The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 124: Any comments?

In the third test, Ling Dao defeated the Tiantian Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land and the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family, but he defeated only the Tianhu Holy Land and the true of the Tianhu Holy Land. Dragon family to Tianzun. If the Tiantian Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land and the Tianzun of the true dragon family are not suppressed, Lingdao is not able to beat them.

The demon warrior did not even think that Lingdao would dare to start in the demon temple, and it was to deal with a god. Now is not a test, Lingdao shot on the demon Tianzun, the demon Tianzun can not suppress the realm and fight him. If Ling Dao is injured, it is purely self-deprecating and self-inflicted.

The Taixu Taoist did say that whoever dares to sway in the Tianhu Holy Land, he will smash the corpse. However, if Ling Dao is in the first place, the demon warrior will beat him up, and Tai Xuan Dao is not as good at saying anything. What's more, the Taixuan Taoist did not like Lingdao, and maybe he would steal music.

"I have no reason to shoot you, I didn't expect you to come to your door!"

He is not only the Tianzun of the Hegemonic family, but also the cousin of Tuohai. Otherwise, he will not have such a big opinion on Lingdao. After seeing the tactics of Ling Dao, Tuo Hai admitted that he did not have the ability to take revenge, so he had to let his cousin come out. In the mid-term, Tianzun dealt with the late Tianjun, and there was no reason to lose it.

However, Tuohai’s cousin, the mid-term Tianzun of the hegemonic family, has no meaning of Xiaoxuan Lingdao. Even the demon warriors present at the scene did not sneer at Lingdao. From the first test, they have been hit by Lingdao, and they don’t want to repeat the same mistakes.

Only when it really confronts the ridge, can you understand how fast the ridge is. The mid-term esteem of the tyrants is only a word of effort, and Lingdao has already played thirteen punches. The six roads are flying, and Yuan Yuan is turned into the source of fire. The fist shadow is like a stove, burning the sea.

"Use fire to deal with the tyrant? Funny!"

In the mid-term of the tyrants, Tianzun sneered with a sneer, his hands swiping, and the fifth level of water was turned into a huge wave, and a wave followed a wave toward Lingdao. On the source side, he is not afraid of Ling Dao, and he is even less afraid of the Tao. He has two Tianfu, not the Tianjun.

Eighteen roads are turned into a big shield, and they are as heavy as Taishan. On the back of the big shield, dozens of lines, forming a simple dragon head. The front of the big shield is one after another, with a spike of metal, with a metallic luster.

The fist shadow hit the front of the big shield, and one spike after another broke. The six roads of Lingdao, like the sword, squatted on the front of the big shield and made a harsh sound. The damage of the Great Shield, the mid-term lord of the tyrants does not care, because the way of Heavenly Respect can be restored in an instant, and the Tao of Heaven is different. As long as the Taoist sect in the middle of the hegemony can fight with the road of Lingdao, the winner must be him.

"Give me broken!"

The abacus of the middle-aged Tianzun in the middle of the hegemony, Lingdao is clear in his heart, so Lingdao will certainly not let the tyrants of the tyrants in the middle of the day wish. The mid-term esteem advantage of the tyrants is on the Tao, and the advantage of Lingdao is in strength. Although the mid-term celestial respect of the tyrants is three times higher than the lingdao, the power that Lingdao broke out in a short period of time still exceeds the mid-term esteem of the tyrants.

It is a pity that the mid-term sect of the tyrants of the tyrants reacted extremely quickly. The attack of Lingdao did not encounter the big shield formed by the use of the Taoist sect in the middle of the tyrant. Because the mid-term sage of the tyrants appeared in front of Lingdao, and confronted Lingdao.

After all, watching the battle is a spectator, and the mid-term esteem of the tyrants has no direct impression of the power of Lingdao. It wasn't until he had a pair of palms and a hard fist that he felt that something was wrong, but it was already late. The arrogant power, like a snake, has entered the body of the middle-aged Tianzun.

"Do you swindle me?!"

If this time, the mid-term esteem of the tyrants did not see that the original goal of Lingdao was his words. He really went out without a brain. Lingdao is only a shield that is condensed by the attacking road. If he directly attacks the mid-term lord of the tyrants, it is likely to be avoided by the mid-term celestial patriarch.

The mid-term sage of the tyrants will not make such a wrong decision as long as they think a little. The reason why Lingdao is so fast is because he can't consider the time for the middle-class Tianzun. If you want to defeat the mid-term sage of the tyrants in a shorter period of time, you can't do it without any means.

"You are stupid, can you blame me?"

With one hit, Ling Dao naturally will not give the next generation of the tyrants a chance to reverse the battle. Yuan Shilong Wang Quan was blasted in succession, and the boxing to the flesh, even if the middle-aged Tianzun of the tyrants, was still vomiting blood by Lingdao. Under the circumstance, the mid-term esteem of the tyrants of the tyrants had to change back to the body, with a huge turtle shell, to resist the boxing method of Lingdao.

Being able to push the mid-term celestial respect of the tyrants to this position, Lingdao is proud of himself, because he is only in the late period of the kingdom. The talent of Tuanhai's cousin, although not as good as the extension of the sea, is also more powerful than the general mid-term. Even if Ling Dao is now lost to the mid-term Tianzun of the Hegebo, other warriors are not qualified to laugh at him.


Lingdao’s evaluation made the mid-term sect of the tyrants raging. However, Lingdao’s offensive is getting more and more fierce, and the mid-term Tianzun of the hegemonic family can’t find a chance to fight back. The mid-term esteem of the tyrants of the tyrants is now able to wait, and when the road is breathing, it is the beginning of his counterattack.

Under the tyrant's shell, the defense is amazing. Even if it is such a fierce attack, it will be difficult to break. What did not think of the mid-term Tianzun of the tyrants was that the next punch of Lingdao made his turtle shell crack. If you let Lingdao fight again, you don't need a few breaths to break his turtle shell.

Supreme Golden Dragonfly can not only see the flaws of martial arts, but also find the shortcomings of the tyrant's turtle shell. The cousin of Tuohai, only in the middle of Tianzun, his turtle shell can not be impeccable. However, other warriors will certainly not think that Lingdao, a late Tianjun, can do what most Tianzun can't do.

"Uncle, can you save your cousin and fight again? He may die in Lingdao."

After Tuohai discovered the situation of the middle-class Tianzun of the Hegemonic family, he sought the love of the holy king of the next hegemony. If the Holy King is to deal with the words of Ling Dao, it must be a matter of hand. His cousin was for him. If his cousin had an accident, he couldn’t explain it when he went back.

"Hey, in the mid-term, Tianzun still can't beat a late Tianjun. The face of our tyrants has been thrown into the sea. Will you want me to save him?"

To the surprise of Tuohai, the sacred king of the tyrants did not mean to be his cousin. It’s not a glory thing to blame the sacred king of the next tribe. In particular, the opponent is still a Terran warrior, how can the Hegemonic family not match the Terran?

"If your cousin is dead, you will kill him and avenge your cousin. Is it not finished?"

The words of the tyrants of the tyrannical kings are very cruel. Takuo knows that he is not joking, and expecting him to save his cousin is simply impossible. What makes Tuohai desperate is that the other strong players of the Hegemonic are also a pair of stand-by look. Some are just like the idea of ​​the Holy King just now, and some are because they dare not offend the Taoist Taoist.

Lingdao’s current identity is not the same as when he first came to the Shrine of the Fox. Regardless of whether they admit it or not, no matter what the heart of the Tianhu Holy Land is, the Lingdao is the prospective son-in-law of the Tianhu Holy Land. Ling Dao first shot the cousin of Tuohai, and the performance of Tuohai can deal with Ling Dao. If other warriors start on Ling Dao, it may cause dissatisfaction of Tai Xuan Dao.

In the identity of the etheric Taoist, killing a **** or a holy king is completely indifferent. What's more, the tyrants of the tyrants are not as good as the sacred places of the foxes. If you want to save your cousin, you have to be prepared to die.

"You beg for mercy, I will let you go, otherwise, after breaking your turtle shell, I will let you fly away!"

The threat of Lingdao, the mid-term Tianzun of the Hegemonic family can not be heard, just, let him a mid-term Tianzun to a late Tianjun kneeling, he certainly can not do. In the mid-term, the tyrants of the tyrants did not say anything, and Lingdao increased the intensity of punching. The huge turtle shell finally collapsed in an instant.

The mid-term lord of the tyrants of the tyrants screamed and screamed, and today he finally got the coach. However, Lingdao still did not let him go, directly stepping on him. After removing the source of the body, the weight of the body of the Lingdao is the weight of the body.


Although the mid-term lord of the tyrants did not plead for mercy, his appearance is really terrible. The **** back, dyed the earth, and the strong ones without the tyrants gave him a head. Some were just ridicules of other warriors. From then on, he will be reduced to the laughing stock of others.

"Right, and you, what did you say about Lingjia?"

The mid-day insult of the tyrants is the father of Ling Dao, and the other one is insulted by Ling Yao. If before, Ling Dao asked this sentence, the demon warrior will not only stand up, but also satirize the two words. But now, he doesn't say irony, even if it is the courage to stand up, there is no.

The demon martial artist who insults Lingjia is just a predecessor. Even the mid-term Tianzun of the tyrants of the tyrants were trampled under the foot of Lingdao. If he and Lingdao do it, it will only be worse. The good demon does not eat the loss before the eyes, he still pretends to be stupid. There is not enough skill to provoke Ling Dao.

"You have opinions about me, you can say it, I haven't let you say it, are you?"

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