The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 127: Send Wei Wei invincible

"As you say, the deity is too lazy to care about a dead person."

The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family did not argue with Wei invincible, nor did he have any invincibility to Wei. It was only him who did not kill Wei’s invincible. He did not have a match with Wei. If he can convince the sacred family to join him, he will not want to escape to the territory of the human race.

If the sacred ancestors of the sacred family are not willing to deal with Wei invincible, the true dragon family will contact other strong people. If you don't have Tianzun, let the tyrants sing out, and a tyrant is not comparable to Tianzun, but ten eight tyrants are not necessarily.

Lingdao and Wei invincible argued again, each step back, the opinions were unified. The result of their discussion was to let Wei invincible accompany Lingdao and leave the territory where the Tianhu Holy Land is located. After that, they will act separately. Lingdao will take the road, and Wei invincible will take Wei invincible.

Wei Invincible feels that leaving the Heavenly Fox Holy Land is the most dangerous time. After getting out of the territory where the fox sanctuary is located, the danger is much smaller. It’s not too difficult to get to the Tianluo domain and go back to Lingjia through the Star Gate of Tianluo. The reason why Lingdao agrees is because there is no way. If he does not let it step by step, Wei is invincible and must always be with him.

"Predecessors, let go!"

Lingdao arched his hand to Tai Xuandao, and he turned away with Wei invincible. No matter how the Taixu Taoist is targeting him, the Taixuan Taoist is the enchantress of the enchantress. He can't be too rude to the Taixuan Taoist. What's more, although the Taixuan Taoist directed him, he did not personally deal with him, or else he had already broken his bones.

"Let's go, be careful on the road, if you die in the hands of the demon warrior, don't blame me."

Tai Xuan Dao slammed his mouth. If the enchantress was in love with Ling Dao, he even wanted to let the disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land. Of course, even if he does not say, there will still be disciples of the Tianhu Holy Land to kill Lingdao. The beauty of the enchantress, even in the nine-tailed fox family, is still one of the best, they certainly do not want the enchantress to marry Lingdao.

"If anyone kills Lingdao, when I have a good cultivation, who will smash the corpse!"

The demon screams fiercely at the demon warrior who is hostile to Ling Dao, as if swearing. If you are remembered by a big daughter, it is definitely not a good thing. She has the cultivation of the fox sacred place, and the guidance of the great emperor. No one knows where to go in the future.

Don't look at the low realm of the enchantress. Just give her thousands of years and become a Taoist. There is absolutely no problem. More importantly, she has eight sisters and is the birth daughter of the Emperor. If the nine masters join forces, there are really few Taoists who can withstand it.

The master of Taixuan did not think that the enchantress like a prostitute had such a fierce side. If Ling Dao really died in the territory of the Yaozu, will the enchantress even hate him? The woman of the nine-tailed fox family is very emotional, but once it is emotional, it is not dead, he will not harm the enchantress?

"Little girl, don't worry too much, I don't think he is a short-lived ghost. A young man from the lower bound can have his current achievements, and the future is limitless."

"If he is really the birth son of the Emperor, there is no way to save his life. It is not easy for the demon warrior to kill him."

After Lingdao and Wei invincible left the demon temple, the Taixuan Taoist masters unlocked the imprisonment of the demon moon and the demon cloud. The demon cloud and the demon month can't help Lingdao. What they can do is to comfort the enchantress. The enchanting walked to the enchantress and squatted on the shoulder of the enchantress, because she was afraid that the enchantress could not bear it.

"What do I have to worry about? Because I believe in him!"

The enchantress Ji Yan smiles, and the enchanting is not the same as their imagination. Even if other warriors feel that Lingdao will die in the territory of the Yaozu, she still feels that Lingdao can return to Lingjia alive. Lingdao can go to today, how many life and death crises have passed, which one is not coming over? How could he fall down?

One after another, the demon warriors followed the Lingdao and Wei invincible and left the demon temple. Some of them wanted to intercept the Lingdao, and others wanted to make a fun. The Dragon Warrior is the most active, and Ling Dao not only killed the Xiaolongjun of the true dragon family, but also let the true dragon family’s face to lose their face.

"Are I doing something wrong? Why should I let His Majesty's tyrants save him?"

The transcendental lord regrets that the potential of Lingdao is indeed worthy of his enthusiasm. However, if Lingdao is married to the enchantress, it is his enemy. Before he saved the road, he was probably saving his enemies, because once Ling Dao grew up, he should not be underestimated.

He has lived for so many years, and he has not seen anyone who can overcome the same qualifications as Tianjun. Lingdao was able to win three matches and it was beyond his expectations. If Lingdao and the enchantress didn't know it before, he would definitely find a way to get away from Lingdao and Taixuan Taoist, and then conquer Lingdao.

"come here!"

The transcendental lord called the tyrant of the previous salvation road, and then used the will to pass the voice and confessed him a few words. Because he saved the ridge, if he is close to the ridge, it must be much simpler. At the crucial moment, let him sell the Lingdao, and he will definitely be able to put the road to death.

The lord of the fox sacred land is still young, and the battle between the tyrants and the Taoist priests has no results in a short time. Unless the Lord of the Lands of the Holy Land gives way to himself, otherwise, they may have to wait for tens of thousands of years. Moreover, the owner of the Tianhu Holy Land gave way to the position, and certainly gave priority to the Taixuan Taoist.

After Lingdao and Wei invincible left the demon sanctuary, they rushed to the door of the Tianhu Holy Land at the fastest speed. Even if Wei invincible is carrying Lingdao, it is still not something that ordinary warriors can catch up with. It is a pity that they have offended the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun. Although the speed of the real dragon is not as good as that of the Peng Peng, it can also rank the top.

"Teacher, I know that you can become a demon warrior, don't need it now, when is it?"

Wei's invincible meaning is very simple, that is, let Lingdao become a demon warrior sneak out, she came to be a bait, to attract the demon warriors. There are too many demon warriors in the back, even if she is already to Tianzun, she is still not sure to return to Lingjia with Lingdao. Therefore, she decided to sacrifice herself and exchange the security of Lingdao.

Lingdao is not a fool, and naturally can see through Wei’s invincible plan. If Wei invincible is not in the fox sacred place, he will indeed become a real dragon or a phoenix, and then find a way to go to the Tian Yao domain. He would rather die on his own, and would not let Wei invincible sacrifice, because Wei is invincible purely because he is in danger.

"Sister, do you believe in me? If you believe me, don't resist, I have a way to go back!"

The sword demon is in the territory of the human race. As long as the small world of the princess of the wine is passed, Ling Dao can send Wei invincible to the sword demon, provided that Wei invincible can not resist. Wei is invincible to Tianzun, and the Princess of Wine can't force her to be taken away. The wine princess is ten times more lazy than Lingdao, and the realm is definitely not high.

"What are you doing? How can I not believe you?"

Wei Wudi thought that it was the escape means for the Emperor of the Immaculate to the Lingdao. After all, the Emperor of the Supreme was a son of Lingdao. When she let go of her body and mind, she felt black in front of her, and then she appeared in the small world of the princess. The Princess of Wine did not hesitate to send Wei invincible to the side of the sword, because she was afraid that Wei could not find her trouble.

"Where am I? What about my brother?"

Until this time, Wei Invincible remembered one thing, that is, Lingdao's means of escape, perhaps only one person can use. She is now leaving the Tianhu Holy Land, but Lingdao is still there. Without her protection of Lingdao, isn’t the situation of Lingdao more dangerous?

The sword magic has long contacted the city owner of Taikoo City. The problem of Wei's invincible has not been answered, and it was sent to the rest of the ancient area by the city owner of Taikoo City. When Wei Invincible encountered other warriors, he learned that he appeared in the chaotic ancient domain. She did not think that Lingdao could send her to such a distant place.

"Well, what should the younger brother do? So many demon warriors, how can he cope?"

I have been rushing from the ancient area to the fox sacred land, I don’t know how long it will take. What Wei invincible can do is to quickly return to Lingjia, and then tell Lingdao the emperor. With the means of the Emperor, you may be able to save your life. However, she clearly protected the Lingdao, but she used the escape method of Lingdao.

Now she, she can't manage that much, and the emperor will marry her or beat her. As long as she can save Lingdao, everything is worth it. She still doesn't understand the emperor's emperor. If the emperor is punishable by this matter, it is not a happy emperor.

"Fortunately, now at the crisis, the sister has no time to think about it, or else it is difficult to send her away."

After Wei Wei was sent to the chaotic ancient domain, Lingdao was obviously much easier. If he loses his life because of his own affairs, he will certainly not forgive himself. Wei is invincible, he does not have to have any scruples in his work, and he will die in the territory of the Yaozu. Of course, if you can't die, he certainly doesn't want to die.

Without Wei invincible, the speed of Lingdao alone is definitely better than the large group of Tianzun of the Yaozu, not to mention the strong king of the Holy King. Although Lingdao can become such as Zhenlong or Kunpeng, he has no effect in the face of Tianzun and the Holy King.

"What happened? Where did his sister go?"

"I was still there, how did it disappear in a blink of an eye?"

Lingdao passed the small world of the Princess of Wine to send Wei invincible to the chaotic ancient domain. The strong people of the Yaozu certainly did not know what happened. The true dragon family's Zhitian Zun is looking for Wei invincible, and the Yaozu holy king is also looking for it. Unfortunately, even if they dig three feet, they can't find Wei's invincible trace.

"Take her, as long as Lingdao is there, our goal is to Lingdao."

"Without her sister is better, we are obeying the rules, her sister is not necessarily obeying the rules. If her sister took the shot, we don't know how to die."

"Hurry to stop Lingdao, a Tianjun is not the opponent of Lingdao, isn't it a few dozens of Heavenly Kings?"

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