The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 128: Forbidden road

"How much do you shamelessly, can you justify the words of dozens of Heavenly Kings together?"

One after another, the demon warrior surrounded Lingdao, Lingdao still talked and laughed, and there was no fear at all. It is impossible to want him to be soft and want him to beg for mercy. After Wei’s invincible departure, his courage has not only not become smaller, but has become bigger and bigger.

Lingdao first killed the small dragons of the true dragon family, and then defeated the true dragons of the same realm to Tianzun. The Tianjun who was present did not dare to fight with Lingdao alone. Before, the mid-term Tianzun of the tyrants had to teach Lingdao, but the result was trampled under the foot of Lingdao, and he was humiliated.

Although Lingdao is only in the late period of Tianjun, many of the demon warriors did not see Lingdao as Tianjun. They feel that dozens of Heavenly Kings have joined forces to deal with Lingdao. It is perfectly reasonable and there is nothing wrong with it. They didn't feel blush until they were told by Lingdao, so they were very angry.

"Don't kill me thousands of times, I am standing here, do you dare to do it?"

Because it has not left the Tianhu Holy Land, Lingdao is expected to play the prestige on the mouth. Perhaps, some of the demon warriors are chasing too hard, completely forgetting the warning of the Taixuan Taoist. After the reminder of Lingdao, they only remembered. To deal with Lingdao, the premise is that you have to wait until Lingdao leaves the Tianhu Holy Land.

"Don't you be daring? Why don't you dare to leave the fox land? Know it, fear? We are afraid of us?"

"I thought you were really scared not afraid, but I didn't expect it to be just a kind of fear of death!"

"Women! How can the saint of the Temple of Heavenly Fox see you like this? Just because you have a small face?"

The demon warriors have used the radical method, because Ling Dao is only in his twenties, it is the young and vigorous, the age of recklessness. As long as Lingdao is deserved, Lingdao’s forefoot leaves the Tianhu Holy Land, and their hind legs will follow, and then Lingdao will be killed at the gate of the Tianhu Holy Land.

The three contests arranged by Taixu Taozhu, many demon warriors have complaints in their hearts, but they dare not say anything unpleasant to Tai Xuan Taoist. After seeing Lingdao and the demon Jimei, they even felt that the three contests arranged by Taixuandao were specially prepared for Lingdao and let Lingdao win.

Perhaps, the first game compared to the third test, Tai Xuan Dao all secretly helped Lingdao. It’s no wonder that Lingdao can break so many illusions. It’s no wonder that Lingdao can win the second match without training. It’s no wonder that Lingdao can defeat the true dragon family in the third test.

"The sky fox is so big, I want to see it."

The demon warriors steal the chickens and do not become anti-corrosion. They don’t stimulate the Lingdao. The more they stimulate the Lingdao, the more they don’t want to leave the Tianhu Holy Land. Originally, as long as Lingdao continued to move forward for more than half an hour, he could leave the Tianhu Holy Land. Now, he changed his direction and headed for the rest of the Tianhu Holy Land.

There is a warning from the Lord Xuantou that as long as Lingdao does not leave the Tianhu Holy Land, they will not dare to patrol the road. Therefore, Lingdao goes to other places, they can only follow. Some demon warriors have already complained about the warriors who have just blocked in front of Lingdao. If they are not, they may not change direction.

"The coward, afraid of death, is afraid of death. What is the reason for finding it, it makes the demon laugh out of the big tooth."

One of the dragon's princes sneered, whether it is the small sacred priest of the true dragon family, or the sacred sage of the true dragon family, all of them are objects that he wants to please. He has poor strength and low realm. He can't help the little sacred monarchs and the sacred gods of the real dragon family. They can only think of the good feelings of the true dragon family and the sacred priests.

"I am timid?" Lingdao suddenly turned around, and then looked straight at the dragon's Tianjun, "I will ask you, dare to fight with me?"

Even the little saints of the real dragon family almost died in the hands of Ling Dao. The dragon family who just ridiculed Ling Dao certainly did not dare to do it with Ling Dao. When he was sarcasm, he was very angry. As a result, Lingdao only asked him a word, he stunned, and directly hid behind the Dragons, and did not dare to look at Lingdao.

"He may be delaying his time because his sister has disappeared. He is now attracting our attention. It may be to give his sister a chance to escape."

"Yes, it must be like this. We can't take him, it doesn't mean that there is no way to take his sister. He has a good relationship with his sister. We hold his sister in his hands, but he is afraid that he is not obedient?"

The dialogue between the mighty kings did not depress the voice, they just deliberately let Lingdao hear. Moreover, while they are talking, they are always staring at the ridge. Although the fear on the face of Lingdao was just a flash, they still caught it.

Because of this, the King of the Kings did not follow the Lingdao, because they felt that it was better to seize the invincible Wei. Moreover, with their realm, they could not be shot at Lingdao, but they had to bully and invince Wei. If they know that Lingdao is deliberately showing them, I don't know if they will vomit blood.

Ling Dao deliberately opened the king of the king, although the king of the king can not shoot him, but with the power of the king of the king, what he has to do, simply can not see their eyes. It is gratifying to note that the Tianlong Zun of the True Dragon family and the Tianzun of the Shengyi family have not come, and there are also several tyrants.

The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family did not convince the sacred family to be sacred, but he used a sacred martial arts to exchange the help of the sacred family to Tianzun. Anyway, there is also the Dragon's Tianzun around the Xiaolongjun of the true dragon family. He does not have to worry about the safety of the true dragon family.

"Who are you? Do you want to marry our forbidden land in the Holy Land?"

Lingdao has never been to the fox site of the fox, and he has gone out of the forbidden land and is completely unaware of it. However, his arrival has aroused the attention of the forbidden land. Not because of anything else, just because he is behind him, followed by too many demon warriors. There are dragons, but also the Peng Peng family, as well as the Phoenix family and the idol family. If their realm is not high, the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land will think that the great emperors of the Yaozu have come in.

"How can I have a human warrior who can smash the forbidden land of your fox sacred place? You must be embarrassed, right?"

After listening to his words, the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land looked at the demon warrior behind him with no good intentions. One of the demon warriors quickly explained that they were afraid of the strongmen of the Tianhu Holy Land and killed them all. Even if they all add up, they can't stop the attack of the strong slayer of the fox.

"No matter what purpose you have, anyway, we will leave our fox sacred place. Our fox sacred place is not the back garden of your home. Can you just stroll around?"

One demon martial artist nodded and said that they did not know how many times they had smashed the ridge. To make them speechless, Lingdao even blamed them with the strong men of the Tianhu Holy Land, and they were shameless to the extreme. It is clearly that they took them with Lingdao, but they were reprimanded by the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land.

"The boy is good, very sensible, which power, maybe I still know your elders."

The strong man of the fox sacred land is pleasing to the eye, and naturally he asks by the way. Lingdao did not self-report the door, who knows whether there are people in Lingjia and the strong people in front of them have hatred. Fortunately, there is another identity in Lingdao, the son-in-law of the Lord of the Holy Land, the fiancé of the Virgin.

"Predecessors, don't listen to him, he just took the chance to win the test. I haven't officially married the holy lady of your fox sacred place. How can you count the son-in-law of your Lord of the Lands?"

"That is, he is not ready to be dowry. We are going to solve him on the way back. A human warrior must not marry your saints of the nine-tailed fox family, right?"

"If I remember correctly, your Tianhu Holy Land is not married to the saints of the Terran. It is better for the predecessors to get rid of him. Otherwise, the virgins of your nine-tailed fox family will jump into the fire pit."

The demon warriors talked about the bad things of Lingdao in succession, and even the strong people of the sacred foxes killed Lingdao. Anyway, the things happening in the demon temple, the foxes in front of the sacred place are not informed. With his strength, to kill the road, it is completely a matter of moving fingers.

Lingdao did not explain, because he felt that the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land would not shoot him. The more you say, the more you are wrong. The demon warriors who come with him are too urgent. As a result, the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land will not only help them, but may even deal with them.

The facts are the same as those predicted by Lingdao. When the demon warriors are still ready to continue to say that Lingdao is not, the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land can't bear it, and he directly slaps it out. The huge palm prints, flying one after another demon warriors, they still did not understand what was going on, they fell to the ground and coughed up blood.

"I do things, do you still want to teach? Since it was chosen by the Lord Xuantou, then he is the son-in-law of the Lord of the Holy Land of our fox. You stare at him with ill-intention, what does it mean?"

The strongest person in the fox sanctuary outside the forbidden land is Daojun. If he really kills the murderer, the demon warrior who said that the sinister gangster is not coughing blood, but is broken. Fortunately, their realm is low, otherwise, the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land will certainly not let them go.

"Predecessors are really derogatory. If the warriors of the Tianhu Holy Land are like the predecessors, what are the real dragons, the Kunpeng family, and the Phoenix family?"

Lingdao has no face and no skin, and the strongest of the fox sacred land, the strong man of the fox sacred land suddenly feels that Lingdao is more pleasing to the eye. Correspondingly, the strongest of the Tianhu Holy Land sees other demon warriors, which is increasingly pleasing to the eye. The demon warrior gnawed his teeth at Lingdao, but there was no way to take Lingdao.

"Right, seniors, I have a few pots of good wine here, do you want to taste the seniors?"

While talking, Lingdao has taken out a pot of good wine, and the rich scent of the wine has spread out and floated into the nose of the strong scorpion of the fox. The eyes of the strong tyrant of the fox sacred land suddenly brightened, and Lingdao knew that he was a good wine demon.

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