The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 126: a part of the fox land

"You have the final say, or do I have the final say?"

The Taixu Taoist did not have the meaning of discussing with the demon Ji. The entire Tianhu Holy Land, he only listened to his sister’s words. Even the father of the transcendental lord, the other great emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land, the Taixu Taoist also did not give face. It is impossible for the enchantress to be in a state of heaven and to sit on the same level as the Taixu Taoist.

The enchanting noises are no harm, and the Taixuan Taoist listens to them. At the request of the enchantress, it is impossible for the Taixu Taoist to promise. The dowry, in fact, Taixuan Tao does not care, he just wants to take a look, Lingdao has the ability to kill from the fox site. If Lingdao thinks that he has won three contests, he will be able to marry the enchantress, which is too naive.

The true genius is not only talented, but also prosperous. A good genius, even if the talent is good, is just a waste of resources. Sometimes, air transport is more important than talent, but the air transport can't be seen and touched. Therefore, the major forces are mainly trained to be better disciples.

"And, how did you come over?"

Just relying on the enchantress himself, there is no way to go to the demon temple. Because the Taixu Taoist in the residence of the enchantress, arranged eighteen Tianzun. The enchantress is the sacred woman of the nine-tailed fox family, but the priest of the sacred priest is her scorpion. There is an order of the sacred lord, and the 18th lord can not let go of the enchantress.

"it's me!"

"And I!"

Behind the enchantress, there are two young beautiful women, one of whom has seen Ling Dao, the demon enchantress of the enchantress. If it weren’t for the demon cloud to tell Lingdao’s enchantress, Lingdao simply didn’t know about the marriage of the sacred place of the fox. Although another Lingdao has not seen it, he can guess that she is the same as the demon cloud.

The Heavenly Shrine's Great Heaven, the Virgin's Highness, and her own personal shot, guarding the 18th Tianzun of the Demon Ji, is indeed worth mentioning. After all, the 18th Tianzun arranged by the Taixu Taoist is only to deal with the enchantress, and naturally there is no such thing as a powerful character. The director of Taixuan Tao did not think that the demon cloud and the demon moon were so daring.

"I tell you, if I fire, I am afraid of myself!"

The main look of Taixuandao was cold, and the temperature in the field plummeted. The warriors in the demon temple were all like ice. The deepest feeling is not other warriors, but enchanting, enchanting, demon moon and demon cloud. He is not really angry with his nephews, just want to scare them.

Familiar with the demon moon and demon cloud of the Taixuan Taoist, it was not affected at all. They understand the Taixuan Taoist, and the Taixu Taoist also knows them. Therefore, the Taixuan Taoist directly shot, imprisoned them, and did not give them any chance of confusion. The strength is not as good as the Taixuan Taoist, the demon cloud and the demon moon can only blink.

"This is the main word and has a letter. Since you have won three contests, then it is the fiancé of the enchantress, a part of our fox sacred place. The warriors of other forces can deal with you, but not too much. Otherwise, the lord does not Will sit and watch no matter!"

Rather than saying that Tai Xuan Dao is talking to Ling Dao, it is better to say that he is warning other warriors. There are three thousand territories in the three thousand territories. The younger generation should let the younger generation solve the problem. Some forces, or some warriors, ignore the rules of the three thousand territories, just because they are many times more powerful than each other.

For example, a young warrior with three forces has offended the forces of the emperor. Then, the emperor's forces can completely mobilize the strong, kill them, and even razor the three forces they are in. For another example, a strong force of the second power has killed the son of the great emperor, and the emperor can completely wipe out the power of the second product.

Obviously, if you don't care about the rules, you have to have the corresponding strength. Lingdao itself is the birth son of the Great Emperor. Now Taixuan Taoist said that he is a member of the Tianhu Holy Land. He dared to ignore the rules and the strongest shots of Lingdao, and found the territory of the Yaozu.

"Xianji, you can rest assured that I am waiting for the Tianhu Holy Land. I can come to the Tianhu Holy Land from Lingjia, and naturally I can return to Lingjia from the Tianhu Holy Land."

Lingdao has no experience dealing with feelings, whether it is past life or this life. Taixuandao mainly married the enchantress, and he rushed in without stopping. However, when he grabbed the enchantress, he got a headache. The charm of the enchantress is indeed great, but his mind always has the shadow of a butterfly dance.

"No, it's easy for you to come to the fox sacred land. It's hard to go back. You just because I have offended them. How can I let you take risks alone?"

The enchantress was born in Baihualou, not a greenhouse flower, but also a girl who is not awkward. The hostility of the demon warrior to Ling Dao, she looked in full view, Ling Dao wants to go back from the Tianhu Holy Land, do not know how many demon warriors will be killed. In the late period of Lingdao Caitianjun, it is impossible to defeat all the demon warriors.

She knows the most about Lingdao's past, so she does not believe that Lingdao is the son of the great emperor. Moreover, even if Ling Dao is really the son of the Emperor, it is still useless. The Emperor of the Terran wants to come to the territory of the Yaozu, and it will certainly cause the blocking of the Yaozu Emperor. If Ling Dao is really life-threatening, his father has no time to rescue.


Tai Xuan Dao’s main sleeve is a glimpse. Between Ling Dao and Yao Ji, there is a big river. It seems to be only a hundred meters wide, but with the ability of Lingdao and the enchantress, even if he has been flying for hundreds of years, he will think of the other side of the river. The Taoist can open up a world, and the use of space is not something that Tianjun can understand.

Other warriors are relieved. If the enchantress is next to Lingdao, they must have a headache. At most, Lingdao is a part of the Tianhu Holy Land. The enchantress is the daughter of the Lord of the Holy Land. The two of them are disparate. If you accidentally kill the enchantress, there will be no good end.

"There are a lot of people in this lord. I don't care about you. If you can walk to the other side, I will let you leave."

Wen Yan, the demon Ji is trying to get up, but unfortunately, she has been moving for a long time, still as far as Lingdao. After Lingdao saw the situation of the enchantress, he understood that the Taixu Taoist had moved his hands on the river. His speed is faster than the enchantress, but it must be too much.

What's more, Lingdao originally did not intend to take the demon Ji. Once, he did not want the demon Ji to follow his own adventure. Secondly, if he brought the demon Ji back to Lingjia, he did not know how to face the butterfly dance. On the issue that the enchantress did not leave the fox sacred place, he and the Taixu Taoist master agreed.

"Don't waste your efforts, you obviously are deliberately playing you."

Lingdao said that he was enchanted by the enchantress, and the enchantress Ji left the river and looked for the theory of Taixuan. The little sage of the dragon family just inserted the mouth, and the Taixu Taoist took a big mouth. However, the enchantress said how to be too sacred, there is nothing at all, who made her the daughter of the Lord of the Holy Land.

"Teacher, let's go!"

Wei Wudi felt that she could bring Lingdao to the fox sacred place and bring Lingdao back to Lingjia. When she came to the fox sacred place, she was just a tyrant, and now she is already a goddess, stronger than before. It can be said that among the Tianzun warriors, there is no existence that scares her.

"Sister, I think we are still going apart. You follow me, not only can't help me, but will make you in danger. I know that you are strong, and the demon warriors also know that when we are together, they will definitely be dispatched. More powerful. Double fists are difficult to attack four hands, are you stronger, can you force dozens or even hundreds of heavenly statues?"

There are Wei invincible and no Wei invincible, the demon's warrior is definitely not the same. Just a person who is Lingdao, the Yaozu must be embarrassed to play the tyrants, not to mention Tianzun. There is a warning from the Lord Xuantu, maybe, only Tianjun will be out. Of course, there may be days when the pressure is over, but certainly not a strong god.

"Less nonsense, I am in danger is my business, this son has grown up from small to large, when was he afraid?"

Wei Wudi did not listen to the advice at all, and the Emperor of the Yongyao gave Lingdao to her. Then, she did not say that Lingdao would bring it back intact, at least to bring Lingdao back alive. Lingdao’s situation, she knows better, she wants her to abandon Lingdao when there is a crisis in life and death in Lingdao. She can’t do it.

"It's not a problem you are afraid of, but you follow me. It's completely dead. They deal with me, and they are scrupulous. If you deal with you, there is no scruples. If you are ugly, if you die in the territory of the Yaozu. I am not going to guilty for a lifetime?"

The Taixu Taoist only said that Lingdao is a part of the Tianhu Holy Land, and did not say that Wei Invincible is a part of the Tianhu Holy Land. Moreover, Ling Dao is the biological son of the Emperor, Wei Wei is only an apprentice of the Emperor. Lingdao said the truth, Wei invincible does not understand, just let Lingdao alone all the way, Wei invincible is not at ease.

"You two don't have to fight, because if you are together, you can't leave the territory of our Yaozu."

The face of the true dragon family is full of ironic smiles. It is a joke that a late Tianjun and a Tianzun want to escape from the territory of the Yaozu to the territory of the human race. In his realm, he certainly disdains to the Lingdao, but there is no hatred, not his character, so he is ready to get rid of Wei invincible.

Without Wei invincible, the demon warrior wants to kill Lingdao, there is one less obstacle. Moreover, he can see that Lingdao and Wei invincible feelings are excellent. If he is in front of Ling Dao’s eyes and will kill Wei invincible, Ling Dao will definitely be grieved. The more sad the road is, the more happy he is.

"This son and the younger brother are talking, do you have a mouthful? What are you?"

Wei Invincible did not give the true dragon family a sacred face. Anyway, Lingdao has offended the Dragon Warriors. Just as the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family was ready to anger her, her next sentence made the true dragon family’s sacred violent thunder.

"A Tianzun who can't even beat the late Tianjun, I really don't know how to cultivate. Your nine Tianfu will not be stolen?"

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