The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 134: Killing the sky

"In the eyes of the public, I will step on my feet. If I don't kill you, how can I see other warriors in the future?"

The cousin of Tuohai is even more hateful than the little saint of the true dragon family, because he is a medium-armed warrior in Tianzun. In the mid-term, Tian Zun lost to the late Tianjun, and it must be even more humiliating than the defeat of the Tianfeng Junjun to the late Tianjun. There is no smell of the Scorpio family, and there is no Tianma of the Tianma family, but he has a way to find Lingdao.

It is certainly not good to rely on his own skills. Fortunately, he knows the patriarch of the bat family. The bat family and the Tianzhu family and the Tianma family are all different. Their most powerful place is in the sense of hearing. The patriarch of the bat family is only relying on hearing, and it is sure to find the ridge.

The bat family, who has never been a great emperor, is just a force. There is only one bat-like warrior who came to the fox sacred place to participate in the test, which is the late Tianzun that Tuanhai's cousin knows. The sacred family of the true dragon family did not think of the bat family, because the late buddies of the bat family did not have any sense of existence.

"Pay brother, can you find Lingdao, it depends on you."

The next generation of the tyrants is also the emperor's power. The cousin of Tuohai is looking for the late buddies of the bat family. The late buddies of the bat family will certainly not refuse. When Ling Dao stepped on the cousin of Tuohai, the late Tianzun of the bat family listened carefully to Lingdao, because he knew that Tuohai’s cousin must be revenge.

The late Tianzun of the bat family heard the heartbeat of Lingdao, heard the blood flow of Lingdao, and heard the sound of Lingdao’s breathing. However, due to the realm of the realm, he could not patrol the 300,000-mile mile to the sacred king of the Tianma family. He can only explore the radius of 80,000 miles.

"Reassure, as long as there is no strong person to help him, I will definitely find him."

After the guarantee of the bat family's late Tianzun, Tuohai's cousin finally laughed. Although the sacred king of the tyrants did not mean to take the lead for him, but the other two lords of the tyrants of the tyrants helped him, he was completely sure to win the ridge, and then humiliated the ridge.

In addition to the Scorpio family, the Tianma family and the bat family, other demon warriors also have the means to find Lingdao. The race to come to the Tianhu Holy Land to participate in the test is not a minority, just to see if they are willing to find it. Lingdao is not a public enemy of the demon, and the demon warriors will not do anything.

The first one to find Lingdao is not the Tianzun of the true dragon family, nor the mid-term esteem of the tyrants. It is not Lin Rizhen, but the tyrant of the Tianhu Holy Land. Because Lingdao and the enchantress are in love with each other, the transcendental Taoist is prepared to get rid of the huge threat of Lingdao.

The fox sacred place is the site of the fox family. Even if the lingdao is turned into a real dragon, there is still no escape from the eyes of the strong tyrant of the fox. The tyrants sent by the Taoist lord always followed Lingdao. When the true dragon family was deceived, he did not speak. When the Scorpio warrior was being played, he also did not speak.

Now, other demon warriors can't find the ridge, and he has to stand up. He doesn't want to be hands-on. First, because after killing Lingdao, there is a possibility of a big disaster. Second, because Lingdao has any powerful life-saving cards, maybe it can break out the ruin of the tyrants when the ridge is dangerous. can.

"As long as you let the original shape appear, there must be a demon warrior to find you!"

Although the change of Lingdao is the body, the tyrants of Tianhu Holy Land use the will to attack, which can make Lingdao return to human form. The volcanic attack of the fox tyrants is not the Lingdao can resist. Lingdao only feels that the world of the will has been hit hard, and then it is awkward and confused.

The bird has a three-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-in Although he knew that he had been concealed, he must hurry to stabilize the world of will, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. The tyrannical sacred eyes of the fox sacred land were seen as a matter of course, and they raised their hands and smashed a mountain nearby.

"With such a big movement, if other warriors are still not here, then I really have nothing to say."

The tyrants of the fox sacred land first broke the change of the lingdao, and then made a great sound, in order to attract the distant martial arts. To his surprise, the first one was not a dragon warrior, nor a hegemonic warrior, but also a scorpio warrior, but a human warrior, the disciple of the Qing Emperor Palace, Lin Rizhen.

"How is he? Is he also wanting revenge?"

The third round of the third match was the match between Lingdao and Lin Rizhen. The tyrants of the fox sacred land do not know what secret law Lin Shizhen and Ling Dao finally exerted. Anyway, the tactics of Ling Dao and Lin Rizhen broke out completely beyond the scope of the Tianjun martial arts. In the end, it was the Lingdao skill, and Lin Rizhen was defeated. However, Lin Rizhen was at the time of the repair of Tianjun in the late period and the battle of Lingdao. If Lin Rizhen took the repair of Yufeng Tianjun and confronted Lingdao, the loser must be Lingdao.

The tyrants of the fox sacred place do not care about how Lingdao died, the Lingdao of the demon warriors killed, and the martial arts that the Terran martial arts killed, as long as they can complete the task. If Lin Rizhen failed to kill Ling Dao, he secretly shot and helped Lin Ridiao to deal with Ling Dao. He was sure to do it without knowing it.

"Who? Come out!"

After Lin Rizhen discovered the Lingdao, there was no first one to talk to Lingdao, but to look at the position of the Tianhu Holy Land. Tianhu Shengdi’s tyrants looked incredulously at Lin Rizhen, because he did not believe that a peak Tianjun could find him, so he did not mean to show up.

In fact, the tyrants of the fox sacred land are not in the eyes of Lin Rizhen. If Lingdao is in a hurry to escape, he may be able to detect his peek. Of course, Lingdao wants to find the exact location of the Tianhu Holy Land, and it is definitely not possible.

"Little fox, I found you, what is the meaning of hiding?"

Now controlling the body of Lin Rizhen is the no-devil emperor, the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land in his eyes, is indeed a little fox. It is a pity that the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land does not know the identity of Lin Risheng, so Lin Risheng’s words made him laugh and cry. A young man of a few decades old, is it so good to call him a little fox?

"Lingdao is careful, stay away from him, the Taoist Lord let me protect you, as long as I am there, he wants to hurt you!"

Under the circumstance, the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land had to appear in front of Lingdao. Fortunately, he saved the ridge once when he was in the Holy Land. Before he could reveal his purpose, he still had to stand with Lingdao, even if he did it. Just find an opportunity to sell Lingdao once in front of the demon warrior, and you will be able to let Lingdao die.

"Jokes, are you sneaking away from the distance, protecting him? And, you are ahead of me, when I don't know?"

Lin Rizhen did not believe that the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land would be so kind, if he could drive the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land to the best. It is not a last resort. He does not want to get rid of the Heavenly Fox Holy Land. He is not afraid of offending the fox sacred place, but with his current cultivation, it is not a simple matter to remove the tyrant.

"The Taoist told me to hide in the dark to protect him. Of course I have to listen to the Lord. It is normal to go before you, if you come behind you, if you kill him, am I late?"

The tyrants of the fox sacred land could not be stumped by Lin Rizhen’s problem. On strength, he was stronger than Lin, and he was smart. He felt that he was stronger than Lin, and he did not know that Lin Rizhen had no interest in bickering with him. The Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land just made such a big move. Lin Rizhen now only wants to take the Lingdao quickly, so as to avoid any scorpions.

What makes Lin Rizhen’s headache is that the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land does not mean to leave. In fact, I would also like to blame Lin Riqi himself. If it weren't for him, he would have to call out the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land. He would deal with Lingdao, and the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land would not stop.

"I don't care whether you really protect him or fake him. Anyway, I will give you a chance to live now. I will leave this place between the three interest rates. If not, I will kill you for your life!"

Lin Rizhen said coldly, the tyrant of the fox sacred place is not conscious, he had to threaten to speak. The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land almost laughed out loudly. The peak of a human race, Tian Jun, even said that his life was just the joke he heard the best laugh this year.

"When he was talking, although the hidden is very good, the fluctuation of his eyes made me notice. I can be sure that he is not telling the truth."

Lingdao smashed the tyrant of the sacred place of the fox fox, and looked at Lin Rizhen. If Lin Rizhen can fight with the tyrant of the fox sacred place, it is best. He did not know how to deal with the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, and he was even less sure of dealing with Lin Rizhen. Who knows what kind of cards Lin Yezhen has.

Fortunately, there is no need for him to provoke, and Lin Rizhen and Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land will fight. The tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land is the hope that Lin Rizhen will kill Lingdao, but the other demon warriors will remove the Lingdao. Lin Rizhen did not give him face, he could not be heard.

"How is the genius of the Qing Emperor Palace? When the Tianhu Holy Land dominated, the Qing Emperor was not born yet. You are a little Tianjun, you are crazy about yourself in the sphere of influence, and dare to scatter on my head. I really don't know what my last name is?"

Just after the Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land, I felt a sense of killing. Lin Rizhen’s current cultivation is indeed inferior to the tyrannical respect of the fox sacred place, but his killing is not the tyrant of the fox sacred land. The strong man who died in the hands of the unspoken demons, I do not know where to do, the tyrants are not on the top.

Lin Rizhen’s killings seem to be a stormy wave. The tyrannical sacredness of the fox sacred land is like a boat on the sea, and there is always the possibility of destruction. The tyrants of the fox sacred place are full of horror, how can a horrible killing of a human race?

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