The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 121: Waste Dragon Battlegear

"What secret method is he using? If I continue, my illusion is that something is going to go wrong."

The sacred sect of the past is not a natural formation, but a demon, because Lin’s secret law has violated the taboos of the Taixu Taoist. Although the Taixuan Taoist does not like Lingdao, and even targets Lingdao many times, now he has to help Lingdao. Because he is the Taoist, and is the lord of the nine-tailed fox family. If you let Tianjun break the illusion, what face is there in the world?

Lingdao relies on the practice method to communicate the wild world and absorb the energy of the wild world. It is still within the tolerance of the Taixu Taoist. Unlike Lin Rizhen, sacrifice his blood, and exchange the power, it is possible to destroy the illusion of the Taixu Taoist. The wild devil, the ancient demon emperor, just stand up one, you can have the life of the Taoist.

However, even if the Taixuan Taoist did not take the shot, Lingdao could beat Lin Rizhen, just to spend more time. The power borrowed by Ling Dao is a steady stream. The power borrowed by Lin Rizhen can only make him strong in a short time. The longer the battle, the greater the advantage of Lingdao. The Tianlei of the Taixuan Taoist only accelerated the ruin of Lin Risheng.

"The same repair, I will not be weaker than you, only stronger than you!"

Lingdao’s right foot, stepping on Lin’s head, stepped Lin’s face into the ground of the battle platform. Lin’s suffocating lungs are going to blow up because he has never been so humiliated. Unfortunately, his current situation is unlikely to cause any harm to Lingdao.

In exchange for other warriors, Lin Rizhen can also use the will to attack, Lingdao is not the same, because there is a terrible thumbman in the world of Lingdao will. Lin Rizhen prefers to deal with Tian Zun and even the king's will world, and does not want to rush into Lingdao's will world.

"When I get out of the illusion, I have a way to take your body and torture your soul!"

Lin Rizhen thought with sorrow, because in the heyday, he had the means to isolate the thumbman in the world of Lingdao. When he stripped out the soul of Lingdao, how to torture, how to torture. Even if it is to refine the soul of Lingdao into a soul, it is not difficult.

"The third match, the third round of the match, stop here!"

Tai Xuandao is not happy in the heart, naturally it is too lazy. The scary people who came to the demon temple to participate in the trial were more scary. As a result, they smashed the encirclement, and the champion who won the championship turned out to be the human warrior who had pitted him again and again. Among the Yaozu, a warrior wins the championship, and he also wants to win the championship.

When I thought of marrying the enchantress to Lingdao, Taixuan Taoist felt uncomfortable. Lingdao is not only a Terran warrior, but also a birthplace that is not comparable to a enchantress. The sacred ancestors of the sacred family and the sacred gods of the true dragons are still strong and strong. At least the true dragons and the sacred sects are no worse than the nine-tailed fox family.

"I didn't think of it. It was a human genius to be able to marry the nine-tailed fox family."

"The confrontation between the same realm, he is even more powerful than the Tianzun, is it difficult for the adult to have a great emperor who dominates the three thousand territories?"

"It’s ridiculous, if you are so ignorant, don’t say it. Don’t say if he can prove the emperor, just the threshold of Heavenly Respect, you will be able to stump him.”

Before the test, the candidates for the championship were the Tianzun of the true dragon family, the Tianzun of the Shengyi family, and the Heavenly Emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land. Now Lingdao has removed Lin Rizhen, he is the only warrior who passed the third test.

From the first test to the third test, Lingdao suffered a lot. Especially in the confrontation with Lin Rizhen, Lingdao was almost killed by Lin Risheng. Fortunately, everything is over, and the enchantress is still his, and he has not been taken away by other warriors. The young genius of the Yao and the Terran was directly or indirectly defeated in his hands.

The main body of Taixuan Dao dispelled the illusion, and the warriors who had previously died on the battle platform all appeared in the eyes of other warriors. The sacred gods of the true dragon family, the sacred sacred sacred sacred family, and the tyrannical sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred It is.

"If in reality, the deity kills you, just a trick!"

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun went to Lingdao and deliberately lowered his voice. With the ear force of the warrior, he can completely understand what he said. He is the Tianzun, Lingdao is only the late Tianjun, it is not a level at all. The reason why he lost to Lingdao on the battle platform is because the Taixu Taoist master suppressed his cultivation to the late stage of Tianjun.

"Under your hand!"

Lingdao disdain to say four words, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun almost violently. In the third game, there is no forced person. It is the true dragon family to Tianzun who wants to participate. If it is not a fantasy, the true dragon family and Tianzun are already dead in Lingdao. Where can they say anything in front of Lingdao?

The Tiantian Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land and the Lin Rizhen of the Qingdi Palace did not say anything. The former is a faceless, the latter does not want to say. Losing is losing, the same realm is lost, and it is not lower than the realm of Lingdao. The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land only wants to leave the demon sanctuary silently.

"Don't make your own claim next time, scare your son!"

The third game ended, and the Taixuan Taoist naturally did not need to continue to ban Wei invincible. I saw her go to Lingdao and slammed Lingdao’s head, and said it without hesitation. She did not exaggerate, because she did not know that the previous test was carried out in the illusion, and thought that Lingdao was going to die in the fox land.

"Know, sister!"

Lingdao deliberately bite the word "sister" very heavy, but Wei is invincible, can only stimulate Wei invincible in his mouth. However, in his heart, he was still very grateful to Wei invincible, Wei invincible followed him, all the way to the Tianhu Holy Land, and also accompanied him to participate in the Taixu Taoist arrangement. If there is no Wei invincible, he will not be able to win the championship, and even if he can go to the fox sacred place, it is an unknown number.

When he is in danger, he is really worried about him in the field, and Wei is invincible, adding at most one enchanting. However, the relationship between the enchanting and his, certainly no Wei invincible and his relationship. Most of the demon warriors wished him to die early, and even a few ethnic warriors could not see him.

"Congratulations, you will soon be my brother-in-law."

The enchanting smile said, although she understands that Lingdao is not comparable to ordinary genius, but Lingdao can go to the last step, still beyond her expectations. She can give Lingdao help, extremely limited, Lingdao can win the championship, mainly relying on Lingdao's own skills.

She has no opinion on the Terran, and she has no opinion on the origin of Lingdao. As long as Lingdao has enough potential, it will be able to protect the enchantress in the future. It is weak now, it does not mean that it will be weak in the future, and there are countless possibilities in the future. What's more, the enchantress originally liked Lingdao, and even did not marry.

"Sister husband..."

Tai Xuandao's main face was gloomy. He knew that Lingdao could win the championship. He would not let Lingdao participate in the contest. In his position, it is not difficult to cancel the qualification of Lingdao to participate in the test. If you find a reason, you can send Lingdao. It’s strange to blame him for not being able to predict the future. At the beginning, he certainly doesn’t know what’s going on.

"Hey, he passed three tests, is there no reward?"

The next sentence of the enchanting, let the Taixuan Taoist even more unhappy. How to say that the fox sacred place is also the emperor's power that was passed down from the wilderness. The Taixuan Taoist is also the younger brother of the lord of the fox sacred land. If it is too slamming, the reputation is not good. Tai Xuan Dao can not care about his reputation, can not care about the reputation of the Tianhu Holy Land.

"Even if you turn your elbows out, you can't take you? What's the matter with you?"

To marry is the enchantress, the enchantress can turn his elbows out, and the enchanting is definitely not good. The question of the master of Taixuan Tao, the enchanting pretty face could not help but red. Fortunately, the Taixuan Taoist did not continue to say enchanting, otherwise, the enchanting really do not know how to be good, after all, a large audience.

"How can you win without winning?"

Tai Xuan Dao slammed his mouth and had an indifferent expression on his face. In fact, his heart was bleeding. The reward of Lingdao is not given by the Tianhu Holy Land, but is his own. The matter of marrying the enchantress, he did not discuss with the lord of the fox sacred land. If he is now looking for the main reward of the fox sacred place, he may be hung by the owner of the fox sacred place.

He represents the sacred place of the fox, the general reward, certainly can not get it. Therefore, what he prepared for Lingdao is a Taoist device, and it is a device he likes very much. Fortunately, with his current ability, it is not necessary to use this device.

"The desolation armor is made up of the tyrants and dragons of the true dragon family in the wilderness period. The defense is unparalleled, the best in the Tao, how?"

Tai Xuan Dao reluctantly took out the ridiculous armor, and the enchanting eyes brightened, because she had already heard that Tai Xuan Dao had a very powerful armor. I didn’t expect Tai Xuan Dao to be willing to give it to Ling Dao. Of course, the Taixuan Taoist has his careful thoughts. He can give Lingdao the battle armor. As for Lingdao, he can charge it. It is the thing of Lingdao.

Since the Desolation Warrior is a Taoist, then there must be a spirit. Lingdao is a warrior in the late Tianjun period. It is impossible to conquer the spirit of a Taoist device. The disciples who were present were not smart. They also guessed the intention of the Taixu Taoist, so they waited to see the jokes of Lingdao.

"To give a late Tianjun Dao, the Taoist sacred landlord can really do it. How can he not take out a soldier from the fox treasury of the fox fox to the human race?"

"Haha, the Taixuan Taoist is really the Taoist Taoist, as always shameless."

"Don't say that he is a warrior in the middle of the day, even if it is my god, I have no ability to conquer a device."

"There was a good show. He just won the championship. When it was the spring breeze, I definitely couldn’t think that the Taixuan Taoist would make him embarrassed at this time."

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