The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 120: Born as a child

"Looking for a dead end!" After Lin Rizhen responded, he sneered and said, "You will swallow the big day and destroy the world, but it will make the Great Day and the World Seal out of greater destructive power."

Just like an ordinary person, swallowing a stove into the stomach is definitely a hundred times more painful than being baked by a stove. Why Lingdao became a giant, Lin Rizhen did not know, he only knows the current practice of Lingdao, will only accelerate the death of Lingdao, and will die very badly.

"is it?"

Ling Dao smirked, and Yuan Yuan’s original source was like the same Hong furnace, which shrouded the Great Day. It is tantamount to delusion by relying on his own own ability to refine the day. Fortunately, in the wild world, he was infused with energy, which greatly enhanced the refining and refining ability of the wild.

Even so, the original Yuan Dingyuan still swayed violently, and it was possible to rush out at any time. Lingdao only got the road as an iron chain, firmly tied the Yuanshiyuan source. What he needs most now is time. Because there is a wild world to back up, refining and destroying the world is only a matter of morning and evening.


Lin Rizhen shouted loudly, and the means that Ling Dao displayed showed completely beyond his imagination. The big day that he personally displayed was destroyed, and there was no injury to Lingdao. If other warriors know his true identity, he still doesn't know how to laugh at him in his heart.

The Great Days of Era have erupted, and Yuanshiyuanyuan has appeared one after another. Fortunately, Yuanyuan is very strong and has not been broken. As time goes by, the struggle of the Great Day will be weaker and weaker. Without the big day to destroy the world, the decisive battle between Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen has the possibility of reversal.

It is one thing to be able to use the Great Day to destroy the world. The consumption of the Great Day is another. After all, the current Lin Rizhen is only in the late days of Tianjun. After using the Great Day, his strength has fallen by at least 30%. I thought that the Great Day and the World Seal could completely solve the Lingdao. Who would have thought that Lingdao was like the Emperor.

"What happened? Is there such a great school in Tianyuan Holy Land?"

"He clearly has died, no matter why he can reverse the situation. Is it difficult to turn defeat into victory?"

"Is it because he used a life-saving card? Or is he because he has a special physique?"

The battle without suspense suddenly changed, and naturally attracted the attention of all warriors. What's more, Lingdao has become a giant, and it is difficult for them to pay attention. It turned out to be a one-sided battle, but now it is evenly matched. Even the triumphant balance has a look to the Lingdao.

"Nothing is impossible. You used to be awesome. After all, it is the past. Now you are just the same warrior as my realm. You can beat me, I can win you too."

Lingdao did not immediately start with Lin Rizhen, because he does not want to be distracted now, just want to insinuate the great day as soon as possible. It is a simple way to delay the time and delay the time. It is to chat with Lin Rizhen. It is a pity that Lin Rizhen’s eyes are like a torch and he will not be fooled.

"I know your current state, so don't think about it, I will give you time!"

The current Lin Rizhen is definitely not as good as the heyday, but the state of Lingdao is even worse. Lin Rizhen still has full confidence to defeat Lingdao and even kill Lingdao. If the Lingdao time is restored, he will not be sure, because the current Lingdao makes him feel a sense of crisis.

While speaking, he has already played eighteen palms in succession, and his palms are different. Some palms are as heavy as mountains, some palms are just overbearing, some are as sharp as a knife, and some are lightning fast, and so on. Different palms, different moods, for him, have no effect, and can be converted freely.

Even if Lingdao uses Supreme Golden Dragonfly, it is impossible to find out the 18 palms of Lin Rizhen in such a short period of time and then break it. Therefore, he chose Lin Riqi’s previous practice to reduce the tenth meeting and crush the opponent with absolute advantage.

"The wind and water are turning, now let me call you!"

Lingdao once again displayed the Huangji Zhenlongquan. Although there was no previous tyranny, it was enough to deal with the current Lin Rizhen. The two dragons ran rampant, and the eighteen palms shattered and disappeared into the invisible. A pair of fists, crossed the heavy distance, banged on Lin Rizhen's body.

Lin Riyi did not expect that the speed of Lingdao was so fast, and the second did not expect that Lingdao had recovered seven seven eight eight. The current state of Lingdao is definitely not what Lin Rizhen imagined. Because there is a wild world to infuse energy, the previous loss of Lingdao has already been added.

What really affects the strength of Ling Dao is his injury, as well as the Great Days of the Yuan Dynasty. However, the situation at the moment is much better than before. Therefore, Lingdao is more and more brave, and it seems to be a useful force. If you insist on playing, Ling Dao won the odds, which is much bigger than Lin Risheng.

"It’s a dog, if you lose to a junior, how can I have a face in the future?"

Lin Rizhen snarled in his heart, so he was getting more and more embarrassed, not only for Ling Dao, but also for himself. Even if it was martial arts that exceeded his physical load, he did the same. Anyway, in the illusion, even if it does not make up for the irreparable damage to the body, it does not matter.

What's more, Lin Rizhen is just one of the bodies he has captured. If Lin Risheng's body does not use value, change the body of a genius. Even in the real world, he did not care too much about Lin Risheng's body. In his own way, changing a genius is as simple as eating and drinking.

"It's your martial arts, the power that gives me, you are a great person, and you have to be a child!"

When Ling Dao’s words were almost vomiting the blood of Lin Ri, even the martial arts that Lin Rizhen was performing were almost blind. The opponent who is the enemy of Lin Riqi, I don’t know how many, but Lin Rizhen found that he has never been so arrogant and arrogant as Lingdao.

In particular, the smile on the face of Lingdao made Lin Riyi want to put Lingdao's head on the ground and squat for half a day. Unfortunately, Lin Rizhen can only think about it, because Ling Dao's combat power is getting stronger and stronger, and he is not afraid of his attack. Lin Rikai’s face was gloomy because he realized that his situation was getting worse.

"The wild devil, the ancient demon, with my blood, is sacrificed! Life is born, not reincarnation, only to destroy the enemy, although regret not!"

Under the circumstance, Lin Rizhen had to display a secret law, sacrifice his blood, and exchange for a short time. In his mouth, spit out is an extremely ancient language, and none of the warriors present can understand it. Lingdao is able to force Lin Riqi to such a desperate situation, enough to be proud.

However, now Lingdao has no time to be proud because he feels the crisis of death. Around Lin’s side, there was a magical shadow, like a black mist, covering him. Lingdao is closest to Lin Rikai, so he feels the deepest. It is like an ancient demon king, breaking the barriers of time and space and rushing over.


In the void, a sudden sound of great majesty is equally ancient. Lin Rizhen’s momentum began to become stronger. He clearly only had a late Tang Dynasty, but it gave people a sense of heavenly respect. His current state is not sustainable, so he will not delay even the blink of an eye.

Lin Rikai’s hands were constantly printed and attacked Lingdao. Life and death, he can not care, win and defeat, he can not help but put his heart, especially his opponent is only a junior in the late days of the king. Losing to Lingdao is a matter of dignity. He absolutely does not allow Lingdao to trample on his dignity.


Lingdao’s voice is very slow, but heavily heavy. His body seems to be infinitely high. His battle with Lin Rizhen has reached the last minute and there must be no mistakes. Two ancient characters, like two young fierce gods, killed Lin Shiyi.

Lin Rizhen grabbed an old character in one hand and then shattered it. Lin Risheng, who sacrificed his blood, has at least tripled in strength. The strength of Lingdao is not worth mentioning in front of Lin Rizhen. It is a pity that the day is not awkward, and the reality and Lin Rizhen’s imagination are still different.

"Is there any change? Who can win in the end? Who will lose? How can I not understand?"

"If the young genius of the Terran is the same as the two of them, after thousands of years, our Yaozu is afraid to become a ration of the Terran. If you think about it, you will feel terrible and shudder."

At the beginning, Lin Rizhen took advantage and Lingdao was beaten to death. However, at a critical juncture, Lingdao became a giant, not only to deal with Lin Riqi’s attack, but also to suppress Lin Rizhen’s downside. Unexpectedly, at this time, Lin Rizhen pulled the situation back.

On Ling Dao’s body, there were hundreds of palm prints, but fortunately his physical body was tyrannical and he did not lose his fighting ability. Moreover, Lin Rizhen is equally uncomfortable, because his body is like a pitted ground, and there are depressions everywhere. Lingdao’s fists are punched in.

Lin Rizhen does not want to lose, Lingdao also does not want to lose, so they have already reached the point of madness. The former is the power exchanged by the sacrifice of the blood, while the latter is the power instilled by the wild world. With their current skills, even the late Tianzun, they will be torn by them.


At the crucial moment of the confrontation between Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen, a very large Tianlei rushed to Lin Rizhen. Although Lingdao can use Yuanyuan to derive the origin of Lei, there is absolutely no relationship between Tianlei and Lingdao. The secret method used by Lin Rizhen was obviously taboo, so there was a sin.

"You lost!"

Tianlei will be the darkness of Lin Rizhen’s body, and Lingdao will take the opportunity to bombard Lin Rizhen. Lin Rizhen, who had been struggling to support himself, collapsed instantly and lost. The bones of Lin Rizhen’s body are not intact, either shattered or cracked. The current Lin Rizhen is like a pile of mud, lying on the ground.

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