The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 135: 蝼 蚁

The battles that Tianhu Shengdi’s tyrants have experienced, thousands of games, large and small, have not been said before, even the later Tianzun, even the holy king, the killing is not strong. If his realm is the same as Lin Rizhen, Lin Rizhen does not need to shoot at all. Just killing him can make him lose.

Even if you are standing in the distance, you will feel breathless. He can now be sure that Lin Rizhen did not go all out in the third round of the third round of the match. Perhaps, Lin Rizhen has long known that it is a illusion, just a pretense to do it.

Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy, won three trials, for Lin Rizhen, the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages. To say that Lin Rizhen is to let Ling Dao win, the same is not true, Lin Rizhen certainly does not want to lose to a human race boy in the same realm. When Lin Rizhen and Ling Dao confronted each other, they did not use his former strength.

"My killing, compared with him, is completely sorrowful. He is still a little higher than me. The possibility of winning him is almost zero."

It’s not that Lingdao is arrogant, but Lin Rizhen is indeed strong enough to be desperate. Once the great emperor, even if he started from scratch, his cards were not imaginable. Lin Rizhen can threaten the tyrants of the fox sacred land, which means that he really has the ability to kill the tyrants, and Lingdao does not.

"Who are you? The lord of the ancient times or the ancient times?"

Born in the sacred place of the Tianhu Holy Land, the knowledge is certainly not bad. The killing of Lin Rikai’s outbreak is not a peak that Tianjun can have. If Lin Riqi used to be the Taoist, then everything would be explained. The power of the Taoist, he has seen it, it is not what he can compare.

"Do you mean Nirvana?"

Lin Rizhen smiled and smiled. Even if the tyrant of Tianhu Holy Land wanted to break his head, he could not think of his origins. At the peak of his time, he did not put the Taoist in his eyes, even if he was against the heavenly master. The anti-Heavenist can counter the Emperor without falsehood, but it is the lowest emperor against the realm.

"Give you the last chance, two choices, roll, or die!"

At this time, Lin Rizhen will not be a bit polite to the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, because the stronger he is, the more arrogant the Tianhu Holy Land is. As long as Lin Shizhen looks at the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land, he knows what the Heavenly Lord of Heavenly Fox is thinking.

No matter what happened to Lin Rizhen, now is only a peak. If the tyrant of the fox sacred place is so scared away by him, there will definitely be a shadow in his heart, which will have an impact on his martial arts. However, the tyrant of the Tianhu Holy Land is not sure what Lin Rizhen has, so hesitant.

"You helped me once, then, I will help you once. He is not scaring you. If you don't leave, you must die in his hands."

Although Lingdao felt that Tianhu Zun of Tianhu Holy Land was not good with himself, even if he saved him with ulterior motives, he still reminded Tianhu Zun of Heavenly Fox. Lingdao and Lin Rizhen are old-fashioned, and the understanding of Lin Rizhen is definitely not the superiority of Tianhu Shengdi.

Therefore, the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land no longer hesitate, turned and left. Of course, the tyrants of the Tianhu Holy Land did not really leave, but did not want to be poisoned by Lin Rizhen. As long as he hides far enough and hides well enough, he wants to come to Lin Rizhen and can't find him.

"Haha, they are coming at the right time, let them fight with the disciples of the Qingdi Palace, whoever is born and who is dead is a good thing for me."

Let the fox sacred land glory gloat, the strongest of the tyrants came over. Tuohai's cousin let the late buddies of the bat family look for Lingdao, no matter whether Lingdao casts a real dragon or a scorpion, it has little effect on the late buddies of the bat family.

What's more, the previous Tianhu Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land deliberately made a big move, and the late Tianzun of the bat family could not be heard. Because of this, the strongest of the hegemonic family is the first step to find the Lingdao than the true dragon family. Of course, after Lingdao recovers from the real body, the Tianwang family's sacred king will not find out how long it will be.

"Irritable, I have gone one, I have come to a group, and I haven’t finished it yet?"

Lin Ri's brow wrinkled, because the strongman of the tyrants had already discovered him and Lingdao. Tuohai’s cousin didn’t care much about Lin Risheng. Anyway, he only wanted to take Lingdao, and then he was ashamed of Lingdao. With the help of the same family, Tiandao is definitely not their opponent.

"The tyrants of the next generation take Lingdao, idle people, etc., quickly retreat, otherwise, a dead end!"

The first opening was Tuohai. After seeing the true power of Lingdao, Tuohai knew clearly that although he was the same as Lingdao, he was not an opponent of Lingdao. The Tianzun of the tyrants of the tyrants deal with Lingdao. What he can do is to scream. Anyway, his shots can not only help, but also help out.

The sacred kings of the tyrants did not follow, because they felt embarrassed. Tianzun has to deal with Tianjun, and the Holy King’s shot is unreasonable. Of course, it is also because they and Lingdao have no deep hatred, after all, Lingdao did not kill Tuohai, nor did he kill Tuohai's cousin.

"Little Xiaojun, dare to let go?"

Lin Rizhen's double eyebrows are upside down, and the murderous intention of Haotian goes straight to the sea. Tuohai is a young genius of the Hegemonic family. However, compared with Lin Risheng, it is not a level. What's more, even the Tiantian Zun of the Tianhu Holy Land has been affected by his killing, and Tuohai is really worth mentioning.

The genius of the tyrants of the tyrants did not even think of it. Lin Rizhen dared to face them in the face and suddenly started to push the sea. They don't want to save the sea, but it's too late. Lin's killing has already rushed into the world of the sea. Just like the thousands of horses and horses, the world of the will of the sea has tens of thousands of cracks in the blink of an eye.


Tuohai vomits blood, his face is pale, and his eyes are full of fear. Fortunately, Lin Rizhen is not true, or else, the extension of the sea is not a problem that the world of the will has been hit hard, but the soul is flying away. The tyrants of the tyrants of the tyrants underestimated Lin Rizhen, and Tuohai underestimated Lin Rizhen.

The three contests arranged by Taixu Taozhu, the champion is Ling Dao, as for the third runner-up, few warriors care. But now, the strongest of the tyrants have seen the third place, and even more powerful than the champion. They really can't figure out, why did Lin Rizhen lose to Lingdao?

"Good personal family, you will not leave if you live, you have to go dead!"

"Wait for another sneak peek, first kill this human race Tianjun out of gas!"

Although the hegemony is not comparable to the Qingdi Palace, it is also a great power. Lin Rizhen is just a peak of heaven, not the entire Qingdi Palace. If the Lord of the Qing Dynasty Palace came, they were afraid, but the Tianjun martial artists of the Qingdi Palace had no reason to let them be jealous.

"The dog is gone, what am I going to protect you?"

Lin Rizhen couldn't help but sneak a sneak peek at him. It was him who drove away the sacred place of Tianhu. He was still against him, and he still wants to do it with the tyrants. If the sacred kings of the true dragon family and the sacred kings of the Scorpio family come again, will it still be necessary to start him?

"Tianzun, for you, the ants are gone, can you still feel a headache?"

Lingdao’s ridicule is to make Lin Ri’s anger not hit one place. I knew that I could meet Lingdao in the Tianhu Holy Land. Lin Rizhen should take the previous one. It is a pity that he did not know that he would only take away all the other warriors.

"Too lazy to talk nonsense with you, just want to tell you that the former Heavenly Shrine of Heavenly Fox is facing me, only to escape. If you don't want to die, you can roll quickly. If you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

The sacred kings of the true dragon family and the sacred kings of the Tianzhu family may come at any time, and Lin Rizhen has no time to delay. Even if he jumped into the trap of Lingdao, he had to bite the scalp to deal with the strongman of the tyrant. Compared with the sacred kings of the Tianlong and the Scorpio of the true dragon family, the Tianzun of the tyrants is obviously better to deal with.

"I can really blow, you can be a peak, you can scare off the tyrants?"

"Yes, we just want to die, we have the ability to fulfill us!"

The strongest of the tyrants only know that Lin Rizhen is the young genius of the Qingdi Palace. Unfortunately, the potential is great, and at most, the strength is strong in the future, which does not mean that the current strength is strong. In the late days of the bat family, in order to please the genius of the tyrants, the first one was shot against Lin.

As long as the relationship with the tyrants is close, the status of the late buddies of the bat family is certainly not comparable. The problem is that the late buddies of the bat family chose the wrong object. If he knew that Lin Riqi was once a great emperor, even if he gave him ten courage, he would not dare to shoot Lin Risheng.

The late buddha of the bat family hits the palm of the hand, and the shadows cover the square, and the heavens and the earth are abruptly dark. It seems that there are countless bats that rushed toward Lin Rizhen. The three Tianfu, suppressing the void, do not give Lin Rizhen a chance to escape. What he has to do is to defeat Lin Rizhen and even kill Lin Rizhen in the blink of an eye.

The Qingdi Palace, not the bat family can be compared, but in the Qing Dynasty, the bat family is not afraid. As long as you can please the next generation, what you are doing now is all worthwhile. Unfortunately, this idea only lasted for a moment, because the next moment, he felt worthless.

Lin Riqi embraced his hands and raised the sun slowly. The darkness was expelled by the light, and the bat was burned to death by the flames. Lin's palm, and the palm of the bat family in the late Tianzun's palm, such as thunder roaring, like a heavenly soldier confrontation, the fire splashed, the mountain shakes.

"Do not!"

The late buddha of the bat family cried in horror, because he looked at his palm in the eye, and in the fire, turned into ashes. Then, it was his arm, and then spread to his shoulders until his body. He was eager to please the next generation, and as a result, he died in the hands of Lin Rizhen.

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