The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 131: The pursuit of the Scorpio

"You are bullying and fearing it is hard? You are hurting the Daojun of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. You are not looking for revenge for him. What do you mean by the deity? Is the deity not a victim like you?"

The true dragon family’s sorrowful sorrow, from the first test, he was unlucky, and until now, there is still no transshipment. I knew that coming to the Tianhu Holy Land would be such a result, and he would not come to kill him. Not only did he lose his face, but he was also wounded by the Daojun of the Tianhu Holy Land. Even the other powerful forces of the Emperor’s powers were not good to him.

"It is the road of the true dragons of the true dragons, and the heavenly kings of your true dragons let us come. They also said that Lingdao’s sisters shot them, and they were not good ones?"

"Don't tell us, the Heavenly King of your true dragon family not only does not listen to you, but also deceives you. Do you use us as fools? Do you dare to say that everything is not arranged by you?"

The key to the problem is that it is on Lingdao, and Lingdao is deliberately deceiving them. However, Lingdao did not think that they would be injured by the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land. If Lingdao can think of it, it will definitely lie more thoroughly. The worse they are beaten, the better.

"The deity knows, the deity knows!"

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun did not question his theory of the Holy King’s strongman, but finally guessed the identity of the true dragon family who deceived him. Lingdao is a human race without a fake, but in the third match against the second round of the match, the blood of the true dragon family broke out in Lingdao, and even the blood force is stronger than him.

"The Tianjun just now is not our true dragon family. He is Lingdao, 100% is Lingdao!"

This inference, in addition to the dragon's sacred king's strong letter, the other sacred kings of the emperor's forces are either unbelief or dubious. Lingdao pretending to be a warrior of the real dragon family, even if they can't find it, how can the true dragon family's Zhitian Zun not find it?

"The deity knows that you can't believe it easily. However, all the Heavenly Kings of our true dragon family are here. If you don't believe it, you can just ask."

Ling Dao's display of real dragons is naturally an incarnation of true dragons. They only need to inquire about the true dragon family who came to the Tianhu Holy Land. Even if they don't believe in the real dragons, it doesn't matter, because the opponents of the true dragon family Tianjun, the Tianjun of the Phoenix family or the Tianjun of the Qipeng family and the Tianjun of the gods, also remember the true dragon family.

Whether it is to remember the appearance of all the Heavenly Kings of the true dragon family, or just remember the number of the true dragon family Tianjun. As long as there is one less monarch of the true dragon family, they will not believe what the true dragon family said to Tianzun. However, the fact is that the true dragon family is all present, a lot.

"No wonder he is behind us. He is not in a hurry. He must be looking for an opportunity to run in the opposite direction."

"What are you still doing? Hurry and chase! Now chasing may be too late, and later, maybe he will leave the Tianhu Holy Land."

One after another, the sacred kings are quick to return, and their speed is many times faster than Lingdao. Fortunately, they have been delayed for a while, and they don’t know where the current Lingdao is. If they knew the road in the first place, Ling Dao would not fly even if they had wings.


The true dragon family’s sacred heaven snarls and vents the anger of the heart. He has been in the scenery for hundreds of years. Unexpectedly, he was planted twice in the hands of a human race boy. One time was the same duel, he lost to Lingdao, and one time was previously, he was turned by the scam.

The Daojun of the Tianhu Holy Land wounded him. He could not take revenge. The other kings of the Emperor’s forces questioned him, even if he now eluted his suspicion, and no Holy King apologized to him. He passed all hatefulness to Lingdao's body. If he caught Lingdao, he must make Lingdaosheng die.

"Right, are you not prepared yet? Where is Lingdao now, do you know?"

The sacred family’s sacred priest asked if he had to join forces with him to deal with Wei’s invincibility, and the true dragon’s lord of heaven wanted to slap his face. If the Tianlong Zun of the true dragon family knows where the Lingdao is, it must have been chasing the past, and it is impossible to stand here and sulking.

"I don't know, he may have already come out of the fox sacred place, and it is hard to find him again."

The true dragon family’s Zhitian Zun produced a sense of frustration. Unexpectedly, it was ridiculous that he could not take a human race. The Tianhu domain is too big. Lingdao is a big living person, changing his position all the time. Unless he is the great emperor, the projection of the will world can cover a territory, in order to find the Lingdao in an instant.

The dragon is a great emperor, but he wants to ask the emperor to come to the Tianhu domain to help him find a heavenly king. The emperor is certainly not interested. As for the help of the great emperor of the Tianhu Holy Land, it is impossible. It is only rare for Tianzun to stay. It is still only Tianzun, and the Emperor is a hundred thousand miles away.

"No matter what, we rushed to the exit of the Tianhu Holy Land as quickly as possible, and we were able to catch the best of Lingdao. If we couldn’t catch the Lingdao, we would think of other methods."

The holy king and the heavenly lord of the dragon family are all behind the true dragon family to Tianzun. At the speed of the Dragon King, it is definitely not able to keep up with them. Fortunately, a strong king of the king took out a dragon boat and carried them along. The strong king of the holy king can only chase the road, can not kill the road, do the hands of Lingdao, but also rely on the dragon king.

The other powerful forces of the emperor have a variety of learning, and have set off with their own Tianjun. Even the little saints of the true dragon family are not the opponents of Lingdao. They bring one or two heavenly kings. They are useless. There are only a few days of monarchs, and how many days are brought. If the quality is not good, they will win by quantity.

Fortunately, Lingdao runs fast. If it is slow for a while, it may be caught by the strong people of the Yaozu Emperor. When the true dragon family to Tianzun appeared in the Tianhu Holy Land exit, Lingdao had already ran to the Tianhu Holy Land for a thousand miles. If they look outside, it is possible to find Lingdao, but unfortunately, they are looking for it.

However, Lingdao should think that it is so wrong to get rid of all the warriors of the Yaozu. He succeeded in deceiving the true dragon family's sacred esteem, thus ruining the true dragon family's sacred statue. However, he killed the scorpio of the Scorpio family, and the strongest of the Scorpio family has long been prepared.

獒天赐, the first day of the Tianzhu family, his death is the loss of the Scorpio family. The Scorpio family had long been ambushed outside the Tianhu Holy Land, and there were Heavenly Kings and Heavenly Kings. Of course, the Holy King of the Scorpio family will not also shoot on the Lingdao, their task is only to find the Lingdao.

"Everyone noticed that this holy news has killed the murderer."

A sacred king of the Scorpio family used the will to tell the story of all the scorpio warriors about Lingdao. Other sacred kings have closed their eyes and shook their noses, trying to determine the direction of the ridge. They are Scorpio, and their sense of smell is more sensitive than that of the dragon.

It’s only a moment, and the other two holy kings are also found. They communicated with the first sect of the sacred king who found Lingdao, and finally determined the location of the ridge. They did not hesitate, and immediately chased the other Scorpio warriors to Lingdao.

"Why hasn't it come out yet? He and Wei invincible will not have anything?"

Ling Jianhao did not enter the Tianhu Holy Land. Unfortunately, he was bombarded by the strong man of the Tianhu Holy Land. He could only wait for Lingdao and Wei invincible outside. In fact, just now, Ling Dao walked in front of him. However, he did not expect that Lingdao would become a dragon. Lingdao only looked at the escape, did not find Ling Jianhao, not to mention, he did not know that Ling Jianhao followed.

"I don't know how the demon warriors are doing now. I want to change the look. The true dragon family's Heavenly Master thinks that I am posing."

Just as Lingdao was preparing to remove the real dragons and transforming the shackles, the sacred kings of the Scorpio family chased them up. The speed of Kunpeng is faster than that of real dragons. However, in the later period of Lingdao, the days of the dynasty, even if it became a 鲲peng, the speed is not as strong as the sacred king of the Scorpio.

"Hey, the little guy of the Dragons, did you find a Terran Heavenly King?"

A sacred king of the Scorpio family asked, and Lingdao’s eyelids shook, because they must have come to arrest themselves. Fortunately, there is no rush to use Kuangpeng, otherwise they will definitely find their true face. He killed the first day of the Scorpio family, who knows if the strongest of the Scorpio family will have any excessive behavior.

"Huren Tianjun?" Lingdao pretended to think for a moment, is to the east, extended his right index finger, "just saw a Terran Heavenly King, if I remember correctly, he should be toward Running in this direction, and it is extremely fast, it seems to be escaping."

The more critical moments, the more calm you should be, and you should not be able to show a little bit of it. The strongest of the Scorpio family rushed to kill the Lingdao, and after receiving the answer from Lingdao, they flew to the east without hesitation. Their speed is not unpleasant, and if Ling Dao is really ahead, he will definitely catch up with them.

"Fortunately, I used the real dragon change, or it was blocked by the strong people of the Scorpio family."

The identity of the true dragon family Tianjun is really easy to use. It not only flickers the true dragon family, but also deceives the strong people of the Tianzhu family. However, his current situation is very unsatisfactory. The strongest of the Scorpio family can catch up. The other strong powers of the Yaozu dynasty may also catch up.

"No, the smell is not in this direction!"

"If I didn't get it wrong, the smell of the Dragon Dragon King just now is the taste we are looking for."

"You mean, the Dragon King of the Dragon is killing the murderer?"

"No, killing the gods is not the Terran Heavenly King? How did it become the Dragon King?"

"No matter what, Ning kills the wrong, does not let go, we hurry back, must not let him escape!"

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