The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 115: Dalong Wanlei

"A good boy who doesn't know the heights of the earth is dead, and he has no idea what his heart is."

"He doesn't provoke the true dragon family's sacred esteem, maybe he can still die. Now, he is afraid that he will die."

"Well, it’s only in the late days of the Heavenly Kingdom that you will not look at Tianzun in your eyes. Is there any fear?"

Even if Ling Dao killed the tyrant of the Tianhu Holy Land, the warrior in the demon sanctuary still believes that Lingdao is not the opponent of the true dragon family to Tianzun. The suppression of the tyrants of the fox sacred land to the late stage of the heavenly kingdom, his ability can not be played at all, because Lingdao holds the king's will.

If Lingdao has only half a step of the king's will, it is definitely not the opponent of Tianhu's holy land. Moreover, Lingdao is cultivating the will of the human being, and the tyrannical lord of the Tianhu Holy Land has no way to take him. The true dragon family is different from Heaven, because he is not relying on the power of will.

The strength of a warrior is limited, not to mention, Ling Dao is only twenty years old. Since Lingdao has achieved such success in his will, he must have weakened in other aspects. Moreover, the Tianzun of the true dragon family is inherently stronger than the tyrant of the Tianhu Holy Land. There is no reason not to win the Lingdao.

"Your tone is really big. Don't you know how many pounds you have been living for so many years?"

If the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family said that Lingdao had a strong tone, other warriors could still accept it. Ling Dao said that the true dragon family’s sacred tone is great, and other warriors are crying and laughing. Even if the cultivation of the true dragon family to the Tianzun was suppressed to the end of the heavenly kingdom, they still felt that the Lingdao and the true dragon family were not a level.

"The jokes have heard a lot, but what you said today is the best laugh."

The true dragon family’s sorrowful laughter, the six roads turned into six dragons, and they rushed toward Lingdao. He did not use martial arts, nor did he fight with Lingdao, but it made other warriors puzzled. Because other warriors feel that the flesh is his advantage, martial arts is also his advantage.

What do you mean by giving up your advantage? Because he despised Lingdao, did he feel that Lingdao was not qualified to let him use his full strength? Or, he thinks that the same is his advantage. It is enough to defeat the Lingdao and even kill the Lingdao.

The six dragons are as vivid as life, just like the real thing. In the later period of the Tianjun period, the Tao can be used in such a realm, absolutely few and far between. The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family only looked at Lingdao with contempt, as if he believed that Lingdao could not deal with his Tao, he would only be defeated under his Tao.

"There is more to say, the strength is not good, it is still no good. You can go this step, it is not easy, but unfortunately, you met the deity."

The true meaning of the true dragon family to Tianzun is that when Ling Dao meets him, he will be defeated in his hands and even die in his hands. There are demon warriors nodding, and some people are angry. Unfortunately, no military is optimistic about Lingdao, because the gap between Tianjun and Tianzun in the later period is too great.

"Before, I always felt that I was so extraordinary, until I saw you, I realized that it is only like this!"

At the same time as speaking, the six roads of Lingdao have been turned into six swords. Because of the breakthrough to the Heavenly King, Ling Dao refining the Bodhi fruit, coupled with the Emperor personally pointing, compared to the Tao, he is really not afraid of the border warrior, even if this contemporary warrior used to be Tianzun.

The sword is on the dragon, and the real dragon seems to be wailing, and a piece of scales collapses. It’s just an instant, and the six dragons are broken into two pieces. However, the sword is even worse, some have turned into dozens of pieces, and some have split into pieces. The Tao is confrontational and has the upper hand. After all, it is the Tianzun of the true dragon family.

However, this result, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is not only dissatisfied, but also quite unexpected. When he wants to come, his six roads should be able to easily ruin the six roads of Lingdao. Who knows that it is only a thousand injured, and it hurts eight hundred. The road to Lingdao was really hurt, and his path was not much better.

The Dragon Warrior wanted to celebrate the Tianlong Respect of the Real Dragon family. Now he can only prepare to say something and break into his stomach. If at this time the true dragons of the true dragons are adored, how can other warriors think that the true dragons will hate them.

The Tang Dynasty true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, to deal with a Terran in the late Tianjun, the Tao is confrontation, only a slight advantage, this time praise the true dragon family's Zhitianzun, is equal to playing the real dragon family to Tianzun's face. The dragon warriors present were not fools. Who would hit the gun?

"Thousands of thunder!"

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun’s palms were shot, and a thunder and lightning fell from the sky. His palms seem to have a great gravity, sucking all the lightning. Now he doesn't want to swear with Ling Dao, just want to defeat Ling Dao earlier, or else he may be a laughing stock.

He used the martial arts, there is no place in the mysterious, but it is because of the simple and rude, it is even more difficult to deal with. Because it is simple, it has less flaws, because it is rude, so it is powerful. Lingdao either chooses hardships or chooses to escape. Unfortunately, there is no escape and no escape.

The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun did not shoot, but the shot is expected to determine the various reactions of Lingdao. He can't control the thoughts of Lingdao, he can only think of other ways. For example, the fifth level of the source envelopes the entire battle platform. No matter where the Lingdao appears on the battle platform, Thousand Thunderbolts can be attacked in the first time. After all, the battle platform is too small, and there is no place for Lingdao to avoid.

"Yuan Shi Long Wang Quan!"

From the beginning to the present, Lingdao’s understanding of Yuanshilong Wangquan has been upgraded one level after another. His current opponent is the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family, so he does not need to hesitate, he uses the nine-turn dragon. It is a pity that he is already a late warrior in the Tianjun period.

The two dragons shuttled through the thunder and lightning, approaching the true dragon family's sacred temper at the speed of the naked eye. Lingdao's pair of pupils have already become golden, and the death of the true dragon family is determined by his death. His pressure can be imagined. What the true dragon family can do is to derive more lightning.

On the battle platform, it seems that there is a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. Without waiting for the true dragon family to be proud of the heavens, the two dragons seem to be the hegemon of the ocean. How about Yuanshilong Wangquan, let alone, the key is that Lingdao has mastered the fifth level of the origin of the Yuan, and he can turn the Yuanyuan source into the source of Lei at any time.

"Even if it is a sacred person who has not been serious, it has been so bad. If I don't hold the fighting rhythm in my hands, I may not be his opponent."

Lingdao’s eyes flickered. After deciding, he used eight steps to chase the stars. He came to the Tianlong Zun of the real dragon family for the first time. He didn't want to give the real dragon family to Tianzun to show any powerful opportunity to learn. Therefore, he chose close combat and attacked the true dragon family's Zhizun at the fastest speed.

"You have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately, useless!"

It is worthy of the fact that dozens of territories can appear in one of the heavenly respects. It is only a moment of effort, and they have guessed the intention of Lingdao. However, close combat, he is not afraid of Lingdao. The real dragon family, the body is unparalleled, if the melee is still fighting a human warrior, isn’t the face of the real dragon family thrown away?

The body of the true dragon to Tianzun began to rise, and only nine breaths of time, he became a three-meter-high giant. Under his shoulder, he grew one arm after another. In terms of speed, he does not dominate, so he chooses to use more hands to deal with Lingdao.

The so-called double-fighting and hard-fighting four hands, Lingdao now have to deal with, far more than four hands. The true dragon family's sacred statue is like a human figure. If a timid child sees him, he may directly cry. His appearance is ugly and ugly, but the strength has improved a lot. Even if the speed of Lingdao is faster than that of the true dragon family, it still has no use. The arm of the real dragon to Tianzun is too much.


When Lingdao was inadvertent, he was pressed by the palm of the real dragon to the palm of Tianzun. He just stepped back half a step, and he had seven or eight hands and bombarded him. Even if he is physically tyrannical, it is just as uncomfortable now, and the heart, the liver, the spleen, the lungs and the kidneys are all suffering from the lightness.

"Since the deity said that he would abolish your hands and interrupt your legs, then you will never quit!"

When the Tianlong of the true dragon family saw Lingdao injured, he was relieved. The previous Lingdao was really a little scary. If Lingdao’s eyes don’t have the feeling of vicissitudes of life, he’s afraid that Lingdao is an old-fashioned Nirvana rebirth, otherwise how to explain Lingdao is so powerful.

Although Lingdao has a past life, but his past life is just a sword, a sword, a sword repair, specializes in the sword, the world does not understand, love is not to mention. Because of this, after he reincarnates to the world of Sword God, he is no different from other teenagers. It is not like the existence of past life memories.


Lingdao bites his teeth and endures the pain, and once again displays Yuan Shilong Wang Quan. Because the arm of the real dragon to Tianzun is too much, so he can only do not punch. He and the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun are not studying, but the decisive battle of your death and death. If you lose, you will only have one dead end.

"Dragon and Thunder!"

The true dragon family’s sacred screams, full of eighteen pairs of big hands, at the same time attack. His original star, instantly dimmed, because his current consumption is too big. However, as long as it can defeat Lingdao in a shorter time, everything is worthwhile, and he does not want to continue to consume with Lingdao.

The thunder and lightning of the sky gathered together into a dragon, exuding the dragons of the sky. The dragon is like Raytheon, who rules the punishment of the world. With the 18th pair of hands of the true dragon family and Tianzun falling, the dragon seems to have become a peerless soldier, breaking the space barrier and reaching the front of Lingdao.

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