The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 125: Demon Ji appeared

Didn't let us say?

The Heavenly King of the Demon Temple, the Heavenly King, and some of the Heavenly Respects, straighten their eyes, you step on the mid-term Tianzun of the Hegemonic family, what do we dare to say?

There is a master of Taixuan who gives you support. We will do it with you. Even if you beat you, you will not kill you. And you will start with us. It’s not light or heavy. If you die in your hands, we are much embarrassed. ?

The example of the middle-aged Tianzun in the middle of the hegemony is in front of him. He believes that his strength is not as good as Lingdao. He does not dare to offend Lingdao. He is not sure to defeat Lingdao. He does not want to take this risk. The realm is far beyond Lingdao, and he can't face Lingdao. Even if the demon warrior will hate the teeth and itch, it is no way to take Lingdao, at least there is no way in a short time.

"Just let you be crazy for a while, wait until you leave the Holy Land, and you will receive it."

"If you are a great emperor, then you can accept it. But you are just a late Tianjun, is it too smug?"

"There is nothing in the world. If you become a god, don't you want to go to heaven?"

One demon warrior only complained in his heart, and did not really say to Lingdao. If Lingdao knew their intentions and kept hiding in the Tianhu Holy Land, they would have a headache. Even if they are courageous, they dare not move the fiancé of the nine-tailed fox family under the sacred place of the fox.

Tuohai screamed angrily and couldn't wait to roar. His cousin took the lead for him, and he was stepped on by Lingdao and his face was swept away. However, he can't help much, because he knows that with his strength, he will only take his own insults.

"I said that he is a prince, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. How can he be better than the emperor?"

The demon geniuses present are not one or two, but hundreds of thousands, among them, Ba Tian Zun and Zhi Tian Zun, not to mention, the two to Tian Zun are still from the real dragon and the holy family. Losing to the Terran genius is very shameful and loses to the Terran Emperor. Relatively speaking, it is better to accept it.

Tai Xuan Dao has no feelings. Ling Dao is a emperor, not a emperor. With his status, it is impossible to personally start Ling Dao. It is other warriors who want to kill Ling Dao. Even if Ling Dao’s father is the great emperor, he has a head debt and a lord, and it is not easy to find him to avenge.

"Predecessors, I came to the fox sacred place, and experienced a lot of difficulties before I won three trials. Shouldn't I let me see the enchantress?"

Since the sword **** big world, until now, Ling Dao has not seen the enchantress. In the past, the enchantress was the sacred priest of the fox sacred place. He was only a disciple of the four forces, not a world at all. It is different now. His father is the great emperor and the owner of the Ling family. Although the Ling family is far less than the sacred place of the fox, the gap between them is narrowed down.

"It’s not too late to send a gift."

Lingdao’s request is reasonable, but unfortunately, Taixuan Taoist did not agree. Unless Lingdao is the son of the Emperor of the Three Royal Palaces, the Taixu Taoist thinks that the door is right. Of course, the main reason is that Taixuan Tao’s main singer is not pleasing to the eye, who makes Lingdao pit him again and again.

As long as it is not a fool, you can see that Taixuan Tao has opinions on Lingdao, and the opinions are not small. As long as the Taixu Taoist does not help Lingdao, the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land do not help Lingdao, they want the life of Lingdao, it is completely easy. Relative to the Emperor's forces, the late Tianjun is weak and pitiful.

"Hey, you still don't make sense? How can he not see his sister?"

The big demon temple, the one who dared to speak to the Taixu Taoist, only one, is the enchanting. If she is not the niece of the Taixuan Taoist, if she is not the saint of the nine-tailed fox family, so it will not have any good end.

"I said Xiao Yan, are you worried about his affairs?" Tai Xuan Dao’s face was depressed, and then he said with a strong heart. "There are people who have a saying, knowing that people know each other, who knows, who knows After he swears your sister, will you do anything special for your sister?"

Just when the enchanting was preparing to refute, he found that his feet could not move, and his mouth could not speak. Taixuan Taoist just won't hurt the enchanting, it doesn't mean he will let the enchanting go on. With the enchanting cultivation, it is impossible to break the imprisonment of the Taixuan Taoist.

The enchanting eyeballs turn around and there is no way. Although Ling Dao discovered the enchanting dilemma, but with his cultivation, it can not help the enchanting. Even if Wei is invincible, the same result. The means of the Taoist Lord are not what they can crack.

"Lingdao, I am here!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came from afar, and Lingdao looked at the past subconsciously. What caught her eye was a young woman wearing a blue short skirt. Her appearance was similar to that of a enchanting girl. Charming facial features, exquisite face, autumn-like eyes, lips rosy and small, let people want a kiss.

Full of crisp breasts, slender waist, straight legs, and even the eyes of some demon warriors are straight. Compared with the enchanting, her every move must be more attractive. If you see the enchantress early, they will definitely work harder.

When the enchantress found the ridge, he smiled happily. One after another, the warrior only felt that the surrounding scenery disappeared, and only the smile of the enchantress was left between the heavens and the earth. Although they have long known that the saints of the nine-tailed fox family are very beautiful, the beauty of the enchantress is still amazing to them.

Even Lingdao, also surprised, in the world of Jianshen, the enchantress is beautiful enough, I did not expect, now the enchantress is even more beautiful than before. It is not because of anything else, but the blood of the enchantress is awakened, and her appearance has changed.

"In the sister's daughter, she is the most like her and her sister."

The reason why Taixu Taoist is to marry the enchantress is because he has a fear of the enchantress. Of course, he is not afraid of the enchantress, but the owner of the fox sacred land, but only because the enchantress and the lord of the fox are the most like. Of course, the nine daughters of the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land are not all in the fox sacred place, but also outside, and even the Taixuan Taoist have never seen it.

"Is it the nine-tailed fox family that is swaying?"

"I really want to kill Lingdao, and then replace it. So how can you make a human race a cheaper?"

"Fat water does not flow outside the field, the beauty of our demon family, the genius of the demon family to enjoy, what qualifications does he have for a human genius and we rob?"

The enchantress just stood in the distance, letting a lot of demon warriors rush to Lingdao, showing how big her charm is. However, the Tai Xuan Dao is present, no matter how much they are stalking, and they hate Ling Dao, they can only endure.

"Do they know?"

What the Taixuan Taoist did not think was that the demon Ji and Ling Dao actually met. In particular, the look of the enchantress to Lingdao is even more annoying. Although the Taixuan Taoist did not have a family, but had never seen pork, it is impossible to see the pig running. The enchantress is obviously like the Lingdao.

If the enchantress is in love with Lingdao at first sight, the Taixuan Taoist absolutely does not believe. No wonder the enchanting has been helping Lingdao, no wonder Lingdao is desperate when trying. It turns out that between Lingdao and the enchantress, they have long been in love. Taixuandao mainly married the enchantress, which is exactly the achievement of Lingdao.


Tai Xuandao Lord wants to beat himself, obviously does not like Lingdao, but once again helps Lingdao. The first test was because he, Ling Dao was out of the limelight from the beginning. I thought it was already grievous, I didn’t expect it to be more awkward. Is Lingdao difficult to be his nemesis?

"After you come to the fox sacred place, how are you doing?"

Ling Dao thought that there were a lot of words to say with the demon Ji, I did not expect, and finally said such a sentence. Fortunately, there is no military joke, because the demon warrior only wants to kill the Lingdao. The enchantress is nodding her head. She is the biological daughter of the great emperor. There are really few warriors in the fox sacred land to bully her.

"What about you?"

The enchantress gently asked, and Lingdao nodded as well. In fact, Lingdao is not good at all. When I first arrived in the heavens, I almost died. Then went to the wilderness, and it was a life-and-death crisis. Then to the chaotic ancient domain, and later Tianling domain, and the death **** passed by again and again.

He didn't want to worry about the enchantress, and he didn't want to make the enchantress sad. His feelings for the enchantress are very complicated. It is impossible to say that you don't like the enchantress. If he doesn't feel the enchantress, he won't come to the fox sacred place. However, his heart still has a butterfly dance. If he is allowed to give up the butterfly dance for the enchantress, he will definitely not be able to do it.

"Well, you have seen it, now you can always go back and prepare for the bride price?"

Tai Xuan Dao said impatiently, because the things of the demon Ji and Ling Dao made him a headache. If the enchantress does not like Lingdao, he will kill Lingdao and there will be no psychological burden. However, the feelings of the enchantress on Lingdao, he can see that if Lingdao is killed, the enchantress does not know what it will be like.

He even thought, whether or not to go out in person and send Lingdao back to the territory of the human race. However, this thought is just a flash. It is precisely because the enchantress likes Lingdao that it is more necessary to test the Lingdao. If Lingdao died in the territory of the Yaozu, it means that Lingdao did not get the life of the enchantress.

Of course, the test of Lingdao and the desire to kill the Lingdao, certainly not the same. It can be said that the appearance of the enchantress has saved half of the life of Lingdao. Because Taixuan Taoist changed his mind, although he still wants Lingdao to return to the territory of the human race, he will not let the strong people who are too high in the realm.

"Hey, our Tianhu Holy Land has been passed down from the wilderness to today, not to say what is there, at least not lacking, what is the gift?"

The enchantress opened his mouth, and the Taixu Taoist was mad at the chest, and the enchanting elbows turned away. The enchantress was the same. The sacred daughter of the nine-tailed fox family, the biological daughter of the great emperor, is it necessary to send it out in vain?

PS: I said five times last time. I did not do it. I am not right. However, when people have a low valley, they still support me. I am grateful, saying that I am not good, even yelling at me, I have nothing to say, because it is my fault. Moreover, it is because I like the novel of Dao Shen that I will complain to me. If you don't like the god, who has nothing to call me? Next month, starting from tomorrow, I will definitely adjust my mind and work hard to update. I have to support you all the time, but also to blame me, look at me!

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