The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 129: Fudge to Tianzun

A pot of pots and a good pot of wine, the relationship between Ling Dao and Tianhu Shengdi strong, obviously closer. Following the glimpse of the demon martial artists who came over Lingdao, I knew that the wine can be close to the strong people of the fox sacred land, let them take out hundreds of pots and thousands of pots, and they are willing.

Although they did not drink the Lingdao wine, they can feel it. Lingdao's wine is just ordinary wine, not a heavenly treasure. Even if they are not hostile to the ridge, they will not drink the lingering wine, and there is no benefit to their cultivation.

"I haven’t had such a pure wine for many years, do you still have stock?"

The strong man of the fox sacred place has not wiped his mouth, and the last time he was drinking, he was still a child. His parents, there is no cultivation talent, just an ordinary member of the Fox family. Since his parents died, he has not had any ordinary wine, and no military has accompanied him to drink ordinary wine. Unexpectedly, today, I have had a drink with a human race, and the world is wonderful.

The wine is not worth the money. Lingdao certainly will not be embarrassed. He directly took out a hundred pots of fine wine and gave it to the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land. As the saying goes, the mouth of a person is soft, the hand of a person is short, and the strong man of the fox sacred eats him again, and takes him. If he wants to do something for the strong man of the fox sacred place, the strong man of the fox sacred place certainly does not I am sorry to refuse.

"Although I don't know what is going on, I can help you. You are leaving the Heavenly Fox Site now, I will help you stop them for an hour."

Without waiting for Lingdao’s request, the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land took the initiative to help Lingdao. An hour of time, enough to leave the fox site, the things behind, the genius of the fox sacred place will not care. If you want to be the son-in-law of the Lord of the Holy Land, you have to come up with the corresponding skills.

"So, I thanked my predecessors."

The demon warrior who came with Lingdao is not Tianzun, but Tianjun, the strongest of the Tianhu Holy Land wants to stop them, and it is easy. Of course, even the strong king of the Holy Land has no effect. He is able to guard the forbidden land, certainly not the usual way.

More than one hundred pots of wine for an hour of escape time, Lingdao must be earned. As long as you leave the line of view of the demon martial arts, it is the sea leaps and the birds fly. The fox sacred land is the emperor's power that was passed down from the wilderness. The territory occupied is many times larger than the general territory.

It may not be difficult to find a Terran martial artist in the Tianhu domain, but it is very difficult to find Lingdao. He cultivated a wild sage, can become a true dragon, can also become a 鲲 ,, can also become a phoenix. Some demon warriors even catch up with him, even standing next to him, do not know him.

"Tai Xuandao's three trials, you must be tired, take a rest."

Lingdao swayed and walked past a demon warrior, not without the demon warriors who wanted to block the Lingdao, but their bodies could not move at all. Nor is there no demon warrior who wants to follow the lingo, but their bodies can't move.

"No, I have come to the end in three games. You are completely a mess, how are you still tired?"

One of the demon martial arts people trembled, but they were helpless. The means of Daojun are not what they can handle. Even if they show their best, they can't move half a step. They can only stay in the same place and wait for an hour.

Fortunately, Lingdao is only a late warrior in the Tianjun period. At the speed of Lingdao, it is not a day or two to want to leave the Tianhu Holy Land. As long as they go all out, they always catch up with the Lingdao. The only thing that bothers them is that they don’t know which direction they will run after Lingdao leaves the Tianhu Holy Land.

The territory adjacent to the Tianhu domain is not only the Tianluo domain, but also the Tianzhu domain, the Tianlang domain and the Tianzhu domain. They can only exclude the Tianzhu domain, because Lingdao killed the Tianzhu family's scorpio, if he went to the Tianzhu domain, he was looking for death. The Sirius domain, the Tianzhu domain and the Tianluo domain are all places where Lingdao may go. Of course, the Tianluo domain is the most likely.

First, the warriors of the Tianzhu domain and the Tianwo domain are hostile to the Terran, but the Tian Yao family is not hostile. Second, the distance from the Tianluo domain to the human race is closer than that of the Tianzhu domain and the Tianlang domain. However, they can think of it, Lingdao can think of it, maybe Lingdao will deliberately run to Tianzhu and Sirius.

"We still have a hope now that when Lingdao leaves the Tianhu Holy Land, he meets the Holy Spirit who is separated from us."

"Yes, as long as Lingdao meets them, they will certainly not run. Although they can't deal with Lingdao in person, they follow Lingdao without any problems. As long as they find out that we are not there, they will definitely ask the reason. The more Lingdao does not say The less likely they are to let go of the ridge."

The Tuo of the Hegeo and the Xiaoshengjun of the true dragon family said that they want to kill the Tao, and they have little relationship with the saints of the nine-tailed fox family, because they want to revenge. As long as Lingdao is not dead, there will be a shadow of Lingdao in their hearts, and Lingdao will become a hindrance to their cultivation sooner or later.

However, the small saints of the true dragon family and the extension of the subordinates of the tyrants did not know that after Lingdao left their vision, they found a place without a military, and displayed a real dragon change. The reason why he became a real dragon is because his incarnation is like a dragon and a phoenix. Coupled with the princess of the wine, Lingdao is still very confident about posing as a real dragon.

"Where is the teacher of Lingdao going? The deity clearly witnessed her disappearing in this place. Why didn't she trace it?"

"It’s strange, how did a big living person escape in front of us? No, she can disappear, can't Ling Dao also?"

"Well, we have counted it. It’s a good way to adjust the tiger to the mountains. Without us, they won’t let Lingdao run away?"

The place to be found, the place that should not be found, they all looked for it again, but unfortunately, even the shadow of Wei invincible was not found. If this time, they have not noticed something wrong, they are the brain into the water. The problem is that they don't know now, where is Lingdao.

Fortunately, the true dragon family has a foresight, and he left a piece of dragon scale on the way to leave the heavenly fox holy land. As long as Ling Dao and Wei invincible pass, it will certainly attract his attention. In order to ensure that Lingdao and Wei were invincible, he used 367 dragon scales.

"You are a little bit safe, the deity has long been prepared, and Lingdao and his sister can't escape, rest assured."

After the real dragon family and Tianzun told his other arrangements, the other strongmen were relieved. It is still the cautiousness of the true dragon family. Of course, the reason why the true dragon family’s Zhizun is so, is that he hates Lingdao very much, and he wants to set Lingdao and Wei invincible.

At this time, the face of the true dragon family to Tian Zun flashed a layer of doubt. Through the dragon scales, he found a real dragon, and he was rushing toward the outside of the Tianhu Holy Land at a very fast speed. The Dragon King’s Tianjun should be followed by Lingdao’s talent. What is going to run outside the Tianhu Holy Land?

The true dragon discovered by the true dragon family to Tianzun is the Lingdao. It is not Lingdao who does not want to fly in the air, but his body is too heavy to fly. Fortunately, Lingdao became a real dragon, otherwise he is now just being caught by the true dragon family.

"The deity found a junior, just in the past to ask, perhaps he knows the whereabouts of Lingdao. If you are interested, you can follow."

The speed of Lingdao is incomparable with that of the true dragon family. Just a moment later, the true dragon family’s sacredness is to catch up with Lingdao. Followed by the true dragon family to the back of Tianzun, there are other strong, Lingdao can not be aware of nothing.

At this time, if Lingdao runs again, it is not wise, because he is impossible to run through the true dragon family to Tianzun and other strong people. Lingdao’s eyes turned, and now he had an idea. Not only did he not advance, but he turned and ran to the Tianzun of the true dragon family.

"It's not good, the big things are not good, Lingdao's sister and sister are arrogant, and they even shot a group of Tianjun. If I didn't run fast, maybe I was already in his hands."

Changing the sound, there is no difficulty for Lingdao. As soon as he spoke, he let the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family and other powerful people become nervous. Because they understand that as long as Wei invincible shots, followed by Lingdao's demon warriors, certainly not an opponent. Once Wei invincible opened the door, he did not know how many demon warriors would die.

Lingdao pretended to be a scared look, but other strong people did not doubt. It’s not that Ling Dao’s performance is good, but they have been looking for a long time. They have not found Wei invincible, and they have had a bad feeling. Now that Lingdao has said what they least want to happen, it is natural to make them mess up.

"Slow, you are obviously a warrior of the real dragon family. Why don't the deity know you?"

Let Lingdao’s heartbeat slow down, the true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun actually doubted his identity. Fortunately, he has experienced repeated life and death crises, and will not be in a mess at this time. The number of true dragons is sparse, just relative to other races.

"We have a lot of geniuses in the real dragon family. How can you know me in a position?"

Lingdao’s counter-question is impossible to dispel the doubts of the true dragon family to Tianzun. Fortunately, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun explored, Lingdao is indeed the blood of the true dragon family. I have to say that Lingdao chose to display the real dragon change, which is the most correct choice. If you become a Peng Peng or a Phoenix, you may now be seen.

Time is tight, the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun has no time and Lingdao ink, even if it is with other strong people, rushed in the direction pointed by Lingdao. The Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family did not notice that the Tianlong, who was just behind him, had changed direction and left the Tianhu Holy Land. When the real dragons and Tianzun reacted, Lingdao had already run without a trace.

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