The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 117: Third round matchup

The difficulty of killing to Tianzun is definitely greater than killing the tyrants, and it is much bigger. In the first round of the third match, Ling Dao killed the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land, which was enough to surprise other warriors. Unexpectedly, in the second round of confrontation, he even killed the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, and the other warriors were completely shocked.

One is the late Tianjun, and the other is the Heavenly Respect. Even if the latter is suppressed to the later stage of the Heavenly Kingdom, the comparison between them should be the latter. However, the fact is that the latter not only lost, but also lost their lives. Even if you see it with your own eyes, there are still many warriors who are unbelievable.

To the Heavenly Master is more than a star and a half, if the true dragon family's Zhitianzun and the Tianhu Holy Land's tyrants play a life-and-death confrontation, it does not take long, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun can be the Heavenly Shrine's tyrant Kill. Therefore, Ling Dao’s killing of the fox sacred place is first, and there is still no warrior who feels that he can defeat the true dragon family.

"Look, you see, the Qing Emperor's Palace, the peak of the king and the holy family to the Tianzun seems to be quick to win?"

"Impossible, how can the Heavenly Master of my holy family be crushed by a Terran?"

"Isn't the Terran not comparable to our Yaozu? Why are they so young?"

It’s just a Lingdao. It’s arguable that there is an exception. I didn’t expect that there would be another Lin Rizhen. What is even more frightening is that Lingdao defeated the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, but it was only a victory. Lin Rizhen defeated the Shengzong family's Zhizun, but it was an absolute advantage. Lin Rizhen has a heart to hide, or is more powerful than the sacred family.

The sacred ancestors of the sacred family are more and more brave, but unfortunately, his condition is getting worse. Haotian’s warfare can make him insist on playing, and even inspire his potential, so that his strength can be improved. However, he is still not an opponent of Lin Risheng, and the gap is very obvious.

"Who are you? Don't tell me, you are the peak of the Terran, I don't believe it!"

The peak of the Terran must have such a skill, and the peak of the Yaozu is worse than dead. The sacred sage of the sacred family has not seen the human genius, even if it is a three-prince disciple, there are very few who can compete with him. He is now suppressed to the peak of the heavenly kingdom. There is absolutely no peak in the human race.

It is precisely because of the absolute confidence in their own strength that the sacred family of the sacred family can be sure that Lin Rizhen has problems. Of course, he could not know the true identity of Lin Rizhen, but he guessed that Lin Rizhen was an old man who was born again in ancient times or in ancient times.

"I am not a human race, but what is it?"

Lin Rizhen’s eyes did not fluctuate a little because he didn’t want the demon strong to see what the problem was. He shot faster and faster, and the sacred sage of the sacred family could not stand it, and he could only vomit blood repeatedly. Although there are other problems with the holy family to Tianzun, I would like to ask Lin Risheng, but Lin Rizhen simply does not give him a chance.

The sacred sage of the sacred family is a character of death and disobedience. As long as there is still a breath, he will fight with Lin Rizhen. It is a pity that under the circumstance, he is increasingly losing to Lin Risheng, and eventually he was killed by Lin Risheng. It is not the sacred family who is not strong, but he met Lin Rizhen.

"The second round of the matchup is over!"

Tai Xuandao sighed a long breath, the third round of the second round of the test, actually eliminated two to Tianzun. You must know that at the beginning, the Tianlong Zun of the True Dragon family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family were all candidates for winning the championship, and the voice was extremely high.

A group of demon warriors did not think that after suppressing to the same realm, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun lost to Lingdao, and the Shengzong family’s Zhitian Zun also died in Lin’s hands. There are only two candidates for the championship, one is Lingdao and the other is Lin Rizhen.

"Don't tell me, the three games are compared, and the remaining two are all human warriors."

"Too shameful, obviously in the territory of our Yaozu, we actually lost to the Terran, can we say that our Yaozu has fallen?"

"In the wilderness period, our Yaozu is the master. Even in the ancient times, our Yaozu are equally powerful. How can we be so unbearable now?"

"The saints of the nine-tailed fox family are rarely married. As for marrying the human race, I have never heard of it."

Some demon warriors are embarrassed, and some demon warriors are indignant, and some demon warriors are dejected. Many demon martial artists look down on the Terran martial arts, but the three contests of the Taixu Taoist, shocked them again and again. From the first test to the third test, the big ones are all human warriors.

Whether it is Lingdao wins, or Lin Risheng wins, anyway, the winners are all Terran. The demon warriors can't wait to kill Lingdao and Lin Risheng alive, but unfortunately, they can't mess around. The Tianhu Holy Land has the rules of the Tianhu Holy Land. The three contests are arranged by the Taixu Taoist. If you lose, you can only blame them for their uselessness.

"It’s boring, it’s really boring, what a dragon family, what a holy family, what a Phoenix family, what a Peng family, but that’s it.”

"Do you think that the two of them will win? Is the genius of Tianyuan Holy Land so powerful, or is the disciple of the Qingdi Palace so powerful?"

"It doesn't matter, the genius of the Tianyuan Holy Land, the disciples of the Qing Emperor Palace, anyway, are the elites of our human race, and have nothing to do with their Yaozu."

After the Terran warriors came to the fox sacred land, they did not know how many times they were laughed at by the demon martial arts. Now they are finally proud. However, they dare not say too much. If the demon martial artists lose their sense of reason, they will be able to eat them all as rations in a moment.

The boss of Taixuan Tao did not announce the start of the third round of duel because the development of the matter exceeded his expectations. If you really let the enchantress marry a human warrior, he must be reluctant, no matter what, the enchantress is his pro-foreign prostitute. What's more, when he started this, he held other purposes.

To say that the true dragon family's sacred and sacred family's sacred, can still deserve the enchantress. As for Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen, he didn't think it was enough. In particular, Ling Dao has pitted him again and again. He can't wait to beat the Ling Dao. If Ling Dao wins the beauty, he must be mad.

"I didn't expect that you could hold on to the final round of the showdown, but it gave me the surprise."

Lin Rizhen took a long walk and walked toward Lingdao. In the first two rounds of matchups, you need to choose your opponent. The third round of matchups is completely unnecessary, because only two of them are left. As long as he defeats Ling Dao, he will be able to get the holy daughter of the Tianhu Holy Land, the biological daughter of the nine-tailed fox family.

"You can go to the final round of the showdown, but it is completely in my expectation."

Lingdao knows the true identity of Lin Risheng, so Lin Risheng can defeat the sacred family of the sacred people, he thinks it is a matter of course. If Lin Rizhen loses to the sacred family of the sacred family, Lingdao will be shocked, how can the sacred family's sacredness be so powerful?

The dialogue between the two of them made many warriors feel inexplicable. Lin Rizhen wants to get the body of Lingdao, so I don't want Lingdao to die in the hands of the real dragon to Tianzun. However, the current Lin Rizhen also has a headache, because he can not let the Yaozu strong people find his means.

If you have the body of Lingdao, Lin Rizhen does have a further grasp. However, the Taixu Taoist is present, and the Taoist leader is standing in the distance. Once the two Taoists infer the true identity of Lin Risheng, they will definitely not leave Lin Risheng to leave the Tianhu Holy Land. Because of concerns, Lin Rizhen did not rush to shoot.

"Do you want to change the rules? Let the true dragon family to the Heavenly and the Holy Family and the Heavenly Master and theirs again?"

The inner heart of the Taixu Taoist is entangled. The Heavenly Respect of the True Dragon and the Holy Family are only dead in the illusion, and the reality is good. However, the three trials were arranged by himself. If he changes now, isn’t he playing his own face?

He shook his head and decided to let the third game continue. As long as the Lord of the Holy Land has not gone out, the enchanting marriage of the enchantress, he completely done the Lord. Whether Ling Dao defeated Lin Rizhen or Lin Risheng defeated Ling Dao, he has a way to cope.

"The rules of the third test, do not need to repeat this lord? Now, as long as you defeat each other, is the ultimate winner!"

The demon warriors who participated in the contest did not know how much more than the Terran warriors. Even if it is a disciple of the Tianhu Holy Land, there is participation. As a result, in the third round of the third match, there was no such thing as a demon warrior. Even the Taixuan Taoist thought it was quite awkward.

The three battles were linked together because there was only one opponent in the third round. Lingdao stood on the east side of the battle platform, and Lin Rizhen was standing on the west side of the battle platform. Both of them looked at each other. Lin Rizhen is thinking about what to do, and he can get the body of Ling Dao without knowing it.

Lingdao is thinking about how to defeat Lin Rizhen. Whether it is the vision, the martial arts, or the control of power, Lin Rizhen must be stronger than Lingdao. Even if Lingdao has an advantage in physical strength and strength, he still has no grasp of winning.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than Ma, although the current Lin Rizhen is only the peak of the heavens, but his achievements in the martial arts are that the current Lingdao can only look up. Even if Lin Rizhen was suppressed to the end of Tianjunjing, it did not have much influence on Lin Risheng’s strength.

"I can let you shoot first, you know, if I first shot, you have no chance to shoot!"

Lin Riqi said slowly, perhaps there is a demon warrior who thinks he is bragging, but Lingdao understands that Lin Rizhen is not talking big. Compared with the Tianzun of the true dragon family, Lin Rizhen is difficult to deal with ten times. Switching to other warriors may, after knowing the true identity of Lin Rizhen, completely lose the courage to take the shot.

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