The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 130: All injuries

"No, there are only a few of the true dragons who come to the fox sacred place. As long as I have seen it, it is impossible to forget. Where did he come from?"

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun frowned. Lingdao’s words were justified, and when you think about it, it’s not right. It is impossible for him to know all the heavenly kings of the true dragon family, but he will not remember the true dragon family who came to the fox community. Unless Ling Dao came afterwards, he did not participate in the three contests arranged by Tai Xuan Road.

He did not think about Lingdao, because Lingdao is a human warrior. Moreover, Ling Dao and Wei Invincible are two people. There is no other warrior around the real dragon family. In case Lingdao said that it was true, he went late, and the Dragon King’s Tianjun and Tianzun were completely annihilated. Where did his face rest?

Although there are holy kings among the dragon strong people who come to the Tianhu Holy Land, they are still headed by the true dragon family to Tianzun. How to arrange the true dragon family to the heavens, the other warriors of the dragons will listen to them. If the team he brought died a large piece, where can he follow his warrior?

The competition of the patriarch of the true dragon is more intense than the competition of the lord of the heavenly fox. The number of members of the nine-tailed fox family may be similar to that of the real dragon family, but the dragon's warrior must be more than the fox family. Even if he is a patriarch, he wants to be the patriarch of the true dragon family, and it is still difficult.

"What's the situation? Isn't Lingdao's sister and sister not shooting for you? How come you stand here like a fool?"

"Lingdao? You are not following Lingdao? How are you all there, and the Lingdao is gone?"

When the real dragons and the heavenly lords saw the demon warriors outside the forbidden land, they all had a feeling of being deceived. If Wei is invincible, it will inevitably flow into the river, and the corpse will be everywhere. But now only a part of the warriors are injured, and other warriors have nothing to do.

Even if they are idiots, they understand that they have been deceived by Lingdao. Lingdao said that all are false. The only thing they can't figure out now is why Ling Dao wants to lie to him? Lingdao pretending to be the Tianjun of the true dragon family, that is to say, the true dragon family's Zhitian deliberately deceived them. Is it true that the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family wants to personally win the Lingdao?

"I haven't seen the practice of Ling Dao's cultivation, but I can feel it. His skill is better than mine."

"I haven't heard of any Lingjia in Tianling, but he may not really be a disciple of Tianyuan Holy Land, because Tianyuan Holy Land does not have such a tyrannical practice."

"What do you mean is that the true dragon family's sacred cult is to practice the tricks of the singularity? Isn't it true that the dragons still have bad exercises?"

The holy kings of the great emperors are communicated by the will, and they do not want to offend the true dragon family. It is a minority that can provoke the dragon's imperial power. It is also a minority that can provoke the true king to the heavenly king. Now their realm is higher than that of the true dragon family, but it will not be confirmed in the future.

"Before Lingdao ran, not that we don't want to chase, but the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land does not let us chase."

"Good gas, Lingdao used the ordinary wine, and bought the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land."

"If it wasn't for the strong man of the fox sacred place to intervene, how could we possibly lose sight of it? If you don't kill him half-heartedly, it's hard to stop the hatred. But we are not opponents, can you shoot?"

Seeing that the self-powered people came, a demon warrior suddenly complained. They don't know what the real power of the fox sacred land is. Second, they feel that the enemy is widowed. If they are not in the fox community, they are not asking for the strong violent screaming of the fox fox, but the fox sacred strong. The life is over.

"What do you say? Lingdao lost?"

"Waste, all are wastes, and with the late Tianjun can still be lost, are you an idiot?"

"Which strong man is so short-sighted? Does he want to die?"

A group of holy kings are furious, they not only the temperament of the demon family, but also the temperament of the sacred place. The Tianhu Holy Land is already big enough, and the Tianhu domain is bigger. Now it’s lost to Lingdao, and then want to find Lingdao, it’s a needle in a haystack. On the one hand, they roared their own warriors, and on the other hand, they found the strongest of the fox land.

To say that the ordinary wine can buy a strong, they do not believe, the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land are clearly deliberately against them. Some of them come from the dragons, some from the Kunpeng family, some from the phoenix family, no worse than the fox sacred land, do not need to be too scrupulous.

"Not long eyes? Want to die?"

The strong man of the fox sacred land slammed, the black clouds pressed, and the snow fluttered. The forbidden land of the demon sacred king to the fox sacred place not only did not have the consciousness of leaving a little, but also wanted to find him trouble, he certainly could not sit idly by. In the fox sacred place, I dare to be so crazy, really when he is muddy?

The true face of the true dragon family has changed. It is just a change in emotion that can cause a change in the sky. He knows that he has kicked the iron plate. The other great kings of the kings are also waiting for the same. They have never thought of it. It is a Taoist priest who can help Lingdao. It is no wonder that the demon warriors present at the scene are difficult to move.

"Give you a chance to admit your mistakes. If you don't grasp it, don't blame the prince for being ruthless!"

The majesty of Daojun is not something that Tianzun and the Holy King can trample on. In particular, the holy kings of the great emperors are still swearing at his site, and they can’t bear it. The Daojun of the Tianhu Holy Land, on the status, is in harmony with the Tao of the true dragon family, the phoenix family, and the Kunpeng family.

"You are a monarch, do you not be awkward to a group of juniors?"

"Double fists are hard to beat four hands. If you don't ask the strong guys of the Tianhu Holy Land to help, you still don't know what it will be like."

"If the same realm, the deity can beat you down, do you believe it?"

They are the geniuses of the younger generations of the great emperors. They don’t say that they are unruly, at least most of them. Let them be in the eyes of the public, and admit their mistakes to the priests of the fox sacred land. They are certainly not willing. If the other party is the leader, let them serve soft, they can still accept.

What's more, some of the hands of the King of the Peak, also touched the blood of the Tao. It is not difficult to deal with the general king of the eight kings of the temple. If the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land are extremely strong, they will not put the strong people of the Tianhu Holy Land in their eyes.

"Give you a chance, you don't want it, then you will bear the anger of the king!"

The strong man of the fox sacred place did not talk nonsense with the great kings of the great powers, but directly. He didn't want to bully the little, but unfortunately, the strong powers of the great emperors were very self-sufficient and did not accept his feelings at all. A group of holy kings dare to despise him as a monarch, and it is really a ravage of the world.

"The prince does not bully you, as long as you can take the next hand, the prince will not be embarrassed."

It is not a glorious thing for Daojun to deal with the Holy King and deal with Tianzun. Even if they are all geniuses of the great powers of the great powers, the Taoist guarding the forbidden places still does not care. When he was famous for the territory of the Yaozu, the Holy King and the Tianzun in front of him were not born at all.

His words are more arrogant than the holy kings of the great emperors, and naturally they are angering the holy kings of the great powers. Daojun is also a higher realm than the holy king, and he is replaced by the Taoist. If he says this, it is almost the same. However, the bigger he is saying now, the more he will be hurt when he is injured.

"If we add up, we may not be as good as you. Unfortunately, we are more powerful than you. Don't look at you as a Tao. We want to win you, just as easy as drinking water."

"It's your own hand. If you wait for other means, what do you say?"

At the same time as the great kings of the great emperor's powers laughed at the sacred place of the fox sacred place, they exhibited the martial arts of the sacred martial arts and dealt with the strong people of the fox land. To win the strongest of the fox sacred land, you will win the beautiful and bright, and once confronted, you will defeat the strongest of the fox sacred land, and you will be more happy than the strongman who killed the fox sacred land.

The shadows of the temples have emerged, and the power of the kings of the great emperors has been fully opened because they have felt a huge threat. The strong man of the fox sacred place is definitely not comparable to the general prince, because his palm has an earth-shattering power.

As the stars fall, the emptiness of the sky can be cracked. The palm of the hand is like the top of Mount Tai, and if it is worth hundreds of millions, even the earth can't stand it. The eight Taoist palaces, like eight suns, are suspended in the sky. Like the sky-like palm print, it crashed down, the sun and the moon were dull, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

The momentum of the strong sorcerer of the fox sacred land is like an ancient war god, where the eyes go, one kind of sacred martial arts dissipated. His power is completely beyond the imagination of a group of sacred kings. The sacred and sacred people of the true dragon family are even more of an opponent.

Countless ways, broken in an instant, one after another, the shadow of the temple, was forced to the body of the Holy King. They thought that the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land was talking loudly, and now I understand that the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land is simply telling the truth, and there is no exaggeration.

The palm of the sacred place of the sacred sacred land is like a world indulging in the world, and the sacred kings of the great emperors, as well as the sacred kings and tyrants, do not have the ability to resist. When he put away his palm, whether it was the Holy King, or the Heavenly Respect and the Heavenly Respect, all fell to the ground.

"If you are not thinking that you are still young, now you are not injured, but you are dead!"

Some of the demon warriors who had been banned in the same place, some were scared and pale, and some could not help but swallow. They did not think that the strong person who can buy it only by ordinary wine can have such a big skill. So many Saints joined forces, and it is not his enemy.

"The **** sorrow is the one that hurts you. If it weren't for the dragons of your true dragon family to let us come, how could we be injured?"

"Yes, you have to be responsible for us. If not, we will not finish with you!"

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