The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 119: Thousand giants

The two dragons competed for it, and the hot sun could not hold it. If you think that Lingdao has an advantage, it is a big mistake, because the two dragons are all painfully twisting their bodies. One piece of dragon scales fell off, revealing the dragon meat that was roasted inside. It was only a moment, and the bodies of the two dragons fell apart.

On the martial arts alone, Ling Dao’s Emperor Zhenlongquan is definitely better than Lin’s long river. It is a pity that Ling Dao's power to exert the Emperor's true dragon fist is not as great as that of Lin Risong's long river. It is not that Lingdao’s accomplishments in martial arts are not enough, but that Lin Risheng’s accomplishments in martial arts are too high.

Don't say that Lingdao is a late Tianjun. Even if the two dragons of the true dragon family and the holy sects add up to each other, the martial arts martial arts are not as good as Lin Rizhen. Letting Lingdao and Lin Rizhen confront each other is unfair to Lingdao. It is like how to let Lingyao emperor be repaired to the end of Tianjunjing. How could Lingdao be played?

Just, if you can't beat it, you still have to fight. You can't give up because you can't beat it. You can't sit still because you can't beat it. You can die and you can't wait to die. The former die at least with dignity. The latter is meaningless. Is it true death? For Ling Dao, the difference is not big, because he can die and resurrect.

Lingdao’s double fists were constantly being played, and on the palm of Lin’s palm, he made a sound of gold and iron. It is a pity that Lin Rizhen’s hands are rock-solid and they are not moving at all. Under the circumstance, Lingdao had to punch and punch with a fist, even if the fists lost consciousness, his punching speed still did not slow down.

"The banyan tree, not self-reliant!"

Lin Rizhen said contemptuously that the third round of confrontation has been carried out until now, and the outcome has been divided. He wants to kill the words of Lingdao, but it is only a matter of time, because the martial arts just consumed too much power. Even the Lingdao in the peak period is not his opponent, let alone the Lingdao at the moment?


A pair of big hands, shot on the body of Lingdao, let Lingdao fly out. It’s quite ridiculous, and the operation of the genius is disordered. The filth of the filth is all created, and the blood that coughs out from his mouth has fine minced meat. Obviously, Lin Riqi’s attack has caused him no small harm.

More importantly, Lin Rizhen did not mean to stop a hand, but also a palm attack. The response of Lingdao is not unpleasant, even if it is in the air, it still traverses a distance of several tens of meters. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a role, Lin Rizhen seems to have known where he is about to appear, once again hit his body.


The sound of the bone cracked, and the sternum of Lingdao broke at least half of it. In the current situation of Ling Dao, let alone the big battle, even if it is normal action, there are problems. However, he had to deal with the next attack by Lin Rizhen, because Lin Rizhen is still shooting.

"Well, playing well, if you kill him directly, it would be cheaper."

The dragon warriors can't wait to clap their hands, Ling Dao killed the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun, and they are enemies. Dealing with the enemy, the more cruel and better, the more they can't do it now, naturally they can only count on Lin. Among them, the most happy one is the little Saint of the true dragon family, because he almost died in Lingdao.

The warriors of the Shengyi family were silent. Compared with Lingdao, they hoped that Lin Rizhen was killed. Despite the first match and the second match, Ling Dao took all the limelight, but Lin Ri killed the sacred sage of the sacred family. As for Ling Dao, there was no direct hatred between them.

"No, I can't lose, because my enemy is not worse than him. If I can't beat him with the realm, how can I take revenge?"

The physical pain, not only did not fight the ridge, but provoked the morale of Lingdao. Lin Rizhen’s coming is big, but now he, like Ling Dao, is only a warrior in the late days of Tianjun. The enemies of Lingdao will not be repressed, and they will fight with Lingdao.

The wounds began to heal, and the powerful resilience of Lingdao was finally revealed. In his pair of scorpions, there are endless wars, like the awakening of the young war gods. He can even forget what life and death are, what are you afraid of?

Insufficient source?

Running out of style?

Is there a wound?

Nothing, I still have pure physical strength, and I still have an invincible war!

Lingdao forced his body to stop, and when Lin Rizhen approached him, he immediately launched an attack. You don't need any martial arts, you don't need any source, you don't need any infuriating, you can kill the master. Lin Rizhen is able to discover the shortcomings in his martial arts. He can make a mess and make a pass. He is always a shortcoming. He will definitely be the first two.

As the facts of Lingdao, Lin Rizhen did not think that Lingdao had such resilience. As for the injury just now, most of the warriors will not be able to hold back, let alone continue to do so, even standing still, it is a problem. It is a pity that the battle that Lin Rizhen has experienced is really too much. The current problem cannot stop Lin Rizhen.

"If you start, you are so crazy, maybe I will really avoid the edge, but unfortunately, in your current state, I only need to use absolute power to crush you!"

At the end of the tenth meeting, Lin Rizhen did not need to find the flaws of Lingdao. As long as he exerted a powerful martial arts, he would kill the Lingdao or kill him. He may be missing something, but he certainly does not lack martial arts. He does not talk about his own martial arts. It is just that he has stolen it.

Of course, he is now a disciple of the Qingdi Palace, and the exhibition is definitely the martial arts of the Qingdi Palace. The technique of the previous display is of course powerful, but it is not what he wants to use now. The martial arts he is going to use is more rude, and it is better to deal with the Lingdao at this time.

"The Great Day is destroyed!"

Lin Rizhen's hands were printed, and a round of red sun was covered with dense black spots. He didn't care about the attack of Lingdao at all, because he believed that the Great Day can solve the Lingdao. Because the Great Day is not a martial art, but a martial art of the Emperor, a great emperor of the Qing Emperor Palace.

Of course, the era of the Great Day is only the first form of Emperor Wushu, and there are even more powerful ones. Even so, among all the Heavenly Kings of the Qing Emperor's Palace, they were not able to display the Great Days. If the strong man of the Qingdi Palace is present, I don’t know what it will be like.

Even if it is a strong demon, it is known that the Great Day is destroyed. However, they have limited understanding of the era of the Great Day, and they do not know what it means to use the Great Day. The original Lin Rizhen, certainly not, but for the current Lin Rikai, it is not difficult to practice the Great Day.

The whole battle platform began to tremble, and the red sun seemed to burn the void, and even the Scorpio seemed to be cracked. The first to bear the brilliance, but also felt an unprecedented crisis, the shadow of the sky, like the snow and ice, instantly disappeared.

Lingdao’s brain began to sweat and heat, but on the one hand, on the other hand, it was too much pressure. For the first time, Lin Rizhen used the general trend of the heavens and the earth. The breathing of Lingdao began to increase, as if there were mountains and mountains on him. Lin Rikai’s use of the heavens and the earth is certainly not comparable to Lingdao. Fortunately, Lingdao broke through in the general trend. Otherwise, it may be directly overwhelmed by Lin Rizhen’s world.


Whether it is a human warrior or a demon warrior, it is believed that Ling Dao will die in the era of the Great Day. It’s not that they look down on the ridge, but let them go out in person, just as they can’t stop the big day. Until now, they have known how strong Lin Risong is. He had previously played against the celestial ancestors of the sacred family, and Lin Rizhen clearly showed his mercy.

"How did he cultivate?"

"The same is Tianjun, how is the gap so big?"

"And with such a genius living in an era, destined to become a green leaf, I am really reconciled."

"Without him, you are not a green leaf."

"You! I want to fight with you!"

The two young warriors under the battle were almost hit, showing that they had no interest in the battle between Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen. When the Great Day is destroyed, the Lingdao is not a problem that can't be stopped, but it must be dead. Their confidence in the era of the Great Day is even greater than that of Lin.

At the end of life and death, the potential of Lingdao finally broke out. His realm is a breakthrough, so it is impossible to become a peak. However, it is quite ridiculous that Xian Jin has a stronger power. Throughout the ages, one of the top-ranking exercises in the three thousand territories is not a joke.

Behind the ridge, there is a illusion of a big world, endless energy, instilled in his body. His body began to grow bigger, and his eyes were ten-foot high. Then he blinked and became a hundred-foot high. Until the end, he became a giant with a height of a thousand feet.

His whole body, there are real dragon shadows, there are also phoenix virtual shadows, as well as 鲲鹏虚影, 神影虚影, 圣猿虚影 and so on. It is like the master of the wilderness, patrolling all directions, not knowing how many races, in front of him, bowing to the court. He is not like a human warrior at all, but like a god.

Then he slammed his mouth open and swallowed the red sun. It’s not that there’s no struggle, it’s just futile. Don't say other demon warriors and human warriors, even Lin Risong, his face is also a big capital. They thought about a lot of possibilities, but they didn't think that Lingdao would eat the big day and the world.

"Are we a fierce beast, or is he a beast? How can he be more ferocious than us?"

"It’s terrible. Even if I am a hundred feet away from him, I still feel afraid, as if he is my natural enemy."

"Me too, now I don't dare to look at his eyes, because his eyes make me fear, as if he blinks a little, I will die."

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