The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 118: Ssangyong

"The disciples of the Qingdi Palace are different. They are full of enthusiasm and do not put the disciples of the Tianyuan Holy Land in their eyes."

"The Tianyuan Holy Land is indeed inferior to the Qingdi Palace. It is not right. It should be said that their two emperors are completely incomparable."

The Qing Emperor, one of the five emperors, dominated the eternal existence of an era of three thousand territories. Tianyuan Emperor is only a great emperor. Although it is difficult to prove the emperor to the heavens, there are too many warriors in the three thousand territories, and there is never a big emperor. It is not enough to sweep the heavens with the power of Emperor Tianyuan.

The emperor's power, there are still three or six, etc., the Qingdi Palace is definitely among the top of the emperor's forces, and the Tianyuan Holy Land is not ranked. The demon martial artists who were present were of the sacred ancestors, the ancestral sects, the sacred sects, and the sacred sects. They despised the celestial sacred land, which was normal.

It is impossible to pass down from the wilderness to the present imperial power. In the long history of history, I don’t know how many emperor forces have been destroyed, and they can always stand still. No one is provoked. Even if the human race is now dominated by the heavens and the earth, the true dragon family, the Kunpeng family, the idol family, and the holy family are still as arrogant as ever.

Lingdao and Lin Rizhen who wins and loses, the demon warriors do not care much, and only the people of the military discuss the relish. Anyway, Lingdao and Lin Rizhen, a late Tianjun, another Fengfeng Tianjun, the warrior of the true dragon family and the warrior of the Shengyi family want to take revenge, it is not difficult at all.

"Just let me take the shot first, I thought you wanted me to make eight strokes."

When I said this, I don’t know how many warriors turned their eyes and saw that they were so shameless. The quick-reaction warrior first felt the wrong place, because Lingdao did not think about the cheapness of the real dragon family to Tianzun even when he played against the real dragon family.

"You think too much, I don't even want to let a trick."

Lin Riqi said with a smile, it is not that he did not know how to defeat the Lingdao, but he did not mean to care. Lingdao can defeat the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, and certainly has his powerful place. If Lin Rizhen makes him ten strokes and eight strokes, he can easily win him. It is definitely not normal.

In the sacred place of Tianhu, Lin Rizhen had to be cautious and carefully drove the ship for thousands of years. The Tianhu Holy Land not only has a Taoist, but also a great emperor. Even if he pretends to be good, he is not sure to escape the eyes of the Great. The Great Emperor means the heavens, not to mention the great emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land, who still has the advantage of being far superior to the same realm.

"I didn't expect to be like you, but I am so wary of you. Are you not afraid of me?"

The voice of Ling Dao has not completely fallen, it is to display the Yuan Shilong Wang Quan, attacking Lin Rizhen. When dealing with the true dragon family to Tianzun, he felt a lot of pressure. If the wine princess secretly helped him, he would not know who the deer died.

On the other hand, Lin Rizhen, although the time spent killing the Shengyi family to Tianzun is longer than Lingdao killing the true dragon family to Tianzun, but he has a good command and high judgment. If it weren’t for Tibetan mastiffs, Lin Rizhen’s defeat of the sacred family’s sacredness may be a matter of moments.

After two consecutive rounds of the third match, Lingdao has felt something wrong. Normally, he does not have much power and Lin Rizhen’s death. The problem is that he feels energetic, as if he had killed the real dragon to Tianzun before, not at all.

"It turned out to be a fantasy, it was really beyond my expectations."

Even Lingdao has noticed that if Lin Rizhen does not know the illusion, he has lived for so many years. Originally, he was still embarrassed, how to seize the body of Lingdao without knowing the power of the Yaozu, but now it is not necessary to smash, the life and death in the illusion is completely indifferent.

"Your boxing method, I have seen it, there are too many shortcomings, use it in front of me, it is to find death!"

Even the eyesight of the true dragon family to Tianzun is incomparable with Lin Rizhen. Lin Rizhen did not use any school, but a simple one, it broke the boxing of Lingdao. You must know that Ling Dao has improved Yuan Shilong Wang Quan in the Qingyue Mirror. If it is before the first test, Yuan Shilong Wang Quan has more shortcomings.

Lin Rizhen’s palm is like a big net, and it’s going to be covered. Six roads, like a sharp knife, spurred the body of Lingdao. In the same realm, the physical strength of Lingdao is definitely more than that of Lin Risheng. Unfortunately, Lin Rizhen did not mean to use Ling Dao, but he used the Tao to deal with him.


Behind the ridge, there was a pair of huge wings, which seemed to be transformed into a human figure. His speed is not much faster than that of the border warriors. Even so, there are two roads that still leave two wounds on him, and the bones are visible.

In a short time, he has no way to remove the shortcomings of Yuan Shilong Wang Quan, so what he can do is to speed up the punch. If he can make thousands of punches in the blink of an eye, Lin Rizhen even has no time to deal with the shortcomings of Yuan Shilong Wang Quan.

Lingdao’s idea is very good, but unfortunately, there is no way to achieve it. Because of the big net that Lin Rizheng turned into, he bound his body and restricted his movements. If he doesn't break it anymore, maybe he will be imprisoned in the same place, let alone deal with Lin Rizhen, and it is a delusion to move.

"With my way, Yanhua Tianjian, broken!"

Although he is now a martial artist, if he chooses to use weapons, he must use a sword. Six ways, condensed into a sharp sword, and he took out the power of the mid-term esteem. Even if the weapon is in front, there is still the possibility of being smashed.

Lin Ri's brow picked, and did not expect that Lingdao could break his palm in such a short period of time. Fortunately, he did not expect to solve the Lingdao with one hand, and really waited for Lingdao, or the trick he would now use. With his martial arts accomplishments, he has no difficulty in exerting the martial arts of the Qing Dynasty.

"The long river falls!"

A hang of the Tianhe River, flowing down from the endless heights, broke the ground and drowned the mountains. Lingdao has just got rid of the shackles and is preparing to show his talents, which is a huge crisis. He retired, but unfortunately, Tianhe was enough to cover the entire battle platform. Unless he quit the third match, he would have no place to hide.

Ling Dao took a deep breath and moved from the first style of the big handprint to the fifth style. Five palm prints, like a canopy, blocked at the top of the road. It is a pity that Lin Riqi’s attack is really too powerful. It’s just a three-day break, and the five palm prints are defeated by Tianhe.

Fortunately, the time of three interest is enough to make Lingdao prepare for it. There are hundreds of thousands of fists and shadows. He is the origin of the soil derived from Yuan Yuanyuan. The fist shadow is like a piece of arid land, madly absorbing water. As a result, it finally blocked Lin’s offensive.

I haven't waited for Lingdao to catch my breath. After a round of hot sun, I fell from a high altitude. The hot air waves are blowing in the face, and Lingdao only feels hot. In his current realm, let alone the cold and heat, even if he was thrown into the stove, he still did not feel anything.

However, Lin Rizhen’s use of the power of the source of the sun, can fully roast Lingdao, and even Lingdao's body turned into coke. Even if they were standing in the battlefield under the Tianjun martial arts, they were sweating, and they finally realized the greatness of Lin Rizhen.

"This child, if it is not removed, may become a big worry for our Yaozu in the future."

"The talented world is so terrible. If he becomes Tianzun, I am definitely not his opponent."

"You are not nonsense? The same realm, the sacred family is not his opponent, what do you compare with him?"

Many demon martial artists ask themselves, if they change their position to Lingdao, they will certainly not be able to stop Lin’s attack, and they will not be able to sustain it for a while. Fortunately, they understand that the same realm, Lingdao is better than them, so they want to know how long Lingdao can last.

"Huangji Zhenlongquan!"

Unlike when dealing with the true dragon family to Tianzun, the current Lingdao has been desperate. It’s quite ridiculous, and the singer’s madness is running wildly. The original source of the Yuan Dynasty is like a river that breaks the levee, and the six roads appear in front of Lingdao. In addition, for the first time, Lingdao turned the nine to the dragon and cast it to the ninth turn.

It can be clearly seen that there is a crack in the fist of Lingdao. Such a powerful force, even with his flesh, is equally unbearable. If you switch to other warriors in the end of the day, a pair of fists is afraid that it has already been broken. In order to deal with Lin Rizhen, he is really desperate.

Two golden dragons, like God Jin, are not afraid of the scorching heat of the sun. One dragon is on the left and one dragon is on the right. They have opened the dragon's mouth and bite into the hot sun above. If the emperor's true dragon fist can't stop Lin's law, then Lingdao is definitely not Lin's opponent.

Of course, even if the Imperial Dragon Boxing blocked Lin’s hand, Ling Dao had no chance of winning. Huangji Zhenlongquan not only consumed most of the power of Lingdao, but also caused great harm to his body. In the current state of Ling Dao, don't say that he and Lin Rizhen will die and die. Even if his opponent is Tuohai, he will only have one dead end.

"It's a bit interesting. If your opponent is the sacred family, you are very likely to win, but unfortunately..."

Lin Riqi sighed, because the sunset of the Yangtze River is the law, and Lingdao has already consumed almost all of it in order to withstand the long river and the setting sun, and can't resist the means behind him. Regrettably, he still has to shoot the shot. His big hands suddenly swelled like two mountains and slammed into Lingdao.

Wei Invincible couldn't help but close her eyes because she could imagine the next picture, so she didn't want to look at it and didn't dare to look at it. The opposite of her is the dragon's warrior, because Lingdao killed the true dragon family's Zhizun. So they are tempted to be killed, and the worse they die, the better.

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