenly Respect of the Holy Family, compared with Lin Rizhen, is simply a difference between the clouds and the mud.

"I choose him!"

Lingdao pointed to the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, although he was just playing against the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land, but he still noticed the situation on the other two final battle platforms. If you have to choose between the true dragon family and the Tianzun and the holy family to Tianzun, there is no doubt that he will choose the former.

"He has a convulsion in his head?"

"With the peak of the king, do not choose, even choose the true dragon family to the heavenly deity?"

"Is it because he and the Qingfeng Palace are both of the same ethnic group, and they chose the true dragon family to Tianzun?"

Not only do they not understand, but the true dragon family’s Heavenly Master can’t understand. Lingdao can defeat the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family. Even if he is on the top of the peak, he also has the grasp of winning. Moreover, the third contest will also suppress Lin Rizhen to a realm of Lingdao.

The true dragon family’s sacred ancestors were first and foremost, and then irritated, because Lingdao chose him between him and the sacred family to Tianzun and the Qing Emperor’s palace Lin Risheng, apparently thinking that he was the weakest. I think that he is so up to the heavenly respect, it is not as good as the sacred sect of the sacred sect of the sacred sect. It is even worse than a peak prince.

"Original, with the status of the deity, it is not good for you to shoot. Now it is good, there is a road to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to vote, the deity just gives us the revenge of the juniors of the real dragon family."

Lingdao and the real dragon family Xiaoshengjun's opponent, the true dragon family's Zhitian is not good to intervene, there is no reason to intervene. However, he let Lingdao stop, Lingdao did not pay attention to him, has long annoyed him. Now Lingdao chooses to fight with his life and death, but it gives him a chance to vent.

"I really admire your courage, and even choose our dragon's Zhitian Zun as an opponent."

The Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family said sinisterly, because the choice of Lingdao is really timid. Don't say to Tianzun, he once played against the tyrants, and he succumbed to the same realm as him. He also lost to the tyrant. Compared with the tyrants, it is even stronger than Tianzun. No, a big cut.

However, Lingdao did not look at the Xiaoshengjun of the real dragon family. If it wasn’t for the true dragon family, the little holy king had a life-saving means, and now it is already a dead dragon. If there is no dragon strongman to protect the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun, the true dragon family Xiaoshengjun is now a dead dragon.

"Do you think I want to choose you? If you are not sure about dealing with them, why should I choose you?"

Lingdao's words, like a needle, are tied to the head of the true dragon family to Tianzun, and the true dragon family of the gas to Tianzun has a headache. The dragon warriors present at the scene were even more sore. If they were possible, they would not mind rushing to the battle platform and killing the ridge. Lingdao can't afford the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, but he can't look down on the whole dragon.

"Do you know that I don't feel comfortable when I see your face. I don't know if I can make a suggestion, can you cover my face with me?"

The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is obviously more tolerable than Xiao Shengjun, so Lingdao once again stimulated him. Lingdao has opened two times, and the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun is even better at cultivation, and can’t help but swear. Lingdao not only said that his strength is not good, but also that he is ugly.

"Man slaves, today the deity and you are on the road, you want to die, it is impossible!"

Nine Tianfu virtual shadows have emerged, powerful momentum, oppressing the void. Don't say the first trajectory, even if it is the King of Heaven and the Heavenly Warrior, it feels awkward. Fortunately, after the Tianlong of the true dragon family went to the battle platform, the cultivation was suppressed to the late stage of the heavenly kingdom.

At the same time, Lin Rizhen and the sacred family of the sacred family also stood on another battle platform. The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun feels that Lingdao is not his opponent, and the sacred family’s Tianzun also believes that Lin Rizhen is not his opponent. The sacred sage of the sacred family is still thinking about how to deal with the true dragon family.

After the end of the second contest, there are only two of the true sacred people of the sacred family. One is the Tianzun of the true dragon family, and the other is the invincible of the Terran. Now it is good, Tai Xuan Dao is not allowed Wei invincible to participate in the third test, it is worthy of the sacred family to respect the opponent of the day, only the true dragon family to Tian Zun.

"Young people, are you ready?"

The sacred family's sacred celestial standing on the final battle platform, the second round of confrontation, he felt easier than the first round. The opponent of the first round of confrontation, how to say is also the peak of the holy king, the second round of the opponent of the match, just a peak of the king. If he knows the true identity of Lin Rizhen, he doesn't know what it is like.

"To tell the truth, fight with you, don't need to prepare."

Lin Rizhen tells the truth, but other warriors don’t think so. The demon warrior felt that he did not know that the sky was high and the human warriors felt that he was empty. At least in the first match and the second match, Lingdao won the championship. What is Lin Rizhen? Why is it so arrogant?

"is it?"

The sacred family’s sacred smile can’t be ignored, but it’s not a little angry. Seeing that Lin Rizhen is not ready to start first, the sacred sect of the sacred family has only attacked Lin Rizhen. The sacred sect of the sacred family did not use any school, and Lin Rizhen would not use it any more.

Punch, parry, and then punch, then resist, the source collides, the road is confrontation. The speed of the sacred family to the heavenly squad is getting faster and faster, but Lin Rizhen still seems to be at ease. In the same realm, Lin Rikai can close the eyes of the holy family.

"I didn't expect you to have two brushes, but you can warm up."

Until now, the sacred ancestors of the sacred family have been serious. Wen Yan, Lin Rizhen just chuckled, if not to avoid the performance of too shocking, the sacred family of the Tianzun has long been lost to Lin Rizhen. Even as long as Lin Rizhen wants to kill, the sacred sage of the sacred family is now dead and dead.

As time goes by, the sacred sage of the sacred family has already sweated. At the beginning, Lin Rizhen was only a passive defense. Now, Lin Rizhen has launched an active attack. The sacred family’s sacredness is only dazzling because he can’t keep up with Lin’s shooting speed.

"Now, do you understand why I didn't choose both of them? Do you find yourself not as good as them?"

To say that the performance of the sacred family and the celestial beings can make the true dragon family's sighs sigh, and even Lingdao does not believe that Lingdao is purely on the fire. After all, the true dragon family is only a young man, and it is impossible not to put Lingdao’s words in mind.

"The deity wants to ask you, do you want the deity to abandon your hands first, or interrupt your legs first?"

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