The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 132: Lingdao vs Ba Tianzun

The tracking method of the Scorpio family is different from that of the real dragon family. The true dragon family relies on the appearance of Ling Dao, and the Tianzhu family relies on the smell. Whether Ling Dao becomes a real dragon or a singer, it is not a big impact on the strong people of Tianzhu. The strongest of the Scorpio family was previously scammed, purely anxious.

The true dragon family’s genius is a combination of various species, and it is inferred that Lingdao’s true dragon family’s identity is. Moreover, when he speculated, Ling Dao had already run without a trace. Unlike the strongest of the Scorpio family, it took only a moment to guess the identity of the true dragon family who was pretending to be Lingdao. Lingdao did not run far.

When Lingdao discovered the Scorpio strongman who was chased from behind, he knew that the big event was not good. If the strongest of the Scorpio family is not aware of the wrong place, it will certainly continue to pursue the East. Now they have not only folded back, but they are obviously coming to him.


A sacred king of the Scorpio family shouted aloud, and hundreds of roads condensed into a wall of copper wall, blocking the front of the road. Lingdao doesn't care whether he listens to him or not. He can't move on. It is too easy for the Holy King to not want to go to Heaven.

Lingdao did not try to attack the front wall of the copper wall, and did not even think about breaking through the front wall of the copper wall. With his current strength, there is no problem in dealing with the Tianjun strong, and it is not self-sufficient to confront the strong king. The gap between Tianjun and the Holy King is even larger than that of the Heavenly Man and the Heavenly King.

"What do you mean? Do you bully the dragon?"

The reason why the word "Dragon" is bitten is because Lingdao wants to use the dragon to scare the strongest of the Tianzhu family. The Scorpio family is certainly strong, but it depends on who it compares. If compared with the dragon, the Scorpio family is far worse. The true dragon family is unparalleled in the body, and it is one of the hegemons of the wilderness. The Tianzhu family can only be regarded as general in the wild.

"Kid, don't pretend, you are not a warrior of the real dragon family, but a human warrior, that is, you can kill the gods, this holy can not admit mistakes!"

A sacred king of the Scorpio family said with great certainty that in fact, his heart has no bottom, it is completely fraudulent. If Lingdao is so easy to be fooled, he can't fool the true dragon family's sacred esteem. Lingdao's psychological quality is not generally good.

"How? You can't find the murderer who killed Yu Tianci, want to make me a ghost?" Lingdao smiled contemptuously, then he said coldly, "It is not difficult to kill me with your skill." However, as long as the dragons find out that you killed me, then, I am sorry, you all have to be buried with me!"

The dragon family is a giant, and the Scorpio is indeed untouchable. Moreover, the real dragon family is extremely short-term protection, although the real dragon family in front of the eyes is only a Tianjun, but as long as he kills him, the real dragon family will certainly not give up. A few words of Lingdao are to hesitate the strong people of the Tianzhu family.

"Or, are you sure? If you have killed the warrior of the real dragon family, we really can't eat it!"

"We can grab him first and then try to force his real body. If he is really a warrior of the real dragon family, we will let him go. As long as he is not dead, the real dragon family cannot find us. ”

They just let go of Lingdao once, and now it is impossible to let go of Lingdao for the second time. Unless Lingdao can now move out of a Dragon King, they will definitely take Lingdao. It’s not the life of Lingdao. The strong people of Tianzun and the strong kings of the Holy King can do it.

"Kids, if you know each other, you will be shackled. Otherwise, if we take the shot, you will suffer."

The tyrants of the Scorpio family stared at Lingdao with hatred, because Qi Tianci was his cousin. If it weren’t for the identity of Ling Dao, he really wanted to bite the meat from Lingdao one by one. The hope of becoming a **** is very small, but the hope of becoming a tyrant is still very big, but unfortunately, he died in Lingdao.

"I don't mean to resist, just, do you dare to bring me to the dragon strong?"

Lingdao must not be exposed at this time. Otherwise, the strong man of the Scorpio family is not doubting him, but is able to affirm his identity. He is now walking on the cliff, and if he is not careful, he may fall into the abyss. Therefore, every step, he must be extremely cautious.

"He won't really be the warrior of the real dragon family? Or else, how could he let us bring him to the dragon strongman? We want to kill him without a fake, the dragon strongman wants to kill him more than us?"

"With that, I think of a way to determine his identity."

Just when the other strong people of the Scorpio family were indecisive, the tyrants of the Scorpio family had an idea. Lingdao is indeed clever, and the Scorpio family just thought about the mistakes of Ning, and he relied on a mouth to make the strong people of the Scorpio change their minds. Fortunately, the Tianzhu family’s tyrants are the same. Not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Since you said that you are the Dragon King, then, can you become a human figure, let us look at it?"

The words of the Scorpio family are such that the eyes of the people of the Scorpio family are bright, yeah, let Ling Dao become an adult, not the truth? If the real dragon in front of him is Tianjun, he is definitely not willing to become an adult. Otherwise, isn’t it directly exposed?

"Good idea! Haha, kid, are you afraid? You are not saying that you are a warrior of the real dragon family? Come, become a human figure and show us, how?"

Compared to taking the Lingdao, and then trying to force out the true appearance of Lingdao, the method proposed by Tianzhu’s Ba Tianzun is much easier. If the real dragon family in front of the eyes is Lingdao, it will be removed on the spot. If the real dragon family in front of the eyes is not Lingdao, it will be released directly.

"Wine, give me my green lotus mask!"

The sword demon in the chaotic ancient domain changed the appearance of Qinglian mask again, and let the wine princess pass to Lingdao. When Lingdao squatted from the real dragon to the human form, he put on the Qinglian mask as soon as possible. Even if there is a strong king of the Holy Land, Ling Dao is not at all guilty.

"Just kidding, adult, what do I dare?"

The voice of Ling Dao has just fallen, that is, from the real dragon to the human warrior. His current appearance is just an ordinary human race, far from being handsome and handsome. At this time, he certainly does not care about what looks, as long as it is different from the original.

"How is it possible? Are we all wrong?"

"He really isn't killing the murderer of the godsend. It's difficult because he has been exposed to killing the murderer of the godsend. What is the smell of killing the murderer?"

Because of the disappointment, the strongest of the Scorpio family did not use the will to communicate with each other, so the Lingdao listened to the fear. Lingdao did not think that the strong man of the Scorpio family could rely on the sense of smell to catch up with him. Fortunately, he used the Qinglian mask to change his appearance. Don't say that the king of the king is strong, even if it is a strong man, it is impossible to see through the green lotus mask.

Ling Dao is still a means of smashing the demon's strong, just turning into a real dragon, it is impossible to pass through all the celestial kings. The Scorpio family can find him by relying on the sense of smell. Maybe other demon powers can find him by other means. If he can get rid of the strong people of the Scorpio family, he can't be delayed for a moment, and he must leave the Tianhu domain as quickly as possible.

"What do I do now? Are we killing him or letting him go?"

The tyrants of the Scorpio family use the will to voice and ask other strong people. Since the true dragon family in front of the eyes is not Lingdao, then they certainly have no intention of killing him. They didn't know each other and the real dragon family in front of them, killing him, there is no benefit.

"Let's go, we still chase in the direction he just pointed, maybe you can catch up!"

Even if Lingdao is the Tianjun of the true dragon family, they still have no intention to apologize for Lingdao. It is important to be born, but it is equally important to cultivate yourself. Their realm is higher than Lingdao. Even if it is not irritating, Lingdao can only admit that it is unlucky. Anyway, Lingdao can't treat them.

After the strong man of the Scorpio family left, Lingdao did not remove the Qinglian mask, and did not display the Yanpeng change. Because he was worried that there would be a strong man of the Scorpio family hiding in the dark, if this time the stuffing, he might as well die. His fears are not without reason. The Scorpio does have the Holy King paying attention to him for most of the time.

"It seems that he really is not the murderer who killed Yu Tianci. I did not expect that we have misguided the target."

Even if the sacred king of the Scorpio family left, Lingdao still fled in the same way as he did. Until the day when the strong man of the Scorpio stopped his place for four or five thousand kilometers, he sent the Qinglian mask back to the swordsman, and displayed the 鲲 变 change, moving away from the fox sac at a faster speed.

Lingdao is a sacred place from Tianhuo, so he knows the way back from Tianhu Holy Land to Tianxue. As for the territory around the Tianhu domain, he did not know. Just, at his speed, rushed to the Tian Yao domain, do not know how long it will take, but also have to deal with the chasing of the demon warriors.

The Tianlong Zun of the Real Dragon family did not wait for Lingdao at the exit of the Tianhu Holy Land, and had to leave the Tianhu Holy Land to carry out a carpet search. Anyway, he let the two dragons sacred to the gate of the fox sacred place, if you find the ridge, you can stop the ridge.

"How do you have a single action for the true dragon family? Is it that he wants to single-handedly remove the Terran Heavenly King?"

After the warriors of the Scorpio encounter the Dragon Warrior, they ridiculed the Dragon Warrior. However, they did not expect that the Dragon Warriors would react greatly when they heard their words. Especially the true dragon family's Zhitianzun, even more excited eyes. The words of the true dragon family to Tianzun are even more so that the warriors of the Tianzhu family are collectively petrified.

"Which action alone, he is pretending to be Lingdao, tell the deity, where did you find him?"

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